Dance Instructor (Tamaki Amajiki X Reader)

"Put. Your hand. On. my. Waist." You glared, yanking his wrist and placing it on your waist, whilst he continued to look down within utter despair. He can't shake the jittery feeling off his body when he is holding you like this, with little to no distance, whatsoever. He has never held anyone like this. He hates the fact you were too nonchalant about this, while he was having a hard time having a staring contest with the floor instead of looking you in the eye.

Who knew classical music, an awkward hero in training and a particularly bold individual dancing can have a great chemistry in awkwardness?

He trembles, lowly bowing his head to conceal his face, with a shade of shameful red spreading to his neck and the tip of his ears.  "Now chin up, let's do the basics," he nods, lifts his head up within a slightest degree, and began to sway you from side to side.

"You need to be the one leading the dance, Amajaki, not your partner," you sighed, after unexpectedly French dipping the boy low on the ground, causing him to yelp in terror. "Don't be afraid to be dominant. Waltz is supposed to be a conversation between two people without the use of words." Reeling him back, he stumbles forward and momentarily lets go of your waist.

Getting Y/N as a dance instructor would be nice, Mirio said. It will be fun, Mirio said.

It was then Tamaki realized that it was a bad idea to ask Mirio to ask Y/N out without being straightforward. And so, Mirio decided to get Y/N as a dance instructor instead of a prom date partner. All he wanted to do at these moment is to crawl under a rock and die. He can't even look you in the eye whenever you taught him things whenever you dance.

He shyly, and stiffly held your waist, his other hand entwined and lifted up. He kept his awkward distance, afraid to brush against you. It was already close enough for him to feel uncomfortable at the thought that you might be. He doesn't wanna make you uneasy by being near him. He always thinks that who would want to be with a weirdo like him?

He heard you sigh, before grabbing his hand again and firmly placing it on your waist. He can only bite his bottom lip in shame, red with embarrassment. Tamaki particularly feels guilty you had to deal with him. If only he had the guts to ask you out without having the urge to bolt and jump off the nearest bridge and Inge to his death. For once, he picked and prayed to a deity for a small drop confidence devoid of any social anxiety for solely this time, but alas.

"I suggest you hold your partner's firmly, but not to the point of hurting them. You don't want to make them uneasy when you're stiff and tense," you lectured. Tamaki let out a squeak, when you snaked an arm by the small of his back, and pulled him close, until you were chest to chest. Tamaki wasn't sure how to react, and only sputtered with his words.

"I-I-uh—" he stammers, his fingers subconsciously clutching on your waist. You can feel his  cold, sweaty palm that held yours hand, but didn't mind it one bit, seeing that it would send the boy in yet another stress panicking session, in which you'd hate. "Um— I—"

"It's natural to be this close with the partner. It's more easier to move around. Fluid-like, if you may," you reached and placed your hand by the back of his shoulders and let him lead the dance.

You aren't going to lie, this was the most closest distance you've ever gotten close to Tamaki. You were glad you were extremely great with keeping up your façade and not breaking down in embarrassment in front of him. If you would, he'd probably mistake it for terror, causing him to sprint and look for the nearest wall to face and bury his face on it.

"Okay, just side to side, box steps, twirl and dip. Or do it your way, you're the dominant one in this dance," you nodded to reassure him. "Let's start, alright?" He shyly nodded, his clench on your hand and waist tightening.

He starts to lead the dance, often glancing at you for reassurance, in which you only nodded at him. You were glad that he is able to find approval within your gaze, and soon enough, he was getting slightly confident when moving— dancing. He was stiff, but at least he is improving.

After finishing the four minute orchestra piece you picked, he steps away and bows. He can't help but to feel a little giddy inside when he saw your smiling character. That warm, damn precious smile they give him that makes him feel things. He can feel his chest cramping with joy, with you sheer image smiling, it already filled all of his heart.

"That'll be for now," you smiled at him, giving him a pat on his shoulder and taking a seat by one of the bleachers. "So what made you wanna take my lessons? Seems like you want to impress whoever you're taking to prom," you smirked, taking a chug from your small canteen of water.

As much as you're jealous, you can't help but to feel curious. Mirio did asked you to teach Tamaki, telling you he was shy to ask you to teach him how to dance since he didn't knew how to. Whoever he's going out with must be popular or pretty, or both, since he took it upon himself to ask you to teach him how to dance.

"U-ummm..." He paused, his eyes averted from you. Tamaki rushed to make a lie. "Nejire."

"Huh, no wonder," you turned away from him, packing your bag. You don't know whether he can hear the bitterness of your time, but you didn't mind one bit. "She is a blunt one, if I do say so myself."

"Uh, y-yeah—"

"Let's not meet up here tomorrow for the dance practice. My folks and I will be picking out my attire for prom," you proclaimed, strapping the bag on your shoulders, before turning to Amajiki with a smile. "I'll see you around, then." You smirked at him, before walking off.

He can only stand there, dumbfounded to what he just said. Tamaki puts where his hands belong to, smacking it against his forehead with a grunt.

"Gosh darn it, Tamaki... You had the chance..." He writhes to himself, having the strongest urge to lunch himself by the hips. If only Mirio were here to help him, he doesn't really know how to deal with these feelings. He shakily held onto his shoulders, lips quivering with confusion and embarrassment.

The prom venue was perfect. The student body has really outdone themselves this year, and you couldn't be more thankful for attending by helping the others with decorations. The UA gardens was the perfect choice for the venue, numerous gazebo occupied by students dressed within their best, having the time of their lives and you couldn't be more happy for them. The UA ball exclusive for third to fourth year only, the staffs and of course, a few pro heroes.

You say by the bench, with a plastic cup in your hand. You can only hope the drink was spiked with alcohol to stimulate the so-called 'Party feels' your friends has been telling you. You never knew you'd be following your friends' advice to down a swig of alcohol to be a little more social.

You're begining to question whether the teachers know the drinks were spiked with alcohol. In fact, you just saw Mount Lady drunk off her rockers, clinging onto Midnight. Not that it matters to you right now, you were too busy drowning your misery with a spiked drink.

Ah, one-sided love stories. At this point you're starting to think that pain and rejection were the only things feeds you to keep you alive. The sheer number of times you've fallen for the same old shit, never learning anything whatsoever.

"Dance, dance, dance," you muttered under your alcoholic scented breathe, head swaying from side to side to march the beat of the slow dance that had just commenced. Couples, friends, co-workers crowded the dance floor, silently swaying from side to side, waltzing...

You spotted a few people in the dancefloor; Mister Aizawa, Miss Midnight, Mount Lady, All Might, Hawks, the Principal... Mirio, Nejire, and oh of course how could you ever forget the certain pale-faced, wingless angel?

You looked down, staring at the floor. At this point, you've already noticed how many amount of people wear the same shoes. Hell, you even saw a few students dancing with bare feet. You can't blame them, high heels can be quite uncomfortable.

"U-uhm—!" You looked up, eyes half-lidded. Maybe it was the alcohol acting up, but you can somehow see the red faced angel, tugging on his neck tie to loosen it. "Uh— y-you—"

"Sorry kid, but I don't dance with people who are dared to dance with me unless proven otherwise," you deadpanned, taking another sip from your drink.

"I-it's— i-it wasn't a dare! I-I promise, I swear! U-um— I-I uh—" Tamaki waves his hands out of embarrassment. "D-do you want to dance?" 

"Ya sure you wanna dance with a nobody like me?" You leaned back in interest. "Look, angel cakes, you deserve someone better. I don't even know you~" you slurred, your attire becoming loose and loose by the passing moments within intoxication.

"W-why are... you acting— w-why are you acting like I'm a stranger?" Tamaki whimpered, staring at your abnormally flushed, red face. It only took him a moment to connect two and two before he figured it out. "A-are you drun—"

"Shhh~" you put a finger over his lips with a giggle, your chest touching his. "Don't be a snitch, doll face. It'd be a shame if my night will be ruined because you decided to report me~"

With his face equally flushed red for a different reason, he subconsciously held onto your your body. A position of a waltz you taught him that somehow etched to his brain enough for him to react like this the instant he feels your body touches his. As if he automatically thought you were still back at the gymnasium, teaching him how to dance.

"Hey! Don't touch me like that!" You slurred, attempting to push him away, but only managed to make him flinch than move away. "I may have low standards but that doesn't mean you can touch me however you see fit! Besides, I like this one third year named Tamaki. That shy fucker had me like a putty in his hands." You collapsed on the grassy ground on your bum, burying your hand on your face.

"Cute nose, perfect eyes, flawless skin, lovely personality, wonderful dreams and ambitions... The way he subconsciously smiles about the littlest things, his quite little ticks when he's embarrassed..." You rambled, pulling the person next to you, forcing him on his bum.

It was possible you were far too drunk to be sober up immediately, perhaps it'll wear off tomorrow. Perhaps you were to drunk to even recognize him and you can't believe that you can't actually hold alcohol that well. You just sat there with the familiar stranger whom you never recognise, rambling about the boy of your dreams you hoped to sweep your off your feet and take you to no-man's land.

Tamaki Amajiki, the hopelessly shy individual, blessed with no confidence whatsoever, was stunned. Extremely stunned, he was feeling too hot for his coat and suit. His heart was erratically jumping in his chest, his body felt numb. How in the hell was he going to calm down? The person he has a crush on was confessing to him without any shame whatsoever. Perhaps it was the drink's influence, but he was still stunned.

"— his voice is extremely pleasant to the ear... Wouldn't mind hearing it forever. I don't care whatever he says, hell, he might as well say 'It's free real estate' and my body would be ready," you rambled on and on. "I just wanna be conquered by him— I'm willing to give my whole body to him! I just want him! And only him! I can't face another rejection, especially from him! He is my everything!"

"The deep ache in my chasms, the glimmer in my eyes, the reason for my smiles, the reason I live! The reason I exist! He is my bright star— fuck it— he is my whole damn universe! Fuck the skies, fuck the galaxies, fuck the world— he is my whole universe!"

He burned brighter than anything, his hands absentmindedly reaching for your and entwined it together, squeezing it tightly.

"Hey-hey! What did I say?" You pushed him away, a strength he never knew you possessed until now, when you managed to push him enough for him to land on his side. "I have a dream guy and I just want to be his. Just because you look like him doesn't mean you get to do some weird fucken shit around me." You attempted to stand up, only to wobble and stumble as you walked.

"Y-Y/N?" He nervously called, standing up and headed to you.

"Fuck off, buddy. I'm determine to find mah man and make him mine," you slurred, attempting to walk to the party without tripping and falling. Tamaki nervously whipped his head, afraid that you might get caught by anyone, especially the teachers. "Yo! Aizawa! Yoo-hoo! Capital E, mah boi wassup?! Have you seen my fricken ma—?!"

Tamaki, although under panic, immediately tackled you to a nearby bush to hide you from any form of attention, afraid that you might get punished for drinking in school. He was a panting mess due to nervousness, while you were just giggling under him. It was then he realized the position, with him pinning you by the ground with a hand over your mouth. He can smell the alcohol mixed with your sweet fragrance, an intoxicating mist he can't help but to like... But now's not really the time.

"Tamakiiii! I was just looking for youuuu~ it's funny you're here, there was a weird fucken guy that's bothering me," you slurred, poking a finger nearly poking his eye. You held him down, snaking your arms around his neck. Poor boy was already being unwell from the surge of intense adrenaline that he can't get enough of. "So how's the date with Nejire? She's cute, I don't mind being stepped on by her— heck I'd even thank her—! But that's not the point!" You giggled.

"I love you~ I just wanna be yours. Just— step on me and I'd be satisfied, or somethin'." You poked his cheek. "Or kiss me. I don't really mind. Do something to me, do things to me. I don't mind."

"Y-you're drunk... I-I t-think you had too much to drink—"

"Well then, I'm a weak one. I remember drink one... One bottle, if I'm counting. Say, do you remember the time you and Mirio accidentally kissed—"

"L-let's get you home—"

"No! I wanna be here with youuuu~" you giggled. "We didn't even get to danceee, I wanna see you dance~ there's a pole right there and —"

"Y-you need to go home before you get caught—"

"How about you make me?"

You woke up with a head splitting ache. With a groan, you held your head within your palms. The night was blurry, you can't particularly remember anything. Sitting up, you drank a add of water by your bedside table— wait... In realization, you looked around to be somewhere you werent familiar with.

Was I roofied last night?

Before you can properly process the night, the door opens to reveal the boy himself. He was hiding by the frame of his door, whilst holding a tray containing things.

"G-good morning—!"

"T-Tamaki! You-uh—! Wh-what are you— what am I doing here?" You asked, using the sheets the cover your upper body, mostly the bottom half of your face to conceal embarrassment.

"Y-you're— um... You drank too much last night..." Tamaki stuttered.

The first thing that came in mind was your blank memory. You can quite recall a few of your legal aged friends doing embarrassing things when drunk. If he was the one who took you home— to his home— he might remember something you've done.

"Did I do something dumb? Say something dumb?" You grunted holding your head, while he rushed to our you a glass of water.

"I-it wasn't dumb... It was... Q-quite cute... So cute..." He seems to absentmindedly mutter to himself.

"Enlighten me," you asked, drinking the glass of water. "Ahh, fuck I'll never drink again..."

"Y-you... I-uh— you were— a-ah..." Tamaki uncomfortably squirmed. "Um... Y-you didn't recognized me— a-and started to ramble about... A-about... Um... The-uh—" his mind immediately went blank, only remembering the things you said to him that night.

By the look of his face, flushed red and seemingly unsure, immediately made you worried.

Shit, what did I do?

"W-what did I rambled about?"

"T-That... That you-uh— um... Ehehehheh— that you... L-love me..." He finally finished. Your face sunk, numerous emotions flash and fought over you. He immediately takes noticed of this and began spouting off. "I-I didn't mind it! I-I-it wasn't bad! In fact— I admire you too! I-I uh, I may or may not— Ahh that's not right— I want you to know that— I-uh-um— I like— uh, love— I kinda sorta love like you, too! Ahh, I'm a mess sorry for that—"

Without any warning, you pressed your lips to his to stop his babbling. The poor boy felt faint, shocked and obviously out of his mind. After you pulled away, it was his turn to pass out.


AHHH, my first hero one-shot ^-^

Hope ya liked it as much as I love writing it! Precious boy is one of my favourites to be honest <3

Thank you for reading!

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