
((Hey guys, i'm back! So enough of you wanted a sequel so here I am! I'm so happy to be writing this story again. P.S. If you haven't read the first book please do, it's called 'Danger In Love' ))

Mark's eyes open slowly as a knock sounds at the door. He groans and begins to roll over before being stopped by a figure laying next to him. He smiles slightly looking down at the sleeping Jack that lie next to him, his chest rising and falling slightly. He had gotten used to the sight of Jack sleeping next to him, the feeling of the man's warmth. Their relationship had grown greatly in the several months that had past. Mark had almost forgotten why he woke up, lost in his own thoughts, before another knock sounds, this time louder, the banging echoing through the house.

The red haired man groans and stands up, carefully trying to not wake the sleeping Irish man. Mark sighs and grabs his cell phone checking the time, 5 am. Who the hell was at his door at 5 am.

Mark sets his phone back down and makes his way down stairs, lazily brushing his hand through his disheveled red strands and not caring that he was in flannel red pajama bottoms and a wrinkled black shirt.

He opens the door and is met with a man, the man stood just a bit taller than him, and wore a uniform, matching that of a police officer. Mark raises an eyebrow tiredly, his mind still groggy.

"Can I help you..."

Mark tiredly mumbles, forcing back a yawn. The officer smiles politely and nods.

"So sorry to wake you, but I was informed I might be able to find a Sean Mcloughlin here?"

The officer questions in his gruff voice. Mark narrows his eyes and rubs the back of his neck, his brown eyes scanning the man before him, why was he looking for Jack?

"May I ask why?"

Mark questions, clearly hesitant to tell that Jack did in fact live here. The officer gives Mark a slight look of annoyance before smiling politely again.

"I just need to talk with him."

The officer responds, an annoyed undertone struggling to be hidden in his voice. Mark finally, after a long silence, relents and gestures the man inside.

"Right... He's upstairs, I'll go get him."

Mark mutters as the officer nods, his eyes wandering the house dis-trustingly. Mark slowly makes his way upstairs, more awake now than he had been and walks to the bedroom, as he walks in he sees the blankets are pushed from the bed and Jack is nowhere to be seen. Mark looks around the room before walking across the hall to the bathroom checking there, nothing.

Mark scratches the back of his head as he walks back downstairs, his brown eyes confused.

"I swear he was just sleeping upstairs.... But, he's not there...."

Mark informs the officer quietly. The officer looks at him for a few seconds before growling to himself, he pushes Mark aside and walks upstairs himself, ignoring the arguments from the red haired man who followed.

The officer checks all the rooms before finally making it to the bedroom, he walks in examining everything before stopping at the window which was left open. Mark stands back wondering how he had missed that. The officer growls again and pulls up a walkie talkie from his belt, clicking a button and talking into it.

"Mcloughlin has made a run for it."

He snarls into it before turning to Mark with a glare. Mark opens his mouth to speak but is cut off as the officer grabs him, turning the man around without much of a fight and cuffing his hands behind his back.

"What the hell!?"

Mark argues loudly, a part of him wanting to fight back but the other part knowing it was best he cooperated.

"you have the right to remain silent..."

The officer simply mutters, leading Mark downstairs and pushing him into the back of the cop car parked out front. Mark sighs and simply looks out the window, confused as ever. As he looks outside he notices the truck Jack normally drove, one he had stolen from an enemy a long time ago, was gone, without a trace, enhancing any curiosity Mark had already felt. Where had Jack gone?

Soon Mark is sat in what he clearly identifies as a interrogation room, his hands cuffed in front of him and a few camera's watching him, which he glanced at occasionally, making sure his annoyance was clear.

No one had told him why he was here, or why they were looking for Jack. Mark didn't even know where Jack had went, or why he just left, without at least telling someone.

Mark's thoughts are interrupted as the door opens and a man walks in, the man wore a simple suit and had a head of brown hair, along with dim green eyes. He walks in looking down at a few files as he sits, before finally his green eyes meet Mark's who examines him questioningly.

"Mr. Fischbach.... CIA agent, boss of one of the corporations, upstanding citizen it seems, no criminal record."

The man mutters quietly, reading the files, his voice was slightly deep, but had a soft British accent to it. Mark shrugs and examines the man in front of him.

"That's me.... So why am I here?"

Mark questions annoyedly, his voice a soft growl. The man in front of him sighs and sets a file down on the table, not the one with Mark's information, but one that had a picture of Jack on it, it must've been an old picture as his hair was fully brown with small speckles of gray, not the dyed green it was now.

"Your friend.... Sean... You need to tell us where he went."

The man says simply. Mark looks at him raising an eyebrow, clearly asking why. The British man sighs before deciding to continue.

"Right, you seem confused.... which I assume means Sean never told you about his... record."

The man continues earning another confused look from Mark. The man slides forward one of the papers from the file, close enough that Mark could read it, the paper had a few newspaper clippings on it, each one having to do with a bank robbery, a few of the largest ones that had ever happened. No less than 1 million dollars stolen for each. Mark remembered hearing about them on the news a fairly long time ago.

Mark glances up once he reads them and narrows his eyes.

"Alright, so a few banks got robbed, what makes you think Sean had anything to do with it."

Mark growls, angry that they were accusing his love of a crime that big.

"Well, after a very long time we caught the group responsible for all of these robberies, interrogated them, and they finally explained how they were able to do it.... They hired a hacker, one of the best around, someone who could deactivate all security systems and not be traced... Sean was their accomplice Mr. Fischbach."

The man explains, earning another growl from the red haired man. Mark tugs against the cuffs slightly, anger dripping from his voice when he spoke.

"Sean didn't do it...."

He mutters quietly, though a part of him was starting to doubt that. Jack certainly was one of the best hackers Mark had met, he was definitely good enough to pull off a huge crime like that. The British man smiles slightly, noticing Mark's hesitance, and noticing his slight doubt.

"Listen, whether you want to believe it or not. You're going to help us find him."

The man quietly sighs, his green eyes boring into Mark who looked away thinking to himself.

"And if I don't?"

Mark mutters quietly, not wanting to see Jack get thrown in Jail. Mark's comment makes the man smile slightly, sending a chill of unease down Mark's spine.

"That Mr. Fischbach is Simple.... We arrest you for harboring a criminal."

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