((Ok so... uh... this chapter didn't go as I had planned... and I got a bit carried away.... It makes it worse because I was writing this in class.... heh heh... you'll know what I mean once you read through... 0///0 ))
Jack quickly leaps out of his seat, silently thankful he was in an aisle seat. PJ almost instantly runs after him, with Mark following suit, though he lagged behind slightly, his mind racing. He didn't want the Brit to catch Jack, but if he stopped him then PJ wouldn't hesitate to throw him in jail.
Mark mutters under his breath as he moves faster to catch up. Soon the two end up at the back of the plane, where luggage was being loaded in and the back hatch was opened, Jack nowhere to be seen. PJ cusses under his breath and hops out of the plane, Mark following him.
"Stay back Fischbach, I don't need you getting in my way..."
PJ growls to Mark before running faster, inside the airport. Mark hesitates, but follows him anyway, still struggling to come up with some way to help Jack, without getting himself in trouble.
The Irish man ran through the airport, pushing people out of the way and ignoring the cuss words that were flung at him. His hood had fallen from his head, his green hair only managing to make him stand out more than he did.
Jack was a pretty quick man, but unfortunately PJ was quicker, catching up to Jack and tackling him to the ground before Mark could think of anything to stop him. Simply having to watch as PJ wrestles the green haired man to the ground, soon getting him on his stomach and flattening him against the floor, taking out a pair of handcuffs and cuffing the man quickly and roughly.
"Alright alright! No need to be so rough ya bastard."
Jack growls as PJ pulls him from the ground, his hands cuffed behind his back and PJ holding onto his arms tightly.
"You have the right to remain silent..."
PJ says simply, his tone of voice showing how he really just wanted the Irish man to shut up. Jack smirks slightly at his tone, not letting the situation bother him, or if it did simply hiding it well. Soon enough the man's ocean blue eyes go to Mark, his smile simply growing.
"Hey Marky, ya miss me?"
Jack smiles, his sarcastic tone gone. He seemed happy, though he was caught, and frankly it confused Mark, did he have a plan of sorts? Who knew.
Jack reels back slightly as PJ begins running his hands along the man, searching for any concealed weapons or anything like that.
"Jeez aren't ya gonna buy me a drink first?"
Jack mutters sarcastically, simply earning an eye roll from the Brit. Mark holds back laughter as PJ continues to search, finding nothing until he searches the man's front pocket. The Brown haired man pulls out a card, looking to be a debit card. PJ examines it before a growl escapes him, his green eyes shooting death glares at the Irish man, who simply smirked a bit more.
"Oh yah I forgot about that... thanks for paying for my meals.... Among other things."
Jack says with a chuckle as PJ shoves the card into his pocket, leaving Mark to simply believe the Irish boy had somehow gotten a hold of PJ's debit card. PJ feels around a bit more before simply taking the man's keys out, and leading him outside, gaining a few looks from people though everyone mostly ignored the scene. Once finding the white pickup truck Jack had driven to the airport the Brit opens the back and shoves Jack in roughly. The green haired man doesn't argue and simply complies, still strangely calm about the whole situation.
PJ climbs into the driver's seat while Mark gets into the passenger side, staying silent about the situation, though he did worry about the green haired man, what would happen to him. Mark looks over as PJ pulls out his cell phone and dials a number, a muffled voice being heard from the other end.
"Yah I got him... Could you get a jet over to Brighton as soon as possible?"
PJ responds to who Mark assumed was a colleague of his.
"A jet, why I feel so special!"
Jack exclaims, a sarcastic happiness to his voice. Mark stifles a laugh as PJ simply rolls his eyes, deciding it was best to ignore him.
"Three days? Can't it be sooner?"
PJ questions annoyedly into the phone before releasing a sigh.
"Fine... See you then..."
PJ finally hangs up, starting the car without another word and pulling out of the airport.
"So now what...?"
Mark finally pipes up, his brown eyes going to the Brit and trying to avoid looking at the Irish man who sat in the back, boredly watching out the window, for once keeping his mouth shut.
"Well we can't get a jet over here for about three days... And I don't have any authority in Brighton... so I can't throw him in jail here... So we'll just have to keep an eye on him until we can get back to America..."
PJ responds hesitantly. Mark nods and looks forward again, his eyes travelling to the car's mirror, Jack had seemed to sit up straighter hearing what PJ had said, and with just that little motion Mark knew, the Irish man was planning to escape.
Soon enough they arrive at the hotel, PJ grabs Jack out of the truck, not being gentle at all, and drags him inside, and strangely enough no one was around to question it. Good for PJ, but bad for Jack.
Once they reach the room PJ shoves Jack in whose eyes wander the room curiously, a small bit of curiosity shining in his eyes.
"Damn, this is much nicer than what I've had."
Jack mutters plopping down on the nearest bed, Mark's bed, and not seeming to mind the fact that his hands were still cuffed behind his back.
PJ simply rolls his eyes, and walks inside, throwing his bag off to the side. Soon enough he grabs the Irish man by his arms again, to which Jack rolls his eyes but doesn't fight as the Brit undoes one of his cuffs and cuffs it instead to the headboard of the bed, chaining him there.
"What am I a damned animal...?"
Jack mutters barely audibly under his breath, but soon enough his confident posture returns, as does his cocky smile.
"Keep an eye on him will ya Mark? I'm going to shower.... And if you do anything to help him I swear I will toss you in jail so fast your head will spin."
PJ threatens before walking into the bathroom. Mark waits until he hears the water start before stripping off his jacket and sitting on his bed with Jack, who had laid back best he could being cuffed, and simply decided to relax.
"So that's what you've had to deal with? Jeez Mark you might've had it worse than me."
Jack laughs, his blue eyes going to Mark. Mark can't help it, he laughs quietly as well and nods, his brown eyes meeting the Irish man's
"Please, dealing with him isn't as bad as what you've been through."
Mark counters, turning his body to face the man. Jack smiles and shrugs, knowing of course what Mark said was true.
"I've missed you Mark... I really have."
Jack says after a long silence had stretched out between the two, his voice no longer confident, but soft and vulnerable. Mark reaches over grabbing the man's uncuffed hand and smiles gently.
"I've missed you too Jack... I didn't know if I'd ever see you again."
Mark says honestly, tracing his thumb around the back of the man's hand. Jack smiles and lifts up his cuffed hand, the metal cuffs clanking slightly.
"Yah but these aren't the best circumstances."
Jack says, trying to joke but some honest worry to his tone. Mark looks at him for a few seconds, his mind racing for something to say, something that would make the man stop worrying at least for now.
"I don't know it's a bit interesting... seeing you in handcuffs in all."
Mark says with a small smirk, his smirk only growing as Jack's cheeks heat slightly. The Irish man turns to the best of his ability to face the red haired man and runs his free hand down the man's chiseled face.
Jack mutters with a sly grin. The green haired man leans forward slightly until their two lips meet, eyes closing and enjoying the feeling of finally being able to be together again, even if it weren't the best conditions.
The kiss deepens quickly, both men hungry for each other, it had been too long for the both of them. Mark breaks the kiss for a split second to roll on top of the Irish man, his hands resting on either side of his head before pressing their lips together once more. Jack's one free hand clutching the red haired man's shirt, while his cuffed hand pulls against the metal, longing to be free, longing for more.
The two men, continue their kiss, neither one of them wanting to break it as their tongues fight for dominance, twisting around each other, enjoying each other's taste that had not been experienced for far too long. Jack's hand moves down to the hem of Mark's shirt, tracing up his sculptured stomach, and sending slight shivers down the half-Korean man's spine, their mouths moving in perfect synchronization, their bodies becoming almost like one, and their hearts each racing quickly.
Finally Mark breaks the kiss to look down at the green haired man, who looked back with starstruck eyes, still longing for more. Mark obliges, his mouth moving down to the man's neck, kissing it gently, and occasionally giving him a gentle bite. Jack release a soft moan, his mouth curved into what felt like a permanent smile.
The water from the shower can be heard shutting off. Mark pulls away from the man's neck with an annoyed sigh, shooting an angry glance at the bathroom door before looking down at the blushing Irish man, whose breathing was slightly heavy, and his gaze hungry. Mark smiles a bit as he leans down to Jack's ear, purring softly into it, his warm breath sending shivers down the man's spine, and his words making the man smile more.
"To be continued..."
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