S1E9: A safe road to disaster
We see Y/n at the backyard playing ball with Emmei as Y/n throes a back at Emmei and he throws the ball back at Y/n as he then ask.
Emmei: Hey bro? Can I ask you something?
Y/n: Sure, what is it?
Emmei: Where do you go? I mean your sometimes late and when you come home your tired. I was wondering what you do.
Y/n: Oh just some after school activities. Nothing important.
Emmei: Really? Like what?
Y/n: Music of course. After all it is a music school.
Emmei: True you have a point. Just that I'm worried you might be in serious trouble.
Y/n: Don't you worry about that bro. I'll handle things.
Emmei: You sure?
Y/n: (smile) Of course.
Emmei: If you say so.
Kaori: Boys lunch is ready!
They head inside and once inside they begin to eat. The TV was on and the news talks about an attack and the high up within the government was killed along with his bodyguards.
Kaori: My first Nois, then super beings and now possible terrorist. Where has this world gone into.
Y/n: A bit crazy if you ask me.
Kaori: Hope your father will be okay out there. It feels like this city is not safe.
Y/n: I'm sure dad will be alright.
Kaori: Hope so.
Then Y/n got a text messages so he pulls it out and it is from Genjuro and sent him a coordinates. He finishes his lunch and then he heads to the door.
Y/n: I gonna head out now. Later.
Kaori: Okay be safe.
Y/n: I will.
Once he shuts the door and make his way down the street and turn to an alleyway which he puts on the Green Lantern ring and changed into his suit.
He then flies off. While flying he calls Genjuro and oncehe answered Y/n ask him.
Y/n: I suppose you needed me for something?
Genjuro: (phone) Yeah. There is a relic that is being transport by Ryoko and Hibiki back to our base. Tsubasa is still unavailable so I'm hoping you can help them.
Y/n: Sure thing.
Genjuro: (phone) Thanks. Call you later.
Once that he flies to their location and soon arrived at the freeway where he sees five black cars surrounded a pink car as he flies down and hovers next to Ryoko's car where he sees the two girls in.
He tap on the window which starled Hibiki a bit and she open the window.
Y/n: I suppose those relic is important? Cause a car like this doesn't look armed for battle.
Ryoko: (smile) Well if we use something like a military truck then that will draw attention.
Y/n: (smile) Good point.
Hibiki: Did Genjuro sent you here to help us?
Y/n: Yeah, figure I can help out. So what is this relic?
Ryoko: It's called a Durandal which is a sword that was given to use to be taking to base.
Y/n: I suppose Noise or the Yellow Lanterns want their hands on it right?
Ryoko: (smile) Yep.
Y/n: Well let's get this mission over and done with.
They travel through the freeway and at first things seem to be fine but suddenly the chunk of the bridge collapse qnd Ryoko turn the car to the left to avoid it including the other cars except for one.
Quickly Y/n catches by created a construct hand and lift the black car back to the freeway. With that done he catches up with the rest as they enter the city which he follows in.
He follow the cars as he looks down at them but when he look up he was suddenly struck by Paza and then grabbed by the leg and she throw him towards a building which he crash through.
He crash into a office building until he slammed onto a wall and he gets up. Papa shoots out a beam but Y/n creates a wall to block it to protect him and other workers as they begin to evacuate.
Then he flies out and punched Paza in the face and sent her flying back.
Y/n: Wanted a rematch Huh Paza?
???: She's not alone!
Then the Yellow Lantern knight attacked him behind qnd grab a hold of him. He struggled to break free while Paza charge towards him and hits him with her construct hammer.
He was sent flying and soon crashed into a power plant. He fell and crashed on to of Ryoko's car which she immediately stop.
Y/n rolled out of the roof and gets up as Paza and the Yellow Lantern knight land while Noise appear behind them.
Paza: Hand over the relic.
Y/n: That's not gonna happen.
???: You should listen you know.
They look over to see Chris looking down at them with a smirk. Hibiki immediately changed into her Symphogear while Y/n turns to Ryoko.
Y/n: Best find cover.
Ryoko: Right.
Ryoko was about to take the case that contains the relic but Paza shoots a beam of construct and drags it towards her but Y/n shoots a beam and the two of a tug of war match.
Paza: This belongs to us now! Hand it over!
Y/n: Not gonna happen.
Soon the tow throws the case away and then Paza shoots a beam that hits Y/n and sent him back. Hibiki charge towards her but Chris tackle her and the two girls fight while Paza and Yellow Lantern Knight walks over to Y/n as he gets up.
Y/n creates twin mini guns that fire missiles and he open fire at them. The explosions cost them to step back while Y/n keeps firing at them.
Y/n: (thought) Need to be carful to not shot the oil other wise this place will blow up. Gonna keep things down.
He gets rid of the weapons and creates twin swords qnd charge at them. The two Yellow Larry create their melee weapons and the two dual against Y/n.
Y/n quickly clash blades against the two. He quickly blade blades and dodging theie swings. He even create another blade at the back of the hilt as he continue to clash blades at the two.
He then gets behind them and focus all his will and create a blast that sent the two flying back and crash into a building. He turn to the case and shoots a beam to grab the case and pulls it towards him.
Chris: Oh no you don't!
Suddenly Chris came down and attempt yo slash his hand with her blade but he immediately dodges it but he drops the case and the two fight while Hibiki came out and see the case.
She rushed over while Paza sees this and shoots a beam at her but she dodges the beam and keeps running towards the case. Noise came to block her but she punches them through while Chris and Y/n fought.
Chris: You've gone a bit stronger.
Y/n: I havemy want of training.
Chris: I bet!
She wipes Y/n a few times until Y/n catches her wipe and pulls it towards her and he fire a beam that sent her flying until she crashed into a wall. Y/n turn as Hibiki was about to grab the case only for Paza flies towards her and tackle her.
The case opens and the Durandal drops to the ground.
Paza: The relic!
She rushes towards it only for Y/n to pinned her to the wall and he tells Hibiki.
Y/n: Get the sword!
Hibiki: Right!
She rushed over and reach over to pick up the sword. When she did so she was suddenly hit by darkness while Paza pushes him off and goes to strike at him when Hibiki came down with the Durandal but Paza immediately dodges her attack.
She crash onto the ground and she begins swinging the sword while in rage as Paza dodges her attacks and try to block it but she breaks throw.
She leaps backwards and flies in the air.
Paza: So be it then! Did along with that sword!
She shoot a beam at one of the oil which exploded that cost a chain reaction which Y/n immediately flies over and cover her and himself with a construct dorm to block the explosion while Yellow Lantern knight came out only to be blown up by the explosion as the entire power plant blows up.
(Hours later)
Hibiki begins to wake up and sees Y/n sitting down with her as she slowly sat up which he turn to her.
Y/n: Hibiki, you okay?
Hibiki: Yeah. What....happen?
Y/n: Well good news the sword is safe and be transported into a more secured vehicle. Bad news, this place is kinda destroyed.
Hibiki sees this and feels bad for going too far.
Hibiki: I'm sorry. I didn't know what happen to me. When i touch that blade I suddenly blacked out.
Y/n: It's fine. Just glad your okay right?
He pet her on the hear which made her blush and then Ryoko came over to them.
Ryoko: (smile) Well disbite the set back there the cargo is safe and be taking to our base.
Y/n: Cool, welp looks like my job is done. Gonna go now.
Ryoko: (smile) Take it easy.
Y/n: (smile) Will do.
He then flies away and after he felt a groups od security found something and called over Genjuro. He came over and sees the Yellow Lantern knight alive and badly injured with his armor broken and close to death.
Genjuro: Take him with us. We need to ask him some questions.
They node and they took his ring which his armor disappeared and was now an alien as they take him away. While this is going on we see a woman taking some pictures and once she has it she leaves the scene.
Y/n arrived home as he land in front door and he took off the ring and he walked inside.
Y/n: (smile) I'm home!
Goro poke his head out of the kitchen and said.
Goro: Ah welcome home son. Did anything today?
Y/n: Nothing much. Hey I'm gonna be in my room.
Goro: Sure thing.
He make his way over and he enter his room and leap onto the bed. He looks up at the ceiling just day dreaming all awhile Kanade sat on his chair and said.
Kanade: (smile) Another day of saving the world wasn't it?
Y/n: (surprised) Kanade! Jeez you scared me a bit. What are you doing here?
Kanade: Wanna go on a mission together?
Y/n: Really? I've just came back from another. What mission that is important that you want me to-
Then Kanade pulled out a picture and gives him the picture which he looks at and what he sees shocked him as Kanade smirks and says.
Kanade: (smirk) I think your not the only Green Lantern on this planet? Wanna go and find it?
To be continued.................................................
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