A/N: So this will be the Finale of this one shot series (for this story not the entire book) and so it will be in the POV of many characters just letting y'all know.
Masamune's POV
It's finally time to settle everything and take the demon king of the sixth heaven down from from his throne. Everyone ready to go March to Azuchi.
"Those damn castle walls! There's no wonder there's no guards." I spat.
"What insane strength these walls have." Yukimura peered.
We could hear a whistling from the distance. It suddenly hit the ground sending some of our rallied men into the air.
Yukimura panicked shifting his horse away from being hit."What?! Where are these attacks coming from?!"
The whistling blast kept coming until one of them hit the castle walls and broke through the defenses.
I smirked and scoffed."Looks like we got some western allies Sanada Yukimura, let's go finish this."
"Yes lord Masamune, we must end this!"
Masamune and I went inside and led the army into Oda's castle. We fought the men and made our way into the top to fight the devil king.
A loud bang fired from a pistol was heard. We broke through through the sliding doors and saw the Devil king strike down his sister.
"Lady Oichi....." Yukimura gasped.
"Sister of the devil king..." I exhaled.
"One eyed Dragon...Thank you...lord Nagamasa....you mourned for him...had he met you in the battlefield...I am certain he would've—."
My eyes narrowed in anger "Devil king! All of this and for what?!"
"Two more fools now, have you come here to take my head? LUDICROUS!!!"
"Before we cut you down there's something I want to ask, who the hell are you?! Cause you know with my one good eye all I see is a monster....all the malicious and evil in this world rampant twisted into a form of a man."
Megohime's POV
I arrived to the battlefield seeing the many armies go forward to battle Nobunaga's legion.
I kept searching for the one opponent I knew no one could face...my sister. Everyone did their best to fight off Nobunaga and slowly his generals fell from Akechi at honnouji and soon his younger allies like Ran Maru.
The devil king's malice could be felt throughout the battlefield and among it another presence. My sister who I hadn't seen in over
"Well, well, well if it isn't my lovely sister Megohime....a little late for a family reunion?"
"Konanhime....I agree but you're not exactly the warm kind of girl you used to be..." I glared.
Those red shadows on her skin embedded like veins around her deeply, it's like she barely removed the sword from her side. The fangs she bared that day two decades ago still held onto her face. More demon than human....
"How dare all of you try to attack the oda in this way? With such cheap tricks you'll never win dear sister...and I'll take the remaining sword for myself." konanhime sneered.
"Oda's reign over these lands is over sister, he cannot seize the country."
My sister hissed at me like an animal, the years she spent consumed by malice from the sword and feeding it blood of others had turned her feral.
"I think we've had enough time for talking....my sword is craving your blood dear sister."
My sister lunged at me with her sword. Swiftly dodging it our swords crashed with both our strengths colliding. Her moves were wild, difficult to read. The whole battlefield fighting off the Oda army. This was not gonna be an easy fight.
Flashback: Few weeks before the encirclement of Oda.
Takeda Estate: Yumi's POV
"Yumi we need to talk..."
"Yes megohime?"
"The encirclement of oda will happen eventually when that happens I need you to play an important role in this war."
"What do you mean?"
"Yumi...you are one of the few people who know how to perform Yokai sealing. Your family goes way back in history with the moon clan with yokai sealing."
I tensed. "Megohime those types of seals need to be done by 2 clan members....if I tried doing it myself one of us could die."
"I know the risks but right now there's no other option....once the swords have departed from us they must be sealed. They are beings too dangerous to be wielded by just anyone...their voices will lure any innocent bystander and it will bring ruin Yumi."
I nodded. "Yes I know that but...."
Megohime interrupted. "Yumi this task is hard I know, but the war with Oda can be stopped. We can stop his rule once and for all and I can finally end this 2 decade journey I've gone through."
I stayed silent. Megohime grabbed my hand and kissed it. "Yumi you're not alone in this, I will do my best to help you make it through this so you can live happily with the Takeda boy."
"Hai Megohime sama..."
Flashback over.
Yumi's POV
I managed to arrive at the battlefield despite the large amount of men who were involved in the encirclement. I had a task to complete no matter the risks that came with it. Never telling Yukimura what I planned to do and he left so swiftly with the One eyed dragon that I couldn't tell him.
I had to find Megohime and her opponent. Her sister. Riding around the battlefield I struck down Oda's men that came across me. Feeling an aura more sinister than the devil kings'. I followed it and it led me to a large cliff side near the castle.
Both sisters fought violently, one completely inhuman and the other grasping to what humanity she had left. Two decades apart and both sisters were strangers, one persuaded by darkness, one determined to stop that darkness from spreading.
The swords clashed against one another each cut towards each other was mended by the black malice in their blood enhanced by the devil swords. The only way to end it all would be for the swords to break when that happens I will seal the beings inside and bury the vessel.
I prepared myself and recited my prayers to ease my soul from what's about to come.
Hanami's POV
I snuck my way into the battlefield at Azuchi castle after hearing that Master Katakura took the remainder of the wavering armies to encircle Oda, following quietly behind the entire time making sure no one noticed me.
Once we reached Azuchi castle I felt a heavy malice unlike any other's.... everyone was doing their best to fight the Oda soldiers, Yukimura and Lord Masamune marched their way into the devil kings castle.
I found Lady Yumi and the moon clan's cursed siblings. Their battle was fierce two inhuman forces trying to subjugate the other. The swords clashed and cracked. With every clash that beings inside slipped out until it the swords shattered like glass. A huge wind emerging from the wreckage. My lady Yumi approached the scene and laid out the sealing vessels.
'Was she gonna try to seal the beings herself? She's not gonna be strong enough to do both beings by herself.'
Yumi's POV
The swords had finally broken, a large reaction from the swords shattering brought a huge wind.
"Yumi Do it now!" Megohime shouted.
I ran to the battlefield and laid the sealing vessel on the ground.
"Ancient yokai seal..."
I started reciting the seal causing the yokai that inhabited megohime's sisters sword to be driven through my body into the sealing vessel on the ground.
I screamed it was so painful taking the yokai into me then the vessel. It felt there was hundreds of sharp knives stabbing my body. 'Is this what Megohime felt like every time she wielded the sword?' The yokai finally existed inside the vessel and I closed that one. I gazed at megohime's sister....now that the yokai powers were gone from her old wounds began to appear. (A/N similar to mitsunaris aftershock of his sword attacks which later cut date instead of immediately)
I saw through tired eyes as the cuts and wounds shown on her armor and body. Indestructible when wielding the sword however with it gone there was only a human body left behind. A splash of blood came out her through her throat. She gasped, choked and cursed Megohime as she fell onto the ground her life fading.
I opened another sealing vessel and adjusted myself to seal Shirobaku, megohime's yokai. I coughed, blood pouring out as a side effect of the first seal.
Sensing someone touch my shoulder I looked back and saw someone unexpected.
Hanami's POV
I saw Yumi seal the first yokai and later try to seal the yokai who lived in Megohime but she struggled. I decided I would help her... no matter the cost...it was a race against time.
"Hanami san?"
"Yumi I will help you seal this yokai alright? You've spent much of your energy with the first one, I will seal this one with you."
"But Hanami San! You will..."
I shushed Yumi we had no time to discuss the consequences. "It's alright, I will start the sealing...Underworld Soul Seal jutsu."
I performed the jutsu causing chakra chains to bind the yokai and an urn to appear in the ground.
"Ugh!!" I felt a burning sensation on my body as the seal was engraved in my body.
"Hanami san!!"
"Don't worry lady Yumi, I will be able to seal half of megohime's yokai safely in the urn but you must seal and bury the rest of the yokai where no one can find it."
"Hai Hanami San..."
Kojuro's POV
The strange malice surrounding Mt. Azuchi faded it was not the devil king's I went to investigate and saw the black rider dueling with Nobunaga's servant, her kin who served him.
The battle brought its end Megohime and the other fallen onto the ground. Nobunaga's inkling faded into dust no longer a human to leave a body behind. The Takeda's other general and shinobi was there performing the sealing of the moon clan swords after they sealed the first one and the second I rushed towards Megohime side to check her well being.
"Right eye of the dragon you've survived..."
"Clan date will not fall so easily...you of all should know about our resilience."
She smiled. "You're right I have underestimated your lord and army....I fade away Right eye..."
Megohime's body started to crack as if it was a clay pot shattering. This must've been the effects of wielding the demon sword for so long.
She directed my attention with her on my face. Tears in her eyes. "Right eye, tell the One eyed Dragon that I wish I could've battled him once more...farewell."
As she closed her eyes her body turned to dust like her kin had done before I came to her side.
"Farewell, Megohime..."
Hanami's POV
I sealed half the yokai in the urn, lady Yumi prepared and recited the chants to seal the rest of the yokai. It was sealed in the vessel Yumi brought. She fell to her knees afterwards.
"Lady Yumi!!" Racing to her side. I checked her pulse, she was fading away. Her eyes starting to tear up and blur she felt it to that she was fading away just as the two cursed sisters had.
It was then when I decided to make the sacrifices necessary to save her life. I used my remaining chakra to save Lady Yumi.
"Lady Yumi, take care of master Sanada, Sasuke and lord Shingen for me...tell My lord that I'm sorry I couldn't be with him to the end....."
"....Hanami!....No...." she begged grabbing my arm.
"I've lived a long life lady Yumi...it's time for you and the others to live their lives and fulfill your destinies." I reassured.
Lady Yumi lost consciousness but she was saved.
"HANAMI!!!" A voice cried.
I turned around and saw Sasuke rushing over, he probably spotted us after he noticed the malice fade away. He rushed to my side and Lady Yumi's side.
"What happened?!"
"Lady Yumi and I have sealed the moon clan weapons....Sasuke use your earth style jutsu and bury these where no one can reach them...." I referred to the vessels in front of us.
Sasuke grabbed my hands. "Hanami you used the Underworld Soul Seal...Your chakra and life is fading away..."
"I transferred the remainder of my energy to save lady Yumi....Sasuke you must go now..." I begged him pushing him away.
He hesitated. "Hanami....you're so reckless." His voice broke. "How could you? You will die and leave us lord Shingen, Master sanada, the Takeda, and I all alone."
Tears filled my eyes. "I'm sorry....it had to be done....I have taught you all I know Sasuke...I've been with you since you were young, you've been such a good leader Sasuke, protect my lord and Master Sanada for me."
Sasuke held me close, I grasped his shoulders as I felt my strength fading.
"Go now Sasuke! Hurry!"
"....Hanami...I love you so much..." he confessed.
He kissed me, it was a soft and short kiss. "Goodbye Hanami..."
"You finally got a kiss out of me Sasuke....only when my guard was down...congratulations...please go now."
Sasuke helped lay me down on the ground and disappeared with the vessels containing the moon clan's creatures.
"HANAMI!!" I heard another voice shout.
I glanced and saw Katakura San...he rushed to my side.
"Hanami! Are you alright and is the girl alright?" He worried.
"Lady Yumi will be fine, she's just lost consciousness....I saved her by giving her the remainder of my chakra..."
"I feel myself fading as we speak Katakura San..." I huffed.
I grabbed his hand. "Please take Lady Yumi to safety from the battlefield...leave me here..."
"I will get her to safety I promise, but I cannot just leave you here alone to die....I'll stay here....until you pass on."
Kojuro's POV
Tears slid off Hanami's face. "Katakura San..."
"Call me kojuro...hanami."
She nodded. "Hai..."
I held onto her hand as she laid on the cold ground of Mt. Azuchi, the main battle still going on and many soldiers fighting and dying. None came to this place due to the cloud of malice the battle between the moon clan sisters erupted. I held onto Hanami her life crumbling down.
"Kojuro....remember our time together at the hot springs in kai?"
I blushed. "What?! We promised to not speak of that..."
Hanami giggled. "Of course dear Kojuro....I just wanted to see you flustered like that..."
"It was some time ago..."
"If...we...weren't...enemies would...we...have...Fallen....in...love?"
Her question surprised me. I looked down on her softly and caressed her face.
"I'm sure we would have...I had already fallen for you ever since you saved me from that river..."
"So you knew it was me..."
I nodded. "Yes..."
Hanami smiled. "I may have fallen for you too...I'm sorry..."
Hanami closed her eyes and it was the end. Her breathing stopped and she never moved. I felt my throat close as I held her once last time. I had to keep my promise. I put her down and carried the girl, Yumi to safety away from the chaos.
Sasuke's POV
I swiftly returned to the battlefield after disposing of the moon clan beings. I prayed for Hanami to still be alive when I got back to the cliff side. Rushing to the site and seeing only hanami laying on the ground...someone must've taken Lady Yumi away....
I approached hanami who laid on the ground with her eyes closed. I grabbed her and shook her softly.
"Hanami...hanami! Please don't be gone..."
I held her close, she was so cold, this wound she left me with, would take so much time to heal. Picking up her body, I took Hanami with me until our troops came back. She should be buried in accordance to the laws her ninja village placed.
"I should've been here...I could've stopped you Hanami...damn it!"
I called my scouts to take a horse and wagon to escort Hanami's remain to her shinobi village.
"I'll arrive at the shinobi village once I've reported to Master Sanada and the rest of my Lord's Army."
They agreed and left the battlefield. The one eyed dragon and my lord battled Oda on the rooftop and were visibly at a disadvantage.
We saw a flying object pass by and go to them. I ordered my ninja squad to halt the aid.
"Master Tadakatsu?!"
Yukimura's POV
Lord Masamune was being choked by The devil king.
"Masamune hold on."
I heard a stomp behind me. "Master Tadakatsu?!"
"Damn that Tokugawa Armor! So you're not dead yet?"
The devil king struck his armor. "All who defy me shall be vanquished!!"
A hail of bullets came towards us and I jumped towards the lower roof of the castle.
"He only aims for the cracks in his broken armor—I!"
Masamune grabbed my arm. "Leave him be...take the image of his form into your eyes..."
Tasakatsu took the bullets and fought oda valiantly. He struck him but missed.
"Your services are no longer required. Back to the scrap heap with you!!"
Tadakatsu exploded and from the smoke emerged Nobunaga unscathed.
"We got one last shot Yukimura...let's finish this." Masamune stated.
"I swear on my life, I will..."
"After all this you all still try to win, you are insects who deny my military rule."
"Boss of Oshu, Date Masamune full speed ahead!!"
"Takeda General, Sanada Genjiro Yukimura the flame in my heart shall never extinguish!!"
Third persons POV
With the support of the west and eastern alliances Oda Nobunaga was fully encircled and defeated at Azuchi Castle. The battle saw losses for everyone. The battlefield emptied leaving behind the souls of those who gave their lives for the sake of the country.
"Master Yukimura, I'm glad you are well after your battle with the devil king but our hearts grieve for our losses." Sasuke stated.
"Yes Sasuke it is the nature of war to lose comrades."
Katakura kojuro arrived with lady Yumi in his arms into the camp. "Yukimura this girl wears your clan symbol..."
"Yumi?! What is she doing here?! And why is she injured?!" Yukimura panicked grabbing her away.
"Master Sanada, Lady Yumi, Megohime and Hanami defeated and sealed Nobunaga's monstrous pet...after the battle....lady Yumi suffered some injuries during the sealing, Megohime perished as consequence of the seal and Hanami also gave her life protecting Yumi." Sasuke explained.
"Lady Yumi's life was saved by Hanami who gave her life to seal away the demon weapons...but we don't know yet of Yumi's condition after the sealings." Kojuro detailed.
"Yumi...Why didn't she tell me of what she was planning? I could've helped her, protected her so Lady Hanami's life would not have been sacrificed!!" Yukimura shouted.
"Master even if you knew only Yumi and Hanami knew about sealing rituals it was the only way....I'm sorry...I share your feelings master...if I had known...hanami could've still been with us."
Yukimura sighed. "Lady Yumi needs medical attention Sasuke, we need to go back to Kai...."
"Yes commander, I'll follow once I arrange the....end means for Hanami."
"I'm sorry for your losses Sarutobi, Yukimura... I must go back to my Lord."
"Likewise...hopefully we meet again someday on a battlefield." Yukimura agreed.
Kojuro's POV
"Lord Masamune!!!"
"Kojuro, it's finally over..."
"Yes and now the land can be at ease for now..."
"Kojuro call our army to pack up and go home we are done here."
"Yes sir."
I took out the call horn and alerted our troops to make way home.
"Masamune... I recovered this in the mist of the battle..."
I handed Masamune a black coat the one I took from Megohime.
He frowned when he recognized the emblem
"This is....hers...."
"She told me to tell you...that she wished to have battled you one more time."
He scoffed with a torn look on his face. "What a foolish girl...I promised I'd beat her little pompous self...thanks for the time you were here on this earth."
Resting a hand on Masamune's shoulder. "There's much to celebrate but also much to grieve..."
Time skip~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
3 days later....
Yumi's POV
I felt a sharp pain in my back as I opened my eyes. A bright light shining into the surroundings... birds singing...the sound of hammers and the shouting of men.
"Yumi I'm glad you're awake!"
I turned my head to see Yukimura, holding my hand.
"Yukimura...what happened? How long have I been asleep?"
"It's been 3 days since the encirclement of oda...it's finally over for now Yumi....Master Katakura brought you to me you were injured in the battle against Nobunaga's minion."
"Yukimura, Hanami and Megohime did they..."
He frowned. "I'm sorry yumi...lady hanami and your friend Megohime lost their lives at that battle..."
"Lady Hanami and Megohime sama are gone..."
"I'm sorry Yumi..."
Yukimura kissed my hand and sighed. "Yumi why didn't you tell me about your plan to seal the yokai....you could've died, Hanami saved you so you could live."
I reached out to him and caressed his face. "If I told you...you wouldn't understand what was at stake...what I had to do to protect everyone to protect you..."
"Yumi I love you more than anything, you're the woman I want to be with for the rest of my life..."
"I love you too, we can get through this together..." I begged.
He leaned in to kiss me. "I know we can... now let's see if you can get up, I bet you need stretch after being out for so long." He teased.
I giggled. "Of course."
Yukimura grabbed my hand and another on my waist as I attempted to get up.
"Yukimura...something's wrong...."
I looked at him in panic. "I can't move my legs...."
End of this one shot series of Date Masamune: the rider with the demon sword and it will branch off into the other one shots that have Yukimura and Yumi as part of their series.
I know it's been forever since I've updated this book but life is crazy and I've got some down time to focus on other things and I wanted to finish this particular one shot.
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