S1E10: An unusual Green Lantern?

We see Y/n and Kanade arrive at the area where a Green Lantern ship has crashed. In order to not draw any attention to anyone near the area they land into the forest and make their walk through the forest.

While walking Y/n's Green Lantern ring begins to glow as he looks at it while Kanade ask him.

Kanade: So I can probably take a guess that ring is telling us how close the ship is?

Y/n: Seems like it.

Kanade: You think there will be anyone in the ship?

Y/n: Who knows but hopefully no one gets their first.

Kanade: Like the Noise?

Y/n: Yeah but also Cadmus.

Kanade: Wait you encounter Cadmus before?

Y/n: Yeah why, you know them?

Kanade: Well not really but Genjuro knows them. For what he tells me is that they are a black ops organisation who monitors anything. They use either elite black ops soldiers or criminals to get the job done.

Y/n: They sound suspicious.

Kanade: They were shut down many years ago but when the Noise invaded the planet they bring it back in order to protect the planet. But still, those people are something you can't trust.

Y/n: Yeah especially when I comes to those who have powers like me.

They keep walking and after a while Y/n's Green Lantern ring glows even brighter and soon they find the crash site. It was a huge Green ship with a shape of a Green Lantern emblem.

They make their way over and approaches the ship. Suddenly a green beam hits them as the ship scans the two and then the ship detected Y/n's ring.

Then the doors begins to open letting them in. They step inside and look around. Inside of the ship was damaged and there was no sigh of any life what so ever.

Kanade: Man this ship is pretty big, you think anyone is still here?

Y/n: Let's head to the bridge and see.

They head to the bridge and once there Y/n looks at the controls. He has no idea what to do so he pushes a button a hologram screen appears in front of them.

Kanade: Looks like you did something.

Y/n: Yeah but I don't know what to do.

Kanade looks around and then she noticed something on the other pilot seat next to them.

Kanade: Um Y/n?

He turn and sees what Kanade is seeing and that being a squirrel. He walks over and picks up the squirrel and sees it  has a tiny Green Lantern ring as well.

Y/n: Is this squirrel.....a Green Lantern?

Suddenly the Squirrel opens its eyes and summons a large hand to grab Y/n and then slammed him against the wall. Kanade steps back as Y/n is pinned while the floating squirrel flies over and begins to squeeze him.

Then Y/n breaks free and blast the squirrel back which it slammed into the controls. Once back Y/n tells it.

Y/n: Wow calm down! I'm on your side! Green Lantern.

However the Squirrel keeps attacking him as he launches acorns at him which he creates a shield to block. Before the squirrel can continue his ring begins to lose power and soon it run out.

The squirrel falls onto the ground and once on the ground Y/n creates a cage around the squirrel to trap it. Y/n walks over as he lifted up the cage with the squirrel inside.

Kanade: So this squirrel is a Green Lantern?

Y/n: Seems like it but why did it again me?

The squirrel tries to bite his way out that is when Y/n tells it.

Y/n: Look I don't know why you attack me all of a sudden but we are allies. I'm a Green Lantern just like you. Now I'm gonna let you go, please don't attack me.

He slowly places the cage down and then let's the squirrel go. For some reason it confused the squirrel until he realised something. He then hopes into the console and type in the words to make a sentence.

The first was "My name is Ch'p."

Kanade: Chip? As in that cartoon show about two squirrels going on adventures?

He shake his head no and then begins to type more. "I thought your apart of The Lantern Regime."

Y/n: The Lantern Regime? Who are they?

Then Ch'p opens up another screen that shows a footage. The footage places and it shows what seems like a massive war. Alien Green Lanterns fighting against something.

They continue to watch and soon they see their attackers and they were human Green Lanterns fighting their own. The footage shows the chaos of the Green Lanterns home planet as the human Green Lanterns eliminate the Alien Green Lanterns and soon the footage ends.

Kanade: Okay what on earth did I watch?

Y/n: For what can gather is that there was a civil war between two Green Lanterns. Humans and aliens.

Kanade: But why and who would lead this attack?

Ch'p begins to type and telling him. "They were lead by a man name The Great Will Emperor, he lead the Lantern Regime against the Green Lantern."

Y/n: Any idea who this guy is?

Ch'p shake his head for no meaning he has no idea.

Kanade: So there was a civil war lead by this unknown Emperor who is posting more powerful than the rest and gather all human Green Lanterns to fight against their Alien Green Lanterns? This is basically a race war.

Y/n: Yeah but why? Why begin the war in the first place?

Kanade shrugged while Y/n turns to Ch'p and then tells him.

Y/n: Look I don't know what happened but let me ensure you that I am not like them. If your a good guy then your okay in my books.

Ch'p thinks about it and he believes he never met this Green Larry meaning he must be new. Ch'p accepts it and then climb onto his shoulder and the two became friends.

Kanade: (smile) Looks like you two became friends.

Y/n: (smile) Seems like it. Since your Green Lantern ring is down, I can let you use my Lantern to charge it back up.

Ch'p appreciate his kindness, soon the two leave his ship and then Kanade ask him.

Kanade: So what should you do with him? It's not like your parents can keep it.

Y/n: No but there is another way.


We find Ch'p climb up the tree at the back of Y/n's House and find comfort inside the tree. Ch'p likes it while Y/n smiles, then Emmei came out the back and called out.

Emmei: Hey bro! Can you come inside! There is someone here who wants to talk to you.

Y/n: Coming!

He make his way inside and once inside he looks over to see Kei sat down with her parents as he enter and ask.

Y/n: What's going on?

Goro: Nothing important just this news reporter likes to ask us some questions.

Kei: Yes. Apologies to bother you but my name is Kei, I'm a news reporter and I want to ask you some questions about this Green hero.

Y/n: Oh sure. Answer away.

Kei: Well I want your veiw on him. Some say he is a dangerous invader while some say he is a hero. But what is your veiw on him?

Y/n: Well I think he's the greatest hero we ever had. He save a lot of lives and protecting the innocent. I don't understand why many see him dangerous even though he is doing good deeds.

Kei: There have been reports of him appear at the Zwei Wing concert two years ago during the attack. They believe that he's involve of the attack.

Y/n: Hold on that's not true, I was there and I saw him fighting the Noise. He even save two girls and clear the Noise. He's a hero.

Kei: I believe so as well but others say evee since he appear Noise keep showing up and now there is these Yellow villains. They believe this he's responsible for bringing them here.

Y/n: That's stupid! We get invaded by Noise a lot even before this Green hero showed up. Those who said that are just idiots.

Kaori: Y/n!

Y/n: But it's true! This hero has done nothing but protecting innocent lives and yet everyone blames him that isn't even his fault! (Sigh) I get it....they lost their family, friends and those they care for and I understand that but blame it on those who wishes to harm humanity, not someone who is trying to protect humanity. We have the Symphogear and yet I've never heard anyone blaming them for anything but instead blaming the Green Lantern hero. We should appreciate him being here and helping us instead of blaming him and pick him as a villain because he's not!

Kei:.....So you believe he's a hero that this city needs?

Y/n: No, but what the world needs. I don't know if there are more heroes out there but if there is we should be grateful for them protecting us instead of blaming or hate them. They are called hero's for a reason and if we keep doing this then who long until they decided to turn against us? I'm not saying it would happen but I'm just saying that we should be grateful they are here and protecting us. They are not looking for attraction or wanted to be famous.....they wish to help others and that's that.

Kei: Very interesting. Well I'll be going now, thanks for the interview. Take care now.

Goro: Same to you.

Soon Kei left and soon enter her car. She thinks about it for a moment and can't help but why would Y/n defend him. She then thinks about his face and can't help but find something familiar about him.

She then took out her camera and scroll through the images until she finds one that as a clear image. She looks at it hardly and noticed the chin looks familiar and then she realised with shock as she turn to the house and thinks to herself.

Kei: (thought) Can he be.....?

She wants to disprove that possibility but what if he is? She then drive off and decided to spy on him and see if her theory is right or not.

To be continued..................................................

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