The right honourable Edmond Catgood Spencer.
part 1.
The year of our lord 1888.
Despite the chill in the night air, he once more set out to do Gods work.
This foul gloom fog swirling thickly around all London will not deter him nor will the sinners hiding in its misty world.
The right honourable Edmond Catgood Spencer firmly holds that all god fearing English gentlemen are duty bound to obey the Lord their god and spread his word.
Even to those ignorant sinners that fester well below his and all fellow decent english christian men's station.
All must learn to fear god.
For a loving god forgives all sin, but a fearful god stops all sin.
Fear of his wraith keeps all in their proper place.
This sentiment his father instilled in him from the time he was a boy.
By god could his father put the lord's fear in all his congregation.
His fathers sermons use to fill their small Newham church to its brim.
Family's would travel many a mile just to bear wittiness to his glorious fire and brimstone homilies.
That he used to cast down with great temper on all from his pulpit.
While dominating above his fathers alter, hung a true size Jesus suspended in agony on the cross.
Those sermons and that Jesus guaranteed to place the fear of The Lord into all hearts present.
No one leaving that church would dare cross his fathers vengeful god.
All became grateful for their class in life and excepting gods will cannot be undone.
His father was a firm but honourable Church of England reverend.
It broke Edmonds heart that he was such a disappointment for such a righteous Chaplin.
Alas as his father often remarked his son had to much of his irish mother in him.
Edmond often cursed his mothers failings which he had inherited.
The soft looks that banished all sense of authority from society.
So unlike his father who with one glare all would yield to his will.
Also he received her cursed devils red hair.
A most unwanted gift that marked him all his life for numinous jibes from his fellow peers.
As if this was not enough he also got her soft low voice. Thus ending all ambition to follow in his fathers preaching footsteps.
But there was one thing that he inherited from his father.
That was a strong calling from god.
Indeed he felt his calling was stronger than his fathers.
For not only has he to bring the word of god his father to all, but he also has to bring the word of his father the god.
For in truth it was difficult to separate the two.
Edmond knew every syllable spoken by his father came from 'the word' our god.
The two were one and must be obeyed.
He will teach the sinners to fear god as his father taught him, for that is the will of god the almighty and his father.
On this charge he had much success.
As this nights ramble does prove.
Has he not claimed back these very London streets and boroughs for all good god fearing Queens subjects?
His plan was a simple one indeed he wondered why no soul has struck on it before.
Remove all sin from the streets, remove all sinners.
Fear has kept the fallen women from these streets.
Now unable to apply their sinful trade all their sinners have gone elsewhere.
But elsewhere will see how his methods have produced such wonder-us results they will surly reproduce them until all London, nay all England will be safe and honest.
His god and his father has shown him the way.
Did god not create the devil to place fear in the hearts of all sinners.
Did his father not create him to follow the same purpose.
Through that purpose he has shown the world how even the great den of immorality that infested Whitechapel can come to fear god.
To fear the devil.
To fear Jack the Rip---
-wait persons ahead upon his path.
Figures moving in this thick as pea soup fog.
No three.
Yes three females.
Unaccompanied at this hour?
Prostitutes how dare they!
Surly his last work was gruesome to deter all.
They must think it safer to venture out with three.
Very well, he will show all the wraith of god.
By the time he has finished with these three.
No woman will sell sin beneath the gaze of Whitechapel church again.
"God Loves you."
He greeted to them.
A greeting he said to all his prey.
He felt it his duty his prey least know at the end of their wretched existence that god loves all.
Even filthy sinners such as these.
Edmond froze.
The voice.
He could not make out their faces.
Damn filthy fog.
Yet he was sure their mouths did not move.
The voice seemed to come from inside his head.
He pulled his knife out.
He sensed no fear coming from the three spectres which now stood still around him.
The only fear he sensed was his own.
"Save god from what?"
Again he cursed his mothers soft voice for it could not hide his unsettling fear.
"FROM US." Came that voice.
Edmond fear turned into anger and blind rage.
He struck out with his knife.
It found its mark in the stomach of the nearest spectre.
The female spectre just stood there.
He stabbed again and again.
He placed his hand into his long coat pocket and placed his grip around the pistol hidden there.
Before he could draw it.
She raised her hand in front of him and placed her index finger onto his lips.
As if telling him to hush.
Death is coming.
Edmond found he could no longer move.
The witches touch had turned him into a living statue.
His hand remained frozen to the pistol.
The unholy spectre leaned menacing into him.
"The resemblance to his ancestor is uncanny. A most suitable host. You don't have his eyes."
The spectre opened it's hand revealing a jelly eyeball stirring into his face.
Part 2.
Strange he could barley feel his eye been removed from its socket or the new one placed in.
But he felt the dark storm coming from the unwanted eye.
In this storm.
He felt something unholy.
Coming to take his mind.
Worse his very soul.
The spectre moved it's cold hand over his face and closed both his eyes.
He felt the vile pagan storm coming for him.
In his mind he hid finding the one place he always felt safe.
His fathers church.
He bolted the heavy doors behind him.
Blessed himself and moved quickly up the aisle to his fathers alter.
He kneeled in front of the sanctuary and prayed facing 'The Lord' hanging above the alter.
Prayed to be saved.
Then he heard the banging at the door.
The storm raged outside.
The whole church shook.
He prayed.
His prayers turning into a bagging plea.
"Jesus save me. God, Jesus please sav- Bang -BANG - "
He turned.
Jumped at seeing the Hugh doors ripped a sunder by the raging black storm.
For the first time he crawled towards his fathers alter fear driving him away from the black cloud that rose around the doorway.
As the cloud cleared he could make out the dark pagan.
Framed in the shattered doorway.
One small thought gave him hope.
Perhaps he can't enter gods house?
The power of the one true god to great for any evil.
Then he heard screaming overhead.
Looking up he could not believe his eyes.
Jesus on the cross has come to life screaming and squirming.
Edmond watched in horror as Jesus pulled first one then the other of his hands through the nails.
Screaming Jesus fell onto the alter.
Edmond in terror stumbled and crawled to get away.
Back down the aisle.
Then he realised he was heading towards the entrance.
Towards the pagan.
Jesus stood up.
"Edmond be not afraid. For I am The Lord thy god."
He moved towards Edmond and as his Lord spoke all fear left him.
"As long as you believe in me no evil can enter here."
Jesus helped him up of the floor.
Edmond a true believer that stiff upper lip English men don't cry.
Looked into his lords gentle face and cried.
Tears of joy.
Tears of relieve.
Then he noticed the pagan standing in the doorway still.
"Begone pagan!"
Cried The Lord and marched hands out, down the aisle, towards the doorway.
Towards the dark one.
"In my fathers name I banish thee. In my name I banish thee. You will not have this christen soul! BEGONE!"
The pagan stepped inside.
Jesus froze and stirred into his face.
He turned and Edmonds heart stopped.
Jesus face had drained white with fear.
He ran back to Edmond.
"You didn't tell me it's Catbad!"
He placed a hand on Edmonds shoulder.
"I'm sorry but there's nothing I can do."
Edmond watched as behind Jesus the pagan once more turned into a great dark black storm.
It engulfed the fearful Jesus and in front of Edmonds shocked eyes ripped him to pieces.
The storm filled his fathers church and ripped it all apart.
Finally it engulfed Edmond and he felt himself been ripped from his very being.
He fought but the pagan was to strong.
He felt his mind been taking over.
His thoughts slipping away, like into quicksand until one last thought remained.
Catbad was puzzled by this thought.
It was not fear.
In fact it seemed deadly calm.
'Pagan picked thee the wrong soul.
Gods will be done!
I shall be back.
For I am.
Part 3.
Catbad opened his new eyes.
He saw the Morrigan* silhouetted in evil sinister fog stirring back.
He bowed to the three goddesses with his new head.
Felt the pistol in his pocket with his new hand.
"It is done oh! goddess. Your Cathbad waits to serve."
He lied with his new mouth.
"Now! Druid tell us where our mother is." Ordered Anann the blond.
"Yes." Spat Macha the red. "She must pay for what she has done to us. What you both done to us Druid."
"I pray you remember our agreement."
Catbad said taking a step back.
"I agree to take you to your mother. But once you destroy her. We shall return to our past and all mankind I promise, will worship you, oh great Morrigan. I vow as your humble high priest, to sacrifice a million humans at the turn of every season, until this world ends by your hand. My Goddess."
"Hold your tongue Druid." Said Badb the dark haired.
"Do you think you can barter with death?"
"Obey us or die." Badb warned.
"Now where is our mother?"
She placed her hand on his throat and cold fear entered him.
"I I can't tell you. She summons me. But only when I wear her entangled time ring."
"Where is this ring?"
"Abbie the girl who saved Cu Culainn has it." Catbad Explained.
"We must go back to the end of all. She also has the true mirror."
"The mirror will lead us to her, the time ring and your revenge."
"Druid we shall open a portal to this true mirror. But if this be a trick-."
Annan's eyes went black.
"-You will wish we never gave you that new flesh."
She waved her hand and the thick London fog swirled around her.
Creating a tunnel from the mist that surrounded them. It's opening grew and formed into a time wormhole.
A wormhole Catbad knew would lead him straight to Abbie.
Straight to his Druid queen.
Straight to where he wanted to be.
He pulled out the pistol.
Fired it point blank into Annan's face. Her head blew apart. She fell back.
But the other two goddesses where on him.
"I knew you would betray us Druid!" spat Macha lifting him above her head.
"For goddesses you sure are stupid." He smiled.
"My death had freed you from my curse. Now you have gone and brought me back!"
He laughs down into Macha's face.
"Have you forgotten Morrigan. As long as the Druid who cast the curse lives so does the curse."
He touched Macha's hand that held him up.
"Curse of Danu placed into my hands I cast thee.!"
Macha screamed as her hand turned into maggots.
"Noo! not again!"
Catbad dropped onto the ground rolled and touched both Annan and Badb who was starting to regenerate the rest of her head back.
All three fell to the ground screaming.
Their bodies madly twisting, contorting and collapsing into thousands of wiggling maggots.
Catbad barley looked behind him as he entered the worm hole.
He had no interest in the Morrigans fate as once more they transformed into maggots and then ravens.
He focused on the image at the end of the wormhole.
A child standing in the attic with the giant wolfhound beside her.
He could tell it was Abbie but why did she look pleased to see him?
Suddenly she saw his face and her eyes filled with terror.
He jumped out of the true mirror and grabbed her by the throat.
Catbad wasn't sure why but he found himself saying.
"God loves you."
Then he shot the dog.
Hope you enjoyed please vote.
Continued in Secret of the Druid. Book two chapter 13. Real world problems.
Hi folks book three of secret of the Druid will be starting soon. Thanks all for your support.
*The Morrigan.
Three Goddesses of war.
Annan the blond haired goddess of death.
Macha the red haired goddess of revenge.
Badb the black haired goddess of fear.
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