A Grayson Can Do Anything
"Is everyone alright" I asked as the fire fighters started to put out the house fire and a woman with dark red hair looked worried
"Zachary! Zachary!!"
"Is everything alright ma'am?" Tony asked as she looked at him with a few tears in her eyes.
"Officers I think my son is still in the building"
"I'm going in their..." I said to her as tony looked at me
"Are you crazy?!"
"No, I just need to find the kid"
"Dont do anything stupid Grayson you could kill yourself!"Tony said as i handed him a locket that was ment to go to my sister
"If i dont make it out tell my sister i will miss her" i said runing inside the building trying to find the boy. I heard tony scream out 'Grayson' but I had to find the boy.
My sister and I were left without parents and I don't want a parent to be left without their child. I heard the boy crying as i knew it was coming from the room on the right..I was able to get in the room as I saw him crying and scared by the flames
"It's okay! I got you" i said crawling to the boy as he scooted back as he didn't know what to do...
"Trust me" i smiled at him reaching my hand out to him as he grabbed it.. I pulled him closer to me and once i did, apart of the roof collasped. I pulled him close to me so i can protect him from the fire. The boy started to cough as I took off my hat and put it over his nose and mouth trying to keep smoke from entering his system. I used a part of my shirt for the same reason.
"We're going to be okay... I gotcha" I said trying to calm him down.. The fire was spreading quickly as I tried to find an exit but everything turned black
Morgan pov
I got a call from my husband saying that my brother is in critical care so we all need to get to the hospital and hurry up. I didn't care what I wore to the hospital. All I cared about is my brother. I keep the shirt I had on but switch to yoga pants. After woke the kids up I got them into the car.
Once I got their I saw almost all of the police station their so I knew that I was at the right place.
"Hello Miss, how can I help you?" The receptionists asked as I saw 3 more police go past us...
"I'm with them, I'm here to see grayson!" I picked up the kids running after the officer's
"Officer Maxwell what happened?!"
"I don't even know Officer M. I got the call a few minutes ago saying he was in the hospital " Maxwell said calling me a officer and yes I work for the B. P. D but I'm not fully a worker. I just help them when I can. As we all made it to Dick's hospital room we saw news reports, and flashing camera's. Who knew being hurt can get a lot of media by you.
"Ma'am are you Mr grayson's wife? Can you tell us what happen? "
"No I am his sister and no comment"I said Max grabbed Trevor so I could go through the door first. Once I got into the room it looked depressing. Most of the police officers were standing around the hospital bed with their hat's off showing their respect to him. I can't believe the commissioner and sheriff was their as well...
"...Dick.... "I whispered looking at him on a oxygen tank and multiple IV's in his right arm and a cast on his left. It makes me sad that my brother is in the hospital. Normally he wouldn't do anything dangerious like this but I wonder why. I moved and got in front of the officers as I grabbed my brothers hand. Rebecca and Trevor was still sleeping so I gave tony Rebecca as Max stood beside him with Trevor on his shoulder knocked out
"...Dick you have to wake up....you can't be dead... Can you? You saved me from myself. Don't leave me"I whispered grabbing his hand. Still it was so quite. I mean what can you say when a comrade, a friend, someone you care about is in the hospital?
The door opened as flashing lights from cameras hit the wall behind my brother and a woman with dark red hair, large hoop earrings, and onyx eyes staired at him.
"Who are you? And why are you in this room?" I said as I felt an officer put their hand on my shoulder
"It's okay..." I heard a male say
"Are you his wife?" She asked
"I'm his sister"
"Morgan the reason Dick is in here is because he saved her son life" Tony said and I was shocked at what he did
I looked at my brother and let out a huge smile
"No wonder why you're in here... You wanted to be a hero"I teased as the woman looked sad
"Well actually.... my son would of died sooner if he didn't save him" she said as I let go of my brother hand and looked at her
"What do you mean died sooner? " the woman bursted out crying saying that he died... I felt sad that her son was gone... She explained that her son was 6 years old and that touched my heart. I gave her a hug and started to cry too
"Listen you can't cry over your son... Even if he was only six but you know what. Maybe this is a sign Ms. If you constantly cry your son will think that he didn't make you happy, and I'm pretty sure he did.. " I tried to cheer her up and being Maxwell he tried to flirt with her by comforting her.
He gave Trevor to Tony and took off his vest which he probably did that because he wanted to talk to her as a person not a officer and he was left with a dark blue V-neck. He hugged her as she cried into his chest...
"It's gonna be okay Ms, I'm sorry for your lost... "Max said as they both left out the room but before she left she told me to give this to my brother if he wakes up
Dick's pov
I was still knocked out but i feel like i could hear and see them. I tried to open my eyes but i couldn't
(A/N: this is while he is knocked out basically like he was still laying down but his soul wasn't in his body)
'Dick? Are you going to leave everyone like this?' I heard a voice behind me. I didn't want to believe who it was behind me until I heard a woman's voice
'Everyone needs you to wake up" I turned around and saw my mother and father for the first time in many years... I was shocked I didn't know what to say to them. I saw them die with my own eyes... I had to be dreaming
'Mom... Dad... You're alive?' I asked as I saw my mom smile
'We're not alive Richard, but you have to stay alive' she said as I saw all of the B. P. D members look sad and some were even crying.... My heart rate was slowly going down and it must of worried them..
"You can't leave me Dick! Don't!" My sister yelled as I just stood behind her. She was holding my hand scared.... Scared to lose me
"Dick, you *are* the best brother I had and could ever ask for. You saved me from myself and im afraid to lose you" My sister said crying as I stood behind her. I tried to touch her shoulder but my hand wouldn't go their. It keep going through her body..
'Morgan? How come I can't touch you?' I asked as she didn't hear me.. This is getting weird..
'Dick she can't hear you..'
'As in I'm a dead?'
'Not yet dick' my father said as I looked at my sister feeling depressed
"I don't want to lose you Morgan. Just like you don't want me to go" I spoke softly looking at my sister
'Then don't give up Richard, live.. For your sister'
'I'm trying my hardest but maybe I should give up' I confessed as my father said his famous quote
'Dick you're a grayson and a grayson never gives up' after my father said that I started to feel my heart beat faster than it every did
I didn't know what was going on but once in healed and exhaled I felt nothing
Morgans pov
I heard my brothers heart beat fast and then it stopped. A loud beep went through out the hospital room as everyone looked at each other... Some female officers started to cry as the males held their hat to their heart and putting it on their head which is a B. P. D signal that means 'you did not die for a terrible reason '
I slid to my knees and started to cry..I screamed in pain crying as I couldn't help it. The promise we made...was that something to be broken as well. Officers started to look at me as they could tell I took the death worse.
I cried harder than i ever did in my life...my mom,my dad, my closest friend/ my big brother is gone...forever... I will never forget how much you helped me even if i was hard headed ...
I grabbed his hand one last time looking at his face reminding me of dad..
"Dick...At least you got your wish now big brother, your going to see mom and dad.. I hope you all be happy" i said with fake smile as tears still dripped down my face. I felt my hand being squeezed as i was confused...the grip became tighter and tighter until his heart beat on the machine started up again everyone looked at the machine as i stared at my brother..
His eyes twitched a little until he let out a gasp and shot straight up scaring me. His breathing became heavy but then returned to normal as he looked around seeing the B.P.D, me and the kids. He looked at his arm in confusion as i smiled
" what happened?" He asked as i gave him a hug. I didnt want to hug him tight because i didnt want to hurt him
"You kept your promise Dick, thats what you did" he laughed as sherrif put his hat on..
"Grayson, what you did was reckless, but you tried to protect the boy" Dick looked at me confused
"What do you mean tried? Is he okay"Dick asked as a couple of officers left the room
"Dick he died not to long ago.. His mom told me to give you this card" dick used his hand that was not in a cast and opened up the envelope.
"There is a letter in here too? "
"Read it" I said as he started to read
Dear Officer Grayson,
After you saved my son I finally found out your name but my name is Olive and if you are confused about who I am. I am the six year old's mother you meet before you got injured. I hope you wake up soon officer. You were a total hero for doing that... Also I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart. Zachary is on a better place because of you.
- The child's mother Olive
Dick got finished looking at the letter and I teased him
"So you get girls by not doing anything, knocked out in a hospital, what's next dead too"
"Don't start that joke.." He said as a nurse came in the room fighting the news reportes
"Mr. Grayson, how are you feeling?" The nused asked but she was trying to flirt with him. She held papers under her arm as well as a tray of food.
"I could be better"
"That's great but I'm sorry officers but visitation hours are over unless you are staying all night" once she said that officers started to leave
'Hope you get better'
'You had us worried'
'Way to go hero'
'See you later'
Those we're most of the comments that people said to him as they left. I looked at my brother and smiled
"Night Rich, I'll be ba-" I was cut off when he used the little strength left to grab my wrist
"Hey, you mind staying here?" My brother asked as I smiled at him
"Sure, I'll just tell Tony to stay with the kids" I said letting go of his hand and walking out the room. Surprisingly all the news people are gone and the halls of the hospital looks weird since it's filled with B. P. D members... I could tony carrying the kids and I taped his back
"Tony, can you take care of the kids tonight?"
"You're staying here?" He asked as I nodded
"Well see you later. Tell your brother to not do anything stupid again"
"He's a Grayson, tony that's hard to tell him." I said giving him a kiss as I went back into the hospital room and sat beside Dick as the nurse was checking if he was ok from what the machines say
"You know Mr Grayson I'm shocked. You were inside of a burning building and besides you being knocked out, a few minor scraps and small burnt marks on your body and that broken arm your fine"
"That's good" dick sighed in relief as I laughed
"You know mostly people that did what you did would of died on the spot but you didn't. You must be a super hero?" I looked at my brother as she was focused on writing something down from the machine. I didn't want her to hear our conversation so I spoke in Romanian
"Vreau să spun că ești un erou și că brațul înseamnă să nu mai lupți până când nu vindecă" ( I mean you are a hero and that arm means no more fighting crime until it heals)
"I guess your right Morgan. Although I wish I could go to the station tomorrow"Dick said as I laughed
"Knowing them they are going to throw you a party"
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