Chapter 41

Chapter 41

(Note: There will be lots of switching between POVs in the next two chapters. It's the only way I can squeeze everything in.)

"She isn't coloring correctly!" Deborah snapped for the fifth time, causing White to misspell a word in her letter to Mrs. Parker.

"Why are you so irritated about how Fiona's coloring?" Danny asked with some frustration while he wrote in a notebook. "She's just a little kid, she's not going to be an amazing artist!"

"I think she might be a bit sensitive when it comes to art," suggested Leia, who was also drawing on paper as she was watched Fiona color and Deborah draw. "Maybe you were an artist before Team Flare!"

It was merely a few hours since Sky Blue had gotten his Key Stone. Since receiving his own Key Stone, he had become a little more quiet. He was currently trying it out on his Gallade and Aerodactyl on the Pokemon Center battlefield while Alan was still in his pokeball. Mira and Amos were still out, and Margaret was in the girls' room. White, Danny, Leia, Fiona, and Deborah were in the lobby of the Pokemon Center. Fiona was coloring a picture, Leia and Deborah were both drawing, and both White and Danny were writing.

"I highly doubt that," Deborah growled, glaring at the little girl before looking down at her paper and sketching again. "I find it dull work."

"What are you doing then?" White asked, looking up from her letter to watch the Embrace Pokemon. "You've been drawing for an hour. Why don't you show us?"


"Come on, we want to see it!" Leia said teasingly, pulling the picture away from Gardevoir so she could see. "What are you afraid of it?"

"Give it back!" Deborah snapped desperately as Leia got up from the table so she could look at the drawing. "It's personal!"

White jumped as Leia gasped with amazement, causing her to make a pen streak on the letter.

"Deborah, you drew this?" Leia asked in amazement.

"Obviously I did!" The Gardevoir snapped with frustration.

"What's wrong?" Danny said questioningly, looking up from his journal.

"Nothing's wrong, it's beautiful!"

Leia darted between White and Danny and laid out Deborah's drawing. Even Fiona stopped her coloring to look at the picture.

The picture was a very realistic drawing of a man. There were two sketches at the bottom of the paper. One was a left side view while the other was a right. The rest of paper was used to draw a front view of the man. The man had long black hair that went past his shoulders. His eyes were narrow and he had a very serious expression.

"Deborah, who is this?" White asked, looking up at the blushing Gardevoir.

"I...I don't know," she admitted. "He has been in my dreams a lot lately, this was the only way I could truly seen how he looked..."

"Well ya know, dreams don't just make up people!" Leia told Deborah. "Your brain just can't make up someone, so it uses people from your memories!"

White looked back down at the picture. Deborah might not know it, but she might've just found a way for them to find her previous trainer.

"So you haven't seen this person recently, Deborah?" Danny continued as he glanced at his Pokemon. "You don't remember him at all?"

"I remember him vaguely, however I'm not sure what I drew was entirely accurate."

"Well let's see here," White started, taking the paper so she could look at it more carefully. "If this is someone from your past life, he won't be the same age. He might not even look the same anymore. My guess is that the man here is around Danny's age, so either sixteen to seventeen. Now if you add the four years since you've seen him, right now this guy would be in his early twenties."

"Do have any feelings toward him? I mean do you sense anything we you see this man?" Danny finished hurriedly.

Deborah tilted her head and looked down at her drawing. A moment later she looked up and said, "I feel responsible for him."

"Responsible?" Leia repeated. "How so?"

"Like I must protect him, no matter the cost. If not...everything is over."

"Well then he's most likely your trainer," White told Deborah, pushing the sketch away from herself. "It makes sense. Gardevoirs are insanely loyal to their trainers. Your kind are willing to stretch your powers to make blackholes to protect your trainers. Heck, you all would sacrifice your lives for your trainers. Would you be willing to sacrifice your life for this guy?"

"As a matter of fact, I would,"  Deborah stated immediately and fiercely. "I care for him deeply. But...I'm afraid."

White looked to Danny at this. This was now more his domain, being Deborah's current trainer. Even Leia looked uncomfortable and went to sit back down next to Fiona, who was still coloring on her paper.

"I can understand why you would be nervous of meeting your trainer," Danny began t the her. "You haven't seen him for nearly four years, and you still don't know much about him yet apart from his appearance."

"That's not it," Deborah interrupted a little harshly. "He never came for me. Maybe he doesn't want me."

Nobody could reply to this. It was understandable for Deborah to have her doubts. But something was nagging White. It occurred to her that maybe the Gardevoir was beginning to develop a loyalty to Danny, the loyalty that made Gardevoirs so well known. Since she couldn't remember her first trainer and knew nothing about him, it made sense for her to develop a bond with Danny,

The silence was broken as the Pokemon Center doors slid open. Mira had entered the lobby, looking more excited than White had seen her in a few days.

"Mira, you're back late," Danny commented while White instantly looked down at her letter to avoid looking at her sister. "What kept you?"

"Sorry but I'm actually going out again!" Mira said breathless, ignoring White's presence and turning to Leia. "Leia, I heard a rumor that there is another shiny Pokemon on the next route near a farm there! I heard it's super powerful and I wanted you to come too!"

"But what about Amos, wasn't he with you?"

"He didn't feel like going out, but said he would be back here soon. Come on, we can't let Danny be the only one with a shiny!"

"Go on, Leia," said White somewhat absentmindedly as she continued to write. "Just be careful, there's still Team Flare out there."

Leia hesitated before saying, "Well I guess it wouldn't hurt to look."

"That's the spirit!" Mira said happily as Leia picked up her bag from the floor. "We'll be back later!"

And without even looking at White, Mira left the Pokemon Center once again with Leia behind her. Deborah snorted at the girls before swooping over to Fiona to watch her color. White tried not to act hurt at Mira's behavior and forced herself to not make eye contact with Danny.

Unfortunately, a second later Danny asked the dreaded question, "White, what happened between you, Mira, and Sky?"

"Absolutely nothing." White lied immediately.

"I'm not stupid. I know something is wrong. Sky has been less of an idiot, Mira has been very quiet, and you have been acting very depressed. You three use to be so close, and now you're distancing yourselves from each other."

White didn't answer, she felt her real hand sweating under her glove and her face grew hot. She then answered, "It's complicated."

"We have plenty of time."

You might but we don't, White thought bitterly as she thought about how much time Sky had before losing all control.

"Look," White started with a sigh, glancing up at Danny. "You have an older brother. Surely you of all siblings would understand that we don't always agree on things."

"Good point."

White looked down at her letter, hoping that Danny would be satisfied with her answer. She didn't know why she was still hiding the truth of Sky. Mira had been her main concern, and she had just been told. She really had no reason to keep the secret hidden. But somehow she couldn't bring herself to put Sky Blue through that stress again too soon.

Thankfully, Danny stood up a few minutes later and said he was going to go back to the boys' room. Before following her trainer, Deborah levitated the picture of the mysterious trainer, folded it, and placed it behind her horns. Fiona watched Danny leave before taking her picture and skipping after him. Wherever Danny went, Fiona would be sure to follow.

White didn't feel like going up yet. She was almost done with her letter to Mrs. Parker. The elderly woman had sent a letter of great concern and opinions back to White after her letter about Sky. She advised that they ask a human psychiatrist and not pursue the Psychic Type tribe. However White was sending her back an argument on why she couldn't do that.

After awhile, White put down her pen and folded her arms on the table. She then put her head down and quickly fell asleep.


Stupid aura, Sky Blue thought to himself bitterly as he entered the Pokemon Center lobby. I wish I wasn't "special". I hate being treated like I have special needs!

He was still thinking of the events of that day. All through training his Pokemon with the Key Stone, he couldn't help but feel ashamed of himself. He had not been given the item because of his skill, but so it would help "heal" him.

He also couldn't help but think of Alan. He never realized the connection between them was deadly to Alan. Now he had to find a way to prevent his Alakazam from getting mentally injured.

As the automatic doors slid shut, Sky shook his cloak hood off from covering his face and looked around. Nurse Joy was not at the counter, meaning she must be treating another Pokemon. The lobby was nearly empty, except the one eyed trainer noticed that someone was supposedly sleeping at a table in a corner. Noticing the young woman's dark dusty brown hair, he realized that it was White.

"White," Sky started as he drew near her, putting his hand on her shoulder and shaking it slightly. "White, get up. You can't sleep out here."

But she didn't wake up. Sky gave up on waking her rather quickly. One, she had probably been too exhausted to get up in the first place, and two, if she did wake up, Sky would pay dearly for being the one to wake her.

Sighing heavily, he turned to leave but something caught his eye. He noticed the papers pushed away from White. There was writing on it, and his own name leapt out at him.

This made the one eyed trainer increasingly nervous. Why would she be writing about him? Who was she writing too? The only person she corresponded with was the elderly woman from Viridian City, Kanto.

It wouldn't hurt to look, he thought to himself, looking around to make sure the lobby was still deserted. I mean, White can only kill you and burn your remains, but I doubt she's that stressed.

Sky couldn't help but remember all the times he did something to annoy or embarrass White. How she would screech at him and give him the same lecture on how she would kill him if he did whatever he had done again. He actually missed the old short tempered and passionate White. The quiet, reserved White made him uncomfortable. It was like when a parent pretends everything is fine yet the whole world is falling apart. When she was more considerate to him, she seemed fake.

Without a second thought, Sky took one of the papers and held it up to his left eye before beginning to read in his head.

I know this may make things worse between us by telling you this, but I have to tell someone. Sky has gotten worse. On the road to Shalour City, he remembered some of the horrible incidents he had with a Banette. He retreated into his darker frame of mind. He ran off into the cave and I had to leave Shalour City to find him.

He wasn't the same man I know. He was much more animal like than he ever was. Usually I'm the one intimidating him.

But...for the first time...I was terrified of him.

Sky Blue was more...aggressive, than ever before. He attacked me. He scratched close to my right eye and my remaining hand, and believe it or not, he bit me. Not only that but he managed to give me an infection too, but it's almost gone now. His Alakazam managed to subdue him before he attempted to kill me and Amos.

He remembers nothing about the event, which is for the best. He woke up in the hospital and we told him that his Pokemon stopped him before he hurt anyone. I could never bring myself to tell him that he attacked me. It's happened before and he despised himself for it.

I was able to hide the scratch on my face, I had Margaret get me some cream that was the same color as my skin. The bite and scratch marks are hidden by bandages, I told Sky I got cut by a sharp rock. So far the story has held up.

We decided in a few days, me and Sky will leave to go to the Psychic tribe on our own. I'm hoping Margaret and Amos can explain everything to the others when we're gone. I'm more concerned about getting there on time. Sky doesn't have that much time left before we lose him, but I down right refuse to give up on him. He is apart of my family, related by blood or not.

Heck, I don't know why I keep explaining this to you. Maybe because N shares the same doubts as you. He says that I shouldn't hide this any more, that I should come clean to not only to the doctors, but to the police. I understand that he's worried about me, but frankly he doesn't care about Sky at all. He has always been envious and scornful of Sky because I see him as a better brother than N ever was. Besides, everyone who says I should come clean never saw what Sky went through.

Do you know how hard it is to watch the only person in the world that matters to you lose the part of themselves that you love about them? I saw what Sky went through when we first discovered his illness. He was confused, hurt, miserable, and angry. I never want to see him hurt like that again. If these Pokemon can help him, I'm willing to take that chance.

Sky Blue wished he hadn't read it. His hands shook as he dropped the letter, allowing it to float back onto the table with the other pages. He couldn't believe what he read. Surely he read it wrong. He didn't hurt White, he didn't try to kill her and Amos...did he?

But I don't remember what happened in the cave, he thought to himself desperately. Anything could've happened!

There was only one way to be sure. He reached down and took what he knew was White's remaining arm out from under her mechanical one. He shakily but slowly tugged on the turquoise glove until he pulled it off without waking her. The bandages from her "cut" we're still wrapped around her hand. He then began to unwind the fabric just as slowly until he unwrapped her hand. A padding was taped to the front of her hand. Once he removed it, his great fear was confirmed.

A large scab had been created over her hand. Two separate wounds could be distinguished. One was a scratch, a long one that ran from between her fore and middle finger down to her wrist. The other was a human bite mark.

Sky winced as his head began to throb. He put his hands to his head as his own voice echoed from his memories.

Why do you try to hide in the dark? You would have been smarter to hide in the LIGHT!

"Shut up!" He hissed to himself, causing the voices to die away. This left him alone in his terrible thoughts.

Everything was coming back. He had hurt White. He almost killed her. She had only been putting on a brave face because she knew he would be devastated to learn the truth. But it was out now, and nothing frightened him more than to know that White was so scared of him.

I can't stay here, he told himself, stepping away from White slowly. I could hurt someone, it could be someone else next time! I can't let that happen!

There was only one option, he would have to run. He would leave before he could hurt anyone else. He would go to the tribe by himself. He would go now while it was night. There was still the risk of Team Flare going after him, but he could handle himself. At least then he would get the pressure off his friends.

Sky hesitated before stepping toward White. He gently stroked her hair before whispering, "I know you'll be upset, but this is for the best. Please forgive me, Whitney..."



White's head shot up and she blurted out, "I'm awake!"

She then saw that more people than she bargained for were around the table she had fallen asleep at. Margaret, Danny, Amos, and even Fiona was there. All of them looked greatly concerned and scared.

"Who died?" White asked slowly, still processing her surroundings since she was still half asleep.

"White, i-it's Sky Blue," Margaret stuttered, tears in her eyes. "H-He's gone..."

"Gone? What do you mean gone?"

"He's not here, White," Danny continued a little more calmly, yet he still looked very worried. "Margaret went to check on him and his door was locked. Nurse Joy said he returned his room key and left. He took everything he had with him, except this."

Danny held out a red pokeball, an A sticker stuck to the top part.

It was Alan.

He had been left behind.

"White, did you see or speak to him at all?" Amos asked the older trainer urgently as she took the pokeball from Danny.

"I-I haven't seen him," White stammered.

She was in disbelief. She couldn't understand how Sky could just leave like this. He had said she could come with him. He wouldn't lie to her like that. Unless...

"He read my letter," she whispered. "He read my letter to Mrs. Parker..."

"W-What do you mean?" questioned Margaret, looking horrified.

"I was writing a letter to Mrs. Parker before I fell asleep. I tell her thing I don't normally tell to anyone else. If he came back from the battlefield and came over here, he most likely read my letter to her..."

White looked around at the pages on the table. She then noticed that there were four written pages there. She had only written three pages to Mrs. Parker.

"One of these isn't mine," she started, taking the pages and looking them over. "I only wrote three pages."

She then found one with much more sloppy handwriting than her own. It looked as if it had been written in a hurry.

"Could one of you read this?" White asked hesitantly, holding the page out to the other three. Her eyes still had a hard time focusing.

Amos took it and began to read it aloud to everyone.


I'm sorry I had to leave like this. I will make this quick: yes, I read your letter. I know everything. Please don't come after me, I don't want to hurt any of you again. This is for the best.

In truth, this hasn't been an over night decision. I've thought about since losing myself the first time on this trip. I only considered running away a few days ago while I was in the hospital. I was awake when you and Mira were talking, and I couldn't bear to be the one to tear us apart.

As for Alan, I left him behind so he wouldn't endanger himself. He has shared my burden for too long. I can't put him through anymore danger. Please take care of him, and tell him I did this because I care about him. He's almost like a father to me.

Please continue to take care of the others, especially Mira. I know she is mad at me and she'll be even more mad once she finds I've left, but I did this for her. I hurt you already, I could never live with myself if I hurt Mira as well. She doesn't deserve to have me for a brother.

Whitney, please tell everyone how sorry I am to leave. They mean a lot to me, and thats why I ran away. Again, please don't come after me. I'm not coming back until I'm free of this burden.

I know our relationship has been shaky lately, but White, you're my best and closest friend. This isn't your fault. Don't blame yourself for this, this was my decision.

Until we meet again,
Sky Blue

"Well," Danny started in a forced calm voice, but White knew he was furious. "Would someone like to fill me in on what's going on?"

"Margaret and Amos will explain," White started as she pushed her chair back and stood up. "I'm going to get him back!"

"White, maybe...m-maybe this time we should let him go!" Margaret squeaked, looking terrified at her own daring. "I-I don't want him to go by himself, but maybe it's better if he is! He could get there so much more easily without us holding him back!"

"Maybe so, but I would never forgive myself if something happened to him!" The older trainer snapped, picking up her bag from the floor and throwing it over her shoulder. "All of you stay here! When Leia and Mira get back, tell them what's happened! Nobody leaves here until morning!"

"You can't go by yourself!" Amos protested furiously as White headed toward the Pokemon Center front doors.

White couldn't help but smirk slightly as she said, "What makes you think I'm going alone?"


"What makes you think I want to go looking for a madman?" N snapped at White as he leapt down from the branch of the tree he had been laying in. "If he wants to go, let him go! Why chase after him?"

"He can't fight this by himself!" White spat, furious that her brother was so unconcerned. "He is alone and upset, and that's enough to make him retreat into his darker environment! I can't let anyone else go near him, but you can!"

"Heck no! No one is safe around him! Even you, the only person he use to trust, no longer have an advantage! Whitney, I know you care about him, but it's better to let him be!"

White had gone straight to Route 12 after Sky's disappearance. N had been staying on the route and kept out of sight by staying in a  fairly large wooded area near a farm. She was the only one besides Margaret that knew he was there.

"You know I can't do that!" The young sister shouted. "If I ran away, would you come after me?!"

N hesitated before saying, "Yes, but that's different, you're my little sister!"

"And Sky Blue is my brother just like you are! Blood or not, he's family! I care for him, and you know that if I ran away you would be just as scared!"

"But it's not you!" N snapped at White angrily. "It's the madman! You know I never liked him and he never liked me!"

White pressed the back of her gloved hand against her face as she felt tears begin to slide down her face. Why couldn't she get him to understand why Sky was important to her?

"If you won't do it for him, do it for us!" She bellowed at him. "I care about him! I love him as a brother and friend! He has done so much for me! Heck, he's almost died for me! He lost an eye for me!

"But not only does he matter to me, he matters to a lot of people, especially Mira! She may hate us both right now, but if she finds out he ran away, she will be crushed! She has already had too many family members walk out on her, I can't let her lose another!

"And what about Margaret?! Don't lie to me, I know she means a great deal to you! You speak to her like you speak of Rachel and Esther, the women in your life that mattered to you! Well she told me herself that she loves hanging out with not only you, but Sky too! She feels free when she's with you both, and she feels almost normal around you both! I saw her a little while ago and she was hurt by Sky leaving! Please, N, help us!"

She seemed to have finally hit a nerve. She saw N's hands turn to fists. N had few weaknesses, one of which was Margaret.

"Fine," N snarled finally with a scowl. "But I'm doing this for you, not the madman!"

"I understand," White replied, great relief washing over her. "Thank you so much, Natural!"

And that's when she did the unexpected. She through her arms around her older brother and hugged him tightly. She only let go because she heard N splutter from the crushing force of her metal arm.

"We'll split up!" She advised him once she released him."I'll go as far as Courmarine City, you'll still need to stay away from other humans. Sky will be alone, he wouldn't risk letting out his Pokemon. Shane, I at least know, would try and bring him back."

"Very well," N sighed reluctantly. "I'll see what I can do, but I can't promise anything. If I find something, I'll send Silky or Zoroark after you."

White nodded in agreement as she began to walk away. She took a pokeball off her belt and released her Arcanine. She had returned him once reaching N. Archy allowed White to climb onto his back.

The younger sister looked backed at N and called as Archy began to move away, "Thank you, N!"

"Well I can't really refuse you!" N shouted back as she and Archy left the clearing.


Sky Blue helped as he heard a branch snap behind him. He whirled around with fright to it was merely a Wingull that had landed in a nearby tree. The bird looked down at him curiously before deciding to fly off again.

Get a grip on yourself! The trainer scolded himself inside his head. Everything will be fine, just fine...

But he wasn't fine. Sky had never felt so scared and alone in his life. Every noise made him jump, and the silence scared him more than the noise. He felt like a target was on his back. Someone had probably noticed his absence already, and he was afraid of Team Flare. They were always on the routes around him and his friends.

His friends.

Sky felt his stomach squirm and writhe with guilt. They were most likely furious with him. He had left them without much of an explanation. But this was for their own good. He couldn't hurt them again.

The one eyed trainer continued to walk down the path of Route 12 with weak and shaky legs. He was so jittery. He couldn't tell whether it was from hunger, fright, or nerves. He had only been gone for at least an hour.

I need to at least get to Courmarine City by morning, he told himself, trying to calm down. After that I'll go to Lumiose City, and then Laverre City.

"Running away, are we?"

Sky gasped as the familiar voice spoke out so clearly. He twisted around once again and hissed, "Alan!"

The Alakazam was levitating behind the trainer. He looked stronger than he did at any other time that day. He was quite intimidating. Sky could sense the anger radiating from the Psi Pokemon.

"That's impossible!" Sky burst out, unable to stop himself. "I left you behind!"

"Yes, you did," Alan agreed, moving closer to Sky. "Try and touch me."

The one eyed trainer hesitated before reaching out and touching Alan's arm. To his shock, his hand went right through the Alakazam as if he was air.

"I'm not really here," the Pokemon explained with a sigh. "You're the only one who can see me. I'm in your mind."

"Well get out and leave me alone!" Sky spat, turning his back on Alan and walking as fast as he could away from him.

"You can't run from me, Skyler!" Alan snapped, reappearing next to Sky without a sound of movement. "We're stuck together! You can't let go of me and I won't let go of you!"

"Shut up!"

"Running away isn't the answer!" Alan yelled over the trainer while continuing to follow Sky. "Come back to Shalour City, Sky Blue! We can help you!"

"I don't belong there! I don't belong anywhere! And you can't help me! Not anymore!"

But Alan suddenly rematerialized in front of Sky Blue so their faces were only an inch or two away from each other. Sky yelled with fright and fell backwards onto the ground. Alan was frightening. His pupils were slits and his pink aura could actually be seen around him.


Sky Blue felt tears in his eyes. Alan never spoke to him like that. Never. It had to be Sky's power. White was right. The Alakazam was using the power that was meant to be his.

He had to break the connection. It was the only way to free him, to make him let go.

"You can't control me!" Sky growled in a strained voice.

He had never broke the barrier on purpose before. He instead retreated into the corner of his mind that all his horrors lived. Violent emotions broke free inside of him and Sky roared. Black and blue aura surrounded his fist as he shoved his hand through the illusion's heart.

Alan shrieked with pain and collapsed. He writhed on the ground while the black, red, and blue aura strangled him. The real Alan would hopefully suffer nothing more than a headache.

But the effects on Sky was different. As he got up and stood over his former Pokemon, a strange sensation rose through him. He suddenly felt calm, undisturbed, as if all his problems were much smaller than him. He hadn't felt this way in forever. It was like being locked in a pitch black room for years and the door finally burst open.

The barrier was shattered.

Sky Blue was finally free.

"I'm walking this road alone," Sky told the Alakazam in an oddly calm voice. "And to make sure it stays that way..."

He threw down his aura surrounded fist right through Alan's head. The Psi Pokemon let out one last scream before disappearing entirely.

Sky Blue didn't spare the place Alan had lane with another look as he pelted down the road. Alan was most likely recovering from his confrontation, but he saw where Sky was. He'd have to move fast.

The one eyed trainer noticed several things as he ran. Black, blue, and red wisps of aura seemed to travel in his wake. He could hear them whisper to him. He could also feel new sensations. He was aware of everything around him, even on his right side which he couldn't see. The most noticeable difference was that he could see not only his aura, but other auras as well.

The trees radiated different shades of green while the stars and moon seemed to shine more brightly. He could even seen hiding Pokemon in the bushes. They all radiated different colored auras.

So this is what it felt like to be an Aura Guardian.

Voices rang through the area, catching Sky off guard. He could see the faint glowing outlines of people ahead. One was pale red while the other was gold. He recognized the voices.

Mira and Leia.

"We're probably half way to the next city by now," he heard Leia groan as he quietly drew closer. "Mira, maybe we should call it quits and go back."

"No, no, I don't want to go back yet!" Mira protested hurriedly while she looked around the area. "Just a little longer!"

"Mira, what's wrong? Why are you avoiding Sky and White??"

There was silence before Mira continued shakily, "I-I don't know what you-"

"Yes you do. You've been acting strange ever since Sky got hurt. What's going on, Mira? Why don't you tell me what's happened?"

Sky couldn't allow Mira to answer. That would give him away. He couldn't avoid them either.

With adrenaline pumping through his body, Sky Blue calmly walked down the road. He didn't hide himself or stay quiet. He had to be heard.

Both girls turned around swiftly at the noises behind them. While Mira stiffened at the sight of Sky, Leia relaxed and said with some relief, "Sky Blue, what are you doing here? It's late!"

"I could say the same to you," he replied, keeping his voice normal. "I'm on a walk. I assume you two are on one as well?"

"W-We were just going back-" Mira began somewhat coldly, but Leia interrupted, "No, it's fine, actually I heard there are some good sightseeing spots around here. Why don't you join us, Sky?"

"I don't think that's-"

"I insist," Leia continued forcefully, grabbing both Sky and Mira by the arm and beginning to pull them down the road. "There are a few things we will need to discuss."

Sky felt himself begin to panic slightly. The longer he stayed with them, the more likely he would get caught. He had to find someway to get away from them before anything bad happened, to him or to the two innocent girls.


"Nothing?" N repeated as his Zoroark reported back. "You found no sign of him at all?"

"He most likely took the main road, the only place we can't search," Zoroark explained sadly. "I'm not even sure if White made it this far. There are farms and livestock on this route, it's hard to tell some of the scents apart."

"Well, what do we do now?" Rapi asked N with concern. "We can't just give up!"

N sighed with frustration and put his hand to his forehead. They had been searching for an hour, maybe two. They had not heard from White, and they were finding no traces of Sky Blue anywhere. He was tempted to give up, but he knew White would be disappointed in him if he did.

"We'll keep searching until we reach the end of the route," N finally answered. "We just need to keep going straight ahead."

But as he was about to mount the Rapidash, Zoroark began to growl. The Dark Type snarled and faced one of the bushes. He only acted like that when someone or something big was nearby.

"Who's there?" N called tensely as Rapi also got in a defensive position. "You might as well come out! We know you're there!"

There was silence. But a second later, someone small edged out from behind the shrubs, followed by a plant like Pokemon.

It was Fiona and her starter Pokemon, Green Ivy.

"Fiona!" The fugitive said with great surprise, completely taken aback. "What are you doing here?! How did you get here?!"

The little girl shifted from foot to foot. From what he could see of her face, her cheeks were almost as red as her hair. When Green Ivy nudged his trainer gently, Fiona took her tiny notepad and pencil out from her jacket and wrote in it. N stayed quite, not wanting to rush her.

A minute or two later, she edged over to the man and handed him the notepad. Her handwriting was messy, but he could still read bits of it.

I wonted to help White...I snuck out...used the window from girls one notised...used Pokemon to get here...please dont be mad...

"N, don't be too hard on her," Rapi whispered to him softly yet slightly sternly. "I'm sure she was scared. With Sky Blue missing, I'm sure the others were nervous and scared, and she could tell. She just wanted to help."

N didn't know what to do. He wanted Fiona to go back to the Pokemon Center where it was safe, but he couldn't leave her alone. She was fortunate that she didn't encounter any wild Pokemon or anyone else. But if he took her back, he would most likely get caught. He was still a wanted man in all regions. This only left him with one option.

"Well, I guess you'll be staying with me until we find White," he sighed, handing Fiona back her notepad and picking her up. "Try to stay out of trouble. Don't wander off and I want you to follow anything I tell you to do. It's dangerous out here, especially at night."

The little girl nodded as N set her on Rapi's back. Once N got on right behind Fiona, both Rapi and Zoroark moved swiftly through the dark forest, Greeen Ivy skipping along in their wake.


"White, I think we should go back," Archy began hesitantly as he moved alongside the edge of the seaside cliff while White sat on his back. "He's not stupid. He's smarter than most of us."

"No!" White snapped furiously, unable to even think of giving up. "He's here somewhere, I know it! I feel it!"

The Arcanine stopped abruptly and turned his head to look at his trainer. He looked a bit frustrated.

"Whitney," the canine Pokemon said quietly, his voice full of concern. "Sky Blue isn't a child. He's a grown man now. He can make his own decisions. You did all you could, but it's now time for him to walk this path alone. I know you care about him, you're both nearly inseparable. But he's doing this to protect us."

White looked into Archy's eyes. Deep down, she knew he was right. She had done all she could for Sky. He wasn't a child, he was a man. A clever man that could take care of himself.

"You're right," White agreed, looking down so Archy wouldn't see the look of defeat on her face. "He's eighteen and part Aura Guardian. He can protect himself, he doesn't need me watching over him every step of the way like a mother Torchic..."

But before Archy could respond, a voice spoke out from somewhere behind them and growled, "Oh, believe me, you're journey with the Kalos Madman is far from over."

An enormous roar erupted from behind them and a great Pokemon pelted toward them from behind. White screamed with fright and Archy howled as the Pyroar pushed the Arcanine over the seaside cliff. The last thing White saw before hitting the sand and losing consciousness was the Pyroar pacing and a man with an auburn mane, like fire, looking down at her.


Just one step closer to hiatus. Sorry this took so long, I started drawing in my spare time. Actually I published an art book to showcase some of my drawings. There will be pictures, traditional and digital, based on my Pokemon stories. Please go check it out!

I'm sorry if this chapter was a bit rushed or if it didn't make sense. There will be a lot of POV switches for me to fit everything in.

Reminder: After the next chapter, SWS2 is going on hiatus in order for me to catch up.

That's all I had to say. If I forgot something, I'll add it later. If you are confused by anything, let me know. I'll try to explain it better. I realize that this story can get complicated. If you see anything off, let me know. I read this through last night and I might have missed something.

Bye until next time!

(Video: Mercy by Shawn Mendes)

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