(((I forgot to update sooner today!!! I'm sooo sorry!)))
The next morning Mark wakes up to the sound of the television blaring, at one of the loudest volumes it could. The red haired man groans and sits up.
"What the hell..."
He mutters groggily. Once his vision finally focuses he see's Jack holding the remote, sitting in the bed, still cuffed. A small smirk playing on the Irish man's lips as he watches the PJ also wake from the loud TV and shoot a glare at him.
"It's about damn time you two woke up."
Jack mumbles under his breath, finally turning the volume on the TV down so it no longer blared. PJ rolls his eyes and sits up while Mark pushes a hand through his hair looking at the clock on the bedside table.
"It's only 6 am...."
Mark retorts softly, for once he was actually getting the sleep he needed, yet he was still woken up so early. Jack simply shrugs and looks over at the red haired man.
"Yah, but I got hungry... And I kinda couldn't go get my own food...."
Jack finishes, raising his cuffed hand slightly, making the metal clink against the bed, his blue eyes shooting an accusatory glance at the Brit who once again just rolled his eyes.
"Mark go get breakfast..."
PJ orders the red haired man, his voice still exhausted as he pulls out his wallet, handing Mark a small wad of money. Mark simply sighs grabbing the money and standing up, brushing his fingers through his hair and slipping his shoes on, having not changed his clothes from the day before, but frankly not caring.
"Great idea, I should go with him... ya know in case he needs my help."
Jack states with an innocent grin, PJ simply shoots him a glare and shakes his head.
"What kind of idiot do you take me for?"
PJ questions. Once Jack opens his mouth to respond PJ lifts a hand and cuts him off.
"Don't... answer that..."
The Brit snarls softly. Mark sighs and opens the door, before he walks out he looks back at the two men.
"Please... don't kill each other while i'm gone..."
Mark sighs, PJ simply shoots a small glare at him, while Jack shoots him a mischievous smile. Mark didn't trust either of them alone with each other, but he left anyway, to find whatever food he could.
Soon enough Mark walked back to the hotel, a bag of McDonalds breakfast in hand, because there was basically nothing else in walking distance around them that served breakfast. Besides, food was food, and he knew for a fact Jack wouldn't complain.
As he walks to the room and is about to open the door, muffled yelling can be heard, soon followed by a crash against the door. Mark sighs, and opens the door, the first thing his eyes landing on being the lamp, that once sat on the bedside table, and was now in front of the door, smashed, as though it had been thrown across the room.
Finally his eyes go to the two men yelling at each other, Jack was still cuffed, but now had a dim bruise forming on his cheek, meaning PJ had hit him. As the red haired man's eyes go to the Brit, he noticed Jack had gotten some shots in himself, as PJ had a cut on his lip, and his eye was slightly swollen, most likely going to turn into a black eye at some point.
"What the hell is going on!?"
Mark finally yells, making the two men stop their loud arguing over whatever it was about. PJ glares at Mark, his breathing slightly heavy, and Jack looks over as well, pissed, though he hid it better.
"This crazy son of a bitch threw a lamp at me!"
Jack finally shouts, using his free hand to gesture to the British officer. Mark raises an eyebrow at PJ, waiting for him to defend himself, which of course he does.
"And that bastard fucking punched me!"
PJ retorts loudly, gesturing to his swollen eye and bleeding lip. Jack looks at the brown haired man with a small snarl.
"You started it!"
He snarls, reaching his hand up to rub his bruised cheek.
"Both of you just shut up! I leave for ten minutes and you two trash this room and almost kill each other!?"
Mark scolds the two, frankly feeling like a father disciplining his children, the thought almost making him smile, though he holds it back, glaring at the two. PJ simply huffs and plops on his bed while Jack sits down slowly, shooting a puppy-dog look at Mark, silently apologizing.
Though it was clear the Irish man didn't feel bad about hitting the Brit, frankly he seemed pleased he did, he felt bad that Mark had gotten mad at him. This man, who was supposed to be a dangerous criminal, felt bad because he was scolded. This was more evidence to Mark that Jack was far from being a criminal, and frankly didn't deserve any of this, regardless of what he did.
Mark sighs and runs a stressful hand through his red locks, before reaching into the bag and pulling out a single egg Mcmuffin and tossing it to PJ, pulling out two more and tossing them to Jack, and then taking one for himself and sitting down on the bed next to the Irish man.
"Thanks Marky."
Jack mutters softly, a small smile playing on his lips as he looks at the fact Mark got him two, instead of just a single one, of course he did have a large appetite.
All three were silent as they ate, Mark's eyes kept going over to the smashed lamp that PJ would most definitely have to pay for, though that didn't seem to bother the Brit.
Almost as soon as PJ had finished eating his phone buzzes. The British man picks it up, looking at the screen before sighing and putting it to his ear, a muffled male voice being heard from the other side.
"Hello?... yah....ok i'm on it."
He says into the phone before hanging up. PJ hesitantly looks at Mark before speaking again.
"Ok... so we should be able to leave for LA tomorrow, but I need to go take care of some things before we can.... Mark stay here with Mcloughlin...."
PJ says simply, clearly distrusting to leave the two.
"You know the drill... if you help him escape then I'll toss you into the slammer without hesitation...."
PJ threatens simply making Mark roll his eyes in annoyance.
"Right right I got it... you tell me this all the time...."
Mark retorts with a sigh. PJ opens his mouth as though to say something before simply shutting it again, deciding against whatever he was going to say.
"Here... take these just in case..."
PJ says finally, tossing Mark a small set of keys, clearly belonging to the handcuffs. Though the Brit was hesitant about it, he knew the red haired man wouldn't help the Irish man escape, neither of them wanted to be in jail.
With that the brown haired man leaves, leaving Mark and Jack sitting in silence. After the long silence had stretched out Jack speaks, well, whines more like.
"Mark... I need to pee...."
Jack complains with a small groan. Mark looks over at him and raises an eyebrow thinking. If a man had to go he had to go, and Mark couldn't let him just sit there until PJ returned. Mark finally groans and stands up, walking over to Jack and undoing the cuff on his hand. The red haired man follows him over to the bathroom watching him until the man finally walks in and closes the door.
Mark releases a sigh and walks a foot from the door, pushing a hand through his red hair. They were going to go back to LA tomorrow... Jack was going to get thrown in prison and Mark hadn't been able to help him. What the hell were they going to do.
After a few minutes of silent thinking one of the floorboards creaks from behind him. Mark quickly turns around, and raises an eyebrow at the scene.
Jack had made his way out of the bathroom silently and held a hair dryer over his head, ready to swing, he was planning to knock Mark unconscious. Mark looks at the green haired man, who frankly looked pained that he even thought to do it.
"Listen Mark... This isn't what it... I wasn't going to."
Jack rambles quietly, lowering the blow dryer and looking at Mark pleadingly, trying desperately to explain himself. Mark doesn't listen to his ramblings, his eyes scanning over the man before a sigh is released.
"Do it..."
Mark finally says softly, interrupting the Irish man who looked at him in shock.
"E-excuse me?"
The green haired Irish man questions softly, his eyes showing genuine confusion. Mark smiles slightly at his surprise and shrugs.
"I said do it... This is the only way you can escape right? This way I won't get in trouble."
The red haired man explains with another shrug. Though it wasn't the best plan, it would definitely work, PJ wouldn't be able to convict Mark of anything if he was knocked unconscious, this way he could help Jack without getting in trouble himself.
"Mark... Are you sure? I'm sure there is another way..."
Jack asks softly, though he clearly felt bad about it, he knew it was one of the only ways to get out, and even if Mark said no, he might consider it. Mark bites his lip thinking before nodding solemnly, a small forced smile coming onto his lips.
"I'm sure, Don't worry about it. Just be careful out there."
Mark mutters softly, staring into Jack's ocean blue eyes, filled with guilt, though he forces a soft smile.
"Thanks Marky... you're always the best... I love you."
Jack says softly, lifting the blow dryer up once more. Mark opens his mouth to say it back but is cut off as Jack swings the metal blow dryer, hitting him square in the head. The red haired man falls to the floor, his vision blurry, though not fully knocked out, his head ringing with pain.
"Oh shit, Mark I'm so sorry! I thought I hit hard enough... I really am sorry about this."
Jack apologizes quickly, Mark opens his mouth trying to speak but can't form words as his thoughts all jumble together, his head pained, and vision blackening. The last thing he saw was Jack raising the hair dryer once again, his eyes silently apologizing before he feels the blow and everything goes black.
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