Chapter 2: Alnus Hill
Third POV:
Imperial Senate
A large gathering of men in Roman style senate is underway. Every representative of The Empire is present to debate on the gate situation. A single man Marquis Casel in the center petitions The Emperor Molto.
Casel: My Lord, the Gate situation is an utter catastrophe! I am sorry to report that over 60% of The Imperial Army is now gone. How do you propose we respond to this situation?
The Senators in the gathering all clamor in great uncertainty
Casel: How do you intend to lead the nation in face of such a crisis, Your Majesty?!
Molto: Steady Marquis Casel, no doubt things seem untenable at the moment. *Puts hand over eyes* And yes it would appear the military advantage we has completely evaporated. But I believe what actually troubles you is whether our subordinate nations could combine their remaining strength and bring rebellion to the steps to the capital. *Removes from eyes and smiles* That is the truth threat is it not?
Casel: What?
Motlo: Every time we find our in a precarious situation, the Emperor, the Senate, and the people of the Empire unite, an thus manage to grow even stronger from it, my dear Marquis.You cannot win every battle in war. Therefore, I will not hold anyone accountable for what happened in this fight. I'm sure that neither the Marquis nor the Senate wish to engage in debates, rather than trying to keep the Capital from surrounded by enemy forces.
The Senators all smile and clamor in agreement
Casel: *under his breathe* He's conveniently forgotten that he's the one who started this.
A man named Godasen with walking stick and bandage around his head makes his way to the center.
Goadasen: What is your plan Your Majesty? Two days was all it took for their army to cause such incredible losses. They've seized control of the Gate and are now establishing a foothold on our land. We tried to take the Gate once they arrived and it was a complete disaster. We couldn't even get close to them! I have never seen such sorcery! It's as if they cast fire itself!
A bald man in armor named Podawan rises up from the gathering speaks up and everyone turns to him.
Podawan: We must fight! Our vassals must give us what we demand! Rebuild our army using their soldiers!
Senator 1: That would only make things worse Senator!
Senator 2: And only repeat Godasen's mistake!
The Senate begins arguing and debating until the Emperor raises his hand and the chamber falls silent.
Molto: Waiting for matters to worsen is not the answer. Therefore we must stand and fight. Send messengers as far and wide as their horses will take them. Tell them we need their assistance in repelling the invading forces, and we need them right now. *Rises from his Throne* Make it so! Have Godu, Rio, Gwaban, and all of the Allied Kingdoms rally to us! It's time to re-take Alnus Hill!
The Senator all clap and hurl praises at the Emperor as Casel approaches him.
Casel: Your Imperial Majesty, I fear Alnus will leave another battlefield littered with the corpses of men
The Emperor smirks a that statement.
Time Skip
Y/N POV: Morning, Alnus Hill
Yesterday, scouts spotted large concentration of hostiles gathering south of the hill. It looks like their going to make move on taking the hill the question is when? I was checking on one of the lookouts when one SDF soldiers nearly salutes me
SDF Private: Oh morning Lieutenant L/N!
Y/N: As you were Private and don't salute me here you'll only make me a target.
SDF Private: Um sorry sir.
Y/N: Don't be sorry just don't do it, any movement at all.
SDF Private: not really it's been pretty quiet actually sir.
I take my Binos and look to the South and spot a large number of hostiles crossing the exclusion line
Y/N: Oh boy, here they come look like an entire division.
I get on the radio and call for an artillery strike
Y/N: Thunder this Yankee do you copy over?
Thunder: *radio* This is Thunder go ahead Yankee over.
Y/N: I got eyes on a division sized force coming from the South and crossing into phase line Alpha break.... Requesting fire mission on phase line Alpha fire for effect over.
Thunder: *radio* Copy that fire mission received artillery strike in bound over.
I look in to my binos again to watch in anticipation for the strike.
Y/N: Good hits Thunder targets destroyed out.
SDF Private: Dear god. *look on in horror*
Y/N: Well that's one way to start the morning off. Coffee?
Time Skip: Afternoon
I'm siting on a Type 74 tank eating the Japanese equivalent of an MRE, gotta say it's better than a lot of MRE's in the Corps gets. I was joking with some SDF guys.
Y/N: Okay, here something no one ever say's, "This job pays way too much."
We're all laughing at that, when I see another large hostile force coming toward the hill supported by wyvern riders. I take out my binos to confirm the size of the force.
Y/N: Ah shit, that's three times as large as this morning!
I jump off the tank and start organizing the defenses
SDF Tanker: Yes sir!
SDF soldiers begin taking their positions
Y/N: Get the Triple A online and take out those wyverns!
SDF Soldier: Roger Lieutenant!
I take cover and get my binos out begin observing the enemy's movement as tanks begin raining hell on their line of advance I see wyverns riders fast approaching.
Y/N: Where's that fucking Triple A?! Those wyverns are coming right us!
SDF Soldier: Lieutenant, Triple A is online and engaging now!
I turn my binos skyward to see the wyerns being cut to pieces by Triple A fire
I look on as flying beast fall right out the sky and as scores of men being blown away by tank and artillery fire. I see their bodies broken on the killing field I can hear the screams all the way from up here and I don't feel any sympathy for them at all. They wanted this fight and they're now getting it. But apparently killing thousands of them this morning wasn't a big enough message. As I could see no more movement I order a cease fire. The guns die down, screaming dies down, and all that's left is death.
Time Skip: Night
It had been a long day I'm out on the line about 500 meters from the wire. I'm inspecting the machine gun bunkers to see if everyone on watch is awake and alert even though we killed a lot of them today.
Y/N: Make sure keep alert, there's no moon tonight so they could try and use the darkness to their advantage.
SDF Soldier: Roger that, Lieutenant.
I stand on an vantage point looking over the wire with my binos out as some flares burst out over the night sky I see a large formation of hostiles trying to rush the hill.
The gun teams man their machine guns and wait for right moment as flare fall on the wire I see group of me forming a shield wall just past the wire
Y/N: Shit, they're over the wire! OPEN FIRE!!
The machine guns begin laying down a barrage of lead towards the wire, I go up and down the line directing fire.
Y/N: Talking guns people! Talking guns! Short controlled burst!
I observe through my binos as all the hostiles over the wire are dropping like flies and explosions go off all around them. I see what appears to be single silhouette in the distance as he seem to be readying a bow and arrow and looses toward our position.
Y/N: What the fuck?
I feel an impact near my left foot I look to my side to see an arrow lodged in the ground next to me.
Y/N: Son of a bitch, if was I just few inches to the left, that could've gone right into my head.
I observe the silhouette once more as he appears to be standing still and disappears before an explosion.
Y/N: Game over pal. CEASE FIRE! CEASE FIRE!
The machine guns fire halts and the explosions begin to stop and all that's left is utter silence. I make my way back to my tent for some much needed rest I look to the men.
Y/N: Good job today guys now get some rest, there's gonna be a lot of clean up tomorrow.
SDF Soldier: Thank you sir.
I turn to him with a smile and nod
Time Skip: Next morning
I'm outside the perimeter with Itami and Kurata conducting a BDA(Battle Damage Assessment) impact craters, discarded weapons, and human remains are scattered everywhere. Birds are circling over us to scavenge what's left of the dead. Itami picks up a broken bow while I'm smoking a cigarette.
Kutrata: So did you hear the report, intelligence says they lost sixty thousand.
Itami: Plus sixty thousand in Ginza, two army corps worth of men.
Kurata: Don't tell me you're worried about them.
Y/N: *blows smoke* I'm sure as hell ain't worried.
Itami: A hundred and twenty thousand people, why would they send so many? What kind a country are we fighting?! *Throws the bow*
Y/N: The kind of country that has no problem sending a hundred and twenty thousand guys to their deaths Itami *takes drag*.
Kurata: What do you mean Lieutenant?
Y/N:*blows smoke* Think about it, see all these different banners scattered around here. I also kept seeing different uniforms every time they came at us.*drops cigarette and crushes it*
Itami: What about them L/N?
Y/N: These were probably vassal or allied countries, so whoever sent them here knew they would be annihilated. Most likely to keep their own positions secure, I mean we crushed an entire army our first day here.
Kurata: So you're saying this was a political move and not a military move sir.
Y/N: That exactly what I'm saying Kurata.
We start heading back to the base to report and get new orders.
Time Skip: Washington D.C, Oval Office
Third POV:
The US President Dirrel discussing with his advisors on the gate situation in Japan.
Dirrel: What in the hell does Japan think their doing? They move an entire division across the Gate, and box themselves in like a bunch of baby turtles for crying out loud!
Advisor: Their first mission regarding this has been purely to evaluate politics. Their only interested in controlling certain areas.
Dirrel: *laughs* Oh my god. Well they're missing out aren't they? They've stumbled upon a gold mine of untouched resources! They just gonna let it sit there? That does nobody any good. What about this? We've got guys in Okinawa, just send them in.
Advisor: That may not be a good idea, sir. the other leaders are hoping to allow Japan to uh... just to drop the ball on this. The thought is to let Japan simply fail on their own this time.
Dirrel: Interesting, We don't want to get pulled down with them. "Plausible deniability" is a good friend to have. What about our guy on the ground now, have we had any reports from him yet?
Advisor: Not yet sir, no communication haven't been made yet. But Lieutenant L/N was ordered to make a report as soon as he is able to.
Dirrel: Well let me know as soon as the first report comes through.
Advisor: Yes, Mr. President.
Time Skip: Alnus Hill, 5th Combat Team Headquarters
Itami and I are standing front of Major Higaki as he's giving us new marching orders.
Higaki: We need intelligence to decide future policy. Investigating their political base, religious faith, and what kind of industries are most prevalent in this world are at the top of our upcoming fact finding missions.
Itami: Well that sounds like a great idea. Best of luck to whatever dummy gets that job.
Higaki: Congratulations, "Dummy" It's all yours.
Itami eyes widen and I nearly chuckle at that remark.
Itami: Huh?... Please not me.
Higaki: What?
Itami: I can't do something like that myself.
Higaki: Relax Dummy, we wouldn't entrust it to just you. We've already organized the six deep recon and surveillance units we need. You and Lieutenant L/N will command one them. Your mission is to make contact with inhabitants inside the disputed areas Lieutenant L/N will be second in command.
Y/N:(I'd say we already made contact with the inhabitants and killed a lot of them) Yes Major.
Higaki: And if you don't get your ass shot off, start a friendly relationship with them.
Itami: Ahhh...sure...I guess if that's an order.
Higaki: It is, and much as it's pains me to say this. You are in officially in command of the 3rd Deep Recon and Surveillance unit.
We leave command tent and head toward the assembly area.
Itami: Why'd I get paired up with you again?
Y/N: Because both our politicos thought it would be good press to have well documented "heroes" as a buddy team.
Itami: So were told just to stick with each other
Y/N: How come I got made 2IC?
Itami: Well technically I outrank you.
Y/N: Oh bullshit, you got your rank few minutes before I did!
Itami: Well that means I was a 1st Lieutenant a few minutes longer than you L/N.
Y/N: Oh fuck you let's go inspect the unit!
We arrive at the assembly area Sergeant Major Kuwabara assembles the unit.
Kuwabara: FALL IN!
Kuwabara: *salutes* 3rd Recon Team ready to go sirs.
Itami: *salutes back* Hey, Old School!
Y/N: *salutes back* Good to see you again Sergeant Major.
Itami: How we looking here?
Itami: Uh, thanks for falling or whatever I'm Lieutenant Itami nice too meet ya.
Y/N: Smooth, now let me show you how it's done. Alright for those who don't know me I'm Lieutenant L/N United States Marine Corps I'll be 3rd Recons' 2IC. We'll be heading out to make contact with the locals. Hopefully not hostile ones, but make sure you're stocked on ammo, water, and MREs. However, when we do make contact I expect each of you to conduct yourselves the same way I expect my marines to conduct themselves. You get me?!
3rd Recon: SIR!
Y/N: Ooh-rah! Itami when you're ready.
Itami: Oh god, I miss one train the to sexy Shimbashi and now I'm here in platoon fulla dudes.
Y/N: Hey, I was just an American tourist in Tokyo, Now I'm on a military expedition in a whole new world.
Itami: Alright let's get crackin folks
Kuribayashi: *under her breathe* You're kidding, this the dipshit they sent us. I'd rather take orders from the American.
Kuwabara: MOUNT UP!
After making contact with locals in a place called "Coda Village" we got directions to a forest settlement a few klicks out. I'm in the lead vehicle Itami and Kurata are talking anime up front and I'm in the back with Sergent Major Kuwabara as he navigates and Sergent Tomita is sitting across from me.
Tomita: By the way, what are we doing with gear that's like ancient history. I mean our vehicles seem to be modern and up to date don't they.
Itami: It's probably just a cost management thing. They figured worst case we'd have to ditch and run like hell.
Y/N: At least we don't have to worry about IEDs. Roll over those in one of these things and they'll be putting what's left of us in buckets.
Tomita: So we were given weapons we can afford to lose.
Y/N: Same with the Corps, you think I brought this M-16 by choice.
Itami:Besides all that new stuff has all that gadgetry that needs GPS. No satellites out here so no need for it. Am I right?
Kuwabara: We're just bringing along what we need. Kurata there ought to a small river coming up on a little bit alright. Follow along the banks for a while and we should be getting a pretty good look at that forest they were telling us about.
Kurata: Got it, Top.
Tomita gives me a curious look.
Y/N: Got something on your mind Sergeant just ask.
Tomita: Well sir, I know you've been with us since day one but really don't know that much about you. All we know you're our advisor and official US observer.
Y/N: Well Itami already knows this, but since were gonna be working together might as well get know me better and everyone can hear me. I grew up in (your home state), my dad was a Navy Captain he wanted me follow in his foot steps in the Navy but I wanted to be a Marine. I loved movies like "Full Metal Jacket", "Heatbreak Ridge", and even"Jarhead." I joined the Corps when I was eighteen, went to college just the credit hours to qualify for officer school. I got high SAT and ACT scores when I got my hours I went to Quantico, Virginia for officer training. After graduating both officer and infantry school I was stationed in Camp Pendelton, California. I got my baptism of fire in Iraq, Nearly got my head taken off by sniper fire. Then stationed in Camp Schwab, Okinawa and deployed with the 3rd Reconnaissance Battalion to Afghanistan. It's almost funny the way both worlds are spinning now.
Tomita: So how did you end up in the Ginza Incident sir?
Y/N: I was told to check out Tokyo by other marines, wrong place at the right time I guess.
Kuwabara: You performed well during our prep drills before coming here. Perhaps fate brought you here Lieutenant.
Y/N: Maybe it did Sergent Major, but I've killed more guys here than all my tours combined.
Tomita: But why did you volunteer for this Lieutenant?
Y/N: As you recall I was at Ginza, we having a saying "Americans sleep peaceably in their beds at night only because rough men stand ready to do violence on their behalf." I wanted to help so you could to the same for your people.
Tomita: But you could have stayed college why this life sir?
Y/N: Bah, it's not for me. I love my country and I love the Corps. If I live to be old and gray, I won't be as mean or as lean but I will always be a Marine. Ooh-rah.
Everyone smiles at my dedication then I look to see smoke on the horizon
Y/N:Hey there's smoke at our twelve.
Everyone looks forward an we proceed towards it.
We're overlooking the forest as it's currently ablaze the Sergeant Major is looking through his binos to see if he can spot anything of significance.
Kurata: It's on fire alright.
Y/N: No shit Kurata, did you figure that one out on your own?
Kurata suddenly regrets saying that as Kuribayashi chuckles at that
Itami: A big one a that what could have caused it?
Kuwabara: You gotta see this one for yourselves Lieutenant.
We look through our binos and spot a large flying red dragon continuing breath fire down below as it veers back and forth across the forest.
Itami: Holy crap!
Kuwabara: That thing is like King Ghidorah with only one neck.
Itami: You really are a classic I'll tell you that.
Y/N: I would have gone with "Reign of Fire."
Kuribayashi walks over to us
Kuribayashi: Lieutenants would you like us to do sirs.
Itami: *serious tone* Sergeant Kuribayashi do you think you can hold my hand for me. *scared tone* Your commanding officer is getting kinda scared over here.
Kuribayashi: Eat it.
Itami: Is that a no?
Y/N:*snickers* I like her.
Kuribayashi cheeks turn a little pink at that remark. The dragon roars catching our attention Katsumoto aims the fifty cal at it and Touzu points his rifle at it.
Y/N: Hold your fire! Don't piss that thing off unless you want to serve it Japanese barbecue!
The Dragon flies away.
Kuwabara: Guess it's bugging out.
Itami: So think about it, why would a dragon burn down an entire forest with nothing else around?
My eyes widen at the what the answer to that question.
Kuribayashi: Well Lieutenant, ya know if you're really that curious about it maybe our new dragon friend would be happy to sit down for a quick interview.
Itami: Are you always like this?
Y/N: It's like they said back in that village Sergeant there's a settlement in there.
Everyone has concerned looks on their faces.
Itami: Hey Top, we gonna have to wait to set up camp.
Kuwabara: Got it, we're back on the move people!
Time Skip: Destroyed Settlement
The rain last night put out fire so we moved in to investigate and look for survivors. Houses have been reduced to their foundations and charred bodies are all over the place as we look through the rubble for any sign of life. Itami, Kurta, and myself and patrolling through when Kurata sees a charred corpse.
Kurata: uh...Sirs?
Itami: I know keep moving.
Y/N: What's the matter Kurata ain't seen a dead body before. Even after all the guys we killed so far.
Kurata quickens his pace. Itami find a well and he start drinking from his canteen and I drink from my Camelbak. Kuribayshi reports her findings to us both.
Kuribayshi: Lieutenants, at first glance here I'm see about thirty two foundations throughout the settlement. The majority of which appear to be roughly the size of family dwellings sirs. And we only found twenty seven bodies. The rubble and wreckage could be hiding the rest.
Itami: Assuming you have three people in a household.
Y/N: That gives us one hundred dead with no survivors.
Kuribayshi: This is just horrible.
Imtami: Supposed then that dragons in this world will attack groups of people
Y/N: Sound important, probably should let the General know.
Kuribayashi: Maybe, but I'm not sure the General is going to like what else we have to tell him. Fifty cal barley put a dent in the wyverns in Ginza and they weren't breathing fire all over the place.
Itami: *grabs well bucket* Flying tank with a flame thrower is not a good thing. We should see what kind of recon we can do to learn more about them. *throws bucket into well*
Y/N: You probably shouldn't be drinking the water here Itami.
Kuribayshi: Sound like it hit something. What's down there?
I take out my flash light and shine it down the well.
Itami: Not a what but who? We need a hand over here!
Y/N: Corpsman!-I mean Medic over here now!
A/N: Damn this was a long one, I'm going to leave this here I hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it. Give me a vote, share, follow me if want have and great day or night and I'll see you next time. LATER!
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