Okay I'm going to really try to make this long since the last chapter was short so don't hate me if its terrible (/.\)
Michael woke up on his mattress on the floor, he's been trying to sleep without Isaac next to him all the time. He wasn't doing well. It was 3 AM and he could not sleep at all.
He groaned quietly and squirmed under the blanket as he hugged his ATL pillow.
"Isaac?" He whispered, looking up at the sleeping boy has he heard quiet mumbles.
He sighed when he got no response and stood on his knees, going to the edge of Isaac's bed and trying to make out the words his boyfriend was saying.
"No! Stop!" Isaac said a bit loudly, shifting and his breaths became shaky. "Give it back!"
Michael didn't know what to do when he heard this, he wasn't good with this kind of stuff.
"No! Mom stop!" Isaac raised his voice, tears falling down the side of his face as his face became red. "MICHAEL" he yelled and the older boy immediately shook him awake.
Isaac shot up after a minute of yelling for the red haired boy and rubbed his eyes, looking around frantically.
Michael sat next to him and engulfed him into a hug, letting the boy cling tightly to him as he let out a few sobs.
Calum ended up rushing into the room and flipping on the lights. Michael squinted from the sudden brightness and Isaac became tense.
"What happened?" his voice was rough and deep, raven hair was a mess and all he had on was a pair of sweatpants and a white tank top.
"Sh-She c-cut i-it up!" Isaac cried, no longer caring Calum was there. Calum furrowed his eyebrows and stepped in, closing the door and sitting on Michael's 'ground bed'.
"What'd she cut up Isaac?" Michael said softly, an arm wrapped around the boys waist, the other around his shoulder with his legs over his lap and the boy's head on his shoulder.
"I-I c-can't s-say" Isaac's hiccuped and continued to cry into Michael's neck.
"Why no-"
"C-Cause C-Cal-Calum's h-here!" He choked out, clinging to Michael's waist.
"He's my best friend Isaac, he won't judge I promise. Right Cal?" Michael turned to Calum, giving him a 'say you do before I murder you' look.
Calum nodded, "I won't, whatever it is you can tell me Isaac." he confirmed.
Isaac just whimpered and pointed to the closet with a shaking hand, Calum curiously got up and headed to the closet.
He opened it and the first thing he saw was two separate sections, one side had all Isaac's normal boy clothes and the other side had more girly clothes.
"Th-The sk-skirt," Isaac squeaked, digging his nails slightly into Michael's back.
"Shhhh baby its okay," Michael whispered in Isaac's ear and kissed his temple, rubbing the boy's side. Isaac stared at the tan boy standing at his closet. He was scared and more tears fell from his eyes.
Calum turned to the two and smiled, held his arms out. Isaac ran over and hugged him, feeling so much better as Calum hugged him tightly.
Michael couldn't help but feel a pang of jealousy, he had to bite his tongue and look away so he didn't rip Isaac away from his best friend.
He hated feeling jealous, it made him feel bad and its just such a bad feeling to have in general. He pinched his side a bit but it didn't help.
"Uhh Mike you okay bud? You look like your about to murder that pillow your looking at over there." Calum joked, Michael's head snapping so quickly over to the two it made a kink in his neck form.
"Ow fuck," he whined and forced himself to look straight has he rubbed the spot that hurt.
"Mikey you okay?" Isaac asked sniffling a bit as he walked over and rubbed the spot Michael was.
"Y-Yeah I'm alright," he choked back a groan, letting Isaac rub the kink out as Calum repeated the question.
"I-It's nothing." Michael shrugged but quickly regretted it as the pain shot through him. "F-"
Calum clapped a hand over his mouth as Isaac rubbed the spot more and rubbed his thigh.
Michael whimpered and his eyes stung but he closed them tightly. God he hated getting kinks in his neck, it was one of the most painful things in the world other than getting his hair caught on fire and falling off the stage.
He hurts himself way too much.
Isaac soon got the kink out, and Calum removed his hand from his best friends mouth.
Michael caught himself leaning onto Isaac and was already half asleep has Isaac massaged the boy's scalp with his fingers.
"Does this happen a lot?" Calum chuckled.
"Sort of," Isaac shrugged as Michael let out soft snores, his arms unknowingly wrapping around Isaac.
"You know I think he likes you," Calum stated, the boy looking at him and choked back his laughter.
"Why?" He let Calum go on, he wanted to see what brought him to see this.
"I've known him for 13 years, and whenever he really likes someone he looks at them like their pizza. Though he looks at you like you're...... Better than pizza. And everyone knows how much he loves pizza." Isaac felt his cheeks burn at this.
"Yeah, and it was obvious he was jealous when we were hugging." Calum shrugged.
"Hm, okay. Well its late so we should get back to bed."
"Right, night Isaac." Calum walked out and closed the door. Isaac moved Michael under the blanket and got up to turn off the light.
"Izzy.." Michael made grabby hands at the boy, his eyes half open. Isaac laughed and shut off the lights.
He climbed back in bed, Michael cuddled him instantly, falling asleep on the spot. Isaac soon fell asleep with him.
Michael stirred awake with kisses being feathered all over the back of his neck.
He smiled softly at the feeling of arms wrapped around his waist from behind. Sometimes its nice to be the little spoon every once in a while.
"Morning Mikey," Isaac kissed the back of the boys head lightly, rubbing his thumbs up and down the boys sides.
"Morning," Michael's voice was rough, making Isaac blush for some reason. "What time is it?" He turned on his back, stretching and letting out a yawn.
"Eight thirty in the morning," Isaac replied, moving he red hair out of the boys green eyes.
"Why so early?" Michael whined and curled up to the boy's chest, closing his eyes.
"I normally wake up around this time," Isaac chuckled and ran his fingers through his hair before putting his arm back around Mike.
"But I'm tired." Michael dragged put the last couple syllables. Isaac sighed and massaged the boys scalp with his fingers like last night.
"I know kitten, you can sleep a bit more okay?" Michael fell asleep in seconds, soft snores coming from his lips. Isaac smiled and kissed the boys forehead, hugging him closer and drifting back to sleep also.
He didn't care if someone walked in.
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