S1E11: The truth comes out

It was a normal day at Y/n's house as we see him relaxing and watching some TV. His entire family is away out so he was home alone. He was watching a good show when he heard a knock at his door.

He gets up and walks over to the door and then open to reveal Hibiki which he greets her.

Y/n: (smile) Hey Hibiki.

Hibiki: (smile) Hey Y/n! Home alone?

Y/n: (smile) Pretty much. They won't be back until the afternoon. Anyways what brings you here?

Hibiki: (smile) Well Kanade told me about this squirrel and I want to see it.

Y/n: Sure thing. He's at the back.

He takes her to the back and to the tree where he staying in. He calls out for him and then Ch'p poke his head out of a tree and runs up to Y/n and climbs up his arm.

Y/n: (smile) This is Ch'p. He's a Green Lantern like me.

Hibiki: (smile) He's so cute.

Hibiki pet Ch'p and feels his soft fur. Then Ch'p noticed an acorn so he rushes over, picks it up and rushes inside to his home to store his acorn.

Hibiki: So have you gotten any answers from him?

Y/n: Well without a translator I can't understand him.

Hibiki: That sucks. Hey you wanna hang out with me and Miku?

Y/n: Sure. I was actually getting a bit bored staying home alone so sure.

Hibiki: (smile) Awesome! Let's go!

Y/n: (smile) I'll be back Ch'p, don't do anything that draws attention okay?

Ch'p noded as Y/n leaves to go with Hibiki. They walk by the street however little did they know they were being watched by Kei.

She is seen in her car watching the two walking away together as she hide behind a tree across the street. She wants to figure out if Y/n is the Green Lantern. She follows them but far enough for them to not notice her.


The two meet up with Miku by a cafe as they sat around the table and talk about school and things going on in their normal lives.

Hibiki: (smile) I think Alexander is one of the best teachers ever.

Miku: (smile) I think you already said that tones of times.

Hibiki: (smile) I know but I wish teachers were like him. What do you think Y/n?

Y/n: (shrugged) He's not a bad teacher. Actually if I have to be in a class will a loud teacher or a calm teacher then calm teachers is my best bet.

Miku: (smile) Guess I can't blame you for choosing that.

Then a news plays talking about Green Lantern and how the authorities are still on the search for him which annoyance Y/n a little.

Miku: I don't understanding why they see him as some what of a villain? He's clearly a hero.

Hibiki: They're just jerks, I never listen to the news.

Y/n: (smirk) That's probably why you got wet when you arrive to class in a hard rain.

Hibiki: Hey, they didn't tell me there was going to be rain!

Miku: Clearly they did.

Y/n: (light chuckle) I still remember you got sick after that and you hallucinate and thought Miku was a gaint ham burger.

Hibiki: I told you not to remind me that!

Y/n: (chuckle) Come on it wasn't so bad.

Hibiki: (blush) Still it was soo embarrassing.

Y/n: (smile) But funny.

Miku let's out a soft giggle while Hibiki gently throws punches at his shoulder while he smile. While that is going on we see Kei across the street and watching then through the window.

She begins to think she might be wrong and thinks about leaving them be however she couldn't and decided to follow them for another few hours and if there was nothing they can leave.


The trio were at a park, Miku heads off to find the parked bathroom while Y/n and Hibiki looks at the view of the forest. They stood at the edge with safety bars protecting them from fallen as they relax.

Hibiki: So if there is Yellow Lanterns and Green Lanterns, wonder what the rest might be?

Y/n: Well for what I learn they are based on peoples emotions like will or fear.

Hibiki: You think blue could be sadness?

Y/n: Might be but I'm clearly sure red is for rage.

Hibiki: Make sense. Oh, what about Pink for love?

Y/n: Well we're not sure any of the other Lanterns power or their emotions. All we know they might be completely different.

Hibiki: Yeah you might be right. Say, what if you have two different rings. Like one will and other fear? What would that happen?

Y/n: I may not try that.

Hibiki: (smile) True, that would be a bad idea.

Y/n: (smile) Yeah.

Hibiki: Hey Y/n?

Y/n: Yeah?

Hibiki: Do you like Kanade?

Y/n: Um what do you mean by that?

Hibiki: You know.....you like LIKE her.

Y/n: (blush) Where did this come from?!

Hibiki: (blush) I was just wondering!

Y/n: I mean I have noticed that Kanade is interested with me.

Hibiki: Oh.

Y/n: Are you jealous?

Hibiki: No I actually want to ask you something that me and Miku have been talking.

Y/n: And what is-

Miku: Hey you two! Come back!

They turn to see Miku rushing over to them when suddenly a explosion above her cost a tree to fell and was about to crush Miku.

Y/n quickly shoot his beam to catch the fallen tree. He holds it and then he throws it away. Miku is shocked to see him using the soke green energy which the Green Lantern use while he sees her surprised face.

Y/n: Crap.

Suddenly he was grabbed by a robotic tentacle and was pulled towards Chris as she pulls him closer to her.

Chris: (smirk) So your the Green Lantern? I'm gonna enjoy this.

Y/n: Well your gonna be disappointed when I do this!

He creates gaint scissors and cut the tentacle and he fell but immediately stop himself and immediately get change to his suit in front of Miku.

Kei is seen and taking a picture before Y/n's faces covered. Chris smirks and swings her sword for a strike but he dodges her blade and then blast her which sent her fallen and crashing onto the ground.

Y/n land on his feet and stare at Chris while she gets up and immediately summons Noise to attack him. He then creates shoulder cannons and fires at the Noise.

The Noise gets blown up as he then flies towards Chris and land some blows at her. He goes to strike another but she catches his fist and then she throws him away but he stop himself.

He then flies towards her and use every strength and will power he has and strike a powerful blow at Chris. Bits of her armor breaks and she was sent flying back.

She crash through trees until she stop. She quickly gets up and tries to wipe him but he dodges her attacks and quickly grabs a tree and throws it at her. She immediately cuts it in half but the tree opens to reveal Y/n behind it as he charge up his ring and then punch the floor.

They creates a energy wave that sent Chris back and more bits of her armor break apart. She gets up and in rage she launches towards Y/n grabs him with her wipe and then slamming him onto the ground many times around her.

She then throws him and he slammed into a tree that fall and crash onto the ground. She leaps over him but he quickly dodges as she breaks the tree in half while Y/n land on his feet and quickly creates two robots which they charge towards him.

They begin to attack Chris and soon she gets overwhelmed so she leaps away and summons more Noise to fight the construct robots.

She looks for Y/n only for him to appear and strike a blow at Chris and breaking large chuncks of her armor and she crashes into another tree.

Her nehushtan armor was too damage as she is on one knee while Y/n walks towards her and aims his ring at her.

Y/n: Your coming with me.

Chris refuse to be defeated, so much so she doesn't have a choice and begins to sing. This confused Y/n when suddenly the Nehushtan armor falls apart as she suddenly change into her crimson red symphogear.

Y/n: Okay this is new.

Chris: (angry) Look what you made me do. I hate signing.

Then she deploy two miniguns and immigration open fire at him. Y/n creates a dorm shield to block the incoming bullets.

Chris keeps firing while launching missiles that hit his dorm shield. He was covered by the smoke so he flies upwards and once above the forest he looks down trying to find her.

Chris: Looking for me?

Chris appears behind him as he turn to her while she aim her rail gun at him and then fired. The blast hits him and he goes down and then crash hard onto the ground.

Hibiki and Miku sees this. Hibiki wanted to head over and help but Miku will see her symphogear but she couldn't let Y/n fight alone.

With a heavy sigh she begins to sing. Miku turn just as his symbol appears on her. This shocks Miku while Hibiki turns to her.

Hibiki: I need to help Y/n. We'll explain later.

Then she flies off awhile Miku watches the battle going on. All awhile we see Kei surprised by what she saw. Although she didn't take a picture of her in her symphogear, at least she took a picture of Y/n as the Green Lantern.

She was about to sent it to her boss but then stops for a moment and thinks about it. If she sent the picture to her boss and reveal Y/n's identity, then his life will be living hell.

Disbite the price and attention she will get for the truth, she can't ruin a person's life. After all he is shown to be a hero although the authorities or news don't see him that way.

She stare at the picture for a moment and then made her decision. She doesn't sent it however she wants to try something else and quickly left the scene.

To be continued..............................................

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