" Alright, we beat Slade and no more crime! Just like the good old times!"
"You're right Mo" Beast bosy said
"Except someone lost the bet we made three weeks before you took the kids" I teased
"Time for a haircut Richard."I said laughing as he just accepts the haircut punishment.
"But I'll rather have Cassidy mother do it." Dick said both of the kids are now in the infirmary room recovering as we all just looked at each other. My mom always said "Silence is your worse enemy" so I started the conversation
"So, we did a great job back there. Who's in for being the Titans again?!" I asked putting my hand high in the air as I saw tony raising his hand...mostly out of support I started to see everyone else raise their hand and I got excited. All we were waiting on was my brother he let out a sigh and then raised his hand
"I miss being a titan after all" he said as we all looked excited.
"Group hug!" I yelled hugging the leader of the Titans again and everyone hugged us. Even raven wh I am shocked out. I broke out of the hug doing a backflip smiling seeing my brother and the others laugh.
"I'm going to see if the kids are up an what are yall waiting for? It's time to part and celebrates!" I said running out of the living room
Nightwing Pov
"She knows we have nothing for a party right?" Tony said as I smiled watching my sister out the living room.
"Yeah...She does. Well, I guess we are back. I'll have my stuff in here in a few days." I said seeing Starfire and how much I missed seeing her face.
"It's been a while..." I said as Starfire took my hand.
"Come, we are going to the roof" She said as I simply followed her
Tony Pov
"So when can everyone bring their belongings in?" I asked as I hear a few responses
"I can bring mine in a few days" Cy said
"I can bring it after the party starts" Raven stated taking down her hod
"It may take me a few days" Beast boy said as I let out a smile
"It's glad to be a titan...I'm about to go and get some food for this party"
>>>>>>> Hours Later Morgan Pov
The party started and the kids are up. I can't believe everything that happened. Me becoming a cop, being Eclipse, having kids,Slade taking the kids, and now being titans. God I really am going to have to think about if they are going to change school. I really think they should but I'll figure it out. Trevor looks so excited like he was on Christmas.
"I can't believe it! The Titan's saved us!" Trevor said excited as we all just laughed at how excited he is. My son loves any and everything dealing with heroes. I was gonna surprise him one day and introduce him to the Titans one but I guess today is the day
"Woah! Your cyborg, and your raven! That's beast boy and she's Starfire! You all are so cool! Hey, have you all ever thought that you all we're going to live together? or what made you all split up.? Is it true you hate meat beast boy? And Starfire has a sister that is evil? And Raven has a demonic-"
"Trev!" Tony yelled to get him to calm down and to get his attention as we just laughed at him being so happy
"Dad..." Trevor whined
"I was only asking questions"
"Give them time to settle down. Why don't you come over here with us" Dick said as Trevor came running to the couch sitting in between me and my brother.
"Mom, dad, uncle Richard... I'm sorry" Rebecca apologize as we were confused
"For what? It's not your fault so don't apologize" I asked
"I'm sorry for getting kidnapped and having you all worry. Most importantly for not staying where I supposed to stay" Rebecca sighed and looked at the cast on her arm
"If we stayed there I wouldn't have this on my arm..and i-" she said as she started to pass out but my brother caught her.
"I think you need to get some rest" dick said carrying her to the infirmary room as she started to cough worse than she did. I started to worry about my daughter. 'What if she's not okay'
"If my daughter is hurt any worse than that broken arm I swear Slade will-" I didn't finish the sentence because Raven put her hand on my shoulder
"It's going to be okay, It just sounds like she has a small cold because she was coughing alot"
"Raven I hope you're right" I said as Trevor looked sad. His hope and happiness turned into a from a depression and despair
"mom, dad is she going to be okay?"
"yes...she may have to wear that cast for a few weeks but she's okay"
"No... I think she's not. She was hurt bad!" Trevor said as the Titans looked at Trevor concerned as well
"What do you mean?"Tony stated as I got off the couch looking Trevor in his eyes.
"After we were kidnapped she was pinned to a wall and sparks was all around her and a gas too because she didn't want to join him. I had no choice but too, if I didn't he would have hurt her...its my fault we were kidnapped. I saw a magic trick and wanted to see it" My son said as I started to feel weird. I felt like I couldn't breathe. I tried to speak but I couldn't. I started to cough and once I did, i couldn't stop.
"Are you okay?"Trevor asked as I couldn't speak, all I could do was look at him...well tried to at least. Starfire grabbed a bottle of water
" are you okay? I hope you are not the ill"Starfire was concern as I started to drink the cold water feeling better
"Thanks, I probably just got a feather in my throat. I'm going to check on my brother" I said getting up and I wanted to check on Dick and Rebecca. When I was about to go in I heard Rebecca coughing harshly and saying it hurts...I don't know what 'it' is at all.
"It's okay" I heard Dick say as I opened the door quietly.
"How is she doing?"
"Kind of good, but not really. She won't get any rest and she doesn't want me to leave...She keeps saying if you leave it'll hurt" Dick said as I looked at my daughter. When she noticed I was looking at her she turned as if she was mad at me
"I found out why she's acting like this and we all are trying to find a cure"
"What happens"
"She was in a room full of gas and it wasn't laughing gas either." I said looking at my daughter I placed my hand on her head to see if she has a fever and she felt too hot.
"momma..." I heard her say as I spoke letting her know I am here
"What's wrong?"
"I-it hurts... Sore"she said as I started to touch her arm to see if that is what's hurting but before I could touch her arm she moved. Saying no as if I was attacking or hurting her. I still don't know what slade did to her or whats going on but it's getting out of hand.
"Cy can you figure out whats wrong with her?"
"I don't know whats in her system but whatever it is Mo, it's hurting her" Cyborg stated as I started to get closer to the screen looking at the blood cells carefully seeing half of them a dark red color.
"Raven, can you try and help me figure out what this is?" I asked as Raven used her powers to go to her room finding books.
Dicks pov
She has been up for hours asking questions and playing mind games with me... One question she asked made our conversation turn to a new topic
"Uncle Richard, how come you never told me you were Nightwing?"
"It was gonna be hard for me to tell you and you knowing would of put you in danger"
"What do you mean?"
"Well look at what happened to you. Being kidnapped, an arm was broken and not feeling well" I stated as she looked at her cast
"Don't remind me, but you know uncle Richard I want to get well and get out if here. I don't wanna look at the wall anymore being bored."
"You can help me if you tell me what happened " I said as she held her head in pain. I comfort her as I decided not ask her again. I'm guessing her trying to remember things that happen hurts her brain.
"I won't ask that question anymore but I'll be right back," I said to Rebecca as I got up to meet with the other titans
"Will you uncle Richard?"
"Yes, I promise" I kissed her forehead and left seeing her finally going to sleep
Once I got i to the room where we could still see Rebecca, Morgan had her head in her hands...
"This is my fault..."
"What do you mean?" I asked my sister as she started to take responsibility for the kids being lost..I know the kids did not want me to say it's my fault but now Morgan is saying it's her fault
"When I was with Slade a tracker was put in my system. Into my bloodstream. For days when I don't cooperate"
"Carry on.." my brother said
"That tracker is working till this day. Once I left him i thought it stopped.. I guess that's why I had pain in my arm."
"But how can we get that tracker ou?" Cyborg thought out loud
Morgan Pov
"If you all have to cut my arm off go ahead. So I can know that Slade isn't going to hurt my kids anymore. I don't want to do this but I will if I have too!" I stated as everyone looked as if I was crazy. Cyborg ran a scan on my arm and found out where it's located and found it. Raven use her magic to numb my arm as Cyborg went to operate on my arm. Raven held my other hand as comfort. I squeezed her pain as I felt something tug and it felt like it was about to rip my body apart.
"Morgan this is gonna hurt" He said as Raven used all her magic to increase the numbing but Cyborg yanked the device from my arm as I wanted to yell as loud as I could.
"Sorry. Cyborg said as he stitched my skin together he put the device on the table as I just looked shocked
"That micro thing was inside me?" I asked looking at the silver device blinking red and white
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