S1E12: Tossed away

Chris kept firing at Y/n who has created a large construct wall to block the incoming bullets. Chris kept firing then she launches missiles towards him so Y/n moves out of the way.

The explosion made Y/n to fly away but he stable himself then turn and then was kicked in the chin. She was about to shoot him when he created a fusion cannon then fire at Chris.

It sent her flying, crashing through a few trees while Y/n gets up then look at the fusion cannon.

Y/n: Huh, no wonder Megatron love this cannon.

Then he hears something in the distances then spotted missiles flying up info the air then came down and coming towards Y/n.

Y/n: Oh crap!

He flies away but the missiles lock on to him. He uses the trees as a way to confused the missiles. A few hits the trees while some kept following him.

Soon he stop and contracts a gaint hand and bloc, the missiles. There was a large explosion that Miku can see in the distance.

Y/n take some deep breaths as he collapse on one knee and catching his breath. Suddenly Chris came out from the smoke on his left with blade in hand.

Y/n tries to move out of the way but she managed to slash at him on the chest. A large slash appear on his chest but quickly it was covered up.

Chris thrust her sword towards him but he then dodges her stab, then he grab her arm and then tossed her away. She crash info a few trees but she land on her feet then fire her minigun.

Y/n immediately contracts a shield to block the incoming shots then he creates a machine gun then fire back at her. The two have a gun battle as they kept shooting at each other.

Chris gets annoyed so she pulls out another Minigun and fire at his shield. His shield begins to break with each shot so he thinks fast.

He creates a gaint hand to grab a tree near him and use it as a shield. Chris kept firing but he tossed it towards her. Chris just kept firing, ripping it apart.

Then Y/n slammed his ring onto the ground and before Chris can fire at him a green blast hits her below, sending her flying up into the air.

Then she was grabbed by a construct hand and then she was slammed onto the ground very hard. Y/n approaches her thinking he has defeated her. Suddenly a missile came out from the smoke, Y/n was too late to block it and was hit in the chest by a missile.

He was sent flying, crashing into a few trees then slammed onto the ground. He lay there for a moment as he slowly gets up and gets on one knee. Chris approaches Y/n while he looks up at her as she approaches him.

Chris: Tough. But not for long. Just give up.?


He then blast Chris, sent her back a bit. She was about to shoot him when suddenly Hibiki flies over and punches Chris in the face.

The punch sent her flying back and she crash onto the ground. Enrage she fire at Hibiki but Y/n immediately contracts a bubble to block the bullets for Hibiki. Chris flies towards Y/n but he had enough and wanted to end this fight.

(Finishing move scene)

The gaint blast cost Chris to be sent flying back with her symphogear torn apart as she land on the ground while Y/n fell from the air and land on his knee.

He looks over, seeing Chris on the ground while Y/n stare at her for a moment then he coughs out some blood which Hibiki rushed over and help him up.

Hibiki: Are you okay?

Y/n: Y-Yeah I'm good. Thanks for that survive.

Hibiki: (smile) Same to you.

Then Chris groan as she slowly gets up and look at the two as she tells them.

Chris: I'm not done. I will defeat you both!

She try to put on her Nehustan armor but nothing is happening. Suddenly a voice spoke.

???: You are no use to me anymore.

They all look over to see Fine in the distances as she shows that she has the Nehustan as she goes on to say.

Fine: I have no use to someone who has failed me many times over.

Chris: Wait, Fine! Please! Give me a chance! Fine!

Then Fine disappeared from sight. Chris is disappointed by this as she then glare at the two then headed off. They watch her go until she was out of their sight. Suddenly they heard sirens which Y/n tells Hibiki.

Y/n: Get out of here Hibiki. I'll try lower them away.

Hibiki: You sure?

Y/n: Yeah. Go. I'll be fine.

She was concerned but she comply and flies away. Once she is gone Y/n also flies away and gets the police attention. He then begins to get weaker and weaker, his vision also became blurry as he also then begin dropping a fee times.

Then he completely fell and soon crashed into the alleyway, he fell onto the trash bin and onto the ground. He lay there as he slowly gets up, grabbing the wall next to him as he looks at the ground for a moment.

He felt dizzy as everything begins spinning then he back out on the alleyway. His suit fate away as he is there beaten up and unconscious.

He lay there then someone came over, grab his legs and begin dragging him away while he is unconscious.

(Hours later)

Y/n slowly begins to wake up and find himself on a bed in a random person's home. He immediately sat up and find himself without a shirt and have bandages around qome parts of his body, arms, legs and face.

???: Your awake.

He looks over to see Kei sitting on the couch while holding his Green Lantern ring. His eyes widen in shock then he ask.

Y/n: You found out?

Kei: Yep. It was sorta easy.

Y/n reach out his hand and his ring fly out of her hand and retuen to Y/n's finger which Kei is interested.

Kei: So you can call apon that ring with just your thought? Is it a magic ring by any chance?

Y/n: Not really. It's alien technology.

Kei: You mean a ring is alien tech that can contract things?

Y/n: In my mind, look why did you bring me here and why did you patch me up?

Kei: (sigh) Listen, as a news reporter I must find interesting stuff for the news. I have a picture of you as the Green Lantern and I was planning to sent it to my boss.


Kei: But, i realise your family and people you care for will be harmed if your enemies know your identity. Especially since I met your family. I feel wrong to do that.

Y/n: Well I appreciate you for not doing that.

Kei: Still I want to make a deal with you.

Y/n: That deal being?

Kei: I want to work with you. Do so, and I'll change the publics options about you.

Y/n: Why would you want to work with me? And what can you do that could be useful?

Kei: Well I have a feeling there is this big threat out there. Care to explain?

Y/n thinks about it for a moment then he tells her.

Y/n: This person is name Fine. We first encounter her by the forest and I have a feeling she is a master mind. She also has the Nehustan armor. Not sure what she will do with out now she has it.

Kei: I see. Do you happen to see her face?

Y/n: No. But she had blonde hair.

Kei: That would be hard. Well I can get access to all citizens ID and may find the one you are looking for.

Y/n: Really?

Kei: Yep. So, may I join your super hero time.

Y/n: Alright. Just be carful okay. Gonna hard back home.

He gets out of bed only to collapse on one knee which Kei rush over and helps him up.

Kei: May need to drive you home. Sound good?

He agree and soon we see the two driving through the street. Y/n sat on the passenger side seat while Kei is driving. They were quiet then Kei ask Y/n.

Kei: You think that other girl may get revenge.

Y/n: Not sure.

Kei: Welp.....we live in a crazy world.

Y/n: You said it. Say Kei?

Kei: Yeah?

Y/n: Why do you wish to work with me?

Kei: Because you're a hero. I saw your actions and see your doing good. Those people don't see that but I do.

Y/n: Some think I'm in fault of the Ziwi Wing concert 2 years ago. Even some fans from Ziwi wing formed a "Hate Green Lantern" club to share how they hate me.

Kei: (giggle) Seriously? They are just a bunch of simps.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Soon Kei park not far but out of veiw of Y/n's veiw as Y/n climbs out then Kei ask him.

Kei: What do you tell your parents about your wounds?

Y/n: I'll just tell them I got jumped and someone patched me up.

Kei: You think they believe you?

Y/n: what else can I tell them? I was in a fight with a girl shooting rockets and miniguns at me? Don't think they won't believe that.

Kei: (smile) True, True.

Y/n: Thanks Kei. Give me an update about anything on Fine.

Kei: I will. Catch you later.

She drives away and once she is gone he walk the rest home and walked inside. He then called out.

Y/n: I'm home.

Goro poke his head out of the kitchen then is shocked ti see his injuries so he rushed over and ask him.

Goro: Oh my god Y/n! Who did this to you?

Y/n: Got jumped by some people. Luckily a kind person scared them away and patched me up.

Goro: (sigh) That's good to hear. You need to be more carful out there, okay?

Y/n: (smile) Will do dad. Will do.

To be continued.................................................

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