Chapter 15: A sick day as a shinobi

Knocking at Y/n's door we see Asuka at his door and waiting for him to come and open the door. She get worried when he doesn't answer and try to knock at the door once more but no answer.

Asuka: (thought) I hope Y/n is doing alright in there?

She waits for another while until she heard what sounded like a door open from the other side of the door and slow footsteps in the house and then soon the footsteps approached the door.

Y/n: (sniff) Hello? Who is this?

Asuka: (smile) It's me Asuka. I figured we walk to school together today. Ate you ready to go?

Y/n: Oh well (sniff) about that.

He opens the door and Asuka sees him wrap in a blanket with a pale face a running nose as he sniffs every time while he coughs while he cover his mouth.

Asuka: You don't look okay. Are you feeling alright?

Y/n: No (sniff) I think I got a nasty cold. (Sniff) God this sucks.

Asuka press her hand onto Y/n's forheqd which is hating up really badly.

Asuka: (shocked) Wow your burning up! You sure you'll be alright, want me to help you?

Y/n: No it's (sniff) It's fine. I'm just gonna take it easy for now. Have fun in school. Achoo! (Sniff) God this sucks.

He shuts the door while Asuka feels very bad for him and with no choice she make her way to school on her own while Y/n stay home and rest.


We see Asuka sat down while the rest of the girls were doing their own thing as Katsuragi sneak up behind Asuka and grabs her breast as she smirks bit sees something is up with her?

Katsuragi: Hey what's up? You never act like this.

Hibari: Is there something wrong?

Yagyuu: Say have any of you girls seen Y/n anywhere?

Ikaruga: No I haven't. Where is he?

Asuka: He's sick. He got a nasty cold so he's home getting some rest.

Ikaruga: That's terrible.

Hibari: Poor Y/n.

Katsuragi: And there is no one else to take care of him?

Asuka: I don't think so no. Still I hope he gets better soon.

The rest of the girls hope so as well when Katsuragi hot an idea and tells everyone.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Hey girls. How's about after school we take care of him and make him feel relaxed as ever.

Ikaruga: You sure this is a good idea? It's maybe best to leave him in case we don't get the cold.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Don't worry about that, I got the best outfits to use in this situation.

Ikaruga: Outfits?

Asuka: I really hate when you say that.

Ikaruga: (smirk) Trust me. He is gonna thank us once he gets better.

She smirks while the other girls were wonderful what outfits she ment by that but they want to help Y/n to get better so they agree and they get to work.


It was quiet at Y/n's apartment building and we see him sitting on the couch and changing to different channels to try to find something good but soon he turns it off and then lay on the couch and stare up at the ceiling while feeling like hell.

Y/n: (thought) Man this cold sucks like hell. Wish they never existed. (Sigh) Calm down Y/n, calm down It's just a common cold so take some medicines, get plenty of rest and hope for the best.

He stare at the ceiling for a while which a smirk appear on his face as he thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) Years have gone by huh? This county have female shinobi's fighting for justice while the was at America fighting crime and protect the innocent. This place did change ever since I was gone. New buildings, new stores and restaurants and even some places that are still around after I was gone.

He thinks of everything about this city years back before he left to America and soon get flashes of his dad and his clan which he made a fist and thinks to himself.

Y/n: (thought) My father is still out there, somewhere and I'm not gonan stop until he is stopped for good. I won't allow him to live again and hurt more people. I will make sure that justice will be served.

Then he gets flashes about his mother which he knows he need to do this for her as he feels sleepy as his eyes gets heavy and soon he shut his eyes and passes out on the couch as he drop the TV remote onto the floor as he slept.

(Hours later)

We see Y/n slowly waking up and once he open his eyes he was stick sick and have a cold but he find himself laying on his bed with a blanket over him as he sat up and looks around to see he is I his room.

Y/n: How-(sniff)-How did I get here? I don't remember (sniff) walking to my bedroom to rest...I think?

Then the door open which startled him a bit but it really did when he sees Asuka wearing what looks like a nurse outfit as she step into his room.

Asuka: (smile) Hey there Y/n, how are you feeling?

Y/n: (shocked) Asuka!? (Sniff) What are you-?

But she lay Y/n down and place a wet towel over his head and it felt kinda nice while Asuka tells him.

Asuka: (sigh) This was Katsuragi's idea. We want you to feel better and want you to feel relax the ever.

Y/n: Oh I see (sniff) Well you don't have to hell me get better. I'll be better as soon as I can.

Ikaruga: Yes you will with our help.

Then Ikaruga appear in his room also wearing and maid outfit.


Ikaruga: Katsuragi dose say this is how you will get better and more relaxing. Besides we be fine.

Y/n: (thought) I know Katsuragi is trying to give them ideas to help me but why dressing them up in different outfits.

Ikaruga: I'll manage your clothes while you Asuka take care of him, soon the other girls will arrive soon to help us.

Y/n: O-Other girls?

Ikaruga: Yes and now you rest while we do the chorse for you!

She left the room while Y/n lay in bed qnd said to Asuka.

Y/n: Thanks (sniff) I guess you all are a bit stubbin tk leave me be huh?

Asuka: (smile) We care for you Y/n and want you to feel happy. Besides you did save us from capture on that Island two days ago so this is your reward for it.

Y/n: (smile) Still thanks Asuka including the rest of the girls.

Asuka smiles while we see Yagyuu loading up the washing machine as she throws Y/n's clothes to the washing machine.

She then pulls out the last clothes which was Y/n's underwear. She stare at it for a while and looks around just in case no one isn't around and then takes a sniff on his underwear which she breaths a sigh after she smelled it.

Yagyuu: (smile) Whoa his underwear smell wonderful.

Then Hibari open the door which Yagyuu panicked and throw the underwear and shut the washing machine as Hibari peaks over and asked.

Hibari: Um Yagyuu I nerd some help. The dishwasher isn't working for some reason.

Yagyuu: Um yeah sure I'll be there.

Hibari leave the room while finish up with the washing machine and turns it on. After that she left to help Hibari with her problem and we see Ikaruga hooving the floor while she is humming to herself when the doorbell rang so she walks over to answer it.

Then we cut back to Asuka and Y/n as Asuka check hid temperature with a thermometer which she stick it into Y/n's mouth and after a while she takes it out and looks at it.

Asuka: Hm it looks like it's going down a bit. But just in case, take these pills that will clear up your throat a bit.

She hands him the bills which he puts it into his mouth and swallow it.

Y/n: Thanks. (Sniff) So since we're alone can you tell me a little about yourself?

Asuka: (smile) Sure what do you want to talk about?

Y/n: Like.....who is your greatest allie besides your team?

Asuka: Well I pick all of them of course since they are great people. But if gonna choose it would be Yumi.

Y/n: Huh don't blame you (sniff) She maybe strict most of the time but she has justice in her heart.

Asuka: (smile) Yeah especially when she says that everything is evil. Like this one time she thought that rappers and break dancer's were evil because tehy are using a forbidden moves for battle.

Y/n: (chuckle) Really? Is there any (sniff) anything that isn't evil for her?

Asuka: Well there is the innocent people and cute animals as well. Still she's pretty cool including her team.

Y/n: (smile) That's cool. Also not to sound like a creep or a perv but why dose Katsuragi grab your chest a lot?

Asuka: (sigh) I don't blame you for asking me that question. And to be honest I have no answer for it because I have no idea why she dose that. It's annoying.

Y/n: (chuckle) Well that's Katsuragi alright. Heheheh-(coughing)!

Asuka: You okay? You shouldn't be laughing while your sick.

She lend over which her breast was close to Y/n which made him nervous for a second but ignored it and replied.

Y/n: Guess (sniff) your right.

Y/n lay down once more while Asuka remove the wet towel on his head and wet it once more while Y/n asked Asuka.

Y/n: Can you tell me about your parents?

Asuka: Sure. My mother was a great shinobi like my father and the two fall in love qnd soon I was born. The two train me to be the best I can ever been. Unfortunately my father gotten sick and we try our best to take care of him but soon...he passed away. I moved to Grandfathers place while my mother disappeared foe some reason and never came back.

Y/n: I'm really sorry for that Asuka. Guess we both have some tragic story that involves around our parents.

Asuka: Guess so.

She looks over to Y/n and he looks back at her and then she lend over and kiss him on the forehead which made him blush a bit but smile as well.

???: Hey there you two!

The two were surprised and turn to see Yumi, Minori, Maruka and Hikage at his door also wearing nurse outfits which nearly made Y/n pour blood out of his nose.

Asuka: Let me guess. Ikaruga told you four to wear it did she?

Haruka: (smirk) Yep but i really think it will help Y/n to get better.

Yumi: (little nervous) I-I know we are here to get Y/h better but is it really necessary to put this on?

Minori: (smile) I think it's cute~!

Y/n: (blushing) W-Well I'm glad that you girls are-

Then Hikage gets on Y/n's bed as she pulls out a thermometer and said.

Hikage: Open wide.

He dose so and he nearly gets chocked q little when she stick it into Y/n's mouth and once she pulls it out he can breath whike Hikage looks like it snd said.

Hikage: Need more rest.

Y/n: Um thanks but-

Then Minori moved Hikage out of the bed while she tells her.

Minori: That's not how you make Y/n relaxed! This is how!

She turns to Y/n and lend down which her breast is shown while Y/n try his best not to look at it as Minori pulls out a thermometer and said in a sexxy tone.

Minori: (smirk) Open wide sexxy~.

Y/n nearly got another nose bleed while Yumi placed down a wet towel on his forehead while saying.

Yumi: This will help you get better as soon as possible.

Minori: Hey that's my job next!

Yumi: I'm making sure he doesn't get worse and it's maybe best to not sat on him.

Minori: Aaawww but I'm also trying to help him.

Yumi: (sigh) That's not how you help someone who is sick.

Y/n: Um do I (snifg) Have a say about-

Then a spone was in his mouth filed with medication by Haruka as she pulls out the spone from his mouth and the medication tasted new.

Y/n: Wow that medication is good. What is it?

Haruka: (smirk) It's my special postion I made for sick boys like you. It has all the good ingredients to help you get better.

Y/n: (smile) Well thanks Haruka including all of you for doing your best to help me get better.

They all smiled to see Y/n happy and getting better. Soon after Y/n finally leave his room and it was late at night and we see the girls sitting around the couch watching some TV while aome have popcorn and eating them while watching different shows on the TV.

Yagyuu: So how are you feeling Y/n?

Y/n: I'm gonna a little but better. Still have a running nose but my head isn't killing me and my throat is getting clearer.

Haruka: (smirk) See. Told you that potion I give you would be great.

Y/n: (smile) Guess so. Alos Ikaruga where did you get the nurse and maid outfits from?

Ikaruga: (smirk) Oh from he store. I van take you there if you like, maybe I can try on some sexxy clothes that you like.

Y/n: (blush) No thanks! I'm good.

Ikaruga giggles while Minori lend her head to Y/n's shoulder which made Y/n blush a little while Hibari dose the same as well.

Then Asuka and Katsuragi who were sitting on the floor near each of Y/n's legs wrap their arms around him and now four girls are cuddling him in each part of hid body while the rest sees this and start to argue.

Ikaruga: Um why are you cuddling Y/n on each body?

Yumi: Yeah what is the meaning of this?

Minori: (smile) Can't help it. He's just too warm and smells fresh.

Hibari: (smile) Indeed. It's so comfy.

Katsuragi: (smirk) Guess we have dips on hid warm body.

Y/n: Um girls?

Haruka: (smirk) Well not all of it.

She then gets on Y/n's lap and wraps his head around and his face was pressed on Haruka's breast as he try to breath.

Haruka: (smirk) There is his whole body as well. Hmm feels warm as his face is pressed on my chest. So nice.

Ikaruga: No way! I wanna cuddle him!

Yumi: S-Same here!

Soon the girls start to jump onto the each other trying to cuddle Y/n while his face was covered by their breast as they move around a bit and then fell on the floor as they continues to try cuddle him except for Hikage who is watching the animal life as she eats some popcorn while the other girls try to cuddle with Y/n as the night gose on.

(Next day)

We see Y/n return back to school feeling all better now and thinking thank the girls by buying some donuts for them and once at the secret base he slide open the door and was surprised to see no one here except for Kiriya as he take a sip on his tea while he looks up to see Y/n.

Kiriya: Ah Y/n I'm glad your feeling better.

Y/n: Yeah nice yo see you sir but where is the girls? I wanna thank them for taking care of me while I was sick and give them some Donuts.

Kiriya: Unfortunately they all catch the cold and it seems they will not take part in training for a while.

Y/n: Aw that sucks. Hope they will be alright.

Kiriya: Same. Now let's do some training shall we.

Y/n: W-Wait what kind of training?

Kiriya: Come and I'll show you.

He was confused but he shrugged and follow him and soon after he slide open the door and Y/n looks through and to his surprised to see Asuka, Ikaruga, Hibari and Yagyuu laying in separate beds while they cough and moan of the cold.

Y/n: Um what type of training is this?

Kiriya: Taking care of them of course. Since it was your fault that they got the cold.

Y/n: (shocked) Huh?!

Kiriya: Oh yeah Ikaruga said this outfit will suit you well while taking care of them.

Then he shows Y/n a doctors outfit which Y/n knew he has a choice and puts it on. He find this a bit weird but since this is part of his "training" he gose in while Kiriya shuts the door as Y/n dose his training while he walks off.

After a while of walking he stop and turn to Ikaruga's room which he slide open and sees Murasame once more as he turns to see him.

Kiriya: Maybe it's best not to steal stuff from my students!

Murasame gets mad and try to charge at him but he pulls down a lever next to him which opens a trap door below him and he falls down while Kiriya just watch him go down and soon closes the door and soon walks off.

Kiriya: (thought) It's unknown how long this will last. This has to stop. Guess I aveno choice but to speak to Ikaruga's father and put a end to this sibling rivalry once and for all.

To be continued...............

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