
Jade, Isaac, and Abigail's outfits are above!! Last outfits of the entire book oh god...



It was lunch by now, and the boys were at a Sound Check while Abigail, Isaac and Jade went to look around Sydney.

It was hot, thats for one.

They had to go to an ATM and exchange their US money for Australian dollars, so they went to a near by shopping center since it'd mostly have an ATM.

The money looked a lot different than US dollars but it was like that all over Europe, Asia, and the UK so they can't really complain if it doesn't fit in their wallets.

They walked around the center, looking at stores and getting some food.

"I think these look way cooler than US dollars, I mean 1 dollar is a coin." Jade laughed, flipping a golden coin in her hand.

"Yeah, thy are kinda neat." Isaac giggled, Abigail laughing and agreeing.

"So what's Michael planning for your surprise at the concert again?" Abigail asked, Isaac shrugged.

"I have no fucking idea to be honest and its really starting to make me nervous. I mean he's making a live webcam for my siblings and mom to watch and its actually starting to freak me out a bit."

"What do you think he's doing that he would want your family to watch?" Jade asked, Isaac only shrugged again.

"No damn clue."

"Michael's so unpredictable, he could just bring a damn giraffe on stage you never know with him." Abby shook her head, Isaac and Jade nodded.

"I should know, our first kiss was in a bar and he was drunk as hell." Isaac commented and Abigail blinked.

"Wait seriously?"

"Uh huh, but thats a story for another day."

"Awwe but it sounds interesting!" Jade whined the eighteen and nineteen year old laughed. "How long have you two been dating again?"

"Almost a year, we got together right before Christmas actually."

"Awe aren't you two romantic." Abigail teased and Isaac playfully shoved her. "Don't deny it!"

"Yeah yeah, whatever." Isaac blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head. "So what now?"

"No clue, we can go to a gift shop or something?" Jade shrugged and they went, looked around, bought a few things, then left to go back to the hotel.

Isaac yawned, grabbing his phone and texting Michael.

To Michael;
At the hotel?

From Michael;
Yeah, we got food so hurry up ;)

They soon got to the hotel, and met up with the boys. They all talked and ate, laughing and almost choking on their food.

~Time Skip to the Concert~

Isaac, Abby, and Jade were all in first row, singing along to the songs that played right before the boys actually preformed.

Right now it was Shes Kinda Hot.

So many people were already there and the concert didn't start until eight.

They waited for a while, well 2 hours until the concert fully started. Everyone was cheering and screaming. The boys' mums had also came, so they were in the same row as Isaac, Abigail and Jade.

Isaac made small talk with Karen, and she was really nice and complimented him lots on his outfit. She was really kind and she already knew Michael was gay and him and Isaac were dating.

What was really surprising to him was that she was also Christian yet she supported LGBT, something his mom would never support for a second.

He hugged and said hi to Liz, who was really glad to see he was well and getting better. Joy and Anne were really nice also and he felt really welcome.

They cheered and danced throughout the concert, everyone was having an amazing time.

~Meanwhile at the Frye's~

Bethany, Jordan, and Cierra sat in front of the TV, watching the concert as there Mom was cleaning. Despite the huge time difference they were still able to watch.

Bethany mouthed to the words she heard Isaac play from in his room.

"HELLO SYDNEY!" Luke through his arms in the air after the song ended, the crowd cheering loudly. "Awh its so good to be back you have no idea."

"I'm not used to this we're only a few songs in and I'm sweating like fuck!" Michael laughed, Calum laughing also.

"I know right?"

"Stop swearing there's parents." Ashton rolled his eyes and everyone in the crowd cheered from the reference.

"THIS NEXT SONG, is a song very special to me! This is Jet Black Heart sing along if you know it!" Michael announced and the crowd cheered again.

Bethany did a quiet "woo", since she knew the song since December.

Jordan and Cierra eventually got a bit bored of watching so went on their phones.

"Everybody's got their demons
Even wide awake or dreaming,
I'm the one who ends up leaving!
Make it okay,"

Bethany hummed along, swaying side to side like everyone in the crowd was on the screen.

"See a war I wanna fight it,
See a match I wanna strike it!
Every fire I've ignited, faded to grey.."

"But now that I'm broken!" His voice echoed, "and now that you know it! Caught up in a moment! Can you see inside?"

Calum and Luke then joined in, the pace of the song picking up now.

"Cause I've got a jet black heart!
And there's a hurricane underneath it,
Trying to keep us apart! I write with a
Poison pen! But these chemicals moving
Between us! Are the reason, to start again!"

The pace then slowed down a bit more, people in the crowd cheering as Luke stepped up to the mic.

"Now I'm holding on for dear life!" He sang, Michael echoing him after, "there's no way that we can rewind!"

Both of them sang, "baby there's nothing after midnight, that could make you stay,"

"But now that I'm broken!
And now that you know it!
Caught up in a moment..."

"Can you see inside~" all three sang, picking up the pace once more. "Cause I've got a jet black heart! And there's a hurricane underneath it! Trying to keep us apart! I write with a poison pen, but these chemicals moving between us! Are the reason to start again!"

The pace then slowed down after that, and people cheered as Calum stepped up.

"The blood in my veins, is made
Up of mistakes. Lets forget who we
Are, and dive into the dark! As we
burst into color! Returning to life!"

Ashton did his quick drum solo before Michael took the mic as he stopped.

"Cause I've got a jet black heart!"

Bethany cheered a bit and they all started playing again. "And there's a hurricane underneath it! Trying to keep us apart!" She sang.

"I write with a poison pen! But these chemicals moving between us, are the reason! To start again!"

"The blood in my veins,
Is made up of mistakes
(To start again)
Let's forget who we are
And dive into the dark!"

The crowd cheered loudly, they played a few more songs before the very last song.

"Okay! Before we start this song, I'd like to do something first. I'd like to bring someone up here on stage." Michael announced, the crowd now in confusion.

Ashton, Luke, and Calum were even confused since they never rehearsed doing this.

Bethany furrowed her eyebrows and the camera's were now on Michael.

"I'd like to bring Isaac Frye to the stage please."

Thats all it took for the two other siblings and Paula to pay attention now.

~Meanwhile at the Concert~

"I'd like to bring Isaac Frye to the stage please." Michael announced and Isaac stood in shock, and confused.

Dave, one of their security guards, came over and took Isaac to the side steps of the stage.

"Dave? Whats going on?" He asked, panicking slightly. He was going to stand in front of over a thousand people, and he wasn't wearing your average boy clothes.

And his family was watching.

"Your surprise, now get up there."

He nodded shakily, slowly walking to the stage up these steps (that were guarded) and he tried to cover his outfit with his Cardigan.

He walked on, people uneasily cheering and he quickly walked next to Michael.

"Okay, so a lot of you may know him from Venturiantale."

A lot of people cheered loudly, and Isaac shyly waved and blushed deeply.

"Okay the reason why I called him up here tonight, is because we have a little secret and I didn't tell him I was doing this but uh, he'll forgive me later."

"Michael..." He now knew, and he felt like he was going to pass out. He knew Michael couldn't hear him over the thousands of people.

"Well, I don't know how to put this really, except for that I'm gay-"

The crowd cheered loudly, not letting him finish and people started yelling "omg" and "we love you Michael" but he cleared his throat and continued.

"-and most of you may know now, but Isaac and I are dating and I really don't know what to say now other than I really love him, and screw everyone who doesn't after this." He flipped up his middle finger and more people cheered.

Isaac felt a great relief off his chest and he slowly let go of his cardigan.

People in the crowd started chanting the word kiss as the three boys on stage laughed surprisingly.

"Okay man you can at least tell us this was happening at the rehearsal like god damn I was scared for a moment!" Calum laughed.

"Yeah, just so everyone knows Michael's a dick and didn't tell us he was planning this."

The crowd laughed, half the crowd still chanting for them to kiss.

Which included the mums, Abigail, and Jade. Isaac's phone was left with Abigail, and she looked down to see his mom and 2/3 of his siblings freaking out on him. She frowned and just put the phone away.

"Isaac they want us to kiss."

"Fine but only because I don't want over a thousand people hating me for not." Isaac said into the mic and the crowd went absolutely nuts when they did.

"Okay everyone now lets get back to the show! Isaac's gonna go back to his seat, please don't mob him thanks." Michael laughed, biting his lip as Isaac ran off stage, Dave leading him back to his seat with a small ruffle on his hair.

Karen hugged him and since she was told about Isaac's mom situation she offered him to stay with her, Daryl (Mike's dad) and Michael until he's ready to face his mom.

He thanked her, and they all got back to the concert. The last song being She Looks So Perfect.

~Back with the Frye's~

"He's a disgrace! I knew something was up! He was different from the day those four boys came here!" Paula ranged, Jordan and Cierra nodding and looked a bit taken back themselves.

Bethany stared at her mother, hurt, that she or any of her siblings didn't even try to protest.

And shes the one who respected God more than the other two.

She never liked that verse, "you shall not lie with a man as with a woman. It is an abomination."

It was so wrong to her, it was like taking away love in general to her. Not being able to love who you want because of a stupid verse is so cruel.

"Shut up!" She yelled, Paula, Jordan, and Cierra looking at their ginger haired sister in confusion.

"You make me sick." She got up, stomping up to her room and slamming the door shut and locking it.

She got out her phone, going into a private message and texting her brother.

To Isaac;
I know why you don't want to come out of your room now, now I don't want to either. Love you Isaac xx





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