bonus chapter(s): good ending (final part)

The second Nino had read the message, his mind was sent into an automatic overdrive. His eyes widened as he frantically typed his message in caps. 





He was sure that Adrien could be joking. Just last week ago he was drooling over the raven-haired girl and he was telling the story of how he tripped when he played against her in fencing, saying he was distracted by her beauty. 

What happened?

The boy from the other end of the line, chuckled when he saw the newly received message. He shook his head as he walked on the long flight of stairs. He typed;


i'm in love with someone else 







Adrien's mind was immediately occupied with the thoughts of her, her laugh, her smile. Just her. He was sure of his feelings now. His feelings towards her. Without words, he just sent Nino an image of the two of you from graduation. He guessed that was the only photo of you together. Suddenly, he wanted this idea of having his phone full of pictures of the both of you. Oh how he longs for these moments.

Nino, on the other hand, as soon as the image popped into the conversation, he freaking screamed, "YOOOOOO!" 





is it

going too fast?

i mean

i can't stop these feelings

they just appear whenever i see her smile or laugh or just her presence in the room, 

makes me so happy dude

i really like her, man

Adrien was sure that Nino was cringing with his messages. 

But no, Nino was clutching his chest like crazy. He was like that soft meme where the guy was closing his eyes and clutching his chest and almost crying. Nino was just like that. He just felt so proud of his boy for coming to his senses, so proud that Adrien realized he deserves someone better, someone right for him. 

He was excited to tell the deets to Alya. He was already thinking of setting up a double date the moment Adrien asks her to be his girlfriend. 



i'm so proud of you

i totally didn't see this coming wow

i support you dude

i'm with you every step of the way 


haha thanks

i just got one question

do you think she'll like me back

like i know she told me she liked me back in may but

do you think she still likes me?


i don't know...

to be honest, you treated her like crap these past months 

but it's better to make it up to her as early as possible 

build the time you lost with her, you know?

then tell her about your feelings 

After replying Nino his thanks, Adrien began to prepare himself for nighttime. With his best friend's advice, he was set to get her to like him. He has one goal and one goal only;

to make her his. 


"No freaking way!" Alya exclaimed, continuously smacking her boyfriend's arm as the said boyfriend showed her his and Adrien's conversation. "Is this true?!"

"Apparently, yes it is!" 

They both fangirled and fanboyed at the same time. It was quite a sight. 

"Babe, I'm so happy for them!" Alya screamed.

Nino yelled, "I'm excited for our double date, ugh, it's been too long!"

They hugged each other, but not before she pushed his shoulders away from her. "See, I told you (ship/name) would be endgame! I told you!" She pointed a finger at his nose. 

He laughed, raising his hands up in surrender. "You got me. You're right. They really are perfect for each other."

"Hmm, yeah. I want to see how this turns out."

"Me too."

"Oh!" Alya suddenly stood up. "Nino, come with me to a store!" She tidied up her hair and clothes, looking at it approvingly. 

"Um, why?" He asked, but proceeded to stand up as well. 

"I need to buy Y/N her favorite treat." She groaned. "Ugh, curse my poor choice of words-- and I hate Adrien making me leave her with him! That excuse was so last year and going home all by myself was boring!"

The red-capped boi raised an eyebrow. "Why didn't you text me to walk you home?"

"Nino, you're actually at a real study group. How could I just pull you out of it? Now, let's go!" She didn't give him a chance to explain as she pulled his hand outside of her house. 


Adrien went to school earlier than usual. His eyes scanned the room and the first one he saw was his other seatmate, Nathaniel Kurtzberg. He was drawing in his red binder. Though before the golden boy could snap him out of his bubble, he caught a glimpse of his sketches. 

One really looked like Marinette, with her pigtails hanging behind her. It looked like a carbon copy of her. Adrien noticed that Nathaniel was drawing her as he goes. He concluded that he did not need a reference when it comes to drawing the baker girl. It was like he memorized every detail of her face, hair, and clothing. 

Yeah, that was not creepy at all.

Adrien decided that he needs to snap him out of it, wanting to get advice from the tomato-headed guy. He cleared his throat, signalling his presence. 

The sound alone made Nathaniel immediately cover the paper with his arm, then pushed it inside his backpack. 

The room went silent. 


"...Nathaniel?" Adrien asked. 

Nathaniel's turquoise eyes was directed at him. "Adrien. Nice of you to join me this early."

"Uhm-" he cleared his throat again. "Are you busy?"

"No! No, I'm not busy..."

"Good, well-" he cut himself off and decided to just sit on her chair besides Nathaniel. "Can I tell you something? C-can I... ask for advice?"

Nathaniel looked at him with narrowed eyes. "Sure... what's this about?"

"It's about..." Adrien closed then opened his fist. "It's about someone I like."

"Well she's beautiful, smart, and makes me laugh all the time. She's always there for me, and u-uh, I don't know, I've grown to like her more than a friend?" He groaned. "I don't know, Nath. What should I do?"

Nathaniel's eyes narrowed and his lips formed into a mischevous grin as if he should know this person. But just to make sure, he asked, "Who is this... someone?"

More and more of their classmates were beginning to enter. Adrien saw this and turned to Nathaniel with his half-lidded eyes and furrowed brows. "I don't need to tell you this, Nathaniel."

"Come on, Adrien. Just their first name." 

Said boy felt timid, his heart beat escalating. It even went faster when he just noticed the girl entering the room with a neutral face.


His head turned sharply. Nathaniel was waiting for him impatiently, causing him to sigh in defeat. "Fine. It's--"

The bell beat him to it. It signaled for the class to start as everyone walked to their chairs. Ms. Bustier entered the room. 

"I'll tell you later." Adrien said quickly before he had to stand up and go to his own seat, the former was now occupied by his crush. 

Almost an hour later, being a generous teacher she was, Bustier had granted an early dismiss, so they all had free time to do anything. As much as he wants to just watch her draw and do her thing, all he wanted was for her to stand up and do her thing somewhere else, like Alya's desk, so he could talk properly to the red-haired seatmate. 

Luckily, he saw her eyeing Alya, as if she wanted to talk to her about something important. Without another thought, she stood up and walked towards her friend, giving him a chance to easily replace where she once sat. 

He stared at her longer, making sure she's there and not coming back yet.

"So?" Nathaniel tried to say, but then he noticed the boy in front of him, looking at where she was, giving him a hint of who he has a crush on. "Oh my gosh- OH MY GOSH, DUDE!"

"What?!" Adrien snapped back, panic in his voice.

"Y/N?" Nathaniel whispered, his eyes had this hopeful, knowing glint. His smile was so wide and he was almost biting his lip.

He sputtered. "U-uh? What? H-how would you say that?" Adrien didn't have to explain for Nathaniel to know that it is truly obvious when someone has a crush. He's been observing his other seatmate for quite some time, after all.

"No way, man!" He screamed in laughter, catching the attention of all his classmates, making Adrien tense in his seat. He tried to cut him out but he kept on laughing uncontrollably. It's not that it was a joke but Nathaniel thought that it was about time Adrien had feelings for her. They are literally made for each other and it made him ecstatic and giddy he just couldn't help himself.

Adrien glared at him all the while noticing that his crush heard Nathaniel's laughing that it made her confused. She probably wondered how said boy can laugh so loud with all the time he's been drawing Marinette's face.

"Are you done?"

"Oh, Adrien." He was breathless, and he was just taking a deep breath to recover. While he did that, Adrien glanced at the girl who was talking to her best friend with a confused look. She looks so cute. "Man," Nathaniel butted in, making him turn sharply. "I can't believe you're head over heels inlove with her!"

He just rolled his eyes. The red-haired boy gave him a piece of advice Adrien wasn't sure to take. "Dude, just go with it! Life is short, you only live once! Nothing's holding you back!"

Still, he could not help but worry. He was worrying about the future, about her answer. Would she accept his confession? He felt scared.

But he has got to know.

That's why, on the week before their graduation day, he has a plan.


""This is boring," Alya stated. She was slumped over her desk, her glasses slightly askew. She was sluggishly sorting photos in her professional camera.

Since there were no classes anymore, his crush opted to sit next to her. She was silently dwelling in her own personal bubble, doodling.

"I know, right?" Mylene said, ending it with a sigh.

All of a sudden, a knock was heard, following with the sound of a door opening, revealing none other than Kagami Tsurugi. "I am here to deliver something to Ms. Bustier. Is she here?"

A couple of 'no's echoed until Nino said that it's okay to just place it on her desk. After doing so, she began to make her leave.

Alya, thinking it was a good idea, cupped her mouth and shouted, "Kagami!"

The ravenette stopped in her tracks and turned to face her.

"Can you do all of us a favor?"

Having no choice, what with the students stares, she carefully nodded, her cheeks turning pink.

Alya did not hesitate and stood up in her seat, grabbing ahold of Luka Couffaine's arm and leading him in the front with Kagami. (i do NOT ship lukagami. this is for the sake of the story.)

Her fellow classmates, now catching on to what's happening, started to cheer and chant. "Go, music boy!" "Get your man, Kagami!" "Luka's growing up!"

Adrien watched with a small smile on his face. Looks like someone has a crush... which somehow brought back his thoughts of her.

Suddenly he felt nervous. He slowly turned his head to see her still doodling, very focused in her work. She looked so cute with her brows furrowed and her lips in a small frown.

He didn't even notice that she saw him looking at her. She raised an eyebrow and waved with a confused face.

Adrien jumped in his seat as his face basically turned like the color of Nathaniel's hair. He didn't know if he should wave back or just turn around.

He managed to wave back. Phew.

Kagami finally exited the room. Luka let out a deep breath he didn't know he was holding. "Real funny, guys." He said, embarrassed.

"Don't be silly, Luka." Alya confidently strided towards him and placed her arm across his shoulders in a comforting way.


Adrien saw her stepping down the stairs and thought to himself, this is my chance!

He called her name but she kept on moving. He didn't know if she couldn't hear him or she just doesn't care. Still, he wasn't affected.

He bounded towards her, shouting her name the second time. He placed a hand on her arm, making her turn around. She didn't say anything. She just wore a blank expression.

"Can I walk you home?"

He thought he was running out of time. He wants to escape his overly-protective driver and his father's controlling assistant while it's still early.

But he was patiently waiting for her reply. 

She looked like she wasn't sure when she nodded as a reply, pulling her arm gently out of his hold. She began walking, while he tried to match his steps with hers. He thought the silence was awkward but he wanted it to be comfortable. She hoped she felt comfortable around him.

"Where's Alya?" He asked, even though he knew full well that he bribed her again hust to walk with his crush alone.

She half-shrugged. "I don't know," she muttered. "Texted me that she have some important things to do after school and I should just go ahead."


Another silence.

He quietly observed her in the corner of his eyes. She seemed to be thinking so hard about something with the far-off look in her eyes. Before he could open another topic, she spoke.

"We're here."

He didn't even notice. Man, he was so off today. He felt really nervous. He looked at her house then turned to her to see that she's already staring, as if she was waiting on what he has to say. He cleared his throat. "C-can I come in?"

She furrowed her eyebrows and a confused frown appeared on her face, making Adrien's heart beat faster than before that she could probably hear it. What would she say?

She agreed, to his utter surprise.

This wasn't the first time he went to her house. In fact, the last time he visited was when...

"I confessed to a girl."

"Who is it?"

"Well... she's in our class..."

She saw through him, he was internally freaking out. "Are you... okay?"

"I'm alright!" He exclaimed out of nowhere, slightly scaring her. "I'm just going to go... sit... there." He went ahead and sat down.

She didn't say anything, placing her bag down and walked towards thr kitchen, maynr preparing something to drink.

Meanwhile Adrien was on a verge of a panic attack. He wasn't sure if he should do this. He can't do this for sure! He took a deep breath. Don't be so frantic, Adrien. He told himself. He tried to calm down, quietly breathing through his mouth.

"Are you sure you're okay?" Her voice was so full of concern that it sent his heart to a frenzy. She was so caring and kind.

"I am fine! Don't worry about me!" He replied, memorizing her voice and just focusing on it to calm down.

"Okay, well-" she walked into the room, holding two glasses of juice. "Can I ask you a question?" She sat down in front of him.

She's sitting right there!!!!! She's in front of me!!!!


"Why are you doing this?

Everything stopped. Silence ensued. That made Adrien look directly in her eyes. Her eyes that expressed confusion, desperation, hurt.

He never wanted to hurt her.

"I-I'm sorry-?"

"Adrien, why are you doing this?" She closed her eyes, avoiding his gaze. "You know what I mean; complimenting my drawings, scooting your seat closer to mine, showing me your likes and dislikes-- and now, you want to walk me home and you're here, at my house, thinking it's okay to just waltz into my life again after hurting my damn feelings!" She bursted.

He just stared.

"Well?" She waited for his reply.

Instead, he just looked down, fiddling with his hands. "Y/N... I-I'm in love with you."

He felt her tense. "What... what did you just say?"

He lifted his gaze and with confidence, he cupped her face with both hands and looked at her in the eyes. "I'm in love with you." He was sure now.

In his hands, she shook her head in disbelief. "B-but- what about-"

"Y/N, I'm in love with you," he said it again. "I'm so sorry I didn't realize it sooner and I'm sorry for treating you like crap these past few months. I wasn't sure about my feelings back then, but I am certain about them now."

Tears formed in her eyes. "This isn't funny, Adrien." She leaned away from his touch as she quickly wiped her tears. "This is really not funny."

"I'm not trying to make a joke." He took her hand and placed it near to his chest. "I mean it. Please know what I feel about you."

Finally, he kissed her forehead slowly, a silent way of telling her that everything is going to be alright, that he will be there for her, he's sorry for all he has done.

She closed her eyes as she held his hands. Oh how she longed for his touch. She missed them so much. After a moment, she replied, "I love you." She went to hug him, with Adrien wrapping his own arms around her waist, tightening as he remembered the last three words she had said to him.

They basked in their own comfortable silence as they held each other. It seemed like everything's fine now. Although everything is not exactly the way it was before, in your minds, it was a little bit better.


A minute passed and it seemed that they finally stopped hugging. She was still sniffling with her tears forming when she asked, "But what about Kagami?"

"What about her?"

"Don't you have a crush on her?"

It seemed to have lightened the mood when Adrien chuckled wholeheartedly. "What? I don't have a crush on her. She really scares me."

It was her turn to laugh out loud. Adrien watched her, his own smile forming in his lips. His heart was jumping with joy upon hearing her joyous laugh again. "I can't believe I'm hearing this."

"It's true! Everytime we're fencing she always has this glare in her eyes that could be mistaken for a dragon. It's like she wants to kill me!"



abrupt ending, i know

but i hoped you like the 3-part good ending i just wrote in almost one sitting! thank you guys for patiently waiting just to witness my crappy writing

anywayyy, here's a question:

"when should i publish my nathaniel x reader?"

i don't want to see any answers saying that i should be the one to decide since im the author. NO! i am really indecisive and if you let me be the one to decide then it's going to take ages lmao

so yeah be my guest. i already have a cover (big thank u to my babyy seinquant) and im just going to plish my prologue and chapter 1 lolol

thank you!!


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