Chapter 10: Enjoying the company of his small family
I've been a rolling stone all my life
Flying all alone, flying blind
I've seen it all, I've been around
I've been lost and I've been found but
Who I am with you is who I really want to be
You're so good for me
And when I'm holdin' you, it feels like I've got the world in my hands
Yeah, a better man is who I am with you
(Chris Young; Who I am with you lyrics)
Nicolas woke up earlier than he has to be. He had showered and got ready to see his son Nicolai. He was only wearing a gray jeans with white v-neck shape shirt. He looks carefree and comfortable with his outfit. Since today, he planned on just hanging out with his small family. Take them shopping or anywhere they want, forget about everything and just focused on his son and Adriana.
Last night he was very happy. Even if is it's against his heart not being able to sleep with him and apart through the night, he thought it would be better than aggravating more of Adriana's family especially his brother who hated me with every fiber of his body.
The scene yesterday flashed through his head again. He still could feel the bruised on the corner of his lips. He ran the bruised area with his finger.
As soon as I claimed Adriana as my girlfriend, Guiseppe was very mad like a mad cow. None of us saw his fist coming to the side of my mouth and before I could dodge, it landed on my jaw sliding to the side of my mouth leaving a bad bruised on the corner of my lips.
Adriana was very surprise almost threw her to the floor as I was still holding her when Guiseppe lunged on me.
He got a good punch. I didn't retaliate as I touch my bleeding lip, just watching him as he growled like a crazy beast. Adriana shrieked so as her mother who came running from the kitchen when she heard the commotion.
Paolo reluctantly pulled him away from Nicolas before he could land another punch, as both gave him a venomous distasteful glare.
Then, everyone was stunned when Nicolai suddenly ran to Nicolas crying. Nicolas pick his son and Nicolai looks at Guiseppe, with his one hand curled around Nicolas neck. Nicolas was trying to hushed his son.
"Non mi piaci ora zio . Hai colpito papà ! " (I don't like you now uncle. You hit daddy!) Nicolas cried out. Guiseppe stiffened briefly, but then again, he ignored what his nephew said and ignored the shock when he saw how Nicolai was too close to him for a short time.
"Why did you came back? You should rot in your fancy stately nest. How dare you have the audacity to show up after leaving my sister after using her!" Guiseppe spit out enrage, with his chest rising up and fall with each breath. He looks ready to kill. His eyes was seriously searing, and if those orbs could kill, Nicolas had been buried six foot under the ground.
" Fratello Giuseppe , stop per favore .." (Guiseppe brother, stop please...) Adriana cried out, looking extremely worried as she ran to his brother's direction and stood in front of his enrage brother.
Nicolas saw how Guiseppe's face turned to Adriana in utter disbelief.
"Non posso credere che tu lo lasci ? Ti ha usato ! E lui si scartato come un pezzo di carne usa e getta ." (I can't believe you let him? He used you! And he discarded you like a disposable piece of flesh.) Nicolas didn't like his words, but he knew he was right, albeit his system wouldn't admit it, it was true.
"Ha ancora il diritto di conoscere suo figlio . E Nicolai merita di incontrare suo padre . Non possiamo nasconderlo per sempre da Nicolas ." (He still has the right to know his son. And Nicolai deserves to meet his father. We cannot hide him forever from Nicolas.) Adriana stated bitterly as she made her point to his enrage brother. And it seemed that her words works its sense and Guiseppe turned to stared at me still with his distasteful stare.
"And, what is your next plan? Taking my nephew from my sister?" Guiseppe scoffed sarcastically, in a mocking way as he sneer with loathe.
"No. I came to get them back!" Nicolas replied gritting his teeth. He doesn't like the tone of Adriana's brother.
"STOP! Nicolai shouldn't see this!" Sergio's voice roared inside the small living room making everyone look at him as he rose from his seat.
Guiseppe seemed to wake up from being taken over with his anger. He straightened himself and fixed his shirt. Paolo let him go and shot Nicolas a deathly glare.
"Don't you dare hurt my sister and nephew. I will kill you with my bare hands if I have to!" Guiseppe warned Nicolas which made Nicolas temper rose swiftly. He had enough of their threat.
Before he could retort, Sergio spoke with his controlled tone. "Stop Guiseppe. He knew better not to hurt any of them."
Guiseppe just stared down at his family in disbelief before he stormed out of their house. Paolo shot Nicolas a disgusted look before following Guiseppe out of the door. Nicolai realized his dad's bleeding lip.
"Papà il labbro è il sanguinamento . Dobbiamo mettere benda , (Daddy your lip is bleeding. We have to put bandage,) Nicolai said worriedly as he touch Nicola's bleeding lip. Nicolas smiled and assured his son that he was ok, but he looks unconvinced staring innocently to his bruised lip, then to Adriana.
"Mamma mettere un po ' di benda labbro di papà . Potrebbe morire . Non voglio che muoia ," (Mommy put some bandage to daddy's lip. He might die. I don't want him to die,) Nicolai blurted out to Adriana which made Adriana chuckled.
Nicolai was so innocent and it melts Nicolas heart with his words. He felt so alive and happy.
Sergio and Mikaela laughed thinking they grandson was adorable. He was so innocent.
"A bad guy doesn't die quickly!" Adriana chuckled to his son making Nicolas eyebrow raised in annoyance and he glared at her. Adriana just shrugged it off.
"Papà non è male mamma . Lo zio è cattivo , ha colpito papà ." (Daddy is not bad mommy. Uncle is bad, he hit daddy.) Nicolai responded too quickly, looking so innocent.
"Alright, daddy is not bad. But, he won't die with a little bruised," Adriana smiled to her son and Nicolai shook his head not believing her.
"Pepito's dog died because of his bruised?" he quipped too innocently. Adriana didn't coerce her reason and just nods to her son. Nicolas was smiling with his son's smart retort, although he wondered who Pepito is.
"Mettimi giù papà , voglio andare a prendere una benda . Io so dove la nonna li teneva ," (Put me down daddy, I will go get a bandage. I know where grandma kept them,) Nicolas squirmed off Nicolas hold and Nicolas smiled and agreed as he puts him down on his feet and he dash away to the stairs, trudging up with his little feet upstairs.
When his back disappeared, everyone shot Nicolas an apologetic look except Sergio.
Guiseppe didn't show up when dinner comes and the dinner went by smoothly without opening up the past. Nicolai asked Adriana to put the bandage to my lips and it was hard to talk and it felt uncomfortable with the bandage sticking on his lower corner of his lip.
Nicolai was too attentive and a chatterbox the whole night as he told a lot of story to Nicolas which the latter was too happy and fervidly gave all his ears and heed to him. He listened with his heart to all his son's story, even if sometimes it doesn't make sense. His innocence was just too much of adorable.
Nicolas thought he is a loaded of cuteness.
Nicolas heart was overwhelmingly fluttered with all this sweetness of his son. He also saw the stubborn side of him. He threw a tantrum which made him recall how his mom always tells him how stubborn and bull-headed he is. Now he was seeing himself to his son Nicolai.
He doesn't want Adriana to give him a bath. He insist he wants to do it himself since he was a big boy, his words as he stomped his feet and put his hands on his hips staring at adriana with his innocent eyes, mustering an angry look. Adriana rolled her eyes in retreat, then she watch his son bathing himself, occasionally sighed.
Since he was just a five years old who doesn't know yet how to wash himself well, Adriana really wanted to help him, but boy he was too damn bossy and never lets Adriana meddled in.
So he won. Nicolas chuckled and enjoyed as he watch how the two argued and he really has a smart mouth and Adriana has rolled her eyes countless times as far as I remember.
When he went to bed, Nicolai asked Nicolas and Adriana to sleep in each side as they read him a book, which was the two happily obliged.
Nicolas left their house reluctantly with a heavy heart. Adriana walk him to the gate. Nicolas pulled him to his chest and gave her a quick kiss after thanking him for giving him a chance to be with them.
Adriana just smiled and watch him as he walked to the awaiting limo. So he went home that night with different aura and smile plastered in his face.
Nicolas shook his head in disbelief. He still can't believe he had a son and he recognized him and called him daddy. He had accepted him even if he wasn't with him for almost five years. Nicolas was grateful of Mikaela, for telling his son that he was his father.
He knew beginning today, he's life is going to change. He is going to be a good father to his son and will do everything to make him happy and make up for the lost five years.
Nicolas pick up his phone and strode out of his room and heading to the door down to his awaiting limo. He was going to just enjoy this day without anything to think about other than his small family. The excitement to see his son and Adriana grew extensively.
Soon enough, he was walking out the hotel and walked to the awaiting limo with his driver, Alessi who was standing beside the limo door like a statue with his stoic face.
He nods his head as he greeted me and I nod my head back in acknowledgement and climbed into the back seat and settled myself. Lorenzo climbed in beside the driver seat and Alessi soon started the engine and slowly and smoothly pulled into the moving traffic.
Not long, the familiar road to Adriana's apartment is before his eyes and excitement filled him.
Minutes passed, the limo slowed down and smoothly creeps to the side of the road and stops just right in front of Adriana's apartment.
Before he climbed out of the limo, he glance on his sleek watch and it says seven in the morning.
He climbed out the limo as he said "grazie" to Alessi and walk to the gate pushing the door buzzer.
After like a decade as he stood and watch the quiet neighbourhood with only the sounds of the cars passing by, Nicolas saw Mikaela with her ordinary clothes, looking like she just rolled out of her bed.
Nicolas suddenly felt embarrassed for waking her up.
"Buongiorno Mikaela . Mi dispiace se ti ho svegliato-" (Good morning Mikaela. I'm sorry if I woke you up-)
"Sciocchezze! Sono in piedi dalle cinque . Sto solo a preparare la colazione , " (Nonsense! I've been up since five. I'm just preparing breakfast,) she said cutting Nicolas off as she opened the gate and close it.
Nicolas just watch her as she talks and then walked ahead of him just giving him a brief glance then lead him to the door, "entra. Adriana e Nicolai è ancora dormendo . Se si vuole , si può andare in camera di Adriana vedere se lei è a pelo o adesso, " (come in. Adriana and Nicolai is still sleeping. If you want, you can go to Adriana's room see if she's sleeping or up now,") she smiled warmly.
Nicolas walked into the familiar living room and Mikaela followed him. "Oh, i miei modi . Vuoi qualcosa da bere ? Caffè?" (Oh my manners. Would you like anything to drink? Coffee?) Mikaela chuckled embarrassed.
"Non ti preoccupare Mikaela . Io sono felice di vedere Adriana e Nicolai ," (Don't worry about it Mikaela. I'm excited to see Adriana and Nicolai,) Nicolas responded with a lower tone not wanting to wake up everyone in the house.
"Ebbene , si può andare il suo check-in sua stanza appena la prima porta al piano di sopra . Fare colazione con noi allora ." (Very well then, you can go check her in her room just the first door upstairs. Have breakfast with us then too.) Nicolas smiled and nods in agreement.
"Grazzie Mikaela." (Thanks Mikaela.) He mumbled and headed upstairs. He saw the first door and it was ajar. He knocks and waited for her, but the room was too quiet and dark as he peeked through the small opening. He pushed the door open and walked into the small room and saw Adriana still sleeping.
And as if she sense he was there, Adriana's eyes snapped open and saw Nicolas standing beside her bed. Adriana was startled, before seconds later she realized it was Nicolas.
"What are you doing in my room at this hour? What time is it?" she said in disbelief, still in dazed as she rub her eyes.
"I'm sorry. I know it's still early. I just want to see you and Nicolai. You didn't let me sleep here," he said in a bit of accused tone.
"Mamma and papa won't let you even if I agreed." Adriana said.
"Mikaela lets me come see you in your room?" he quipped matter-of-factly which made Adriana's eyebrow puckered in confusion.
"She did not?" she responded in disbelief.
"Yes, she did! I wouldn't be here in your room right now, if she didn't!" Nicolas challenged.
"Can you let me sleep more? And Nicolai won't be up until nine." Adriana stated drowsily as she turned on her side with her back facing Nicolas.
"Then let me sleep with you. Actually, I didn't sleep much last night because I missed you and Nicolai," Nicolas stated factly and he started taking his pants off.
Adriana turned around to stop him, but he was already in his boxer short and shirt looking magnificently handsome and delicious. He quickly crawled inside the bed covers and his foot was sticking out of the small bed.
Adriana chuckled when he groaned. The double bed was too small for them. But, Nicolas didn't mind. He pulled Adriana closer as he nuzzled his nose on her hair comfortably drowning himself with her lavender, scent trying to sleep more. But, as her soft body pressed to his hard ones, his thoughts gone haywire.
Adriana felt herself quivered with excitement. That strong erotic sensations that always drove them both into insanity erupted between them.
Nicolas couldn't hardly set his erotic thoughts aside, since he doesn't want to make a really bad impression to Adriana's family even if the temptation was too strong and almost swept him in the brink of insanity.
Nicolas finally felt his eyelids grew heavier and droopy. He lets sleep made it's way to his system as he holds Adriana with him comfortably.
Not long he was sleeping.
Adriana felt his evened out breaths against her head. She closed her eyes too, and let her feel the comfort, coziness being with his arms.
Not long, sleep engulfed her completely.
Hour later, Nicolai was up and remembered his mom was home and his dad. He quickly climbed out of his bed with his small knitted blanket and bouncing happily out of his room and excitedly made his way to his mom's room.
Nicolai walked in and saw his mom and dad cuddling peacefully sleeping.
Nicolai climbed on their bed making Nicolas wakes up from the small hand grabbing him as he climbed up on the bed. Adriana stirred and realized her son was up. She smiled and let Nicolas stayed in between of them as she tried not to fall from the bed since she was already on the edge, so as Nicolas.
"Can I sleep here mom and dad?" he asked as he clutch his blanket on his chest and leaned his body closer to Nicolas.
"Of course, son!" Nicolas smiled and he was very happy. He was with the important people of his life. Nicolai and Adriana.
Nicolas thought his son was going back to sleep but after a few minutes of silence, he spoke.
"Can you go with me to the park today, daddy?" I want to show you how I ride my bike." Nicolai said with proud and happy tone. Nicolas agreed.
"Of course. I have all day today with you!" Nicolas said happily and Nicolai was so excited. He sat up and bounce up and down on the bed. Adriana was telling him to stop since the bed was too small for them.
"Alright, I know you're happy little man, but relax." Adriana stops him as she chuckled, but Nicolai was too hyper.
"Can you also ride a bike daddy?" Nicolai asked as he stops bouncing and face Nicolas.
"Daddy didn't bring a bike," Nicolas replied, while a lot of things runs in his head. When Adriana told Nicolai to stop bouncing because the bed was small, he thought of buying them a big house with big rooms and beds.
He will call his manager to find an agent before they will leave Florence. He will buy a big property for Adriana's family.
"You can use Lowella's bike," Nicolai replied. Adriana burst into laughters.
"Lowella's bike is too small for daddy, baby!" Adriana replied as she rub Nicolai's back with her hand in circles still lying on the bed on her side.
"Who is Lowella?" I asked to Nicolai.
"Uncle Giuseppe's daughter," he replied as he ran his palm on Nicolas shirt.
"Well, how about we go shopping you a toys and maybe I'll buy a bike for me and mommy and we all go biking after." Nicolas suggested which made Nicolai excited and again he was bouncing up and down the bed.
"Stop bouncing Nicolai!" Adriana said in serious tone and Nicolai stops, but only for few seconds. Adriana decided to get up and forgot that she's only wearing a very short nighties barely covered her thighs and without bra on.
She walks to the window and rolled up the blinds so the sunlights peeks through the window. The room flooded with bright light and Nicolas gulped when Adriana's body was beautifully glistened with the lights reflected on her exposed skin and the white silk nighties didn't hide her delectable body from the see through fabric.
Nicolas gulped audibly and turned his attention back to his son, before he will dragged Adriana's back on the bed and ravish her.
It wasn't that easy though. It took every ounce of his willpower to hold his wild beast within.
Adriana realized that with the light, Nicolas could see everything underneath her nighties.
She was a bit embarrassed, but she thought he had seen everything already.
Adriana sashayed to her chest and pulled a short and top and walk to the washroom to get changed.
Nicolas and Nicolai played tickling and the room soon was filled with Nicolai's laughters.
Just as Adriana came out of the washroom door, her phone sitting on the side table rang. She walk to the side table closer to Nicolas side and answered the call not bothering to check.
"Hello," she said as she rested one free hand on her hips and watch Nicolai squirming as Nicolas was trying to tickle him.
Nicolas stopped tickling Nicolai when he heard Paolo's name as Adriana's face lit up.
Nicolas climbed out of the bed and pick Nicolai up, but Nicolai doesn't want to be carried so he ran out of the door heading downstairs when Nicolas told him to have breakfast before going to the toy store, leaving only Nicolas and Adriana.
Nicolas picks up his pants and put it back on, while holding his temper at bay.
Adriana was still talking on the phone animatedly. Nicolas' temper rises swiftly and he stood behind Adriana, trying to distract her, nuzzling his nose on her nape.
He link his hands around her waist and kissed her earlobe.
"Nicolas had plans today actually, maybe tomorrow." She responded too sweetly, and Nicolas growled mumbling incoherently.
Adriana was feeling distracted as she felt Nicolas hot kisses on her earlobe then to the crook of her neck, sending millions of shooting electric uproar to her core.
"Thanks for the invitation Paolo," Adriana responded feeling sad for Paolo. Paolo was inviting them for swimming in their house, and so Nicolai can play with his nephew Amadeo. It's close to Nicolai's age.
Nicolas snatch the phone off her hand and threw it on the bed. Then she spun Adriana around to face him. "I don't want you to talk to him ever!" Nicolas grit his teeth making Adriana's temper flared up, ignoring the warm sensations he just awakened in her a seconds ago.
"I can talk to whoever I want to!" Adriana responded tersely gritting her teeth and stormed out of the room, leaving Nicolas in rage. Nicolas run his hair with his hand in frustrations.
He hated it when that bastard is talking to her. He already gave him the hint to stay away from her and it seems that the guy has some balls!
FUCK! he hissed before storming out of the room and down to the kitchen with food already served for breakfast in the table.
"Si prega di sedersi Nicolas ."(Please sit Nicolas.) Mikaela said and Nicolas took the chair beside Adriana, while Nicolai was sitting on the other side of Adriana. "Hai parlato con Paolo, Adriana ?" (Did you talk to Paolo, Adriana?) Mikaela turned her attention to Adriana who was too quiet eating and helping Nicolai.
Nicolas squirmed on his seat and his ears perked up, and fuming. "Lui ti invitava sopra per il nuoto . Miranda è probabilmente a casa, dal momento che ha ricordato Amadeo ." (He was inviting you over for swimming. Miranda is probably home, since he mentioned Amadeo.) When the last words reach his skull he was furious. He was gripping his fork too tight.
Adriana and her mother was talking to ardently that they both unnoticed Nicolas livid eyes staring down on his plate.
Dammit Paolo!
A/N: Here you go... I hope he will realized soon that he was in love and admit it that he does...
Paolo, Paolo... How am I going to get rid of you? lol
Anyway, I hope you like this chap!
Thanks for the constant votes and your awesome feedbacks!!
I'm so happy that you all love Nicolai, because I do! He's just a scrumptious adorable-chatterbox.
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