At my doorstep...


Chapter 7

Disclaimer: I do not own anything!


Rin's POV

We reached my mansion and I saw a vampire with teal hair standing near the door of my mansion. I noticed that he is Mikuo, part of the Hatsune clan (Miku and Mikuo are not related to each other). Len and I went out of my limo.

I walked towards him and he bowed.

“Princess.” He said and rose from his bow.

“Let’s talk inside.” I said and he opened the door for me with Len behind me. We entered and we sat at the living room with Len beside me and Mikuo in front of me.

“Why are you here Mikuo?” I asked.

“Princess, I’m here to bring you back to our world.” He answered.

“Why?” I asked again.

“It’s because, the second from the highest rank clan, the Namine Clan, is ruling over our world.” He replied.

“Then our world is has no problem.” I said.

“No princess. The current ruler of our world is ruling cruelly.” He said.

“What?!” I shouted.

Curse my life! Why am I even born a princess of vampires?! It means I have to go back in spite that I want a normal life!

“I’ll go.” I told Mikuo. “I’ll pack all my things then I’ll go back.” I added looking at the ground and my fist clenched. I turned around heading to my room but someone grabbed my hand. I turned around and looked at the hand whose holding mine then looked at the owner, Len.

“Why?” I asked. Tears are forming on my eyes.

He looked down and released my hand.

Len’s POV

“Why?” She asked. Tears are forming on her eyes.

I looked down and released her hand.

‘It’s because I’ve secretly loved you since the day I met you and I can’t just leave the place like that, idiot.’ I thought.

“Then I’ll come with you.” I said still looking down.

“No… It’s my problem so you don’t have to come with me.” She said and made a small smile then she left heading to her room and Mikuo staring at her.

Rin’s POV

‘I’m sorry Len.  I will come back as soon as I fixed the problem. I promise.’ I promised myself as I pack things. I finished packing and I went downstairs with my things. I reached the bottom of the stairs and I saw that Gakupo was there, standing near the door.

 “Gakupo, please tell boss that I need to leave for a few years but don’t tell him what I am.” I told him and faked a smile. He looked sad because of me, leaving. He just nodded and I also told my servants to take a leave for few years. I saw that Mikuo was waiting for me outside the car and I can’t see Len anymore.

I went out bringing my things and put them at the trunk of the limo. I went inside, same as Mikuo then we left.

“Princess, please prepare yourself for a battle just in case Ritsu Namine will challenge a battle with you.” Mikuo said and I nodded.

‘I’m sorry, Len. But I don’t want you to get involved to my problem, because I always loved you since I met you.’

Tears starting to fall from my eyes while I was staring outside the window until I fell asleep.


I woke up and I noticed that we are already near the palace in the vampire world. I didn’t know I slept that long but who cares?  I saw peasant vampires working while other vampires whipping some peasant vampires. I fixed myself then the limo stopped in front of the palace. Mikuo opened the door of the limo for me and I went out of the limo. It was dark and dim. There was not a single ray of sunlight was seen for the fact that it’s just four in the afternoon.

 Everyone looked at me as I enter the palace. I saw the throne and saw that a girl with scarlet orange hair is sitting on the throne (which is supposed to be mine). She looked at me and she looks angry.

“Who are you and how dare you enter this palace without you being called?!” She shouted while pointing her finger at me.

I walked towards her with Mikuo behind me. I reached the top of the thrones place and Mikuo bowed.

“How dare you come up to this place?!” She shouted again.

“How dare you shout and point your finger at me like that?!” I shouted back. She looked very angry but she noticed my eyes glowing crimson red.

“Who are you?!” She asked angrily.

“Oh… Me? You should know me. Any guess?” I asked but she just shook her head.

“Looks like you surrender. I’ll introduce myself for you. My name is Kagamine Rin. I’m 140 years old. I’m from the highest ranked clan who holds the throne for almost a 100 millennia.” I said, introducing myself.

“W-what? Impostor! The princess is dead and was never found again!” She shouted. I got annoyed and slapped her.

“Even if you don’t believe me, don’t call me an impostor! Ask some nobles who lived by the accident and they will absolutely remember me!” I ordered. She gritted her teeth and glared at me with clenched fist.

“Guards! Arrest them!” She ordered. Guards came running to us and in no time we were surrounded. I smirked and raised my hand and black smoke went out from my hand. I haven’t used that in a while. Suddenly everyone who surrounded us froze. The girl rose from the throne, awed with what I did.

I placed my hand down.

“One order and they’ll defy you. Call up all the nobles and hold a party tonight…Oh, may I ask your name?”

“Why do you even care for my name?! You are just an impostor who looked like the princess.”

“I am the princess, you idiot.”

[MikuHatchune: No offence for the fans of Ritsu…]

“I won’t believe you because you have no pro-“

I growled. “That’s why hold a banquet tonight you bitch!”

“What?! Who are you to order me?!” She asked. I raised my hand.

“I could just do this and you would be rotting in the dungeon.” I threatened and she glared at me.

“What if I don’t obey you?!” She shouted.

“You’ll be rotting in the dungeon and you’ll die by being busted up in front of the whole kingdom.” I said.

“Fine. I’ll hold a banquet tonight.” She said and called her servant and whispered something like going to get the army but I placed my hand down and gripped her neck.

“I’ll be the one saying the order.” I said and looked at her servant with a warm smile.

“Hi, I was discussing with this girl a while ago about a banquet and she said she agreed. Would you please fix it for tonight?” I requested. She smiled at me and gave a nod and went back inside.

I release her neck and raised my hand and clenched it in the air. Immediately, all of the guards obliterated to dust.

“Let’s find out who’ll win this bet.” I said and turned around from her and crouched down when I heard a swish. I turned around and saw her attempting to give another kick but I caught her foot and flipped her over.

“Don’t do that again.” I said and walked away. I went to my usual chamber, which was open and ready to use, and sat at the bed.

“Mikuo, were you hurt from a while ago?” I asked him.

“Nope. I’m perfectly fine, your highness.” He answered.

“Take a seat.” I said and he took a seat I sighed and laid down at my bed.

“I’m exhausted.” I muttered and closed my eyes for a while and opened it. I sat up.

My room as it’s usual. White and orange stripped walls, a wooden floor with a crimson carpet, a bed for two persons, a study table, a shelf filled with books, balcony with a table and chair, a chandelier, a large closet, A bathroom and a comfort room, a flat screen television, two night stands, Etc…

“I miss my parents.” I whispered and stood up. “Mikuo, I have a request. Will do me the favour of choosing a pure themed dress?” I asked him.

“Sure.” He replied and stood up. I went to the bathroom and took a long nice bath with rose scented bath rocks and warm water.

After bathing, I dried myself and wrapped myself with a white towel and went out of the bathroom. I saw a white halter dress with sparkly bodice. The bottom part has three layers of ruffled-edged wraps, the one at the bottom most layer covered three fourths of the skirt. The main skirt was wrinkled and somewhat puffed.

I wore it and wore my usual bow and pins and wore a pair of white gloves that reached my elbows. I wore a pair of black high heeled boots that reached my knees. I smiled in content and went out of my room.

I paused in front of my doorway and looked at Mikuo. He wore a mask and gave me one. A black mask with gold outlined edges. I wore it and went to the banquet at the dance hall.

Nobles were staring at me; some of them dropped their jaws while looking at me. Quite literally.

“Stay anywhere you could hear me but enjoy yourself.” I ordered Mikuo and entered the dancehall.

The place was filled with nobles and pure blood I recognize.  I saw that girl a while ago in the throne room, greeting her guest with a scowl, like she hated it her. I smirked and approached her.

“Good evening.” I greeted.

“Good evening, miss.” One of them greeted and kissed the top of my hand.

I turned to the girl.

“Hi, aren’t you enjoying…”

“Ritsu…” She said and sighed.

“You know, I don’t believe that you are the princess…”

I removed my mask.

“What?!” One of the guys near me reacted. I looked at him.

“Yes, do you have a problem?”


“Ritsu, could you please accompany me to the stage?” I asked her and she growled. She went up the stage and I followed.

“Good evening, ladies and gentlemen. I am Namine Ritsu, the current ruler of our world. A while ago, an imposter showed up and claimed that she is the daughter of the king and queen.”

“May they lay in peace…” All of them chorused.

“Anyway, she said she is Rin Kagamine. I made this banquet to embarrass her in front of you all and prove that she is an imposter.” She said. I took a step forward beside her.

“I am not an imposter, for your information.” I reminded.

“What is this? Who is this?” A noble who I recognize as Ted, said.

“Mister Ted, do you not remember the only time that I played Piano for your daughter’s birthday?” I asked.

“Oh, only the princess knows that...” Ted answered.

“See, I told you so…” I said.

“W-what will that prove?” Teto said.

“That piano song was special for my daughter because that was her favourite song.” Ted resonated.

“Show off…” Ritsu said behind me with a scowl.

“Princess…” A man in the crowd shouted and looked at him.


“Do you remember the time you brought my daughter to shopping?” The man reminded me and I nodded.

“Yes I do. Her name is Yuki, right?” I said.

I felt something behind my head. I turned around and saw Ritsu glaring at my head, but diverted her gaze at me. I ignored her and turned around and smiled at them.

But what I saw was different.

They all kneeled before me.

“Welcome back, Princess.” All of them chorused and smiled at them.

“Thank you.” I said and smiled at them, they all smiled at me. I raised my hand signalling them to stand then I put down my hand. I turned around and walked towards Ritsu’s direction.

“Looks like I win, Namine.” I whispered in her ear and went down the stage. Some of them greeted me while some are whispering about Ritsu being embarrassed because of challenging me and I just ignored it.

After maybe 4 hours, the banquet ended and all the guests left. I went to my usual chamber. I was exhausted with the entire princess thingy but it’s worth it. I plopped down my bed and stared up at the ceiling. I wonder what Len is doing back at my house.

Len’s P. O. V.

“Gah!!!Get off me!!!” I complained at Miku. She was hugging me so tight.

“Why did she leave!!!!” She cried while I pushed her off my hips.

“I told you, she has some family business to attend!” I resonated. She still cried.

“RIN!!!!” She shouted with tears and hugged me tighter but she suddenly stopped crying.

“Wait. What country did Rin go? Maybe I could go see her.” She said and let go of me and stood up but I froze in horror with what she said.


“Len!!” Safe! Kiyoteru shouted behind me.

“Yeah?” I said and turned around, trying hard to ignore the tealette behind me.

“What is she doing here? Is she a fan of yours?” Kiyoteru asked and pointed at Miku.

“Oh, I’m just his best friend’s best friend.” She answered.

“Huh?” I raised an eyebrow.

“Oh, so you are Miss Hatsune.” Kiyoteru said and Miku nodded.

“What are you doing here in Rin’s house?” He asked.

“Well, I was alarmed with what he texted.” She pointed at me. “He said Rin left for a family business.”

“Is it true?” Kiyoteru confirmed.


“Where. Is. Rin?!” Miku shouted at my ear.

“Uhhh…” I can’t think of a reason!!!

“Miku-chan, even I don’t know.” A familiar voice said. I turned around and saw a purple haired hug that looked like a gay.

“Gakupo, Mister Kagamine.” He said and went next to me and Kiyoteru.

“Oh, I see. I’ll be on my way then. I’ll just give her a call. Byeee…” She said and waved at us while making her way out of the house. I hope Rin brought her phone with her.

“Well, that’s done, let’s go eat.” Kiyoteru invited.

Rin’s P. O. V.

I sighed. I sat up at the edge of my bed and stared at the mirror. A few moments later, a knock was heard from my door. I turned my head over the door.

“Who is it?” I asked.

“Mikuo, your highness.” He answered. I sighed and used my powers to open the door.

“Are you tired, your highness?” He asked.

“A bit. Why are you here?” I asked and laid down at the bed again.

“Your highness, I brought your nightgown.” He said. I shot up and looked at his direction.

“What is the color?” I asked.

“Yellow.” He answered. My eyes widened. I never packed any yellow clothes because it reminds me of Len! Shit, Why?!

“Do I have other colours?” I asked.

“Nope.” He said. I sighed in frustration. I walked to his direction and got my nightgown and dismissed him. He bowed at me before leaving. I closed the door and threw my clothes over the bed. I went to the bathroom and took a bath. I let myself wet with the warm water and massaged the shampoo all over my head and scrubbed soap all over my body. I rinsed myself and dipped myself at the large bathtub and relaxed for an hour. I was thinking what to do tomorrow.

I know my schedules are fixed for tomorrow with dinners, meetings and announcements to the public. I hope I have time for tea. I sighed and stood up and wrapped myself with a towel and went out of the bathroom. I changed to my yellow nightgown with banana prints. I grunted and curled myself up in front of the television and watched.

‘Hey, how are you doing there?’ I smiled.

‘I’m a bit exhausted. I had a long day and a longer one tomorrow.’ I thought aloud.

‘Hey, did you see the nightgown I slipped in your things?’

‘I’m actually wearing it. Why did you place it in my things anyway?’

‘For you to remember me.’

‘I’ll always remember you, you idiot.’

‘…I’m rather surprised.’

‘Don’t be. I still have a lot of surprises for you when I get back.’


‘Don’t believe me if you don’t want to.’

‘That’s Rin for you.’

I suddenly had a fluttery feeling in my stomach. I was wondering what it was.

‘Whatever. Go to sleep.’ I ordered and he chuckled.

‘Okay, goodnight, orange head.’

‘Goodnight, banana pants.’ I said and he went silent.

“Even though it’s just a day, I already miss all of you.” I said to myself and hugged my legs nearer to me. I suddenly had a craving for bananas…

“Mikuo, you still up?” I asked and looked at the door. He knocked, signalling that he was awake. “Could I request for a banana?” I asked.

“Okay.” He answered.

“Thanks.” I said and went back to watching. It was a funny about a cat and a mouse, chasing each other, for short Tom and Jerry.

After a moment, someone knocked at my door ad this time, I took effort to open the door. I saw Mikuo holding a banana. I took it from him.

“Why not go inside?” I asked him.

“Are you sure, your highness?” He asked in assurance. I rolled my eyes.

“Why would I ask if I wasn’t sure?” I replied.

“Thank you, your highness.” He said and I stepped aside to give way for him to enter. I closed the door and went back to my usual place, still curled up like a ball. I peeled my banana and took a bite while my eyes were at the television.

“Why did you ask for me to enter, your highness?” He asked.

“Hey, call me Miss Rin and not your highness. It’s a bit long.” I said and took another bite.

“I just need someone to talk to.” I said.

“But you were talking to someone a while ago.” He said.

“He’s already asleep.” I said.

“Oh…” He said.

“Talk to me about the kingdom for the last 140 years.” I said. “Oh, and take a seat.”

“Miss Rin, the peasants in the kingdom suffers from too much abuse from the hand of Namine Ritsu. Her family benefits most of the money the kingdom had.” Mikuo said. I face palmed.

“Anyways, continue what you were saying.” I said and he continued telling me all the wrongs during the rule of that stupid girl. He said that she was starting to build large houses using the peasants for her noble cousins.

“I’ll deal with that soon. You may take your leave if you want to. I think you’re already tired from fetching me from the human world and accompanying me at the banquet.” I said after he explained everything.

“Thank you, Miss Rin. I’ll be going ahead.” He said and stood up.

“Oh, close the lights when you go.” I requested and he chuckled. He went out and closed the lights and the door and left me alone. Soon enough, I closed the television and went to my bed and slept.

The next day…

I woke up and yawned. I sat up at my bed. I glanced around. I knew that I couldn’t determine the time through the sky so I glanced over the grandfather clock at the corner. It was eight thirty in the morning. I sighed and went out of bed. I took a fast shower and wrapped myself with a towel and searched for decent clothes at my closet. I took out a random black dress and changed. I wore my usual white bow and pins. I forgot to wear a fucking corset. I was always required to wear one but I shrugged and went out of my room.

“Good morning, Miss Rin. Have a good night sleep?” Mikuo greeted as I walked to the frigin’ dining hall which was on the other side of the castle.

“Yeah. You?” I replied.

“Same, anyway, I have your schedule.” He said. I face palmed.

“Okay…” I muttered under my breath.

“After breakfast, you have a garden viewing with Miss SeeU and Sir SeeWoo. Eleven thirty; you have a lunch with Miss Ritsu. That’s all for the morning.” Mikuo said. This will be a bit fun as I didn’t expect.

“Okay. What’s the food?” I asked.

“Chicken Teriyaki, Fried Tempura, California Maki.” Mikuo said.

“Cross that all out. Give me a large serving of orange parfait with vanilla ice cream. That’s the only thing I could eat, besides blood.” I said and he nodded and rushed to the ‘royal kitchen’. Well, I found it ridiculous because I’d rather cook my food alone than order someone.

“This place is large. I’d rather live in a mansion than a castle. Oh, wait. Where is Ritsu sleeping if I prohibited her form here? Oh well.” I said to myself and shrugged. Yes I am a carefree princess like mom and dad. I smiled.

“I wish he was here.” I whispered.

‘Len, you up?’

‘Nng…wha-oh…Rin, why are you up early?’

‘Well, I have appointments I expected so I’m up early.’ I replied and turned left and continued walking.

‘Anyway, how are you?’

‘Well, besides from being woken up so early, I’m fine.’

‘Sorry, Len Kagamine, for waking you up.’

‘Apologies accepted, Miss Rin.’

‘Hehehe…Anyway, you going to school today?’

‘Yeah. I have no choice but to go. I’m already changing as we talk.’

‘Oh, I hope you don’t forget to wear your neck tie. You always forget!’

‘Oy…I don’t always forget.’

‘Whatever. I have a question.’


‘Do you miss me?’



‘I-I-I-I…uhm… a…bit…m-m-miss you.’

‘Len’s stuttering…he he…’

‘W-well, sorry if I am stuttering. You made me flustered-‘

‘Oooh…Someone’s…in love…’ I teased and chuckled.

‘Am not!’

‘The more you deny it, the more I’m gonna push the topic.’


‘Say whatever you like Len…’

‘Ops, sensei’s here…byeee~’

‘Whatever.’ I sighed and entered a double-doored chamber.

“Good morning, your highness.” Maids greeted and bowed as I made my way to my seat. The chef served me the food I requested and a glass of blood. Yeah! I have blood already…I wonder who’s…

“Your orange parfait and a glass of human blood.” The fat chef presented. I took a spoonful of the food and placed it in my mouth.

“It’s delicious!” I commented happily and looked at the chef. He was very happy, delighted and thankful of what I just said.

“Why? Don’t you receive nice comments from Ritsu?” I asked him and continued eating.

“No, your highness. She always hates the food I prepare even though she requested it.” The chef replied and I took a sip from my glass.

“You know, you could stand up for yourself. It’s in the law.” I said and smiled.

“Yes, your highness. I really thank you.” He said.

“Sure, no prob.” I said. Once I finished my food, I stood up and left the chamber. When I was outside, Mikuo was already waiting for me.

“Enjoyed your food, Miss Rin?” He asked.

“Yeah…oh, have you eaten yet?” I asked.

“Yeah, I have.” He replied but a low growl came from his stomach. I stopped walking and glared at him.

“Go and eat. I know where the garden is, don’t worry.” I said.

“Are you sure Miss Rin?” He asked.

“Stop asking that. Whenever I said so, I am always sure. I’ll just tell when I’m not sure.” I said and he chuckled and excused himself. I continued walking to the garden. I opened the doors and revealed a wide garden, or rather a field of Roses, Peonies, Daisies, Lilies, Azaleas, Sakuras, Sunflowers, Morning glories, Hibiscus, Yellow bells, Tulip, forget-me-nots, Marigolds, and other flowers. Butterflies fluttered all over the place. A pair of blondes turned around to my direction.

“Good morning.” I greeted. Their eyes were the shade of red in a fire.

“Who are you?” The girl, SeeU, asked.

“I’m Rin Kagamine.” I introduced and went near them.

“Oh, so the rumors were true. You really came back.” SeeWoo said.

“Why wouldn’t I be alive? I lived and recovered for the past 140 years.” I said and smiled at them.

“Sorry if I seemed to be disrespectful.” SeeU said.

“It’s alright.” I said and shook their hands.

“So, are you both related to each other?” I asked.

“We are siblings but we love each other like lovers. Are we allowed to be engaged?” SeeU asked.

“How much do you love each other?” I asked.

“Even if the worlds end, we’ll still love each other.” SeeWoo answered.

“Is it true?” I asked.

“Yes.” SeeU answered.

“I see. I know that it’s wrong to engage you two because you are both siblings but like I do, I won’t let anything let in your way.” I sad and both of them smiled.

“I, Rin Kagamine, Daughter of the fallen king and queen, I shall engage, Miss SeeU and Sir SeeWoo.” I said while I help my hand above their heads as a sign of blessing.

“Thank you, Princess.” SeeU said.

“You know if you two were to meet Ritsu, you would rather die than not get engage with each other.” I said and they chuckled.

“We are already, in your name.”SeeWoo said.

“Alright, let’s go take a stroll around here.” I said and we, of course, went to strolling around the garden. We all adored the color of the roses, the scent of the sunflowers, daisies, peonies, and the other flowers. We laughed on how their love story all started. Remembering all this, a picture of Len flashed.

“We should get going, your highness. Thank you very much.” SeeWoo and SeeU chorused. I smiled and nodded.

“Have a good day.” I said and watched them leave me alone. I sighed.

‘Rin, you there?’




‘I was just wondering what the distance of the earth from the moon…’

‘Huh? What do you mean?’

‘It’s Miku! She’s going to get every oxygen molecule out of my body and send me to the moon if I didn’t tell where you are!’

‘Tell her I’m at England but don’t tell the city!’

‘That will really help a lot…She’ll go visit you.’

‘Send her to my cousin, Nero, somewhere at the outskirts of London.’

‘You serious?’


‘I’ll just send a mail at yah…catch you later.’


I smiled and let out a sigh. It’s time to face Ritsu!

I went out of the garden and growled out loud t myself and slouched. I hate it here at the castle. I have to learn etiquette, change my dresses every time I go out of the castle, I have to treat everyone nice and I do that naturally. What I can’t accept is having arranged to another kingdom! No!

“Whatever…” I mumbled and called Mikuo.

“Yes, Miss Rin?”

“Where will I have lunch with that Ritsu?”

“At the castle pavilion.” He said I grumbled again and went to my room and changed to a simple white and navy blue sailor dress. I tied a bandana at my neck and wore a white bow and some pins at my hair. I wore a white wedges and white stockings to match it all up.

I went directly to the castle pavilion and sighed. I saw Ritsu wore a magenta tube gown with white laces rimmed just below the collar bone. The bodice had two rows of white ruffles standing horizontally.  The skirt was glossy so I figured that it was velvet.

I took my seat and sighed.

“Why eat lunch with me?” I asked.

“Oh, I just to talk to you about some particular things-“ I yawned. Oh yeah, I didn’t get too much sleep last night.

“Excuse me for that.” I said and sipped from my tea cup.

“As I was saying, I just want to talk to you about something that you could use and I could as well.” She said and added two cubes of sugar to her tea.

“What is it?” I asked and took a sandwich from the rack and plopped it in my mouth.

“I will be crowned as the queen and you-“ I yawned again. This talk was boring that I expected.

“Oh what was it?” I asked and plopped in a tart in my mouth and chewed on it and crossed my legs.

“I suggest that I will be crowned as queen and you in my place.” She said and I took a sip from my tea cup.

“Is that a…what do you call that…threat? No wait…joke?...Ah I got it…Stupidity!” I cheerfully said and laughed. I was like arrogant and all and she was like…S-N-A-P!

“Kagamine! I’m not telling jokes!”

“Of course you aren’t! You are telling me how stupid you are!” I cheered and clapped my hands together. Are you going over board to stay in this place? Well, you won’t be staying for long then!

I plopped a sandwich in my mouth and smiled.

“Mister Chef, I would like my parfait…Please..” I said and smiled at him.

“Wait! Don’t!” Ritsu said but the chef did not stop.

“No more  Ritsu will be here in three days…got that?” I chirped in a high tone.

“W-what are you saying?! You couldn’t banish me here just like that! You-“

“Yes, yes…I already sent a request to the council of your farce actions, abuse, and how wrong you treat your people…and the mail just came in…and they said yes.” I said and she glared at me. What? All I said is true…

“Anyway, you will be the only one sent off this realm and your family will be demoted six ranks lower than the usual. So…sorry…wait…you didn’t deserve that sorry.” I said and looked down at my nails.

Sometimes, being a ruler doesn’t mean to be nice at all times…Ritsu just went overboard…too much.

“Your highness, your parfait.” The chef presented and a yummier looking parfait was presented in front of me. I thanked him and asked the food of Ritsu to be served as well.

“You little twerp…” She said under her breath. I snapped.

“Yes, your highness.” The chef said and all of them left us alone. With my powers, I locked the door.

“Well, I am a nice girl and I don’t want to be called like that by some hag, Miss Ritsu Namine.” I said in a low and deadly tone. I stood up from my seat and leaned at the table with one hand.

“You deserve it. You are not fit in being here.” She said.

“Sorry to break it to you that way but I already won the battle the first time I saw you. I would have killed you but out of my sympathy, I let you free and even granted a lunch with you.” I said.

“No. If I you weren’t with your lowly teal-head servant, you were already in the dungeons, ro-“

“I won’t be able to take it if I wasn’t a corpse at first…basic knowledge please..” I said and rolled my eyes.

“Anyways, I will be going already..”

“I did not order you to leave yet. We still have a long conversation.” I said and cracked my knuckles with a smirk.

Three minutes later…(This story will be in M if I wrote it in details)

I smiled and went out of the pavilion. Blood splattered all over my clothes and at my face.

“Please make my bath ready…” I said to my maids and they nodded and went away. Mikuo, who ran at me, panted and his eyes widened with what he saw.

“I thought the only order was to banish her? What did you do to her anyway?” He asked. I shrugged.

“The order was a lie. The correct thing is to kill Namine Ritsu, not banish.” Emphasize on the word ‘kill’…

“What?!” He shouted, surprised and stunned with what I said.

“Look at the scroll in my room if you wish to prove it…” I said and wiped a streak of blood in my cheek.

“N-no, Miss Rin. I believe you.” Mikuo said.

“Okay, I’ll go take a bath. I’m probably doing etiquette after I take a bath.” I said and walked to my room. I had a long fist fight with that girl. I bet they’ll clean the place up before I could say orange.

. . .

The water relaxed my stressed body. The scent of lavender filled my head but what’s most bothering is the color yellow, the tiles, the tub, everywhere. I sighed and relaxed as I continued to heat the water with my powers.

I took time on thinking things over like what is Len doing? What is Miku shouting? Is Miku travelling to London? Is the stat in this kingdom rising? 

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