((Two chapters in one day? Crazy right :) Anyway the last chapter was pretty short so I figured why not, and it is Valentines day so consider this a gift, I love you all and thank you for all the positivity! <3))
Four hours soon went by, they had been on the plane for two of those. Mark sat by the window looking out at the world passing beneath him as PJ slept beside him, snoring lightly.
Mark had tried to sleep, but though he was tired nothing could get him to sleep so he got lost in his thoughts. Thoughts about Cry, about Jack, about everything.
Soon enough his phone buzzes in his pocket, he glances over at the Brit beside him, making sure he still slept soundly before pulling it out and looking at his phone. He had gotten a text from cry.
I warned Jack that you guys are coming... but he hasn't responded to my text.
Mark releases a soft sigh as he reads that over a couple times. So somehow PJ had been able to track Jack without his knowing. How did that happen, Jack was always two steps ahead. And now Jack wasn't answering, Mark silently prayed that the Irish man had seen his text.
Great... I'll try my best to keep PJ busy. Hopefully Jack has enough time to get as far away as possible.
Mark hits send on that message and shoves his phone back in his pocket as PJ begins to stir, soon opening his green eyes with a soft yawn. He sits up, stretching his back as a few cracking sounds resonate from it.
"Who were you texting?"
PJ questioned, his voice slightly groggy from sleep. Mark shakes his head and looks at the man boredly.
"Just my family.... Told them i'll be in Brighton for a little while..."
Mark states simply, his lie seeming to fool the still sleepy PJ for now. The Brit nods and pulls his own phone out boredly, scrolling through whatever social media he had.
"So what are we going to do once we get there? "
Mark questions after a silence had stretched between the two. The brown haired man looks over at him and simply shrugs.
"Find whatever hotel we can to stay at... and then go check out the motel Mcloughlin was traced to."
PJ states nonchalantly, this just being an everyday thing for him. Mark nods slightly, hesitant to ask his next question.
"And what if he's not there?"
Mark asks simply, keeping his low voice neutral. PJ releases a sigh and looks at him once again.
"then we investigate... get any leads we can. This is the closest We've gotten so far, i won't let him slip away too easily."
PJ responds, a small growl to his voice. Mark sighs and simply nods, deciding once again to just look out the window, thinking to himself. Silently praying Jack had a get away plan.
~~~~~~~~~~~~Somewhere in Brighton~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jack groans once his eyes finally open. He slowly sits himself up and stretches, releasing a yawn before looking over at a clock that sat on the bedside table of whatever motel he had managed to find.
"Damn... Haven't slept that good in ages."
The Irish man mumbles to himself with a grin. Maybe it was being able to see Mark again, even if it were just over the phone. Whatever it was he had slept for nearly 12 hours. He groans quietly and swings his legs over the side of the bed, walking into the bathroom and climbing into the shower and soon coming out dressed in his usual hoodie and jeans.
Once out he finally grabs his phone and opens it, the first thing him seeing is multiple messages from cry.
Jack, PJ tracked your call with Mark last night. Him and Mark are on their way to your location.
Jack answer please. I need to know you've seen this.
Please get out of there as soon as possible.
Jack reads through before cussing under his breath, he grabs his things and tosses them into his backpack before slinging that, along with his computer bag over his shoulder and shoving his phone into his front pocket.
Jack pulls his hood up and over his face before rushing out the door, he stops by the front desk to return his key before rushing out, ignoring the girl at the desk as she greeted him farewell.
The green haired man climbs into his car, which was now a white pickup truck, and pulls out, driving off in the direction he thought was North, but of course he wasn't sure. As long as he kept moving he was fine, as long as he got as far away as possible.
How the hell was the call tracked, Cry swore that it was untraceable. Did he make a mistake? It wasn't like him to do so, but that seemed the likeliest option as Cry had always been loyal.
Jack is pulled from his thoughts as a passing car honks at him, he shakes his head and pulls back into his own lane which he had started to drift from. Silently scolding himself he forces all of his thoughts to go away, and focuses on the road in front of him. He had no idea where he was going, he'd planned to stay here for at least another few days, but that plan went straight out the window.
Where was he going to go? He could try to get a flight out of Brighton but that seemed unlikely, of course what else could he do.
Jack sighs and soon pulls off of the road, stopping his car off to the side and taking his phone out. He quickly looks up flights leaving Brighton, not really caring where he went anymore, just as long as he got away before that cop PJ had the chance to catch up. As Jack scrolls through flights he releases an annoyed growl, silently cussing as he resists the urge to throw his phone across the car.
The earliest flight left at 9:30 pm. It was only 6. Jack sighs and looks through, trying to find an earlier flight but they were all sold out, much to the Irish man's annoyance. He release a sigh and clicks into the 9:30 flight, reading up on it. It was a one way trip to Ireland.
"Home sweet home here I come..."
The green haired man mutters sarcastically to himself as he buys the ticket. Ireland was where he was born and raised, but it was also where he first started his whole life of crime as some may call it. He never did anything big there, but did enough where he had to leave eventually.
He releases a sigh as he looks at the time once again, he would have to lay low until his flight and hope that Mark kept PJ busy. For once Jack wasn't a step ahead, and frankly it bothered him.
"you're losing your touch Sean...."
He mutters to himself running a hand through his hair and pulling onto the road once again, planning to find somewhere to lay low until he could leave.
~~~~~~~~~~~~~At the Airport~~~~~~~~~~~~
Mark sighs as he stands around, two suitcases sitting next to him as he waits for PJ to get done with whatever he had gone off to do. Frankly Mark didn't care.
Soon enough the Brit returns and gestures for Mark to follow him, the red haired man does so, dragging his suitcases behind him. Outside waited a taxi, PJ climbs in the back and Mark does the same before finally speaking.
"Ok so where are we going?"
Mark finally asks with a soft sigh, his brown eyes looking to the British man as they drove.
"I found a hotel. So we are going to unpack and soon go to the motel Mcloughlin was traced to."
PJ explains simply. Mark nods and turns his head away from the man, instead looking out the window as they drove by. Brighton was a nice place, somewhere he could see himself vacationing, but instead of a vacation here he was hunting down his lover.
Soon enough they arrive at a large hotel and are given a key, PJ having already made a reservation. Once PJ stops at a door he opens it and Mark raises an eyebrow.
"Can't I get my own room...?"
He sighs, not wanting to share a room with the Brit who frankly annoyed him greatly. PJ shakes his head and drags his stuff inside, an annoyed Mark following after him.
"No you cannot... I still don't trust you Fischbach..."
PJ growls softly simply making the red haired man roll his eyes. Mark drops his suit cases and looks around. The room was nice, consisting of two queen size beds, a bathroom extended off the room, and a large TV in front of the two beds on a dresser. Mark smiles slightly at the niceness of the room and jumps onto the nearest bed. The softness instantly making him realize how tired he was. He hadn't slept well the night before, and didn't sleep at all during the flight.
His eyes threaten to close as he watches the Brit walk to the other bed and open his suitcase, clearly deciding to just ignore Mark for now.
The red haired man releases a sigh, struggling to keep his heavy eyelids open. He really didn't want to fall asleep, however at the moment it was inevitable. Soon enough, his eyes close, and the exhaustion overcomes him, dropping him into a deep sleep.
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