Chapter 1: Ginza


I was walking the streets of Tokyo in the Ginza district, just your average foreign tourists. I got lost and thought to ask a local police officer for directions

Y/N: Excuse me Officer, I'm kinda lost can you give me some directions

Officer: Oh a foreigner, sure where are you heading

Y/N: Well I'm heading for-

Out of the corner of my eye I swear I saw something fly low and fast I shake my head a little my mind must be playing with me

Officer:What's wrong?

Y/N:Thought I saw something-

Then it flew directly over us with a huge gust of wind myself and the officer shielded ourselves



I see people screaming and running for their lives and the officer opens his patrol car gets on his radio to call for backup and what appeared to be a man in steel-plated armor rush up and stab the officer with a sword


I reach into the patrol car and grab the officer's shotgun circled around the car turn the safety off and pointed at the hostile soldier.


The soldier turns to me I squeeze the trigger and it fires into his chest he dies instantly bleeding on the ground I see to the downed officer he was dead sword planted in his chest with eyes widened open I take his badge and close his eye lids

Y/N: I'm sorry, I'll make sure someone gets this. Alright then who's next? *pumps shotgun*



I make my way few blocks away from where I was and I see a police officer about to attacked by another hostile I was about to aim and fire the shotgun when someone grabbed him and threw him on the ground.

He then had him in a headlock and grabbed his knife and stabbed him in the neck killing him I rush over to help the man who is now covered with blood

Y/N: You alright, that was some nice moves man *offers hand*

???: *reaches for hand* Yeah I'm okay didn't expect to see a foreigner here

I pulled him up and look over to see a police officer and a young woman shaken but unharmed

Y/N: You both okay?

Officer: Yes were okay....Hey where did you get that shotgun!

I reach into my pocket and hand him the fallen officer's badge

Y/N: He didn't make it, I'm sorry I'll return the weapon when this is over. But for now let's just focus on staying alive

The officer takes the badge with a somber look on his face

???: Is there anywhere to take shelter?

Officer: We're moving civilians to the old Imperial Palace

Y/N: Funny, I was gonna go check that place out, well let's move out.


We're arrive at the Imperial Palace there is huge line of panicked civilians trying to get inside I pull security as the guy I met earlier is getting the police captain to open the palace gates to let the civilians inside as riot police start arriving.

Riot Captain: Those things have overrun the government district Sakuradamon is still holding, reinforcements are coming.

???: Where's the enemy force?

Riot Captain: On their way here.

Riot Officer: Contact ahead!

The enemy is 100 meters away from a police line I take up position near the main gate with other officers.

???: Who's coming first?

Riot Captain: Helicopters from Ichigaya.

Regular Officer: First Division is responding as well

Y/N: a QRF is on the way this gonna be awesome

???:How do you know that acronym?

A/N: For the those who don't know QRF means Quick Reaction Force

I hear helicopters in the distance then I see Cobra attack helicopters,(I know they call them something else but that's what they look like) the helicopters begin attacking the dragons bringing them down, as ground forces arrive and engage the the enemy's main line. I watch in absolute excitement as the enemy line is cut down in droves and routed before superior firepower.


???: They're starting to break up their formation


As the JSDF and police begin a counter-attack part of me really wanted to go with, but I was almost out of ammo and would only get in the way. I return the shotgun the police and start mingling with the other civilians when I ran to that guy from earlier who was helping a little girl.

Y/N: Hey, I don't think we introduced ourselves. Lieutenant F/N L/N United States Marine Corps.

Itami: Oh, a US marine well then Lieutenant Yoji Itami Japan Self Defense Force.

We shook hands thus began the craziest journey of my entire life



Several days have past since the "Ginza Incident" occurred  apparently a gate ( and roll credits) appeared in middle of the district and brought the attackers through no warning, no provocation. An accommodation ceremony is held in Tokyo for myself and Itami. He was accredited with saving over 100 civilians and I was accredited with same along 6 confirmed kills. An American and Japanese flag are on the wall side by side. Marines from my battalion and soldiers from Itami's JSDF battalion are present and applauding our accomplishments.

Y/N: *whisper* Dude what's your problem? You look like your dog just died.

Itami:*whisper* Oh it's just that that a comic convention I was going to go to  got shut down that day.

Y/N:*whisper* Really, you're more concerned about a fucking convention than your country being attacked or people being killed.

Itami:*whisper* Hey I only joined to have a job to support my hobby okay.

Kinda of a jackass but to each their own, we were both presented accommodations promoted to First Lieutenant now the question on my mind is what's going to happen next?

Time Skip 3 Month Later Ginza


The Japanese have put together an expeditionary force to invade the "Special Region" I have been assigned as the official military attache, advisor,  and US observer in fact I volunteered for it  due to my combat experience in Iraq and Afghanistan and both of our governments believed it was good PR.  In that time I trained with SDF, learned their Rank and File, and gotten to know Itami better he's still a hopeless geek but he's alright. The SDF soldiers are standing at attention just outside the gate along with myself in full gear as their Prime Minister gives a his speech.

Prime Minster Motoi: Thanks to the efforts of former Prime Minster Hojo and much multi-partisan support. This action is finally authorized and ready to begin. You carry all the hopes and dreams of our people with you. Members of the Defense Force serve us with distinction we shall except nothing less of you. We would like to express our graduate toward our friend and ally the United States for attaching a capable officer as our official military attache, Lieutenant L/N  on behalf of the people of Japan I thank you for your heroism and service to our cause.

I nod to the Prime Minister as he ends his speech and the general gives his briefing

General Hazama: I am Lieutenant General Hazama, several missions have scouted the Region over the last 4 weeks. So far, all of them have returned safely but we still don't know what were facing. Therefore, I suggest you all get ready for the possibility of a fire-fight the moment you reach the other side. We're moving out shortly stand by.

Itami and I look to our left and see the girl from three months ago with her mother at a memorial for those who died during the attack. The mother crying and the girl standing with no emotion on her face. I lock and load my M-16 as the SDF lock and load their Type 64 rifles, Type 74 Tanks and vehicles begin revving up as infantry board the transports  the general pulls me aside

General Hazama: You're going with the first wave Lieutenant L/N?

Y/N: Yes General, Marines are the first to fight and I plan to be with the first boots on the ground sir.

General Hazama: *smiles* Very well then, good luck and godspeed Marine.

Y/N: Ooh-rah! Sir!*salutes*

General Hazama salutes back and I board the same transport as Itami the large doors covering the gate begin to open and the order is given to move out. The tanks go first followed by mobile artillery and infantry transports everyone is quiet except for Itami and a Specialist named Kurata

Kurata: Hey you got a sec I hear there are catgirls and stuff over there you think it's true

Itami: Well hell, why wouldn't there be.

Y/N: Alright cut the chatter and listen up, you all heard what the General said scouts have been coming back just fine. But we don't know what we'll be waiting for us when we get there. So I want everyone stocked, rocked, and ready for contact the moment we hit the other side. This is what we've been training for boys and I'm proud to fight along side each of you. NOW GET YOUR GAME FACES ON!

SDF Soldiers: SIR!!


The vehicles spread out and stop on a hill and a tank gunner spots a large force about 500 meters out.

Tanker: *on the radio* WE'VE GOT CONTACT!!

I kick open the doors of my transport and almost literally jump out of it on to the field.

Y/N: GO! GO! GO!

Infantry begin disembarking from their transports


SDF infantry begin taking position on the hill with their rifles pointed downrange, Tanks are arming main guns and ready to engage the enemy. I see what look like several hundred torches down the hill ahead of us.


My rifle is downrange toward the enemy as the sun rises behind us giving us another advantage I hear horns blaring in the distance after hearing that I give the order.

Y/N: FIRE!!!

  A/N: Whoa we are off to a banging start aren't we?  Anyway I'm going to end this here vote, share, and follow me to if you want to keep in mind I'm going to be pretty infrequent when comes to releases I might start abbreviating ranks. So with that a have a great day or night I'll see you in the next chapter. LATER!!

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