After the Fire

(I'm baaaackk. Also I love Jayden lol. Btw do y'all require summary? I think y'all do, been out months. 

Basically (Y/N) can see things. She has a best friend called Jayden who we later find out is the midnight man (she does not know this yet.) (Y/N) sees a vision of Jeff and realizes it was not a vision when she sees him again the next day. She eventually goes to live with Jeff at the Slender mansion but not for long before Slenderman kicks her out because he believes she is distracting Jeff from killing. While she is leaving, she gets caught in a fire in the slender woods. She awakens in the hospital and is told by Jayden that she imagined the entire thing. Here is the continuation)

Jayden doesn't leave completely. He keeps the door open a tad so that he can check up on me every few seconds. His eyes, lifeless, make contact with my own. There's something different about him, but maybe he's only acting like this because he's concerned. I send a friendly smile his way, but he sneers and turns away.

Across the hallway, my mom and a doctor are talking. My mom, face buried in her hands, cries as the doctor comfortingly rubs her shoulder. "I assure you we will treat your daughter with best care."

"I don't understand, doctor! She never showed any signs."

"We'll schedule a meeting with a psychiatrist as soon as possible. If there's more to this, your daughter should be able to answer our questions verbally."

"My daughter is not crazy! She is just like any normal girl, doctor, I swear it!"

"It's all right, ma'am. Come with me. I'll get you some coffee."

"I don't want coffee! I want my daughter to be-"

Her words die out as she walks faster to keep up with the doctor. I shake my head softly. I'm not schizophrenic. I know what I saw and I know I'm not crazy. Jayden's the crazy one with all that starting the fire talk. He wasn't even there!

My voice is hoarse when I call out to him. "Jayden?"

He turns. "What?"

"I want you to explain it," I say, forcing myself to sit up better. "I want to know everything."

He leaves the doorway and marches over to the bedside. His eyes are dark as he gazes down at me, lips straight as a line. "What did I tell you about being nosy?"

I want to cry. He's being so weird. "Jayden, stop it! You're scaring me! Just tell me what's going on please, and no jokes this time!" 

"Scaring you?" Jayden asks. There's a grin on his face now, and his body appears to become less and less apparent. "If you want to know true fear, I will gladly bring him out."

My body is shaking, hands pushing Jayden's now shadow like body away from me. I can't see his face or clothes, just a transparent darkness inching close to me, but I can still feel him slightly. "Him? Who?"

"The Midnight Man." His body is full shadow now, and I'm no longer able to touch him. Based on the tone of his voice, I can tell he's smiling. "Are you ready to face your biggest fears, (Y/N)?"

"Get away! Someone help! Please, help me!"

"Come with me. I won't hurt you yet."

His shadow passes through me and all I'm able to see is darkness. I'm standing, still in a hospital gown, and the only thing I can see is myself. But I'm not looking at myself through my own point of view; I'm observing myself through someone's eyes in the darkness. Yet when I move my arms, my own arms move. I'm still myself, only I'm not able to see through my eyes.

I watch as I move along the darkness. The sound of water droplets falling on a pond alerts me. Ahead of me, rain begins to fall over my body. It's cold water, way colder than normal. As  I turn back away, I realize the rain has taken over all of the darkness. I shiver and wrap my arms around myself. My hospital gown is too wet to provide me any comfort from the rain or the unstable temperature. So I cuddle against myself, lips quivering, as I convince myself it's all another one of my visions. 

A voice-Jayden's voice- echoes from above. I see no one though, not even his shadow. "I've always wanted to do this to you, (Y/N)." Thunder crackles, but no lightning. "I've always wanted to see your biggest fear."

"This is nothing!" I shout, assertion in my voice. I need to show him I'm not afraid of him.  "I can handle a little rain!"

He laughs. "The rain is there for dramatic effect, dear. Your biggest fear is accepting who you truly are."

"That makes no sense. I know very well who I am!"

"Do you? Do you really?" There's a low chuckle, more thunder, then he speaks again. "Haven't you ever questioned your visions? Your sanity? How about the slender mansion?"

The scenery around me shifts into a foggy view of the slender mansion, hidden behind tall trees. Jeff stands at the front gate, smiling, as usual, but there's a glimmer in his eyes which make me feel certain he's smiling for real. 

I reach my hand out. "Jeff."

The slender mansion fades away, leaving Jeff alone. The glimmer in his eyes is gone, and he's searching around the bushes, shouting incoherent words. 

"You can see him. You can see them. You can see everything." His voice is soft, yet haunting. My own best friend. But at this moment, it feels as though he's changed into a different person; a person whom I don't know. "But why? Why do you see everything?"

Slenderman appears next to Jeff. Jeff's hands shove towards Slenderman. He's still shouting, but I don't know what he's saying. The two fight for a while before the images fade, and the darkness engulfs me again. I fall to my knees, water from a puddle splashing onto my thighs. 

"Don't you realize, (Y/N)? You're special."

"What do you mean?" My words are more of a whisper.

The voice above me laughs. "You're the mediator between your world and theirs."


"Everything non human."

"But Jeff is human."

"Is he?"

Jayden's voice begins to travel around me, like his body is moving as he speaks. I hear him whisper in my left ear, then my right, then both. The rain stops and all images vanish. Jeff's screams dangle in the air, begging to be heard. I want to run to him, tell him I'm okay, that I'll live with him in secret and Slenderman won't even have to know about it. But I can't. I can't because what I'm seeing are only visions, and in reality, my body is at the hospital.

"You realize I can read your thoughts," Jayden says. His voice sounds more human this time, like he's warning me the way he used to warn me in school whenever my crush approached me. "Every time you travel here, your thoughts are mine." 


"This is my world, (Y/N)."

"I don't understand." There's an odd pain to my head. Not the usual headache. 

"Let's just say, in a way, I'm like you. I'm also a mediator. Except I'm a bad essence. I have the ability to make people go crazy. I can get inside their head, bring out their worst fears, and oh, my favorite part... watch them become what they fear the most." His giggle is childish. "The thing is, you were already crazy. I didn't have to try with you. I didn't have to be summoned by you."

I feel his ghostly fingers on me now.

"That's why I think you're so interesting. These things that you see are seen by yourself. I cause nothing."

He presses on my shoulders and a chill runs through me.

"Call me a bad friend, but I'm jealous of how well you handle this ability. Hell, you managed to make friends with your visions!"

"Jeff is not a vision!" I shout. His fingers fall of my shoulders. "They're all real!"

"In a way," he says. "They're real to you. And you're real to them. Physically, neither of you are real, at least not in your worlds. You aren't real in Jeff's world, and Jeff isn't real in your world."

Even without his fingers on me, I still feel chills. I'm imagining Jeff and he's imagining me? It's all so crazy, but I believe Jayden. I believe the Midnight Man.

"What do you want from me?" I finally ask. 

I can't see him, but I know he smiled at that. "As I said, (Y/N), you're special. You are a mediator. But you shouldn't be. The only one who should be allowed to cross worlds and minds is myself. Since your arrival in Jeff's world, I've had some...restrictions with the creepy pastas." He pauses for a while. "Now that they have you, they turned their back on me. Blah blah, something about me being untrustworthy. Blah blah, they don't want me to get inside their heads." 

"They know what I am?"

He snickered. "I'm surprised they haven't told you. So much for friends." 

I lower my voice. "So you want me to stop seeing Jeff?"


Just like damn Slenderman, huh. 

"The only way to stop seeing him is to forget about him. Your visions are caused by your own memory. You might not believe it, but you are in control of what you see. And every time you allow yourself to see something, you allow me into your head." 

I say nothing, my heart pounding.

"That's why I started the fire. I wanted to somehow give you amnesia."

"You could have killed me!" I shriek.

"Things apparently didn't go as planned," he says, ignoring me. "You decided to be nosy. So now I'm giving you a choice. Do you want to continue having visions or do you want to die?"

Those words leave a pounding in my head. He's serious. This is serious. I might never get to see Jeff because my crazy best friend knows how to read minds. And as far as I know, he knows how to control me too. But he's right. I am afraid of accepting who I truly am. His words crawl inside me, tugging at my most vulnerable parts, and I'm left fighting back tears. 

It's then that I realize whose point of view I'm looking through; it's Jayden's eyes. He truly sees all. 

In his world he sees all. In other worlds he hears all. In my world he is nothing.

A heavy breath leaves my lips. I don't know what I'm supposed to do now. 

"Come with me," says his voice again, room spinning and shifting back to the hospital setting, "I won't hurt you yet."

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