Chapter 16: Sibling rivalry

It was a normal day at Hanzo Academy as the weather is nice and warm as we see Y/n sitting underneath the tree listening to some music while having a note book in front of him and drawing some stuff on it while many students walk by in front of him just minding his own business.

He sat there drawing while listening to some nice music when he glance over to see Ikaruga just walking by and looked to be a bit tired. He pull out one of his earpods and see her like she was training a lot so he decided to see what's going on with her.

He put away his drawing and stood up and walk over to her. She was just day dreaming by something when she felt a tap on her shoulder which startled her and turn to see Y/n.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Ikaruga. Been busy or something?

Ikaruga: Oh its you. Thought you were......n-never mind.

Y/n: You okay? You look a bit tired then usual.

Ikaruga: I'm fine it's just.....some problems I have.

Y/n: Oh I see. You okay?

Ikaruga: Yeah it's know my step brother right?

Y/n: Yeah Murasame. Let me guess, he try to steal the family sword?

Ikaruga: Y-Yeah but he has been bother me recently and I'm just sick of him all the time.

Y/n: I feel sorry for you Ikaruga. He just need to catch a break and stop bothering you a lot.

Ikaruga: Yeah I know. I just wish I can have one relaxing day without him always bothering me a lot.

Y/n can see how Ikaruga is feeling so he thought of an idea and ask her.

Y/n: Hey after school you wanna hang out with me? Just the two of us?

Ikaruga: (blush) R-R-Really?!

Y/n: (smile) Of course. I'm free after school and I know a nice ice cream shop we can start off if you want.

Ikaruga: (blush) O-O-Of course! I would love to!

Y/n: (smile) Awesome! Well we better get to class, see you later Ikaruga.

Ikaruga: (blush) S-Same.

Y/n left while Ikaruga walk off feeling harm inside of her now and her terrible thought were immediately away as she breath a sigh while up above we see Katsuragi, Asuka, Yagyuu and Hibari on the second floor window as they over heard their conversion as Katsuragi smirked to herself.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Looks like Ikaruga is going on a date qith Y/n.

Hibari: (smile) Hey Asuka did you say when you dated Y/n was wonderful?

Asuka: (smile) Yeah it was amazing when we go on our date.

Hibari: (smile) Hey maybe one day me and Yagyuu will ask him on a date!

Yagyuu: (little blush) W-Wait what?!

Katsuragi: (smirk) Like the sound of that and me and Asuka will go on a date with him as well. And maybe have some "fun" just the three of us ain't that right Asuka?

Asuka: (blush) What do you mean by that?!

Katsuragi: (smirk) Just saying.

She then grab Asuka's breast once more and squeeze them while Asuka sigh once more as Katsuragi plays with her breast before they head back to class.


Within what looks like the living room in a largeb house we see Kiriya drinking some tea with Ikaruga's father who is sitting across from him. After Kiriya told Ikaruga's father about his son he put his tea on the table and tells Kiriya.

Ikaruga's father: I understand your situation but i can't seem to stop Murasame. If anything Ikaruga must deal with problem on her own.

Kiriya: We all due respect this problem has been going on for years and this can't keep going. It's either control your son at once or I have to do something about it.

Ikaruga's father: I know but this is something Ikaruga must do if she ever want to be stronger as a Shinobi. The world is filled with powerful and dangerous warriors so she must be ready for anything.

Kiriya: So your just going to do nothing about it?

Ikaruga's father: Like is said I can't stop my son and even if i would, he'll find the way to escape and do what he always do.

Ikaruga's father take a sip of his tea and then glance over to Kiriya and ask him.

Ikaruga's father: I heard about a boy from a evil shinobi clan and I must ask, why bring him in as one of your student?

Kiriya: I've see only goof in him and I don't see anything darkness or evil within him.

Ikaruga's father: Still I rather watch him. Because before he know it he will betray you and kill all of your students.

Kiriya and Ikaruga's father glare at each other until Kiriya place down his empty tea and turns to make his leave.

Kiriya: I will go now.

Ikaruga's father: Okay then, have a good day.

Kiriya left the living room and walk down the halls when Murasame appears as he smirked as he over heares their conversion and turn and make his leave to find Y/n.


We see Y/n standing outside of the mall waiting for Ikaruga to come as he wears his normal clothes while people walk by him while he stood there and pull out his phone and scroll through the Internet a bit when he heard Ikaruga call out to him.

Ikaruga: Hey Y/n! I apologise for the wait.

He look up to see Ikaruga walking up to him wearing nice clothes that look actually pretty beautiful on her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Ikaruga, you look pretty nice.

Ikaruga: (smile) Thanks and thank you for bringing me here. Guess I need some back from eveyething that has happened.

Y/n: Yeah no kidding.

Ikaruga: (smile) So, shall we go in?

Y/n: (smile) Yep. Let's go.

The two head inside the mall as they walk together while Ikaruga smile to be close to Y/n as she gets a bit close to him. Too close that she can smell how nice he is but shake it off and not act like a pervert like Katsuragi so they keep moving until they reach the ice cream shop.

They enter and order their ice cream and sat down with their favourite ice cream and they start eating.

Ikaruga: (smile) This Strawberry ice cream tasted heavenly.

Y/n: (chuckle) Guess you've never have one for a while?

Ikaruga: (smile) Yeah but it feels soo good. So how's things with you?

Y/n: A bit boring. Stop some crimes and school stuff. It seems it has been a while since that Peach beach splash competition.

Ikaruga: Indeed. It has been a long while. What about your father, any news about him?

Y/n: Not much but that worried me a bit. Who knows what he is planning but I'll stop him no matter what.

Then Ikaruga gently put her hands over Y/n's hand and tells him.

Ikaruga: No, we will stop him no matter what. We're with you until the end.

Y/n smiled at her and node as he pkace his other hand on top of her's as the two smile at each other. Then Ikaruga glance over by the window and ask.

Ikaruga: Is that Homura's group out there?

Y/n turn and see them holding up signs to a nearby food place while people just walk by them. After Y/n pays for the ice cream and two head out and walk up to them.

Y/n: Hey there girls. How's it hanging?

Homura: Better. At least we got some money at least.

Mirai: What do you mean "better!?" This sucks! We are paid here to stand around holding up signs in the middle of this hate!

Yomi: (smirk) Oh relax the heat isn't that bad.

Hamruka: (smirk) Yeah and I thinm Y/n likes seeing girls in the hot weather. Right Y/n~?

Y/n: I rather not answer that.

Hikage: So what brings you both here?

Ikaruga: (smile) We're just having a nice time together. Well best we won't bother you all while working. See you all later.

Y/n: (smile) And good luck.

The two head off while a fee were a bit jealous that Ikaruga is on a date with Y/n while Yomi and Hamruka just smirk, wishing they too go on a date with him as well.


Both Y/n and Ikaruga were having a great time as they explore around town and having some laughter while they go into some clothes shops and try out some clothes. Ikaruga try on some clothes for Y/n to like while Y/n look at the hat section and try on some hats. He can't decide which one to buy so he puts it back and check up on Ikaruga who is still in the changing room.

Y/n: Hey Ikaruga how's things?

Ikaruga opens the curtain while she wears a nice block dress with a red strap across of her while she look at him with a pretty smile while Y/n blushes in surprise while he giggled a bit to see his reaction.

After that they go to different other shops until we see them by the lake where people were on duck like boats which the two get on and ride around a bit as Ikaruga feel the wind gently hit her while she turn to Y/n and wrap her arm around his arm. He turn to her while she guve him a nice smile as she lend her head onto his shoulder which he smiled as they ride around a bit more until they get off and walk around the park.

They chat aboit many things such as training, school amd other stuff while they share a laughter while they smile. Y/n have seen Ikaruga smile a few times but seeing her smile for a long while is something he'll remember forever. Soon we see Ikaruga at the market looking at all the stuff they are selling while Y/n is waiting for her outside of the market and looking down at his phone when someone approached him in front of him.

Without a word he slapped the phone out of his hand qhich hit the ground. Luckily it wasn't crack but Y/n was pissed as he look to see Murasame smirking at him.

Murasame: (smirk) Hello Y/n.

Y/n: Oh it's you. What do you want?

Murasame: (smirk) What? Can a Step brother come and visit his sister enjoying a wonderful day with a lucky boy like you.

Y/n: You'll be wise to leave. She's not bother dealing with you.

Murasame: (smirk) Whoa you really want to protect her. Even though your father is a evil clan lord.

Y/n: Where did you hear of that?!

Murasame: (smirk) Oh from someone who was talking to my father. Listen here she took something from me and I will not rest until I get it back so step aside.

He was about to walk pass but he moved to the left, blocking him so he can get to Ikaruga.

Y/n: I won't.

Murasame: Your starting to piss me off you know.

Y/n: You piss me off even more when ever I see your face. Do me a favour and fuck off.

Murasame was mad now as he reach behind his back and pull out Kusarigama while he glare at him.

Y/n: You really want to fight here? In front of many people around us?

Murasame: I don't give a shit. If you won't let me through then I make you by force.

Y/n: Like to see you try.

The two glare at each other which gose on for a short while until Y/n drops two smoke bombs and there was a hugs boom followed by smoke as everyone included Ikaruga sees the smoke as Ikaruga wonder what is going on.

We then cut to a nearby forest where we see Murasame and Y/n clashing blades incredible speed as sparks fly out of their blades as they battle. Then they appear on each tree facing at each other as they glare at each other and then Murasame leaps and throws his Kursarigamas at him but he leap back, dodging his attack while he throws his ninja stars at him which he land on a tree brench and take cover as the ninja stars stab onto the tree.

Y/n land and hide behind the tree with three ninjas stars between each finger as he peak over his head to see Murasame but there was nothing. Suddenly he dodged when two Kursarigamas stabbed onto the tree as Y/n leap back and land on his feet while he look up to see Murasame as he pulled the two blades out of the tree and turn to face Y/n.

Y/n: What the hell is your problem with her! Ikaruga has done nothing to you and you treat her like shit!

Murasame: I was my fathers favourite when she show up! Now he give her our family sword even know she's not in our blood line!

Y/n: Who cares about that! You should proud for your sister, not act like a child!

Murasame gets mad and throws his Kursarigamas at him which he dodges while he pulls out his sword and lands on a tree and leaps towards Murasame whole he swing his blade at him. The two enter a blade lock until Murasame swing his second Kursarigama at him that cut a bit of his shirt as he leaps over him and land behind him. He turn to him as Murasame turn with a smirk as he throws his Katsuragi that wrap around his blade and he pulled his sword out of his hand and he catch it.

Murasame: (smirk) This is some interesting sword you have. Bet your father give you it huh?

Y/n forms a fist and charges at him and jump kicked him. He was sent back while Y/n picks up his sword and turn as Murasame leaps over him and throws both Kursarigamas at him which he dodges and lands onto a tree branch and look down while Murasame look up at him.

Y/n: I think the reason why your father never chosen you is because you act like a child. Always suspected to get whatever you want without doing anything and throw a fit when things don't go in your way! You try to steal Ikaruga's sword over and over like a little brother trying to take back a toy from his own sister!

Murasame: (anger) Ypu don't know what our family is! You don't know me!

Y/n: Your right, I don't know but what I do know is that I'll do anything to protect Ikaruga from people like you! She lost her own family only for you to torment her when she was adopted by your father! She's been through a lot and I WILL not allow you to hurt her anymore again.

Murasame throws his Kursarigamas in frustration which slice the tree branch as it start to fell but Y/n leaps up and then come down as he swing his sword back while falling towards Murasame and with one swing.

We see Y/n behind Murasame as he slowly gets up while Murasame stood there as his two Kursarigamas chains break and his blades fell to the ground. Murasame fell onto his knees in shock that just happened while Y/n walk pass him as he walk off but he stop and said.

Y/n: You ever come to her or anywhere near her again. I'll make sure you will never get your hands on anything else ever again. Because you might lose both of them if you did.

And with that he make his leave while Murasame sat there in shock as he slowly look up as he hands slowly turns to fist as he grind his teeth while he shakes in anger.

Murasame: (thought)'ll be dead for sure!

Y/n came out of the forest as he breath a sigh as he look up to meet Ikaruga's who was standing there and judging by her face she must have seen Murasame and him battle as he scratch the back of his head and tell her.

Y/n: Sorry about that Ikaruga. I just didn't want him to-

But then Ikaruga rush up at him and then hug him. This surprise Y/n as Ikaruga hugged him and then she start to cry while she tells him.

Ikaruga: (tears) Thanks you so much Y/n. Thank you.

He smiled and hugged her back as the sun sets as they make their way to Y/n's place and once there night came as we see the two get combinable on the couch while watching some TV.

After a while Ikaruga fell asleep as she rest her head on Y/n's shoulder and snores lightly which was cute to Y/n as he smile and grab her by the hand. She then made a cute smile while she sleep which made Y/n blush a bit more but smile more as well.

Y/n: (thought) Your maybe strong person Ikaruga but when it comes to problems like your brother or your past, you can't always do it on your own. That's why I'll make sure you and everyone will be happy. I will keep you happy Ikaruga, that's a promise.

To be continued....................................

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