
I'm going to try and update more frequently, I also want to make the chapters longer, like the last chapter had 1k words so I'm going to try and get to 2k this chapter.

"Counting down these seconds, always second guessing, I'm dreaming of the place to start again."

-Fly Away by 5 Seconds of Summer


3:09AM, read his digital clock. The three of his bandmates were already passed out.

But not him.

He just stared at his ceiling, sure, it was dark. But his eyes had adjusted to the dark, and he just stared at his ceiling, taking glances at his digital clock.

He could hear Calums slight snores, Luke's uncomfortable shuffling on the ground, and didn't hear come from the oldest of the three.

He couldn't sleep. He was just thinking about, well, everything, everything and beyond. He questioned life itself, he questioned how everything came to be and how we know how it came to be.

"How do we know the sun will implode and kill all humans and planets in 3,000,000,000,000,000 years?"

"How do we know who God is?"

"What if Satan is actually God and God is actually Satan?"

"How do we know what air is made of?"

"How do we know Vampires, Mermaids, Werewolves, and so on aren't real?"

"Whats the point in school?"

"How do we know the Earth got hit by a rock in space and destroyed everything if we weren't there to see it?"

"How do we know monkeys evolved into humans?"

"What if we're just a galaxy inside a galaxy inside a galaxy inside a galaxy? What if theres other life forms in a different galaxy and think they're just the only living life forms?"

"How do we know what adoms are if its impossible to see or touch?"

"What the fuck even is algebra?"

"Whats the point of History when we have the internet?"

"How do touch screens even work if you're just tapping on glass?"

"Who invented tacos?"

"How the fuck does someone invent numbers then just get lazy and decides it goes on forever rather than just making a stopping point to make math easier?"

"What even is an eraser?"

"Who came up with the first comic book?"

"How do we know all these Egyptian rulers and shit even existed when someone could've just lied and inslaved every human being into saying its true so came up with like a trillion names for Kings and Queens for shit?"

"What the fuck is that hangy thing in the back of my throat and how exactly does it do anything?"

"How does bluetooth even work it makes no sense?"

"Who even uses Latin anymore?"

"What even is gravity?"

"I don't understand how glasses are just legit glass and makes things more clear."

"How the fuck do we know dinosours are even a thing when they could just be really big demented dogs?"

"How do we know cow milk isn't just the cow masterbating from pulling on its one of many little dicks?"

The last thought made him cringe but silently laugh to himself, shaking his head and whispering a "eww," as he looked to see if he woke any of the boys up. "I'm never drinking milk again."

He sighed, letting his head fall back onto his pillow and then face his clock again.


He fluttered his eyes, not feeling the least bit tired and let out a quiet groan. He didn't like the fact that he couldn't sleep, because he loves sleep.

He curled up on his side, his face facing his friends and him facing the wall, he pulled out his phone from under his pillow and unlocked it. He opened up his Twitter, and decided to re-post, post, and reply to fans.

Michael5SOS: I can't sleep, and its 3AM

Michael5SOS: re-tweeted @_______'s photo

Michael5SOS: @_______ LOLOL

Michael5SOS: @CaseyMoreta fuck off :/

He sighed, once more, and looked at the clock. He felt like hes doing this constantly, counting down every second just waiting for himself to grow tired.

Maybe eating a box of pizza before bed wasn't a good idea.

He rolled, expecting to land on his back to face the ceiling again, but instead, he had fallen for a good split second and hit his head on his nightstand, causing the lamp to knock over and a big thump and crash was heard.

And before he even had time to process what just happened, he just saw black, and nothing but black.

Calum was the first to shoot up from his slumber, panicking when he couldn't see anything. Ashton up and stumbling to the ceiling light switch.

Luke rubbed his eyes and groaned as soon as the light had been switched on, Calum saw his best friend on the floor, a lampshade covering his face and broken glass next to his now bleeding arm with his phone, which was still turned on, on his stomach.

Ashton rushed over as soon as he saw Michael, throwing the lamp shade off his friend and his face paling as he saw the gash in his lip and just above his eyebrow.

He saw the slight blood on the little frame that held up the mattress, which is probably how his friend got the blood on his face.

So he picked up the younger boy and gentally placed him on the bed, his phone sliding onto the floor.

Calums eyes enlarged at the sight of his friend; Luke had just realized what was happening and quickly started hurrying to the bathroom to find first aid.

Ashton tried to wake up the boy, but he just wouldn't, which made him even more worried about his friend. But he soon just let the boy be as Luke came back with first aid.

Cleaning up their friends face and arm, Calum was still shocked and questioning why his friend just fell out of his bed. But his eyes landed on the phone, and he picked it up.

Seeing that Twitter was open, and he looked at his friends recent tweets. He saw that Michael had tweeted maybe 15 to 20 minutes ago that he couldn't sleep, but that was the only, you could say, 'evidence' of what had happened.


The Frye's were all extremely bored, and they couldn't bare to eat anymore of the snacks they had bought. It made them just want a real meal even more than they already did.

It was currently a quarter to six, and they all had decided to go to Steak n' Shake to get some dinner.

They had been going there a lot more lately, but they all didn't mind. So they got theirselves ready, and then headed off in the car to Steak n' Shake.

Isaac had been listening to the recent songs he had gotten into earlier, making a whole separate playlist just for those songs. He felt as if the music was like a drug, and he just couldn't get enough of it.

But being his sneaky self, he did add in some Kpop music into the playlist. Just to get a little taste of everything.

The current song "18" by 5 Seconds of Summer was on, he didn't expect himself to get stuck likeing this band. In the past, he did hear one of their songs before.

Called "Amnesia" but he found it sad, and he assumed that the band had always played songs like that. Oh, but how wrong he was.

He was either tapping his foot to the beat or humming softly to the song. He was so bored afterward that he checked out their Twitter everytime they posted something.

He saw Michael's tweet just a few minutes ago, he learned all their names but accidentally kept calling Ashton 'Luke' and Luke 'Ashton', he felt like he was the only one who thought the two could easily be mistaken.

He saw, by their Twitter bio, that they all lived in Sydney. So when he realized that Michael had posted something at 3 am (for him at least) that he couldn't sleep, he was actually a bit surprised.

I mean sure, he couldn't sleep at times but he passed out at nearly 1AM. If he was up until 3 am then his Mom would probably ground him, since he wasn't a legal adult yet.

"Hey Isaac, what'cha listening to?" He snapped out of his trail of thoughts then and there, turning his head to see his older brother giving him a sly smile, but his eyes screamed boredom.

He glanced down at his phone, seeing that Heart Attack by AOA had came on, and he mentally sighed in relief.

"You...you know just some Kpop." He said as casually as he could, showing his brother his screen of the members of AOA.

Jordan nodded, turning back around and looking out the window, he clearly had seen Isaac looking hesitant at first, but he didn't bother to ask why. And, he seemed to be the only one to see that, and that got him thinking.

But, he simply just shrugged it off, thinking it was nothing. So he just stared at the passing trees, clouds, houses, cars, birds, and so on has they drove by.

Bethany, who was sat next to her little brother, was also curious in what Isaac found so interesting as he was looking down at his phone like his eyes were forever locked onto it.

She had only seen him like that if he was playing an intense video game or something.

So as Isaac put in the second earbud, she quickly glanced at his phone. She didn't want to seem like a snoop, but she was just curious.

She saw that he was on Instagram, but she didn't see what was so interesting about it. I mean...he was just on Instagram.

But then she noticed his, very quiet, humming. By the sound of it, she knew it wasn't Kpop anymore.

"Your lipstick stain is a work of art
I got your name tattooed in an arrow heart
And I know now, that I'm so down
I made a mixtape straight out of 94'
I got your ripped skinny jeans lying on the floor
And I know now, that I'm so down."

The soft, or the really soft and quiet, singing that came from beside her took her by surprise. Isaac didn't really sing, sure he would jokingly sing in videos, but actually singing didn't really occur often.

Even if it was really quiet to where you had to be next to him to hear it, he was still singing and she liked how soft his voice was. It was creamy and cute when he actually ment to sing, not goofy and in his regular talking voice.

Cierra noticed her sister smiling, and was tempted to ask why, but she left it alone. Not wanting to break the comfortable silence between the siblings and their mother.

The silence wasn't awkward, it wasn't tense, it was just a calming, comfortable silence that they didn't want to ruin.

Sure, sometimes they did have silent moments, but those where tense and filled with boredom and the sounds of the others huffing or sighing.

Cierra let out a breath, leaning her head against the window and seeing Jordan's reflection in the window infront of her. They sorta just looked at each other, smiling and then returning to look out their windows and at the outside.

She yawned, being slightly tired from the long day. But mostly because to Steak n' Shake was a 45 minute drive, and it did get sorta boring after awhile.

But soon enough, they were pulling into the shopping center, and looking for a parking. Isaac felt his stomach rumble as he realized they had finally gotten to their destination.

He pulled out an earbud once they had found a parking, and then they all stepped out of the car; after unbuckling.

"Foooooooooooooooood!!!" Jordan zombie walked to the entrance, earning some weird looks but it was funny. They all followed after their brother and entered the Steak n' Shake.

They waited until they had found an empty booth, and rushed through the menu trying to find what they wanted to eat. They had a conversation of what foods they thought looked pleasing, and if one liked another they'd point out that until they all decided on what each of them wanted. Then they ordered their meal, their drinks and just waited.

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