Tony Pov
I was laying down in the bed with my wife Morgan. She has in a deep sleep and I was starting to do the same. It supposes to be my off day but I heard a call coming from the house phone beside our bed. I looked at the phone to see who it was and I saw the caller ID say: Blood Heaven Police. I wondered what's wrong and answered curiously.
"Officer Valenhall here, what's the problem?" I said as I heard Rodrick on the other end of the phone
Rodrick: Tony we need you to come to work right now
Me: What's wrong now?
Rodrick: We had an alert that two people are missing and the Sheriff needs everyone here for a meeting.
Tony: *sighs* I can't enjoy my off day at all can I
Rodrick: you're an officer Tony and as an officer you don't have a off days. That's just the way it is
Me: Alright, I'll be there in 10.
[Call end]
"Morgan get up!" I said shaking her awake as she rolled over looking at me
"For the last time, your not gonna get -"
"I know, I have to go to work." I said getting out of bed.
"I don't know baby, two people have gone missing and they need all officers there"
Morgan pov
Great, on his off day Tony has to go back to work. I have a idea since I help the police solve crimes like this I can come and help out.
"Tony!" I yelled as he was already downstairs getting his jacket and shoes
"Hold on, I'm going to help you all out" I said putting on my jacket leaving the jegging on that I had on.
"I'll be waiting, but hurry" Tony said walking out of the house going to the car. I ran downstairs putting my shoes on while getting my jacket.
Dicks pov
"And why should I help you" i rude woman asked
" because I'm a member of the blood heaven police department"
"Sir being a police in a nother city and coming over here doesn't change anything to me. "
"So if your kids went missing and I was in your spot right now I would let you check the with security"
"You have so many things wrong in that sentence A. I don't have kids and don't want any, B. We are not in the position where you are sitting in my spot and C. How did you lose them anyway. That shows your a bad parent. " she replied as I started to say something but I walked away from her asking people if they seen the kids.. I know it was a mistake for calling the police line in jump because they may call the police in blood heaven and my sister will find out.
>>>> Morgan pov
"Ladies and gentlemen there was an alert out for two little kids. Their uncle called in and reported this to us" The sheriff said as I raised my hand
"Sheriff Parker, did the uncle of the two abducted children tell us anything about the kids in general?" I asked
Sheriff Parker's pov
Morgan is one of best detective's I had in a long time beside her brother and husband. I'm actually pretty shocked she hasn't joined the B.P. D yet, but I also know that I can't tell her that it is her kids that are missing because it will start things. Also her brother told me not to tell
"Yes Mrs. Morgan, the uncle told us that the kids we're a boy and a girl. With the girl being the oldest"I said as she started to think about something.... I guess I got her mind thinking about her own kids and she's about to check up on them.
"Excuse me sheriff I'll be right back"she said walking out the room. I'm guessing she is going to call her brother.
Morgan pov
I walked out of the room and started to call my brother. I know he has the kids under control but something is telling me to call him.
Dick's pov
I hope sheriff Parker didn't tell morgan and the other that Rebecca and Trevor are missing. I was still looking around the mall when I heard my phone vibrate and it was Morgan...
Great, the person I didn't want to talk to right now called me. If I don't answer the phone she would worry. If I answer I can't tell my baby sister I lost the kids.
Me: hello
Morgan: hey dick how is everything?
Me: oh everything is going great.
Morgan:where are the kids?
Great, the one question I didn't want her to ask was the one she asked
Me: oh they are sleep.
Morgan: really? I'm shocked they are asleep, how come this only happen when they are away from the house
Me: I don't know but is everything okay?
Morgan : Yes, me and Tony are in an emergancy meeting that Sheriff Parker called for
Me: good luck with that, that meeting will last for hours with him talking
[Call end]
Morgan pov
I walked back into the room hearing them discuss the situation as I started to help the officer out.. Minutes changed into hours and sheriff Parker left the room to give us time to think
"Man it's a shame that we have to find those two little kids"I heard Maxwell, a tall male with dark hair and brown eyes say
"I just hope Rebecca and Trevor haven't gotten hurt badly" Rudy, a guy who has red hair and green eyes said. Rudy is tall but not that tall.. I would sat as tall as my brother is, but when he said that me and Tony got curious
"What do you mean?!"
"Well that's why the meeting was called so quickly. Rebecca and Trevor have gone missing"
"No,no,no,no,no Rudy I just called my brother and they are fine" I explained as Tony looked at me
"So you didn't know that he lost the kids?!"
"He what!?" We yelled as we got our stuff and left the police station. Before we got out the building we bumped into sheriff Parker
Sheriff Parker Pov
"What's wrong officer V?" I asked as they we're trying to leave out in a rush
"Sheriff my kids were the ones kidnapped, they could be in danger! I'll contact you if we need to" Morgan yelled as they both ran out the door... I have a feeling that someone told them. I walked back into the room with my cup of coffee
"So who told them their kids were missing?" I asked sipping my coffee seeing everyone looking at rudy
"Way to go Rudy" i sarcasticly said sipping my coffee again as Megan smacked rudy in the back of his head
"Yeah way to go Rude"She said using Rudy's nickname as she got getting some papers that she printed off.
"I hope we find them before they do" Megan said tapping the paper's on the table to get them in order.
"Then we need to get to work" I said as the officers started to leave the room and tried to get more information about the kids
Morgan Pov
Tony is driving as fast as he can to Jump City and I started to call my brother but he is not answering the phone...I just wish the he would answer the phone, but even if he think I'm furious with him i am.
Growing up my mom and dad taught us to not fight each other. If we are mad we had to talk it out.
We finally made it to Jump City and I started to call my brother five....ten....twenty times, but no response
I decided to walk around jump city while Tony drove around looking for Dick and I didn't find him anywhere....Great I just found out my kids are missing and now I called my brother and he did not respond.
'lucky me huh? not to mention it's raining and I'm walking. I'm taking my chance on getting hurt but I can handle my self so its okay' I walked pass the mall and I saw his car. I knew he had to be in the mall so I went in looking for him. It felt weird that guys we're staring at me like I was something they could grab....
"Ma'am is everything okay" I was asked by a boy who was younger than me. I know I'm only 24 but he looks like 18-19ish.
"I'm looking for a guy with long hair or two kids a girl and a boy. The girl has sandy brown hair and the boy having jet black hair. Have you seen them?"
"I haven't seen them but I have seen an angle standing in front of me right now" he said trying to hit on me
" listen sir, little boy or what ever age you maybe...I'm married with two kids. With their father being a police officer and work their as well.. I don't need any cat calling and flirting." I remarked showing of my ring as he was shocked
" I'm so sorry miss! I didn't know you were married you look like you are 18-"
"Sir I'm twenty four years old but I have to go and find someone" I said running off trying to find dick. I saw dick close to security asking questions
"Dick! I been looking for you!" I yelled running towards him. His expression turned from worried to scared.
"Mo?! What are you doing here?!" He was surprised to see me
"Oh just..."
"Looking for the kids right?"
"How did you know?"
"Loud mouth rudy tolds"
"So you teo know each other?" The officer said as i nodded.
"Yes he is my big brother snd my kids thst have gone missing"
"Well ma'am i looked on the camera and it blacked out before we knew who took your kids" he said as I pulled dick to the side
"Its okay officer, we'll locate the police and have them handle this" I said as we walked out the mall
"Dick what you did was stupid!" I said to him as I kept walking to the exit
"Okay mo, I know I messed up but at least try to help me out... "My brother said as I turned and looked at him. I didn't care that we walked out the mall and it was raining. I was pissed
"Help out..you want to help out? Richard how do you lose two kids who obey you?! I guess you forgot that Trevor gets distracted easily, and Rebecca can't control him yet. If you want to help find the kids before I do. If not dick you're in trouble"I snapped and turned my back on him walking trying to find tony...
Dick walked away and minutes later he parked his car beside me as I stopped and looked at him.
"...so you're getting in sis?"
"No thanks I'll walk"
"Morgan you will get a cold"
"I'll get a cold if it means minding my kids"
"But if your sick how can your find them?" He asked as I started to walk and he followed beside me driving
"Easy I take some medicine and go"
"But what if you pass out finding the kids and get captured too" dick questioned. I let out a sigh and grabbed the passenger side door opening it to get in.
"Hey little sis?"
"Ima call tony and tell him where to meet us" I said picking up my phone as my brother began driving....
No ones pov
Morgan and dick are now back at the titans tower and are now waiting on tony...
"This never would of happened if you didn't-"
"Can you stop that already?" Dick said crossing his arms and looking at morgan through his shades with his blue eyes trying to be intimidating.. ( Yes I have changed his eye color so the comments won't say... He has blue eyes not green, I hate when the author say it wrong it's blue not green ffs but morgan will still have green eyes tho)
"My bad dick, I just want my kids to be safe... I don't want them do get hurt" morgan said as she tried not to let a tear come from her eyes but it did anyway. Dick got up from the couch and pulled her into a hug. She hugged him back reaching to put her arms around his neck as tony came in..
"So you two are on good terms?" Tony asked as they let go of the hug, having their arm around each other and looked at Tony
"Not really on good terms but you can say that"Dick said letting go of her...
"we need to find the kids and hurry. I heard jump is back to the ways it was before"
"Criminals are out of prision and starting crime again"
"Way to do dick, instead of getting ride of trouble we end up in the middle of it! "
"What about that whole moment huh?" Dick said and the grayson siblings argued like kids again.
" listen, I'm sorry the kids are gone but don't worry "
"I hate to break the drama but questions are stilled unanswered. Such as; where are they? Why did they get taken? And how are we going to get them back?"
Both of the Grasyon siblings staired at tony with a confusrd look trying to figire out an answer.
"...i have an idea!"
"Well say it mo" dick replied
"Why dont we get the titans back together. Cuborg could help us out, as well as beastboy turning into a bloodhound and-"
"Bad idea" Dick angrily said
"You know how many years that was morgan?" Tony asked
" Forget about how many years that was...we need help, and they may can help us"
"They shouldn't help us Morgan, this is none of their business that the kids are missing" after dick said that I was hesitate about why he would act like that... We all use to be like a family
" that was then not now. It's our problem" Dick ordered
Morgan pov
I don't know why he won't let's get together, I really want us to get back again... I don't know if it will ever be the same
Flash back
Dick pov
"Morgan" I yelled as she feel off of the five story building and starfire cought her.
" You see Robin, this is why we said let her take lower stories of the building not the upper stories!" Cyborg yelled
"I told Red X to stay with her. Matter of fact where is he?" I asked as Red X are appreaded and I got mad again. He left her.. Why?, it's his fault that she almost died...
"Where were you? "
Tony's pov
"Lighten up Robin, she said she could handle it."
"Lighten up? This past month has been nothing but everyone almost getting killed and I need to lighten up" Dick said as I looked at the villains tied up
"So who's taking them jail?" I said as everyone literally left leaving me with the villains.
"I guess I am" I said as I vanished taking them to jail. Once I got back to the tower everyone didn't talk to each other. If they did it was for a milli second.
"Is she okay?" I asked Robin as he looked serious through his domino mask
"What do you think?" He said as I pulled off my mask looking at him.
"Hey I'm sorry, but everyone here as done wrong this week and maybe we just need to start getting along"
"The only reason we haven't got along is because no one listen to what I had planned"
"Yo what's going on Rob?" Cyborg asked as I chose to ignored dick ignored him
"You have been acting weird"
"Doesn't matter. If we all can't get along maybe we should disband" Dick said as I felt everyone heart drop.. Us? Not being titans anymore? And just as I became a member a year ago. This is so unfair...
"If that's the way you want it to be" I walked to the infirmary room checking up on my girlfriend
"As you wish" Starfore said flying to her room
" doesn't matter with me" beastboy said with anger in his voice
"What ever"Raven said teleporting to her room
"I can say that may be a good idea since we can't beat up a guy with out multiple ideas
End of flash back
I begged my brother to get the titans together and after a couple of please and compliments he agreed to get everyone back together.
"Yay! You don't know how happy I am big brother" I said jumping on him as he hugged me back
"But wait, how are we going to find the others" Tony asked as my brother smirked as I looked up at him. That smirk means something is up
"I thought you should say that" dick said and I could not believe what he grabbed. An old Titan communicator and with a click of a button we heard a noise coming from it meaning that is was signaling everyone. Dick went to the monitor and while it was going on he was tracking everyone
"Smart move officer"Tony and I said as we but our arm on each of my brother shoulder.
"I found three of them"
"Who did you find?" Tony asked
"Beast boy, Raven and Cyborg, haven't found star just yet.. "
" well we can get them and grab star last because who knows where she is" I said as dick stood up
"So who is going after who?"
"I got cyborg" I called
"I guess I got raven"
"I guess I will try to find star.. I just hope she's okay"
"Oh... So you still like her" I said as he tried not to blush but me and tony both laughed
"Does it matter? Just go find them"
"Print of the locations chief and we will"To my playfully said as Dick went back to the computer and gave us the address and with that we we're on our way to being titans again
Okay this chapter came out late... And my be long but I hope you like it
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