Chapter 13: The Peach Beach splash Competition (Arc 3)
More military truck drive through the dirt and make ther way to the gate where two guards are at the gate and let the trucks go through. The trucks go through while behind the bushes near the gate we see Y/n and Yumi watching this and Yumi sees that Y/n is right about this island and the people working on it.
Yumi: (whisper) This is very suspicious.
Y/n: (whisper) Yeah I find it off as well.
Yumi: (whisper) But why taking me here? Why didn't you take anyone else's here to see this or all of us.
Y/n: (whisper) That was my first thought but then I realised we have no idea their plans are and what are they doing here or even they are working for Hideaki still, it's maybe best I take you here because your a kept of person who....find things suspicious or evil.
Yumi: (whisper) Not always.
Yumi: (whisper) W-Well maybe a little.
They decided they stay here long enough and exit out of the area and once out they walk through the woods with Yumi in front of Y/n as she is thinking about all of this until she turns to Y/n and tell him.
Yumi: If they are planning on something, we must be careful what plans they are doing.
Y/n: Right now their not doing anything but who knows when they will strike.
Yumi: That's right so now we should play along with their game and when the time comes, we strike.
Y/n: You think your team might believe you?
Yumi: I won't be surprised if they don't, still I have to give it a try. We need to warn everyone to be ready when ever it comes.
Y/n: Understood. We should head back before any of Hideaki's men might find us missing.
Yumi: Alright and thank you for telling me this.
Y/n nods to her and they go to their separate ways while there is a hidden camera tug in a tree as the person on the camera room smirks to himself before he stands up and walks out of the room.
We see Y/n and the rest of the girls having breakfast outside within a large building that has food ready for tjem to eat as they start to dig in. Y/n was sitting with Asuka, Ikaruga, Katsuragi, Yagyuu and Hibari as Y/n was looking at one of the body guards that are staring at him in a suspicious way while Ikaruga noticed this and asked.
Ikaruga: Is there anything wrong?
Y/n: No, everything is fine.
Katsuragi: (smirk) Can't wait for our next challenge. Bring it on!
Yagyuu: Wonder what our next match would be?
Hibari: (smile) Bet it be fun.
Asuka: (smile) Hope so, I can't wait.
Y/n stare away and look at the body guards once more and then turn back to the rest and ask then.
Y/n: Have any of you wonder where are these people coming from?
They look at him confused until he point at over to one guard and explain while he keep his voice down so no other guards can hear them.
Y/n: That guard looks kinda new do you think? Last night's dinner there were four guards but suddenly now there are six.
Katsuragi: Maybe there are more guards on the island then we thought.
Y/n: But there is only one building in a middle of the island that is far away from any contact of life so I don't think it be possible for any pirates or anyone try to enter the island because the building is far out of the forest that we haven't even know when we come in.
They see Y/n's point and look at each other in suspension until a tap of a microphone is heard and they turn to the stage and see Hideaki along with Kozan next to him as Hideaki wave at everyone and tells them.
Hideaki: (smile) Hello everyone, how is your first night here? Good? Good. Time to start this match but this time will be a Team vs Team and I this objectives game is called Capture the flag.
They find it interesting while Y/n looks at Hideaki in suspension but try to act interest while Hideaki gose on to say.
Hideaki: There will be 5 minute to get until the match ends and who ever gets the flags captured will be the winner while tbe loses will leave the island and be disqualified.
They really find this interesting now as Hideaki points at Hanzo team and Team Hobijo while he calls out.
Hideaki: (smile) Hanzo Team vs Team Hobijo will be the first to take part of this match and I wish you both good luck. Now let's go to the arena and let this game begin!
After that the body guards clear up their meal and esxort them to the arena. While Y/n was standing up Hideaki pats him on Y/n's back and tells him.
Hideaki: (smile) Good luck boy and I gonna ask, are you a bit nervous being around with many girls?
Y/n: Not really no.
Hideaki: (chuckle) Your a lucky boy. I wish you good luck and hope you win.
He walks away and while Kozan was walking pass him, he slip in a letter into Y/n pocket with his short without Y/n noticing and continues on while Y/n gose with the rest of his team and make their way to the arena.
We see both Hanzo Team and Team Hobijo at different sides of the ring with the layout have changed and has a river with a bridge for them to go through. Y/n and the rest of the hanzo team were getting their water guns ready for todays match.
Y/n have a feeling that something was in his pocket so he pulls it out and finds a note which he fold up and see it was a set of coordinations for something but then the siren gose off and he slide the note into his pocket and he and the rest of the team make their way into the ring and slowly walk through trying to spotted Team Hobijo.
Katsuragi: (smirk) This is gonna be a piece of cake.
Ikaruga: Let's stay forces. Hibari and Yagyuu take right, Asuka, Katsuragi take left, Y/n your with me. Let's push up.
They node and they split up with Katsuragi and Y/n move up to a bridge and walk up to a bridge and they look around for anyone that might jump at them.
Ikaruga and Y/n looks around but nothing but that's when Y/n looks down at the river and spotted something moving in there and soon he quickly realised what it was and Miyabi came out of the water and spray Y/n with water but Y/n move his head back and the water nearly hit his hair and soon he return back spraying Miyabi and she got hit.
Miyabi: Damn it. (Sigh) That was some shot Y/n..
Y/n smirks but then heard a call from Ikaruga so he races over and once there he nearly dodge the in coming water and get behind Ikaruga as Ryouna and Ryoubi were at the walkway and shooting at them.
Ryouna: Maybe we can see Y/n getting wet and that will be extremely hot, would you agree Ryoubi?
Ryoubi: Just shut up and shoot!
Ikaruga: We're pinned!
Y/n peaks over to see the flag and tells this to Ikaruga.
Y/n: I could see the flag, it's not far.
Ikaruga: Still where is everyone?
Katsuragi: Hey you two?
Ryoubi and Ryouna turn andlook up to see Katsuragi and Asuke smirking before they shoot their water guns at the two ane they get hit and fell down and land onto the soft floor with Ryouna landing on Ryoubi's breast.
They lay their way Ikaruga and Y/n came out of cover and Y/n pulls up a thumps up at them and they too did the same but immediately get hit by Imu and Murasaki while Ikaruga and Y/n make their way to the flag which Y/n grabs while Ikaruga give Y/n sport by making Imu leap away while Murasaki get hit and she made a cute scream while Ikaruga and Y/n rush back to their point. Soon they get to the bridge and they see Miyabi have the flag by herself and arrive at the bridge and see the two with Y/n holding the flag.
They stare each other and soon Hibari and Yagyuu came out and spray her got her which means she has to drop the flag and walk back to spawn.
Soon Ikaruga gets hit from behind but when Y/n looks around he can't see anyone who would have shot her in the back. Still he doesn't have time to find out and rush back to base camp with Hibari and Yagyuu give him cover and soon he made it to base and there was a siren ring out and everyone stop as Hideaki said through the microphone.
Hideaki: (speakers) We have our winner! Hanzo team wins!
They cheered and high fived while Team Hobijo were disappointed but at least they have some fun. Y/n walks over to them and shake Miyabi's hand while he tells her.
Y/n: (smirk) Not a bad match, no hard feelings right?
Miyabi: (smile) No worries. At least we have fun.
Y/n: Say did any of you shot Ikaruga in the back earlier?
They look at each other in confused and shake their heads for no which he find it very suspicious by this and walks off with Hanzo Team while Team Hobijo gose with the guards to pack their things and head back to the mainlands.
Next up was Gessen squad vs Homura's Crimson Squad as the match already started but Y/n wasn't there as we see him walking through the woods looking down at the note and soon made it to the same wooden house where he, Katsuragi and Haruka stay at for the night while it was raining.
Kozan: It's nice to see we met at last.
He turn to see Kozan come out of the shadows as Y/n gets to a battle stand but he wave his hand to Y/n while he tells him.
Kozan: There is no need for that. I'm not your enemy.
Y/n wasn't sure but he lower his arms but he keep his guard up while Kozan gose on to say.
Kozan: I know you and your friends came here to havefun but as you may know, this ain't a fun place to be.
Y/n: Mind telling me more?
Kozan: Sure but not in here. In my hut.
He walks over to his hut while Y/n realised that was his hut and may regret having some "fun" with Haruka and Katsuragi last night but hopefully the room they were in isn't his bed.
Still he heads in and once inside he ans Kozan sat on a table with Kozan tossed him a file onto the table in front of Y/n and tells him.
Kozan: It is true that Hideaki used to be a general within the military and own this island. However, there is more to truth about him then you and your friends may think.
Y/n looks at the file and open it to see pictures of dead military soldiers laying on the ground with stab wounds on them like they were stabbed by sword and even a symbol of his father's clan which shocked him as Kozan gose on to say.
Kozan: Your father have many enemies during his rulling time before you were born. A military force lead by Hideaki invaded this island and this island used to be one of yoru fathees main bases. Soon Operation: Shinobi extermination was in active.
Y/n: Operation: Shinobi Extermination?
Kozan: You see, soldiers within Hideaki's army were trained to face any type of Shinobis and know their skills, fight patterns and their abilities. Once on the was a blood bath. Soldiers were not ready of how many strong, brutal and brave Shinobis that are waiting for them within the shadows. Soon all the army was killed and Hideaki was traumatised by this. So much si he try to nuke the island but his Generals refuse this and call in a retreat. Soon Hideaki was discharge from the military but his memories of that scar him till this day and he'll take revenge on your father and any of his blood line despite if they are good or evil.
Y/n was shocked by all of this and have nothing to say but then he asked.
Y/n: How do you know all of this?
Kozan: Because I was his second in command. I watched him scar from this fail and watch him his mind twisted and now he will do what ever he can to kill you and those around you.
Y/n: What should I do?
Kozan: I do not know but Team Hobijo might be taking to be killed. I'll try my best to save them but at the mean time, you must warn your friends before it will be too late.
Y/n: Right. Thank you, I'll take this to show them the proof.
Kozan: Understood. Be safe.
He nods and leave the chair and make his leave but then Kozan asked.
Kozan: Oh one more thing. Why was my bed a mess when I came here this morning?
Y/n: (blush) Oh.......Uuuuummmmmmmm.....No clue, bye!
He leaves quickly while Kozan was confused by his reaction but shrugged it off and gose to clean up his room.
It was the afternoon and Y/n place down the file onto the table as Hanzo Team looks over it and they were shocked to see what they found.
Yagyuu: So he wants revenge.
Hibari: (shocked) My goodness.
Ikaruga: Shouldn't know this was Hideaki's plan all along.
Y/n: Yeah now we need to get everyone else here now to plan this through.
Asuka: Yumi's team is defeated and now it's just Homura's team and our team.
Y/n: Crap! They might be taking to be killed as well.
Hibari: What are we gonna do?
Y/n looks at his gear and walks over and puts in on and soon he placeon his mask and tells them.
Y/n: I'm gonna go and help them. I need you all to stall the guards when ever they come and do a check. If I don't come back, tell Homura's team and leave me.
Asuka: Okay. Just be careful out there.
Y/n: (smirk) Don't worry, I'll be fine. See you girls later.
He leave the room and make his way while Asuka and the rest hopes Y/n will be fine.
Katsuragi: So what should we do?
Ikaruga thinjs about it and soon he tells everyone.
Ikaruga: We have to warn Homura's team about this news and see we can think of a plan to rescue the rest and Y/n in case he too gets captured.
Katsuragi: Well Y/n doesn't want to tell you all but me and Y/n found a gate that military trucks go through and the guards looked like soldiers rather then guards.
Yagyuu: That is very weird.
Hibari: That must be where Yumi and the rest might be at.
Ikaruga: Maybe. Let's pack our gears and-
Suddenly something was thrown at their windows and unter the room. They see a smoke grenade but when it exploded, green smoke appear at the room ad thegirle realised it was sleep gas as one by one start to fall asleep and soon we see them all fallen asleep with soldiers wearing gas mask enter the room and the team leader order the two others to grab them and take them to base for lock up along with the rest.
We see Y/n leaping into tree branches to tree branches and soon lands behind the bushes and peeks over to see onec again the gate.
Y/n: (thought) gose nothing.
He turns to the fence and leaps over the fence and once that he rushes quietly through the bushes and soon after he nearly fell off the edge but luckily he stop himself just in time.
He looks down and see more military trucks while the whole place was all shut off while Y/n slide down a hill and enter the middle of the open feild and looks around.
Y/n: (thought) I bet this might be a-
Suddenly the lights turn on follow by soldiers rushes oit behind the trucks and aim their weapons at Y/n as he see that he is surrounded while he hears a clap and looks up to see Hideaki on a balcony clapping while smirking before he tells Y/n.
Hideaki: (smirk) Gonna say kid. You don't seem to learn to stay out of places that you aren't allow.
Y/n: Why are you doing this? Why dragging me and all my friends for this?!
Hideaki: I done all of this just so I can take revenge on the man who killed all of my brave soldiers in battle. I'm gonna start by his son along with his friends.
Soon four screens appear over Hideaki and Y/n sees Hanzo Team, Homura's team, Yumi's team and Hiyabi team appear in different four cells within the base.
Y/n: Let them go! They have nothing to do with all of this!
Hideaki: (smirk) They are your friends so a friend of you is a enemy of mine.
Y/n: Your gonna regret this you hear me!
Hideaki: (smirk) I think it's you that will regret for your father killing all of my men. Soldiers, kill him!
Y/n looks down at the soldiers and they were aboit to fire but the a truck turns on and suddenly drove which the soldiers move out of the way as the truck crashed onto one of the spotlights and that spotlight start to collapse and hits the ground that creates a spark of electricity.
Then Kozan kicks the door of the truck and leaps out ad he fire his pistol at a few soldiers while he calls out to Y/n.
Kozan: Get to that building, that one!
Y/n turns and see it and race over along with Kozan which Hideaki was mad that Kozan betrayed him. Soon the two were in the building with Kozan shut the door and lock it.
Kozan: Won't be long before they will start to break through. Here, this sewer will get you inside the base and will reach to one of yoru friends.
He says this while he walks over to a sewer pipe and opens it. Soon bullets flu by and Y/n races over and claim down and once down he calls outto Kozan.
Y/n: Come on let's go!
Kozan: Unfortunately this is where we go our separate ways or this might be our final time we see each other. Just be safe and good luck.
Before Y/n could call him Kozan shuts the sewer led and soon Y/n hears a door burst open follow by gun fire and soon it was silent. Y/n knew he can't save Kozan now so he rushes along the pipes to get inside the maine base and find his friends and escape this island before it will be too late.
To be continued.................
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