Chapter 14: The peach beach splash competition (Arc 4 final)
Alarms blurrs into Asuka's ears as she moaned a bit as she slowly move her hand to try to turn off her alarm clock which she reach over and instead grab something soft and squishy so she slowly open her eyes and see her grabbing Ikaruga's breast by accident which she let's go and sat up with a surprise.
Then she looks around and see she and the rest of the hanzo team were in a cell underground along with Homura's Crimson squad, Guess Squad and Team Hobijo ad they were long awake then they were.
Asuka: Um where are we?
Katsuragi: Man what's with that alarm? It's soo noisy.
Ikaruga: Where are we?
They start to wake up while Homura from across of their cell sees them and calls out to them.
Homura: Hey you girls alright?
Asuka: Yeah but where are we?
Homura: We mist be in a cell underground. We try to get out but there is no way out.
Hikage: Seems like someone block off all ways to get us out.
Yumi: I knew this place was evil.
Minori: What could we do now?
Asuka: Wait? Where is Y/n?
Imu: We thought he was with you?
Asuka: I think he was checking out those gates that Hideaki told us not to go and then we were knocked out.
Homura: Same to us. Guess Hideaki is behind of this.
Mirai: Let's hope Y/n is doing alright on his own.
Muraski: (scared) And hope he'll find us soon.
Asuka: Same here.
Asuka: (thought) Y/n. Where ever you are, be careful and stay safe.
Alarms keep going as soldiers rushes throughout the halls searching for Y/n as he enter the base and they are doing their best to find him.
We see Y/n looking up and see soldiers marching by as he is still in the sewer but inside the base as he looks straight ahead and make hisway through the sewer while he thinks to himself.
Y/n: (thought) Okay think Y/n. You've enter a secret underground base filled with soldiers that wanna kill you and my friends are captured. Where to start? Well there have to be a map room so I can locate the cells and the locate the control room to shut off the alarms and open the main gates and get the hell out of here.
He continues on while he still remembers Kozan's sacrifice and still blame himself for his death and all of this for happening. But he shakes it off and tells himself.
Y/n: (thought) This ain't my fault remember. It's my father that cost Hideaki to go insane and I need to fix this. I need to make things right.
After a while he gets blocked by a wall but looks up to see a sewer led so he leaps up and opens the led and claims out of the sewer.
Y/n: Finally out of that sewer. Hope the girls doesn't question why I smell rotten fish.
He hears noisy up ahead so he leaps up and grabs hold onto the pipe on the ceiling as soldiers rush pass him and luckily haven't noticed him above them. He leaps down and turns to see them gone but when he turns back another ground of soldiers spotted him and one calls out.
Male soldier: I've spotted the target!
Y/n: So much for stealth.
He rushes over while soldiers open fire at him but he took out his swords and slice up the bullets as he leaps over snd lands a powerful kick at one soldier while the first crashes into the soldier behind him and the two were sent flying and crash onto a wall.
The two other soldiers turn to Y/n and he quickly slice up the barrel of their guns which made them step back and and off. Y/n stood up while bullets fly by behind him as a group of soldiers from earlier open fire at him from behind so he make a run for it but not before throwing his ninja star at one of the pipes which burst and made a large smoke which the soldiers can't see.
Y/n rushes through the halls in hopes to find the map or a control room and after a while he finds a sign that has two direction. Left for weapons room while right is control room.
Y/n smirks as he gose right while the soldiers also turn right snd try to catch up with him. After a while of running he arrives at the control room and shuts the door and smashes the door control as soldiers bang on the door trying to get in.
He turns to see controls and computers as he rushes over to computer screens to find the girls which he finds and gose over to the controls and try to find the right switch or butten to push.
Y/n: Fuck it!
He press every button and pull down switches as much as he can while alarms blurr out inside the control room and after a while of messing around with the controls like a crazy person. He managed to find a switch to reseale the girls as they walk out of their cells.
Y/n: Nailed it!
He find a microphone and pulls it over and he said through the microphone which the girls hear through the speakers.
Y/n: Girls I don't have much time but get to the weapons room snd grab your gear and everything you can and get to the bridge. There might be guards there but there is a lift that will get us to the surface and the us out of here.
Then he hears something as he turns to see the soldiers cutting in the door and soon the cutting was complete and the door blows up while bullets fly by while Y/n tells the girls.
Y/n: Get to the lift now! I'll get there as soon as I-
Then a bullet shot the wire of the microphone and cutting him from speaking to the girls as he turns to see more coming into the room. He pulls out sword and he throws his ninja stars at the barrels as the guns blow up once fired as Y/n leaps over and strike a kick at one soldier before he slice off a barrel of another's gun snr headbutt him as he gose around, taking down the soldiers that were coming in and after a while the room was cleared.
Y/n doesn't have much time as he makes a run for it as he rushes through the halls and see soldiers in front of him as they open fire at him but Y/n dodges the shots and wall runs towards them and leap off of the wall and gets over them and continues on running.
The soldiers turn and was aboit to shoot when they get blown up and soon the whole hall start to blow up as Y/n realised.
Y/n: (thought) Maybe it was a bad idea for me to press and pull everything in the control room huh. Still I need to get out of here before this place will blow up!
After a while of running and passing through the guards he burst into the bridge and see everything hei blowing up while he sees Asuka and the rest of the girls at the lift ad they see him.
Asuka: Y/n hurry!
Y/n nods and makes a run for it. He was almost there when a blast knocks Y/n back ad he lands hard onto the ground including the rest of the girls fly back a bit as Y/n slowly stand up and turn to see a Tank strolling into since.
Y/n: Asuka, you and the rest go. Get out of here!
Asuka: Wait what about you?!
Y/n: This was my mess Asuka. And I'm gonna fix it.
Asuka was worried sne wanna help but see that twnk might shoot them they have no choice. She closes the lifts doors and they go up while turn to the tank as the tank stop and the hatch opens and Hideaki appears.
Hideaki: Looks like we're about to die. Just you and me now.
Y/n: Hideaki don't let your revenge take over you. We can get out of here together, I'm very sorry for what my father did to you and your soldiers many years back but you don't have to do this. We can get out of here together.
Hideaki: (anger) No! NO! Either I die or you die Y/n, it doesn't matter! I WON'T LET YOU GET AWAY THIS TIME!
He hopes back into the tank and fires another shot which Y/n dodges and he moves fast as Hideaki turns the cannon and fires more at Y/n which Y/n dodges the blast as he runs fast.
Then another fire which Y/n dodged but it was near to a fueling tank so it blows up and the blast sent Y/n flying and he crashed and land onto the walkway as he slowly stands up and looks down to see Hideaki turning the cannon upwards and aim at Y/n.
Y/n sees this and rushes off as the tank fired and blow up the walkway which made Y/n fell down as the walkway start to collapse and Y/n slide down of the walkway and soon he reach the end and he fell but he stab his sword onto the wall to slow his fall but another blast form tank hits near Y/n and sending him flying as he lands hard on top of another tank which injured his back bit.
He slowly turns over and he fell onto the floor while the tank aims down at Y/n as Y/n sees he has no choice but to disable it so he slowly stand up and once he stand up he rushes towards the tank and Hideaki fired at Y/n but he dodges it while Hideaki gets angry and fires more which Y/n also dodges and he even use his blade to slice off the bullet of the tank a few times which shocks Hideaki.
He peaks out of the tank and turn his machine gun around and was about to fire when Y/n throws a ninja star at him which hits the barrel of the machine gun and once Hideaki fires, it blows up while Y/n rushes over and leaps up into the air and slice off the cannon's barrel and gets on top of the tank and place the blade of his sword at Hideaki which he sees he failed.
He breath out a sigh as he tells Y/n.
Hideaki: Looks like you win. After a lot of money and a lot of men I've hired to take my revenge. I see now all it was pointless. So...what are you waiting for....kill me and your revenge will be complete.
Y/n looks at Hideaki and then to see blade to see his reflection and knows he must not end up like his father so he lower his blade and looks at Hideaki and tells him.
Y/n: I have no right to kill a person who is unarmed. Especially that person have suffered after what he lost.
Hideaki looks at Y/n in surprised as Y/n lend out his hand to him while yhe whole place blows him around them as he smiles at him snd tells him.
Y/n: (smile) Come on. Let's get out of here.
Hideaki was shocked and can't believe that Y/n is sparing his life and realised now he isn't like his father in every way so he reach out his hand and the two take it.
Asuka and the rest of the girls managed to escape but not Y/n as they turn snd waited for him to catch up to him.
Ikaruga: What's taking him so long.
Katsuragi: I'm going in there!
Yozakura: No it's too dangerous, the fire is spreading fast.
Asuka can't wait anymore and was about to race over to rescue him but then the place blows up and sending Asuka back as he lands hard on the ground while the rest of the girls were shocked that Y/n is dead as Asuka looks at the destroyed flames and can't do nothing but cry.
Asuka: (tears) Y/n.....No.
The rest of the girls were sadden by this and as Asuka burst into tears seeing that Y/n is gone.
Y/n: (speaker) Hey up here!
They all look up in surprised and see a helicopter flying over head them which the girls step back as the helicopter make it's landing and once that the hatch opens and Y/n step back with a smirk as he asked them.
Y/n: (smirk) What's with the tears?
Asuka was now in tears of joy now as she rushes over and hugs Y/n but it was too hard as made the two fell onto the floor while Asuka hugs him while in tears while Y/n chuckles a little and hugs her back as they stand up.
Asuka: (smile) I thought you were gone forever.
Y/n: (smile) Like I said, I'll find a way out and I did right?
Asuka: Still don't scare us like that!
Y/n: (chuckle) I promise.
Then Hideaki exit out of the helicopter which the girls were shocked and ready for a fight but Hideaki bows to them whole he tells them.
Hideaki: I apologise for everything I have done. I have no right to bring you all to this mess, I hope you all forgive me.
Yumi: How can we forgive you after everything you did!
Yagyuu: You try to kill us.
Mirai: And try to hurt us.
Y/n: That's enough! Hideaki was traumas for what my father did you his soldiers snd I felt responsible for what my father did to him years back. I know he may try to kill us but he can change, he is be redeemed.
The girls sees Y/n's point and accept his apology but Katsuragi wants to know.
Katsuragi: What about this prize you told us if we won?
Hideaki: Oh...Um....yeah there is no prize. Sorry.
Y/n: Yeah you might start running now.
Then he sees Hideaki running while all girls chase after him while he calls out to Y/n while running.
Hideaki: (echo) Alright on it!
Y/n chuckles a bit and looks back to the base and can't help but feel more angered by his father even more.
Y/n: (thought) Don't worry Hideaki. I'll make my father pay for his crimes. I promise.
We see them as the girls load their stuff onto the boat while Hideaki and some of his soldiers that were beaten up by the girls because of this "prize" that Hideaki told them but turn out to be false.
While girls load their stuff to the boat, Y/n walks over to Hideaki and ask him.
Y/n: So what are you and your men gonna do now?
Hideaki: Well the base maybe gone but we still have this island and I think I might open up a hotel resort for everyone to come.
Y/n: Cool, say don't mind me asking but how much do you have?
Hideaki: Over 1,000,000,000,000,000,000, yen.
Y/n: (shocked) Holy crap that is a lot of money! How did you get that much money, from the military?
Hideaki: (smirk) You'll be surprised how much the military will pay you in these days.
Y/n: You don't say.
Asuka: Y/n we're ready to head off now! You coming?
Y/n: Be right there.
He turn back to Hideaki and the two shake hands.
Y/n: I hope you can live in peace and I promise you my father will pay for what he has done.
Hideaki: (smile) Thank you Y/n but most importantly thank you for showing me that your not like your father and I hope we meet again in the future.
Y/n: (smile) Same here.
Once that he claim onto hhe boat with the rest of the girls and they ride off while Hideaki and his men wave goodbye to them and they wave goodbye back as well.
Ikaruga: (smile) I must say, diabete the trap Hideaki pulled on it, it was fun.
Asuka: (smile) Yeah way more fun.
Haruka: (smile) And the sun was wonderful on that island. (Sigh) I'm sure I'm gonna miss it.
Y/n: (smile) Maybe we'll come back one day and see how Hideaki Hortal resort is going on.
Yumi: Still do you think it's wise for us to leave him to do what ever he wants? What if he is lying?
Y/n: I see that he was troubled by what his father did to his men years back and I know it isn't his fault if turning out this way. My father will pay for what he did to him and give Hideaki closer by taking my father down.
Asuka: And we help you.
Katsuragi: (smile) Yeah along the way!
Hibari: (smile) That's right.
The rest agree as Y/n nods with a smile as they head back home to enjoy the rest of their break before they back to school and continue on their secret training as Shinobis of justice.
To be continued..............
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