Home PT.2 (Todoroki family X Reader) Platonic
Father wasn't home, he's busy buying groceries and went to visit Mother. Fuyumi was at preschool teaching children, both Natsuo and Shoto were in school studying. You had the house for your self and it was perfect.
Because of this, you were able to find Fuyumi's stash of sweets she tightly sealed away in one of the kitchen cabinets that usually contained generic condiments. You have no idea why she has loads of sweets, but you assumed it was something she uses to reward her students in some kind of way, so you let it be.
You stepped on the stool, reaching for the cabinet. With flourish, you were able to snatch a few hard candies and lollipops from the jar before closing it. You gently hopped off the stool, before idly going about your business in the house. Perhaps watching television would kill some time. Maybe you'd watch a movie and brew some coffee and cook some popcorn, who knows? There's just so much to do.
You plopped by the couch, innocently sucking on a pink lollipop as you casually flipped channel by channel until you find an interesting TV show worth watching to ease the boredom. When you've settled on a show, you just sunk further down the plush comforts of the couch, mildly entertained with the show about painfully dysfunctional and petty couples from two different countries trying to work their relationship out.
It was then you realized that you aren't allowed with sweets. You never knew why, the doctors said you were only allowed to have a minimum amount of caffeine consumption, but said nothing about consuming sweets. But you have some presumption that Fuyumi knows about your sugar addiction and you'll never stop eating sweets... For that part, good on her for figuring out about your addiction to sweets, but she really needs a better hiding place. You can just smell the candies from a mile away.
You never knew you missed the sensation of having the house for yourself. It's been a long time since you've been catatonic. It seems even if a decade passed, you can never get enough of home. Having the house for yourself was one of the pleasant sensation where being alone isn't too overwhelming. It was peaceful, quiet... Oh one can never describe the feeling of being home alone, it was just so gosh damn fine.
Ahh, yes. The only isolation I acce—
There was a knock at the door. You shot up from your seat, shocked to hear the rather loud and persistent knock at the door.
Huh... Dad's a little early. Was the traffic short? Or is it Fuyumi? Maybe Natsuo or Shoto cut classes?
You thought, as you discarded the lollipop in the nearest trash bag just to be safe. You approached the door before cautiously leaning your ear on the wooden structure (there was no peephole, maybe you'll ask them to implement one on the front door some day) trying to figure out who it was. And if it was a villain, then you'd be fucked.
You violently leaned away from shock when the other person on the other side of the door knocked; more loudly and persistent this time. You glared at the door, before going to your electric guitar stand to wield for self-defense just in case and swiftly opening the door.
You were in utter bewilderment to see not your father standing by the front door back from his trip to the hospital and grocery store, nor Fuyumi back from preschool, Natsuo or Shoto cutting classes. It was a handsome young man in your age range standing by the door way who was equally as stunned as you are. There was a pause, until you spoke.
"Uh, hi!" You acted casual, as if you weren't holding the electric guitar in a defensive stance while slowly lowering it. "Umm, who are you here for?"
"Oh I'm just dropping by to see Endeavour-san... Is he there?" He asks, as tense as you were but slowly subsided.
You but your tongue back for a moment. For all you know he might be a villain and is planning to attack your father. With a long thoughtful answer, you replied, "Oh he isn't home. Would you like to come in for a cup of— uh, something to drink?" You tilted your head to the side with a saccharine smile. "He'll arrive soon, he just ran an errand. I'm sure he'll be returning soon."
He hesitates for a moment, before chuckling in delight. "Sure, why not?" You stepped aside, letting the stranger in.
"Oh just sit there by the couch, I'll get us something to drink." You said, rushing to the kitchen. "Um which one would you like? Tea or coffee?"
"I'm okay with water, thanks for the generosity." He called, seating himself on one of the couches.
You just nodded, unaware that he can't really see you. "So what's your name? Do you work under my father?" You asked, fetching the most decent mug in the cabinet and filling it with semi-cold water before filling yourself a glass as well. Arriving by the living room, you lay Natsuo's old All Might mug in front of him. He probably just bought it to upset your father, but you could be wrong.
"Just call me Hawks, I'm a Pro-hero." Hawks replied back with a grin. Pro hero, huh? You've never heard of him. "So, are you one of his children? I haven't seen you before, but by the looks of it, I think you're the eldest. Feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, though." He asks, before drinking from the mug, his golden gaze watching you from the rim.
It was then you noticed how intense and piercing his gaze is how affected you were by it. It was analytic, he seem to know what you're thinking with his gaze or you might be overreacting, but he'll you can't deny he is one handsome hunk. Heck, you just noticed his slightly muscular physique and the prominent red wings behind his back.
Damn he is hot... But why are his eyebrows weird?
"Oh-um—" you cleared your throat, a subtle hint of red coating your face whilst you averted your gaze for a moment. "It's because I was confined in a mental institution for a decade. I contracted a rare mental disorder and I was good enough to be discharged." You can barely hold on to avoid stutters but thankfully you were able to hold it back.
"Oh? Well I'm glad you're okay now," he smiles, leaning forward to meet your gaze.
"So why did you come to decide to visit my father?" You leaned back, hoping you would swerve the conversation away from your decade long confinement.
"Oh just hero business, no big deal." He replies, offering yet another sweet smile. You would be lying if you didn't admit your heart didn't skipped a bit. "Just going around, saving the people, fighting bad guys, just general hero stuffs."
Damn, is dad surrounded by hot models twenty four seven?
"Oh I didn't catch your name yet, sorry about that." he shyly chuckles, but maintained his cool composure.
"Oh!" You reddened. "Todoroki, uh— Y/N Todoroki. I'm the eldest child of Endeavour, you're correct about that. Then my sister Fuyumi's second, then Natsuo, then Shoto. You have heard of Shoto, yes? UA's second place of the Sport's Festival?" You giggled out of embarrassment.
"Yeah I saw how great he is out there," you nodded in agreement, before reaching for a photograph you recently took with your siblings and handed it to Hawks.
"Here's a picture of us siblings, we actually took that photo a week ago and it's my first picture since a decade," you giggled, whilst he examined the photograph.
"How old are you by the way? You're the youngest Pro-hero I've ever seen. Oh! Please don't take it as an offence, I meant it in the most nicest way possible." You were hopeful to keep the tension away from being awkward. It's been a long time since you've talked to someone people, but it was good to know you can come up with something to talk about at the top of your head despite your raging anxieties.
"None taken, no worries. I actually get that a lot. I'm twenty two, going to be twenty three in a few months," he casually replies, perhaps getting more comfortable within your presence. "Say, you look so youthful yourself. How old are you?" He returns the question.
"Oh, um I'm older than you," you assured. "We're just four years apart. I'm twenty six."
"Really? I thought you were like twenty one!" He chuckles, rubbing the back of his head. "I guess all Todoroki's are all good-looking, damn."
"O-oh?" You reddened. "Oh don't be such a flatterer!" You covered your mouth to avoid showing your red cheeks. "My mother's genetics are more dominant than my dad's."
He laughs, perhaps because of your reaction or he was just simply amused. "Oh? Still, you're the cutest fucking person I've ever seen!" His laughter subsides and speaks up again. "I have never heard Endeavour-san talk about his family. Heck, I barely see him in interviews. Tell me, how is he as a father?"
Your world stopped for a moment. It seems like he had triggered something in you, it started to feel familiar— but unwelcoming. You never wanted to feel these feelings again, you have no idea why and how it was triggered, you knew far too well you already forgave your father and have in a process of having decent relationship with him, but you still have no idea why these episodes are still happening.
Your chest tightens, adrenaline shooting through your systems even if you sense no damgers at all. It was a just a simple fucking question but how did that triggered one of your episodes? Your grip on the glass of water hardened, prompting for the glass to crack within your grasp whilst you eyed the carpeted floors. You can feel your whole body shaking, cold.
Your shoulders slowly sagged, but not relaxed. Your grip on your glass of water felt nonexistent and you can no longer sense everything around you. You can see things, but you can't make out what they were. All you can see were black dots swirling around as your vision blurs. You can hear a voice, but you can't understand what it's saying. You can feel, but your skin oddly felt numb... It went out for a moment, before you completely lost grip of your sense of reality, you were in your lonely headspace. It was just you and only you, the kind of isolation you loathed. It was just endless darkness, with you helplessly and endlessly falling through it.
In reality, you looked dazed, but there was no emotions in your eyes. It was like you were dead, but still breathing. Limp as a corpse, as they would describe.
"Hey? Are you okay?" The young pro hero shakily asks, a pang of concern evident in his voice.
No response.
His heart began to raise but kept his composure. He leans forward, waving his hand in front of your face. You barely blinked, nor breathed. He was fully set on panic mode, but he knew he had to keep his cool.
He knew you told him about your confinement in a mental institution for about a decade long after developing a rare disorder, but you did not mentioned which was it. Hawks had no idea what to do, but he tried his best to keep you from fainting.
The door opens, prompting him to shot up to see who it was and was surprised to see Endeavour standing by the door way.
Hawks didn't need to explain the situation, Endeavour connected two and two before he drops the groceries on the floor, rushing to his child side to tend to them.
"How long have they been catatonic?" Enji Todoroki asks, putting the back of his hand above their forehead.
"A few minutes," he shortly answers, looking at them from Endeavour's shoulder.
Enji analyses every possiblity to how you ended up like this, he knew you'd break away from your trance after a few minutes but it seems like you won't be doing that any time soon. He nods to himself, as if he had come to some conclusion in his mind, before he scoops you off the couch, carrying you to your room with the number two hero trailing behind his heel.
Enji gently lays you by your bed, before searching through your drawers to retrieve your medicine.
"So what's their deal? How did they developed their disorder?" Hawks asks, looking over them with a concerned look.
"Not now, Hawks," Enji shortly answers, retrieving a syringe from your drawers and pricks a vial of what Hawks presumes to be your medicine, before pulling the pump up to fill the syringe. He examines the content for a moment, before he injects the needles in your systems.
Your eyes relaxed, the dull look subsiding moment by moment as you blinked. Hawks was fascinated to watch you ground yourself back to reality by constantly blinking and looking around. At first you can't see a thing, your vision plagued with darkness, until you can see a blurry blob of reds, before you can finally ground yourself back.
"What happened?" Although you were disoriented, you wanted to assure them you're okay by speaking up.
"You forgot to take your medicine. Didn't the doctors said you should take it every two hours?" He narrows his eyes at you, firmly planting a hand on your shoulder. "You could've been sent in the clinic again for a month." It was the first time Hawks saw how genuinely concerned Endvour— Enji is.
"I'm sorry, it slipped from my mind..." You spoke, vulnerably and timidly.
Enji sighs, his pursued. "Next time, monitor your schedule, okay?" You nodded. "Get some sleep. We'll talk about this later." He stands up and leads Hawks out of the room. Before the door can fully close, Hawks peeked in your room and waves at you one last time. You never had the time to respond when he closes the door. You didn't mind that.
You slowly felt sleepiness creep in your system, causing you to yawn. You snuggled close to the soft comforts of your bed, before falling asleep.
Meanwhile downstairs, Endeavour was conversing with Hawks about what happened.
"I would greatly appreciate it if you won't bring this up to the public, I don't want my family exposed in media because of me." Endeavour cautiously looked over Hawks.
"Say, I have no idea you can this soft." Hawks chuckles out of amusement, and he swore he saw a tick mark by Endeavour's temple. "But yeah, I promise I'll keep my mouth shut. Cross my heart and I swear to die."
"Good." Endeavour shortly answers.
There was silence for a moment, until Hawks spoke again.
"Can I like— take one of your kids out someti—"
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