Abigail and Isaac's outfits above, new combo outfits whoop!
9 more chapters, oh god okay lets do this okay? Okay leggo! Also the song I put up there is like the best thing ever.
Two months have now passed and Isaac had gotten into his normal routine now, its Summer now and he loves the time of year since it was always warm out.
Right now he was at the wall with Abigail -- and he had found the courage about last month about him and Michael, the make up and clothes.
She was very accepting and it relieved him, it felt so much better to admit it to her.
They ate at the food court, which they were starting to do a lot more now. Isaac would ramble on about all the beautiful places he went to or how interviews and concerts went.
He'd talk sometimes about how he misses Michael and even though he has three months left until the concert in Indiana its getting harder to be away.
They had a few arguments over Skype, and it sometimes ended with one of them hanging up in frustration but after everyone Michael would always text "I love you" right after it to reassure that he wasn't leaving over a stupid fight.
Isaac liked that he did that, it made him feel better those nights where he wanted to go back in that bathroom.
He started drawing on his hand, wrist, arm, anything to keep him distracted from resorting to self harm like he had been the first and second time they fought.
"Did you and Michael get it on yet?" Abigail suddenly asked, wiggling her eyebrows which cause Isaac to choke on his water, falling off his chair which caused people to look at them. He blushed and got up, getting back in his seat.
"U-Uhm..." He awkwardly rubbed his neck, trying to change the subject. This was a lot easier with guys to be honest. "I-I mean we uhm..."
Abigail laughed at his shyness and patted his arm, telling him that she knew just by the way he was getting all flustered.
He only blushed more and ate his bag of Cheetos he bought, going on his phone and texting Michael as he hummed a song called Pretty Little Psycho.
I: Hey Mikey : )
M: Hi babe ;* wyd?
I: At the mall with Abigail ( ⋂‿⋂')
M: We actually just finished up a concert so I'm all sweaty and gross, also your cute xx
I: hehe you probably look hot tho ♡
M: lol no
I: yea u do
M: nah
I: take a selfie then :P
M: *sigh* I'm good
I: Mikkkeeeyyyy
M: ok then your dick has to take a selfie win win ;)
I: lol no
M: ^^
I: fuck
M: :)
I: *groan*
M: moan**
M: Hahahahaha
M: Hahahaha
M: Hahaha
M: Haha
M: Ha
M: -.-
I: lol since when are you Calum
M: ishskdnskzhld
M: kdhsjfkebdjcbdb
I: ??
M: Oh shit Calum's walking over o_O
M: Running consists of physical activity and I just jumped around a stage for like 2 hours don't even
I: true
"Who you texting, Michael?" Abigail interrupted and Isaac looked up from his phone, giggling a lot and nodded. She scooted over next to him, reading the texts over his shoulder.
M: I'm going to kill you in 5 months m8 -CDizzle
I: lol stop trying to be cool by calling urself cdizzle
M: hEY -cdog
I: doesn't change
I: Hence my last name being Frye
M: jdkshkfbrjdhc
I: ?
M: I fell laughing again whoops
I: idiot
M: your idiot**
I: idiot**
M: Your bitch**
I: O////O abigail is reading over my shoulder
Abigail snorted, watching Isaac blush and then Michael flip out.
I: Idiot
M: heh
M: denude ;)
I: lol no in public
M: when u get home
I: eh
M: Skype
I: eh
M: you will
I: eh
M: and I will too ;)
I: lol horny shit -Abi
M: hEy DiDnT sEe YoU tHeRe
I: Lmao
M: pwease
I: wtf is denude anyway -Abi
M: To Strip ;)
M: lmao
I: Y'all dirty ;P -Abi
M: not as dirty as the gross hotel I'm staying at tonight
M: like I'm pretty sure that place had STD's written all over those beds
I: o_O you got tested before we had sexy times right
M: no shit I got it like before I even met you
I: Good cause I don't want herpes
I: No one
M: what if there is tho o_O
I: Well then give them holy water -Abi
M: Lol yeah more like bathe in it
M: Speaking of, Isaac have you gotten to the dirty fanfics yet?
I: Wha?
M: {insert link here}
I: uhh ok
M: read it when we Skype and after we denude
I: Oh god I'm scared
M: don't be <3
"Hey want to go shopping for a bit?" Abigail got up from where she sat, Isaac nodded and they both started to walk to Forever 21.
I: gonna do some shopping, brb :*
M: kk I'll be waiting 4 u ; )
Isaac put his phone away, him and Abigail looking around and trying things on. Abigail helped him pick out a few outfits and he helped her out with a few also.
Isaac got a few new girly outfits, then got a few cute boy outfits. Abigail got clothes she'd usually wear and a pair of sunglasses.
They soon headed out of that store after paying then headed to Tilly's to get some things also.
Isaac was dropped off at his house by Abigail, she was going home to hang out with her family for a bit before she'd be stopping by later. So Isaac said hi to his siblings then went up to his room.
He closed the door, putting his clothes by the closet and grabbing his laptop. He closed the curtains, turned on his lamp, and stripped from his clothes before he climbed in bed and logged onto Skype.
He put in his earbuds, pressing Michael's contact who answered after about 40 seconds.
Michael appeared on the screen, chest bare, the light of the computer on his face, everything else dark, he looked tired but he snapped awake when seeing Isaac.
"Hi," Michael typed into the message bar, Isaac raised an eyebrow. Michael typed again, "we're on a tour bus now so I have to be quiet so I don't wake the boys."
"Ohhhh," Isaac nodded, Michael had his own earbuds in so he can talk freely.
"You look hot," Michael sent and Isaac rolled his eyes and laughed.
"You look cute as hell you sleepy little kitten." Isaac watched as Michael giggled and hugged the blanket up to his body.
"Go to the link I showed you on your phone and read." Michael whispered, Isaac nodded and went onto his phone. Scrolling up into their texts and pressing the link.
It took him to Wattpad, and the chapter was called SMUT and he raised an eyebrow.
He hesitantly started reading, flickering his eyes to Michael every few seconds and shivering as it started to get dirtier each sentence.
"Michael what the fuck?" He asked, looking back to the screen on his laptop.
Michael typed, "just keep reading" and he obeyed.
He started squirming under the covers as he read on, letting out frustrated whines and tried not to think about how it was making him want Michael.
At one point he forgot his siblings were downstairs and he let out loud whimpers.
Soon it ended and he gripped his pillow, hugging it tightly and breathing heavily as he stared at the computer screen.
"Cause I like seeing you all flustered and needy." Michael winked, making sure the boys couldn't hear him.
"Fuck you Gordon!" He said into his pillow, trying to try and calm down.
Isaac calmed down after a while and started rambling himself -- Michael probably gave the rambling disease to him and he wouldn't doubt it.
He started going on about things he never really thinks of often, and the two both ended up falling asleep mid conversation.
Isaac ended up in his dream state, he dreamt of going on his adventure with Michael. Not like those cheesy runaway shit but action, horror, the supernatural. Traveling through fucking time and space in a blue police box.
He always liked these kinds of dreams, cause he felt like it gave him a story to tell later and people would laugh with him.
Thats probably why he loves Wattpad, there's a journey in each book and all of them has their own unique style.
Now he's just waiting for his.
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