The more the merrier.

Alvena's POV (Point of View)

        I was trying to get a good nights rest on a Wednesday night forgetting about dinner purposely because I did so much errands today at the 'Baby Bird's Inn' helping out with a few friends. I just wanted to rest until the doorbell rang making me groan, but half hoping it was Gandalf. But I knew it wasn't him because I have been hoping this since last week. 

I stood up and check my appearance in the mirror. I was wearing my white bandanna as always with my dark maroon pedals and dark maroon matching shirt. Making sure none of my hair could be seen, I walked out my room to open the door to see a semi bald dwarf standing which made my eyes widen because you don't usually... Actually you never see dwarves in the Shire. 

"Good Evening!" I greeted with a smile. The dwarf looked at me and smiled and said "Dwalin at your service!" As he bowed making me blush.

Dwalin went to eat Bilbo's fish making me stifle a laugh making Bilbo elbow me in my ribs. 

"This is your fault! He wouldn't be here if you haven't opened the door." Bilbo hissed at me 

"What do you expect me to do? Ignore the bell?" Another rang came from the door. I opened it to see another Dwarf standing there except he had a white beard. 

"Balin, at your service." he said as he bowed again this time I didn't blush since it was getting weird. 

"Good Evening." I said. Balin looked up at the dark night and said "Yes, yes! It is, so I think it might rain later." As he patted my shoulder. "Am I late?" Balin asked. 

Bilbo appeared beside me and asked "Late for what?" 

"You are definitely not." I said as I smiled at him. 

"Good to know." he said as he smiled back at me.

Then Balin's head snapped to the side as a sound came from the corner. I turned my head to see Dwalin reaching his hand into one of jars. I raised my eyebrows amazed. "OH! HAHA! Good evening brother!" Balin said as he walked towards Dwalin. I thought they were brothers since their names rhymed.

Dwalin chuckled and said "My.. my.. by my beard. You are shorter even the last time we met." "Wider not shorter, sharp enough for the both of us." Balin quickly stated. They both let out a few chuckled as they started to grab one of each others shoulders. In a blink of an eye they both did a butt-head making me laugh. 

"Hahaha. Bilbo... we should... *laughs* greet each other like that!" As I curled up on the ground. 

"Excuse me... Sorry.. I hate to interrupt.. umm.. the thing is I'm not entirely sure you're in the right house." Bilbo said. I got up from the ground and mumbled "Kill joy Bilbo."

"It's not that I don't like visitors.. I.. I like visitors as much as the next hobbit but I do like to know them before they come visiting." Bilbo stated but obviously they aren't listening. 

"Boring." I sang but Bilbo just rolled his eyes at me. 

"Then why don't you come and help me?" he hissed but I just yawned at him. "But the thing is.. the thing is.. I.. I don't know either of you not in the slightest either.. but I don't mean to be blunt but I have to speak my mind, I'm sorry." Bilbo said.

Dwalin and Balin looked at Bilbo from the kitchen closet area silence consuming the room. I was leaning in the dining room door area listening to them. "Apology accepted." Balin said as he continued doing what he was doing before they turned their attention to Bilbo. I laughed out loud making Bilbo glare at me like I just committed a crime.

The doorbell rang again, this time Bilbo and me answered the door together. As we opened the door two attractive looking dwarves were standing before me. 

"Fili." said the blond one. 

"Kili." said the brunette one. 

"At your service!" they said in union as they bowed making me giggle since there were barely good looking Hobbits in the Shire. 

"You must be Mr.Ba-ggins," said Kili. 

"And Mrs.Baggins," said Fili. 

"What!? No! No! You got it wrong. I am his sister." they gave a confused look but Bilbo interrupted by saying. 

"Nope! You can't come in, you came to the wrong house!" Bilbo argued. I gasped and tried to open the door but Kili stopped it from closing and said "What? Has it been cancelled?" 

"No one told us." Fili said, and me behind Bilbo was pointing to where Balin and Dwalin was. They both winked at me making me blush.

"Nothings been cancelled." I said and they both pushed through as Kili said "That's a relief!" "Careful with these! I just had them sharpened!" Fili said as he gave his weapons to Bilbo, but I took it from Bilbo and said "I'll take care of your weapons." FINALLY!! I TOUCHED A WEAPON! I'm so pathetic as I smiled like an idiot at his sword.

"Nice place you got here! You did it yourself?" Kili asked as he looked around. Bilbo and the rest started ranting about who knows what I was too busy ogling over Fili's weapons. The doorbell rang again making my smile widen. I loved foreign guest. Well... simply because we never had any until this very night.

Bilbo kept repeating no no no no no. "THERE'S NOBODY HOME!!" he shouted. 

"YES THERE IS!!" I shouted. He started ranting but I quickly went into another room and gently put Fili's weapons there. But I came in just in time to see many dwarves fall down on top of each other making me laugh. I was usually the merry one between Bilbo and me.

Then soon Gandalf peeked through the door. 

"GANDALF!" I shouted. 

He just smiled "Gandalf." Bilbo greeted grimly. Soon all the dwarves were starting to eat making me amuse every time I look at them. I could hear Bilbo shouting and complaining about them and I could see Gandalf counting them. Seriously! How many are they? because the more the merrier.

A kind young Dwarf named Ori came up to Bilbo and asked "I'm sorry to interrupt,  but what should I do with my plate?" I was about to answer him but Fili said "Here Ori, leave it to me." he said as he tossed the plate to Kili. Soon they were tossing plates and other utensils around making me giggle since Gandalf was too tall and he had to dodge each one of them and half of the dwarves were pounding on the table with their knives.

Kili and Fili started to sing. I also joined their little game of throwing the utensils around, sometimes earning a glare from Bilbo. "THAT'S WHAT BILBO BAGGINS HATE!!" I laughed as they continued singing. I also sang along with them every time I got used to a part.


        Soon we were all singing and throwing any glass that we could reach but the miracle was nothing was breaking which makes it fun just to tease Bilbo. But Bombur was still eating the crumbles off  the table. Gandalf was at the side smoking his pipe and laughing. He would sometimes look at me and smile. I was having the time of my life with these dwarves. They would always toss something at me fast with many breakable things just to see how good I am, and to my surprise I broke nothing.

Once the last line was done. We were all laughing and Fili and Kili had their arm around me. We laughed at Bilbo's face when he saw everything cleaned and nothing broken. 

"You have a good catch!" Kili said but the laughter ceased when a very impatient knock was at the door. 

"He's here." Gandalf said. I gulped and signal Bilbo with my eyes to get the door and I would stand here in the back and blend in.

Instead Gandalf opened the door. And in came a very handsome and a bit tall dwarf. The dwarves weren't that active anymore. I ran to my room scared of what might happen now but mostly because the dwarf that just arrived intimidated me. I just stayed in my room listening to them as they started talking about Erebor. They wanted Bilbo to be their burglar. I snorted at that knowing Bilbo and his laziness it would take a thousand barrels of good weed to get him out of the house and I wasn't even talking about leaving the Shire.

Soon they started singing again but this time it was deep and meaningful and in the song was a message. I loved singing it was a part of me too bad I only sing in the Green Dragon, Baby Bird's Inn and some other Inns and Bars but only active and merrily songs, never deep and meaningful since some hobbits found it boring.

Once they were done I could hear foot shuffles then there was a knock at my door. I quickly open the door to see Gandalf and the dwarf named Thorin with everybody behind them except Bilbo. "Hi." I waved awkwardly. Gandalf smiled and asked

"I am looking for someone to share an adventure."

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