Chapter Four

I open my eyes to the late morning sun beaming in through the sheer white curtains over his large window. Netflix had long since cut off and the house was quiet except for Taehyung's soft snoring.

He's laying next to me with an arm and leg draped over me and his face nuzzled into my neck. As cute as he looks sleeping so peacefully, I really need to use the bathroom and I remember seeing one last night right outside of his bedroom door. I slowly pick up his heavy arm and lower it to his side and gently ease his leg off of me so that I can slip away undetected. Grabbing my bag, I tip toe out of the door, quietly shutting it behind me.

The bathroom was large, much like the rest of the house. The light beige painted walls were accented by white tile and bright vanity lights along with a couple of small plants and wooden shelving to add a touch of decoration and bring life into the otherwise stark room. It was more like a mini spa than a bathroom. If this was supposed to be for guests, I'm curious as to what the master en-suite bathroom looks like!

After I relieve my bladder, I wash my hands and wash my face before deciding to dig in my bag to fish out a travel sized hair brush and a small makeup bag I keep with me.

I brush out the knots in my hair and smooth the ends with a bit of lotion that's kept on the counter next to the hand soap. I look under the sink to see if there's anything that could help me out and find a small basket full of single unopened toothbrushes and travel sized toothpastes. Thank God! Morning breath would have been so embarrassing.

I quietly open the package, dispose of the trash and begin to brush my teeth. His uncle really makes sure that his guests have what they might need and I'm so thankful for that in this moment.

After adding a bit of mascara to my lashes, I also run some brow gel through my eyebrows to tame them, dab a bit of concealer under my eyes and smack on a bit of lip and cheek tint to try to liven up my face. It may not be my best work, but it'll have to do.

I take one last look at myself and add a bit more lotion to my hands and arms before deciding that I'm as decent as I can get.

Grabbing my bag, I exit the bathroom and head back to Taehyung's bedroom, slowly twisting the door knob to not disturb him. I keep my eyes trained on my feet like that will keep them quiet as I step inside and close the door. As I look back up to the bed, I see him sitting up rubbing his hands in his hair.

"Oh, good morning." I say cheerfully which makes him jump and look over to me, "Sorry, didn't mean to scare you."

"I thought you might have left when I woke up and didn't see you or your purse." His voice was raspy and his lips pouty.

I can't help but to smile at how almost sad he looked. Was he upset because I wasn't there or was he just still tired?

He holds out his arms for me to come to him and I begin walking over as if he summoned me, setting my bag back down on the dresser on the way over to him.

I crawl onto the bed and he wraps me in his arms, pulling me to lay next to him. He doesn't say anything for a moment and neither do I as we just lay there looking at each other. He smiles at me when I boop his nose and give him a wink. That's when I realize how truly comfortable I am with him right now. I no longer feel worried or insecure about myself. I'm just allowing myself to be in the moment and I begin to feel a sense of pride in myself.

"When do you have to leave?" He quietly asks.

"In a little while. I should go home and shower." I inform him.

He pouts and stretches his neck to kiss my lips, "Are you busy today?"

I shake my head, "No plans."

"Can I take you out for dinner? I can use my uncle's car and pick you up at six." He sucks in his bottom lip, hoping I don't turn him down.

A wide smile spreads across my face and I nod quickly. That seems to please him as his bright boxy smile begins to show.

"Breakfast? I'll cook." He sits up and goes to his dresser drawer to pull out a hoodie and slips it over his head.

He walks back over to the bed holding out a dark gray sweatshirt for me as I sit up to look at him, "It's cold this morning. Put this on."

I ease it over my head and stand up to see that the hem lands below my ass and the sleeves are too long for my arms. Pulling my long hair out of the collar, I look up to him with a raised eyebrow as I show that I don't have any hands.

"Cute." He smiles at me and gestures for me to follow him.

The kitchen has stainless steel appliances and marble countertops. The dark mahogany wood made the cabinets contrast nicely against the white brick backsplash.

"Your uncle has a really nice place. I didn't realize you were so rich. Not that I care either way." I say as I find a spot on a barstool and shimmy my way on to it, my short legs swinging.

"I'm not. My uncle is. I still have to work hard to get any of this." He says as he pulls out a large frying pan and walks over to the refrigerator to grab a carton of eggs along with some other ingredients.

"What made him come to the states?" I inquire.

"He has his own company in Korea, but he's expanding in the U.S. so he moved here to get it started." He cracks three large eggs into the pan and adds what looks like rice and a bit of oil. I don't think I know what he's making.

"Ah. He looks so young. He must have started working early."

"He's thirty-seven in Korean age and thirty-six in International age." He states as he mixes the food together in the pan.

He turns to look at me to see my confused expression and giggles. "In Korea, when we are born we are considered a year old and when the New Year hits, we're considered another year older. So if you go by International age, he's thirty-six but in Korea he'd be thirty-seven."

"So how old would you be?" I ask still trying to wrap my mind around the concept.

"I'm Nineteen in International age. Twenty in Korean age." He asks as he chops up some scallions.

I watch silently as he adds them to the pan of eggs and rice. Grabbing the sesame seed oil and sesame seeds from a nearby cabinet, he adds it in along with some soy sauce and salt and pepper. After mixing it all together a few times before placing it onto one plate, he pulls out a pair of chopsticks from a nearby drawer.

He sets the plate and chopsticks down on the kitchen island and pours us both a glass of orange juice.

"I take it you've never had Gyeran Bokkeumbap?" He picks up a bit of the rice and egg dish and holds it up.

"Huh?" My eyebrows raise at the name.

"Egg Fried Rice. It's a Korean breakfast dish. Mostly we just have stews or lunch dishes, though." He chuckles and holds the food up to my lips, raising his eyebrows to silently tell me to open up.

I hesitantly take a bite. I'm not one to try many new kinds of foods, but he just cooked for me so I can't turn him down. I chew it slowly at first and then my eyes widen as the flavor kicks in.

"Mmm! That's really good!" I exclaim and he beams with excitement as he takes a bite for himself. "Can I try that?" I point at the chopsticks in his hand.

Handing them over to me, he watches me fiddle with them a few times before I give up and glance at him with a look of defeat.

He grins and stands up behind me while wrapping his arms around me to adjust my fingers to hold it correctly. Once he has them placed how they should be, he tells me to go ahead and pick up some food as he lowers his head next to my face.

I slowly and clumsily try to grab some of the rice and egg but drop it right away.

"That's okay. Try again." He encourages.

He's being so patient with me and it makes my heart flutter. I'm glad I'm not disrespecting him or his culture with my American ignorance.

I try again, this time gripping a bit tighter on the bottom chopstick to steady my hand. I successfully pick it up and let out a little squeal of accomplishment.

"Ahh..." he holds his mouth open next to my face to ask for me to feed him this time and I inwardly gush at his cuteness.

Admiring his lips and tongue as I place the food into his mouth, I watch as he chews with a smile. Once he swallows, he places a few kisses on my cheek and sits back down to take a sip of his drink.

We finish off the plate of food, this time with me feeding us both as I insisted that I keep practicing. I found the new skill fun to use.

I grab the empty plate and take it to the sink to begin washing the dishes that we used and he had cooked with.

"What are you doing?" He asks as he sees me grab the dish soap and scrubbing brush.

"Washing the dishes. You cooked, I'll clean." I say smiling back at him before continuing to scrub the pan.

"But you're my guest." He argues.

"So?" I shrug.

He sighs out, but lets me continue to finish without another word. I assume he doesn't want make me feel like I have to and I don't. I just wouldn't feel right leaving him to clean up too.

Once the dishes are done, I dry off my hands with some paper towels and look back to Taehyung who is sitting with his chin resting in his palm, watching me intently.

"I'm afraid I could get use to this." He says as we lock eyes.

"Use to what?" I playfully sashay around the island and wrap my arms around his neck as he turns to me. He wraps his arms around my waist and tugs me closer to him as he places me between his legs.

"Sleeping with you in my bed and seeing you in the morning." His eyes gaze into mine with adoration and wonder.

I smile and cup his face in my small hand before I step back and he reluctantly lets go.

"I should head home now." I turn to walk back to his bedroom to grab my purse as he follows closely behind with his hands tucked in the front pocket of his hoodie.

I check my phone to see that there are no missed calls and look back up at him, "I don't have your number."

He nods and grabs his cell phone from the nightstand, removing the charger as he picks it up.

"What's yours?" He asks as he gets ready to dial.

"555-3421." I state as I watch him dial it.

My phone begins to ring and I see the unknown number pop up on my screen.

"There. Now you have mine too." He hangs up and taps out something before showing me that he has my name saved in his phone with a kissing emoji next to it.

I save his as his name with a red heart emoji and show him in response, making him blush and drop his head.

"Six tonight, right?" He asks as we walk to the front door and I slide back on my sandals.

"Six tonight. Oh, here." I begin to take off his sweatshirt to return it to him, but he places a hand over mine to stop me.

"Keep it. I'd like to think I'm holding you even if I'm not there. Text me your address when you get home so I have it for tonight and I know that you got home safely."

I smile bashfully, lowering the hem back down and nod before standing on my tippy toes to give him a quick kiss goodbye.

As I ease my way back down on to my heels, he wraps one of his arms around my waist, snatching me back to him in a swift movement and kisses me again. This kiss much more passionate and deep than the one I just left him.

My head spins for a moment as he releases me from his embrace and smiles down at me. He obviously knows how he just made me feel and at this point, he's getting some kind of small, twisted pleasure out of it.

I shake my head as I grin and leave out, looking back at him after I open my car door.

He waves goodbye and I sit down, shutting my car door along the way. For the first time since he walked into that kitchen at the party and joined me, I'm alone. I don't like it and I don't want to feel lonely anymore.

I back out of the driveway and head home, thinking of the amazing night I had and that's when the reality finally sets back in.

We only have the summer together.

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