
((I know I didn't update yesterday, i'm sorry... I don't have an excuse this time, I just forgot because i'm an idiot. So sorry again, but here it is ))

The black haired man's eyes open slowly, his eyelids heavy, and his body sore. He groans as pain in his head wakes him up the rest of the way, his mind working quickly to remember what happened.

He crashed. The car hit a tree, Jack was in the backseat unconscious.


Mark mutters finally remembering what had happened, he sits up quickly, instantly regretting it as his head spins though he threatens himself to look around, he was in a bedroom, a fairly nice one at that. A window showing the sun shining brightly, it had to be at least noon.

Mark shakes his head, shaking away any last bit of sleep that remained and looks around before seeing a mirror on the nearby wall, he walks over and looks into it, examining himself for damage.

It wasn't too bad, but of course it wasn't good, his lip was split open, a bit of dried blood remaining, and he had a cut on his head, just below his hairline which was sealed together with stitches, which were still sore. Other than that he seemed fine, other than the fact that his head rang with pain, his head had taken a lot of abuse in a little amount of time, and frankly he was tired of it.

Who had stitched him up? Who's house was this? And more importantly where is Jack?

The black haired man's eyes move to the door that sat not far from him and he hesitantly opens it, walking out into a hallway, leading to the rest of the nice house. A staircase sat at the end of the hallway, and as Mark walks closer a voice can be heard, talking to someone it seemed, though Mark couldn't hear the exact words.

He carefully walks down the staircase, ignoring the pain in his head and soon is down in a living room, what seemed to be the kitchen being only a few feet away from him, where the voice came from, soon accompanied by a more familiar voice, one Mark knew well. It was Jack.

Mark slowly walks towards the door, peeking his head around the corner and seeing the green haired man talking to another man. The other man had a head of short brown hair, brown eyes, and slight beard covering the lower half of his face, he spoke to Jack as though they were old friends.

Jack was the first to notice Mark walk in, a smile lighting up his face as he does. Mark smiles back, his eyes roaming over the Irish man, checking for any injuries, upon closer inspection the man seemed mostly okay. A few bruises littered his arms, and he had small cut under his eyebrow. However the worst of it was his arm, it was held by a splint, as though a bone had been fractured. Jack notices Mark's eyes linger on the splint and he shrugs.

"Just a small fracture, nothing new."

The Irish man says softly before gesturing for Mark to walk forward.

"Mark, this is Jordan. Jordan this is Mark."

Jack introduces the two, the man, Jordan, reaching out to shake Mark's hand politely, with a small smile.


He says simply, his brown eyes scanning the black haired man curiously.

"How's the head feeling?"

Jordan questions with a raise of his eyebrow. Mark instinctively reaches up, his hand brushing the stitches gently before he shrugs.

"Fine I suppose...."

He responds simply, hesitant of the man. Of course it seemed like Jack knew and trusted him, Mark wasn't so easy to trust strangers.

"So... What happened?"

Mark finally asks, unsure of what had exactly happened after he passed out. Jack looks at him, with a sigh.

"Well after you crashed the car...."

He begins, a small glare entering his gaze as he speaks about it, Mark resisting the urge to look away from his accusing blue eyes.

"Jordan happened to be around that area... He brought us here and stitched us up. Thankfully before any cops could find us."

Jack explains simply, the accusation gone from his gaze. Mark nods quietly, his brown eyes going to the brown haired man again.

"Why did you help us?"

Mark asks the question that had been at the back of his mind, curious on how Jack knew the man. Jordan smiles and gently places a hand on Jack's shoulder in a friendly manner.

"Let's just say Sean once did a big thing for me, so this is just my way of paying him back."

Jordan explains simply, clearly not about to go into details. Mark nods, though his eyes still watch the man dis-trustingly, especially after what had happened with Cry, the man didn't plan on trusting Jack's 'friends' so easily anymore.

"But uh.... You two should get going again.... "

Jordan adds softly, his smile fading and his hand dropping from Jack's shoulder. The Irish man raises an eyebrow at him curiously.

"What's the rush?"

Jack asks quietly, his uninjured arm lifting and pushing his hand through his messy green hair. Jordan sucks in a breath and looks at the man apologetically.

"I just can't risk having the cops come after me... And if I was found helping you two, they'd throw me in prison too... I can't do that, I've got my own life to live..."

The dark brown haired man explains quietly. Jack looks at him, almost hurt for a second before he sighs and looks away with a quiet nod. Jordan watching him apologetically.

"Listen Sean, I have an extra car you can take, I already got everything from your wreck and it's all packed. I think I've repaid my debt to you... so this should be goodbye."

Jordan finishes with a gentle shrug, though he looked apologetic towards the man he didn't sound it, if anything he sounded relieved that he no longer had a debt to pay to the man. The brown haired man picks a pair of keys off of the counter and hands them to the Irish man. Jack scoffs quietly and grabs the keys roughly, turning away from the man and walking away.

"Let's go..."

He mutters simply to Mark as he passes. Mark looks after him and sighs before looking to Jordan once more, smiling apologetically.


He mutters simply before turning to follow Jack. Once outside Jack storms to a small red car, unlocking it and beginning to climb in the drivers side.

"Woah, Jack. Why don't you let me drive, your wrist..."

Mark states quietly, worry lacing his tone. Though he is interrupted as Jack shoots him a glare, his icy blue eyes making the black haired man instantly shut up.

"You are not fucking driving..."

He retorts coldly, climbing into the drivers side without another word, their stuff sitting the backseat of the car. Mark sighs and climbs in the passenger side, Jack starting the car. Mark looks out of the window as Jack begins backing out of the driveway, Jordan visible in one of the house windows, a phone against his ear, and his brown eyes boring into the car. Mark watches him narrowing his eyes before Jack pulls out and speeds down the road, Mark simply shaking any feelings of unease off.

The ride is silent, Jack holding onto the wheel tightly, and ignoring any pain he may have felt in his wrist, though Mark still worries for him.

"I hope you know this is all your fault."

Jack finally breaks the silence, still clearly pissed off as his voice is almost a growl. The black haired man looks over at him before rolling his eyes and shaking his head, trying to keep his voice neutral as he speaks.

"I know it is okay. I'm sorry I got distracted...."

Mark responds simply, turning his head away from the Irish man, though he can feel his blue eyes piercing into him.

"You were supposed to wake me up so I could drive... You could've killed us."

The green haired man retorts with a snarl, his hands gripping the wheel so tightly his knuckles whitened. Mark's emotionless face breaks slightly, showing a bit of annoyance though he keeps his tone neutral, not wanting to make the Irish man any more angry than he was.

"I said I'm sorry alright. Jeez, I'm sorry I was trying to be nice."

Mark scoffs quietly, simply earning another glare from Jack, his lip curling back into a slight snarl.

"You can't be nice in situations like this Mark!"

Jack responds loudly, his voice growing in volume so he was almost shouting at the black haired man.

"You've got to do as I say so we don't fucking get caught! Got it?!"

Mark finally looks at the green haired man with a soft growl, his brown eyes shining with annoyance, and anger.

"Well I'm sorry I don't know how to be a fucking criminal!"

Mark responds, matching the Irish man's volume.

"Unlike you I like to be a good person, it's your fault we're on the run anyway!"

Mark finishes, not feeling any regret when Jack's eyes fill with hurt for a few seconds, though it faded so quickly, it may have not been there in the first place. The Irish man says nothing but slams on the brake, halting the car before speaking again, his blue eyes refusing to look at Mark.

"Get out."

Jack says quietly, his voice a soft menacing growl. Mark looks at him with raise of his eyebrow.

"You're not serious..."

Mark speaks in return, his brown eyes scanning the Irish man's face, but finding no sign that he was joking.

"I said... Get out... You can find your own damn way."

Jack says again, his finger tapping on the wheel impatiently. Mark watches him, before scoffing and climbing out of the car, grabbing his small backpack from the backseat as he does and slamming the door behind him. The Irish man driving off quickly as soon as the black haired man climbed out. Mark watches the red car speed off and looks in both directions, they had driven too far for Mark to walk back to Jordan's place, and he had no idea how far away the next town was.

"Son of a bitch..."

Mark mutters under his breath, he didn't think the Irish man would've actually left him there. Pulling his hood up over his face he begins walking, unsure how far he'd have to go, and unsure if this was the last time he'd see Sean.

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