The troublesome concert (with extra peeps in the morning)

Chapter 4-The troublesome concert (with extra peeps in the morning)


Sorry for my typos.

~Next day~

Rui (Rin) POV

I woke up but it’s only 5:00 am. I took my wig, contact lens, and school clothes. I took a long bath. After that, I put them on and went down stairs. I looked at the time and its 6:30 am. I went to the kitchen and saw Teto.

“Ojou-sama… breakfast is ready.” She said.

“Bring me a bottle of blood.” I ordered.

She handed me the bottle and said, “Ojuo-sama, there is only one bottle of blood left in the fridge. Your supplier told me last time that he will not deliver blood supplies anymore Ojou-sama”

“WHAT?!” I was shocked. ‘How will I live now without killing? Even though I can still survive for a week… maybe…’ I though.

“Ojou-sama, he also said that he has a message from your aunt. He told me to tell you before you run out of blood supplies.” She added.

“What did my aunt said?” I asked.

“Ojou-sama, your aunt said ‘remember the tradition of our clan? It says: Six months after you turned 140 years old, you will not receive any supplies of blood but you will go hunt your own food. But if you don’t want to kill, you can find someone to feed on every day. If you like, you can make him/her your personal servant or anything.’” She stated.

I sighed and took the bottle of blood from the table.

“I will leave now.” I said with no emotions.

I went out and told my driver that I will walk to school for now. I looked at my phone and looked at the time. It was already 7:25 am. SHITTT!!! I will be late! I ran off with a vampire speed but didn’t think about the humans around me and the wig ‘cause it might fall off. I got to our school in less than two minutes. Some students of the school looked at me. Weirdly.

“Isn’t that Rin?” one of the students said.

“Yeah. What is she doing here? And why is she wearing our uniform?” Another said. SHIIITT!!! My wig fell off. I sighed. ‘I guess I should follow what Gakupo said now’ I thought. I picked my phone and called Gakupo.


“Gakupo, come over to my school now! And tell you why here.”

“Okay. Be right there.”

He hanged up. After three minutes he came.

“Rin, why did you call?” He asked me as he gets out of his car. He looked at me and his eyes widen.

“It’s because…” I said as I pointed at my hair.

“Ahhh… I noticed.” Gakupo said.

“Gakupo, please spare me from school today.” I pleaded.

“Hmmm…. Let me think about that…NO!”

“WHAT DID YOU SAY MY STUPID MANAGER!?” I asked and glared at him.

“Rin It’s for your own good.”

“I know what’s good and not for me Gakupo.” I replied. “You don’t have to tell me everything.”


“I’m going home if you don’t want to help me.” With that, I ran away from him as fast as I could. I ran and ran just to get away. Didn’t he understand me? I want my secret to be kept so that I won’t be like Len, always being swarmed by his fans. I’m the most popular star from Vocaloid and I don’t want to be like him.

I reached home and Teto looked at me with concern.

“Ojou-sama, why are you home? I thought you have school?” Teto asked.

“I lost my wig. I’ll just go to school tomorrow.” I replied and headed to my room. Geez… Give me a break!

I threw myself at the bed and placed my arm over my head. I did that for, I think, more than an hour. I can’t really think about what to do with my problems and to top it all off, the school fest is tomorrow. What am I supposed to do?

Someone knocked at my door. I sat up to look who it was.

“Ojou-sama, you have a visitor waiting outside.” Teto said.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Sir Len and Miss Miku.” Teto answered. How am I supposed to face them? All they know is that this is the house of Rui not Rin’s.

“Tell them that Rui does not feel well.” I said.

“Yes, Ojou-sama.” Teto replied and left me. I threw myself at bed (again) and stared across the room. Maybe call someone? No, because I don’t have anyone to call except from my lousy manager and Len (in Rin’s place).

Suddenly my phone as Rui rang. I looked at the person who was calling me. Len. I answered it.



“Yeah, I heard that you aren’t feeling well. May I come over tonight after I do something?”

“Sorry, I still have something to do as well but I’m still having a fever.” I lied.

“I see. Get well soon and see you at school.” Len hanged up and I tossed my phone at my nightstand.

“Teto!” I called. Teto came to my doorway immediately.


“Could you please contact Sweet Ann to deliver one more black wig like the last time? Oh…and tell her that I need it to be delivered tonight.” I asked and she nodded.

“Thanks.” I said and she went out of my sight. I stayed at the same position for hours. Maybe three? Anyway, later on Teto knocked. I sat up.

“Ojou-sama, the wig came already.” Teto said and saw a parcel at her hand.

“Thanks. You may place it at the table.” I instructed. Teto left the parcel at the table nearest to her and bowed to me before she left. I stood up from my bed and went over to the table. I opened the parcel and saw the same looking wig. I looked at the nearest clock and saw the time. It was exactly six in the evening. I sighed. I removed my contacts and took a bath. I changed to a simple red black and white stripped dress. I went down.

“Ojou-sama, will you be eating human food?” Teto asked when I got to the dining room.

“Yeah, I’ll try some.” I answered. I have no choice since I don’t have any idea where to get blood from. I only have one bottle and I think I have a long way looking for a donor.

Teto laid a plate of what looked like soup and scones? Last time I remember it is called scones.

“Please try.” Teto said. I took the spoon from the right side of the plate and brought up a spoon filled with soup in my mouth. When I tasted it, I tasted nothing.

“How is it?” Teto asked I looked at her with disappointed eyes.

“Apparently, I can’t taste anything from it, Teto.” I answered.

“It’s alright. I understand Ojou-sama.” Teto said and took the plate and placed a parfait in front of me.

“Your favourite parfait, Ojou-sama. Orange parfait.” Teto said. I smiled up at her and happily ate every bit of it.

“Thanks for the meal.” I said when I finished my food but I wasn’t full. I sighed and stood up from my seat and wore shoes.

“Teto, if somebody called tell that I’m asleep. I’ll be going out for a while.” I said.

“Yes, Ojou-sama.” Teto replied and went out of the house. I went to a park near the recording building. I roamed around thinking about what to do tomorrow.

“Oh, Rin, you came.” Len said in front of me. He sat beside me and I sighed.

“Why are you here, Len? I thought you were practicing?” I asked.

“The practice was done hours ago. I just happen to come across here when I went at my classmate’s house before dinner. I called her at the phone but she said she wasn’t feeling well so I left.” Len said. No wonder I heard his voice outside a while ago.

“You ready for the concert tomorrow?” Len asked.

“Yeah…I think so. I feel weak a bit.” I answered. He wouldn’t find out from that right?

“I see…get well soon Rin. I have to go. Bye.” Len said and left me. I can’t really saw this to him but he smells tasty. I wonder if he believes in vampires or something like that.

I stood up and headed for home. I arrived home and headed to my room. I feel weak. I sighed. I took a bath and changed into my pajamas. I threw myself on the bed and sleep.

~Next Day~

Still in Rui (Rin) POV

I woke up, still feeling a bit weak but weaker that yesterday. I stood up and looked at the mirror. I look pale. ‘Looks like I need to find someone sooner,’ I thought. I went to the bathroom and took a fast bath. I changed in my school uniform, took my clothes for Rin and placed them in my bag. I went downstairs and saw Teto with a concerned face.

“Ojou-sama, breakfast is ready. Your breakfast for today is orange parfait because you can only taste that parfait Ojou-sama.” She said after she bowed.

I headed to the dining room and sat on my chair.

“Thank you for the food.” I said and ate the parfait.

After I ate the parfait, I said, “Teto can you give me the last bottle of blood?” She nodded and headed to the kitchen.

When he came back, she held the bottle and I took it. I went to my limo and we drove off to school. I stepped out and headed to the classroom. Oh right, today is the school fest. I almost forgot that. Good thing I brought the last bottle of… (You know what). Okay, back to reality. I sighed. I went out of the classroom and headed to the rooftop since the school was crowded. I reached the rooftop and looked at the sky. I looked at the time and it was 8:30 am. My concert is at 10:30 am so I went at the edge (still at the rooftop) and took a nap.

I woke up from my nap and looked at the time; it was already 10:00 am. I stood up and headed to the comfort room to change. I reached the comfort room and checked the stalls to see that no one is there. I locked the door and changed to my Rin’s clothes. After I changed, I put on my signature bow and pins and fixed my clothes and place in the bag before I went out of the comfort room.

“OMG! Isn’t that Rin?” Someone asked.

“Kyaaa!! Your right!” answered the other one.

“I want to have her autograph!”

“I want to have a picture with her!”

I sighed as I went directly to the backstage to meet my most annoying manager.

“Hey, Rin, what took you so long? You barely made it on time!” Gakupo scolded like he was my dad or something.

“What’s wrong with taking a nap?” I said as I sat at a random chair.

“We were waiting for you for like an hour ago-“

“Can you understand that I’m feeling weak?!” I exclaimed and he was silenced.

“Five minutes to live! Standby please!” The producer said. I stood up from my seat and slowly went to the nearest entrance to the stage. I couldn’t see Len anywhere.

Len’s POV

It’s five minutes till 10:30 but I’m still not on stage because I was surrounded by fan girls.

“Girls I need to leave because I still have a concert to attend. Please excuse me.” And with that, I made my way very fast as possible for me to reach the stage. But I was surprised that the concert already started and the first song is ‘Fear Garden.’ Good thing it’s not yet our new duet song. Okay, back to reality. I rushed to the backstage to get ready ‘because I will be the next one to have my solo. Suddenly… THE SONG ENDED! I rushed on the stage not noticing Rin.

“Len Kagamine, wherever you are come up on stage if you don’t want to be beaten up by me!” Said Rin on her microphone. Good thing my microphone was with me. I turned it on. I was still a bit far from the stage.

“I’m sorry if I can’t be up there because I’m being squished here but I’ll just start singing for everyone.” I said.

I started singing ‘Spice’ while I made my way to the stage.

When the song ended, I rushed to my dressing room to change for our duet. After I changed, I went on the stage and saw Rin wearing a yellow kimono but the other part was off and that part was wrapped in bandages and still wearing her signature bow and pins but she really looks pretty. I wore the same kimono and the same style. My hair was tied back in a small pony tail. I came out and called her so we can go to the stage. The crowd was silent. I remember that this is the first lease of the song. People were coming.  We started to sing our new duet. Kagamine Revolution.

(A/N: Bold + Italic=romaji lyrics
Italic= English translation)

Nidaime shuumei haya mitsuki 
banzuke umeru wa sendai bakari 
kokora de hitohana sakasemashou to 
nariagarimasu gekokujou

It's already been 3 months since we debuted as the second generation, 
but it's still always the first generation (Miku) that's getting the top rank. 
We will try to bloom a flower of our own here, 
and we will rise up and overthrow our predecessor.

Ichiban yari ore ga itadaki 
kirikomi taichou Kagamine Ren da 
renda efu-go hen na netsuzou no sei de 
Niko de ore no atsukai wa shota 
chotto mate kora ore wa otoko da 
nameta mane sutto hiku zo roodorooraa de 
chotto imeeji chigau n de nai 
himetaru chikara wa jitsu wa katsute nai hodo no 
bisei kike kii takaku shite 
hidee katsuzetsu wa mushi shite

First, I'll take that spear 
as Kagamine Len the raid squad captain. 
As I repeatedly hit F5, it seems that due to some weirdos' fantasies, 
I'm being treated as a shota character on Nico. 
Now hold it right there! I am a real man! 
If you dare look down on me, I'll run you over with my road roller. 
Your image of me is somehow wrong, don't you think? 
My hidden strength, actually, is my unprecedented beautiful voice. 
Listen to me, turn up the volume, 
and ignore my horrible mispronunciations.

Uta o kure 
sendai ni tachi-uchi dekiru chikara o 
Uta o kure 
soitsu buki ni ore wa nariagaru ze

Give me a song!! 
Give me strength to overthrow the first generation! 
Give me a song!! 
I will make it my weapon!

Sora iku zo! Gekokujou! 
koko ni tsudoe warera Kagamine ikka 

Here we come!! We'll overthrow the strong!! 
Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members! 

Ikka-soude de tanka o kitta 
choi kome areta kedo maa ikka 
Rin ga minna ni o-wabi chanto 
Ringaa-Hatto de ogoru chanpon 
konna dere kata nara Miku-nee yori 
atashi no hou ga kawaikunee 
demo kawaii dake ja nani mo kawaranai kara 
koko wa aete tsun zenkai

Because our whole family had a heated discussion, 
the number of our net comments dropped. Oh well! 
I, Rin, will properly apologize to everyone, 
and treat everyone to Ringer Hut champon. 
Compared to Miku, 
my loving style is so much cuter, right? 
Being cute won't change anything though, 
so I'm going to start being all sharp and serious.

Ii ka kikina zayuu no mei wa 
muron ookee midori wa teki da 
jidai ninau kono atsui mune ni wa 
kikai ni nai tamashii ga yadoru

Good? Listen now! Our motto is, 
"Yes, of course! Green is the enemy!" 
As the second generation, in my burning bosom, 
a soul not found in machines thrives.

Kagamine ikka no mihata no moto 
tsudou eshi gakushi ga furikazasu honoo 
ikki-tousen no tora o hittou ni 
rinki-ouhen ni tsukami ni iku shouri

Under the banner of the Kagamine family, 
the assembled artists and musicians are brandishing a burning flame. 
With an all-mighty tiger being our leader, 
we'll act according to the circumstances, and seize victory.

Uta o kureru 
gakushi-tachi ni wa yume kanau koe o 
Futari egaku 
eshi-tachi ni wa egao o sasageru ze

To the musicians who give us songs, 
we will give back our wish-granting voice. 
To the artists who draw us, 
we will give back our smile.

Sakusha gujjobu! Gekokujou! 
koko ni tsudoe warera Kagamine ikka 
Sakusha gujjobu! Gekokujou! 
koko ni tsudoe warera Kagamine ikka 
Sakusha gujjobu! Gekokujou! 
koko ni tsudoe warera Kagamine ikka 
Sakusha gujjobu! Gekokujou! 
koko ni tsudoe warera Kagamine ikka

The authors (who use Kagamine), good job!! We'll overthrow the strong!! 
Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members! 
The authors (who draw Kagamine), good job!! We'll overthrow the strong!! 
Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members! 
The authors (who made Kagamine), good job!! We'll overthrow the strong!! 
Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members! 
The authors (once more because it's important), good job!! We'll overthrow the strong!! 
Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members!

Sora iku zo! Gekokujou! 
koko ni tsudoe warera Kagamine ikka 

Here we come!! We'll overthrow the strong!! 
Assemble right here, the Kagamine house members! 

When the song ended, the audients clapped their hand. We went down the stage and changed to our normal clothes. After I changed, I went out of the changing room. I looked at Rin and she looked pale. ‘Is still she feeling a bit sick?’ I thought. She got her bag and got something... and it was the red juice. (A/N: For him...) She drank all of it then little by little her skin colour turned back to normal. ‘That was odd...’ I thought. Oh well... I got a bottle of water from my bag and drank.

Several songs followed after our new release:

Fear garden: Rin
Fire flower: Len
TheMonochrome dream eater: Len
 Grave sending song: Rin and Len
Sychronocity series:Rin and Len
Corupted flower:Rin and Len

And for the finale: Butterfly in your left shoulder

It was indeed tiring for us but we acctually enjoyed it to the end. 

Rui (Rin) POV

I was feeling too weak because I used all my energy at the concert so drank the whole bottle of blood. After I drank, my skin colour turned back little by little. ‘I really need to find someone to be my food every day.’ I fixed my things and saw my phone as Rui has a message. I opened it and saw it was from Miku.

Miku: Hey! Where are you?! I thought you were at the concert? Come here at our classroom. NOW!

My eyes widen and I picked my bag and excused myself. I rushed to the nearest comfort room with a vampire speed (but no one saw). I texted Miku.

Rui: Fine... But I told you I was there but you won’t know me!

I checked the stalls in the comfort room are someone was there. No one was there so I locked the door and changed at my Rui attire. As soon as I finished, I rushed to the classroom. I entered the classroom and saw many people. Our class holds a cafe. I saw Miku sitting on the table near the window. She was staring outside the window. I came close to her and sat in front of her. Miku realized that I was sitting in front of her and she stared at me.

“You told me that you will be at the concert! Why you didn’t even told me where were you there?!” She shouted with and angry face but not too loud.

“Uhhh... Because... Can I tell you at my house?” I asked nervously.

“NO! TELL ME THIS INSTANT!” She answered angrily (again).

“I can’t tell you here... So please come over to my house...” I answered back with a cute pleading face. I know Miku can’t resist me if I do that.

She sighed and said, “Fine... On Saturday.”

“Please don’t bring anyone with you.” I requested. She nodded and we left to tour around the school for the rest of the afternoon. (A/N: Miku already ate lunch because the concert of Rin ended at 1:00 pm.) After the tour, we headed home.

~To be continued~

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