chapter 6

Another day, another round of torture.

Your shoes slid into the classroom, where before you entered, voices can be heard from the inside.

Well, the talking immediately stopped when you walked in the room.

You stared at them, and they stared at you. The group consisted of your friends; Nathaniel, Marinette, Kim, Nino, Max, Mylene, and Alix. They all formed a circle.

"Morning," you said.

"Morning," they all replied. You then proceeded to go to your own seat, still looking at them suspiciously when they began to talk again as if they have some plan going on.

Curious, you texted your best friend Alya. Maybe she knew what was going on.

But the bell beat you to it. It signaled for the class to start as students walked back to their chairs. You sighed as Ms. Bustier entered the room. Maybe it's best to just talk to her personally later.

Almost an hour later, being a generous teacher she was, Bustier had granted an early dismiss, so you all had free time to do anything. This is your chance to get to talk to Alya.

You watched her cleaning her desk when you decided to approach her and sit beside her, since her seatmate was out in the meantime. "Hey," you said, smiling tightly.

She smiled but then slowly frowned with her furrowed eyebrows when she noticed your forced smile. "What's wrong?" She tilted her head.

"Nothing, I just wanna ask you something-"

"Oh!" Alya's face brightened up. "Before I forgot," she said before rummaging through her bag and went to retrieve your favorite treat. "Here."

Your lips formed a small smile. "Thank you. Anyway, what-"

Nathaniel's loud laugh interrupted your sentence. It echoed throughout the whole room and you jumped slightly to the sound of it. It also shocked you how Nathaniel was able to laugh that hard and loud. It wasn't like him at all.

You and Alya turned to your table where Nathaniel was at the verge of crying from laughter. His chair was tilting backwards as he laughed hysterically. His table slamming was really the peak of it all.

You and Alya shared both concerned and amused looks. You wanted to know the reason why Nathaniel laughed. If he laughed this hard, then it really was a funny joke.

Meanwhile, the golden-haired boy across him, also your seatmate, was sweating bullets with his face turning red. He had his hands in front of him as he flailed it in front of Nathaniel's face. Looked like his mouth was forming an 'o' shape, having you to assume that he was saying "No, no, no!"

Nathaniel wiped his pretend tears. "Oh, Adrien!" He screamed. "You're hilarious, man! Can't believe you're head over heels in love with this girl, damn."

Adrien shushed him, "Do you want me to tell everyone about your crush on Mari-"

Nathaniel was unperturbed. "Nah! This is way more interesting. You're coming out and telling me that you love how she makes you laugh all the time, how she's pretty and all that shit. Ahh, Adrien-"

You tuned Nathaniel out and turned sharply to Alya. "Wait, he has a new crush?" You whispered.

"Who do you think that person is?"

"I don't know," you sighed. "But he has a new crush apparently, and I already know it's not me."

"Girl, no." Alya grabbed one of your shoulders. "Think, Nath said that the girl makes him laugh, and she's pretty. You're all of those things! Maybe, this time things will be different."

You only sighed again. "Don't do that to me, Alya. Don't give me hope."


You and Alya joined each other for a walk home.

You looked at the ground. "...why."

Alya turned her head towards you as she held the straps of her bag. "Why?" She repeated.

"I like him again." You huffed, hands flying up to your scalp. "This is so frustrating. I hate myself." You groaned.

She frowned at you. She placed her hand on your shoulder as you continued to trudge your way home. "You can't control your feelings. Just let it be, don't blame yourself."

"But..." you paused. You turned to face her. "Why do I have to like him when I know that he will never like me back."

Alya flinched at your statement. "Ouch..." she said quietly. "I don't know." She sighed. 


Back home, you opened your group chat and saw that Nino and Adrien were currently arguing over something. What happened? You didn't know, you were too lazy to read back and learn the context. 

Nino, be quiet will you!!

or whaaaat HAHAHHAAH

you can't do anything. you have to do everything in my command or else i will spill your precious little secret mwahahaha

you wouldn't. 

I will!! HAAHAHHAH i will tell the whole class... 
your crush... 

NINO!!!!!! DON'T!

You rolled your eyes and backed out of the group chat. You messaged Alya instead. 


what is happening.

honestly i dont know.
who is this crush!!!


I DON'T KNOW!!! ugh this is getting annoying

You are getting annoyed because they are still beating around the bushes. Who was this crush they're talking about? The way they're talking behind your back, being giddy and excited and serious, really hurts your heart and mind thinking about it. Thinking about how they don't trust you enough for a secret. How Adrien cannot bring himself to trust you. It just sends your stomach to a tumble that makes you want to scream.


The next day, you catched a glimpse of the blue-shirt guy you wanted to talk to so badly. "Hey," you approached him, placing your hand on his shoulder. "Nino. Can I ask you something?"

"Yeah, sure. What's up?"

Most of the students went already to their classrooms so it was only you and Nino left in the hallway. "Um... can you-" you trailed off. "--tellmewhoAdrien'scrushis?"

You said it so quickly you weren't sure if he even understood a syllable. Nevertheless, his eyes widened and leaned forward. "You really wanna know?"

"I guess?" You shrugged. "Yeah."

"Well, it's not my secret to tell, dude, I'm sorry." You frowned, not before Nino slung an arm over your shoulders. "I can give you a clue though. Clues, actually, since I'm a generous and kind-hearted guy."

You resisted the urge to roll your eyes. You didn't want him to change his mind.

"Number one: she has a vowel on her first name. Number two: she makes him laugh, a funny gal. Number three: she can be a little quiet and reserved at times but she can also be quite the extrovert. She and Adrien like the same music, and they're both old friends."

You nodded, trying to absorb every helpful information. "Okay, thank you."

"You're welcome. Don't tell him I told you though! Adri's gonna bury me alive. See you, Y/N!" He hurried to your homeroom where you both have to go. Nino probably thinks that it's way better to have him come in first and not have anyone to suspect that you two have been talking these past few minutes.



The girl with the auburn hair scrolled through her social media feed. She stared blankly at her cousin's updates as she sipped on her orange juice.

Her twin sisters were asleep so there really isn't much to do here. She already did her homework, blogged a bit and then went to take a bit of a rest.

Suddenly, she felt the phone vibrate in her hand, a notification appearing at the top.


She pressed the name immediately, replying to it as fast as she could.


What could you possibly want?

i know who adrien's crush is

Alya frowned at that. Shouldn't you be sad? Why send the haha's? Why could you be laughing? She then felt the urge to apologize to you.

y/n im sorry i knew who his crush is but adrien didn't want me to tell cause of what happened...

but who is she?

There. She finally told the truth she's been keeping from you. She had to admit, it was difficult since she considered you as her best friend, but Adrien was her other friend, and she couldn't break his trust just like that. What would you feel when she told you that she knew all along?

Of course you were hurt. You wanted to tell Alya that you knew who his crush is because it was obvious and you caught on with Nino's hints. You did not want to appear stupid.

But apparently, you were.

You didn't take a guess yet, but instead you regarded her last message.

wait what do you mean 'cause of what happened'?

when you confessed



i don't know
maybe adrien was too uneasy to tell you cause you had feelings for him


Alya stared at your message blankly. She rolled her eyes as she practically sent you an emoji with the caption:


but i know who she is


who is it?


You got the first letter right.




kagami tsurugi? the japanese girl from the next room. our classmate from last year? the girl with the short blue hair and yellow-brown eyes? adrien's fencing rival? yea. that kagami.

Alya winced. Sounds like you read her off in a Wikipedia page.

are you okay?

why wouldn't i be?

because you have a crush on him

pppsshhhh nah i don't have a crush on him anymore since last friday


it disappeared...?

She did not believe it for one second.

dont lie to me

i don't know!!
it's just

if you don't want to believe me, it's your loss




Read 8:44 PM

Minutes passed, there were no replies. Maybe you accidentally fell asleep.

Alya sighed, walking towards her bedroom before placing the phone on her table. She decided to just go to bed early this time.  She did her nigtly routine and dipped in her comfortable mattress. The whole time, she thought of Y/N and Adrien. How was she doing? How is he doing? How will everything turn out? She wasn't even sure.

But she was sure that Y/N was only pretending to be happy for him.

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