



A/n pov


BTS tried very hard to convince y/n to cancel the wedding they even threatened her that If she doesn't cancel the wedding they will kill mrs.park and Emma but y/n being y/n she doesn't give a fuck.

Right now everyone is getting ready for the wedding. Mr.kim and Mrs.park are already at the Avenue cuz they are gonna get ready over there. While BTS Emma and y/n are getting ready in the Kim Mansion. Yes they shifted there a day before the wedding.

BTS are waiting for the two girls to come down that's when they saw y/n coming downstairs. Their jaw dropped on the floor seeing her beauty.

Y/n: close your mouths if you don't wanna know how a fly tastes *cold*

They all closed their mouths. Then Jungkook came near her and gave her a hand so that she can come downstairs. She gladly accepted his hand.

Jungkook: you look stunning

Y/n: thanx. You look good too.

The they all sat on the sofa waiting for Emma. After 5 mins she came down wearing the most revealing outfit ever

She was looking not so good in that outfit. Y/n just rolled her eyes knowing what kind of person Emma is.

Jin: young lady what are you wearing

Emma: clothes? Why isn't it good oppa

Tae: leave her hyung why do we care

Jin: true. Let's go

They all went in the lemo and headed towards the wedding avenue. They all reached there and saw all the guests already there.

Y/n saw blackpink so she went towards them.

Y/n: hello unnies.

Bp: hi y/n

Jennie: come sit with us

Y/n: sure.

She sat down with them.

Rosé: how is it in your new home and new family

Y/n: nothing new we are just ignoring each other except Jungkook ofc

Lisa: you have a good bond with him i see

Y/n: yeah we were friends before so i guess. Just hope he doesn't breaks my trust like everyone did

She became a Lil sad

Jennie side hugged her

Jennie: don't worry y/n it will be fine

Y/n: hope so

Jisoo: and if you need any kind of help do let us know ok

Y/n: yes unnie

Then they heard my cheers. They looked back to see mrs.park coming wearing a wedding dress

Jisoo: isn't it too revealing

Y/n: you know her how she is so leave it

Soon the they took their vows and the priest announced them to kiss. BTS looked towards y/n thinking she'll cry or she'll ran away from there but no y/n was sitting there with a cold face scrolling through her phone.

Soon the wedding ended and it was only BTS, mr.kim, mrs.kim, Emma and y/n

Emma: Congo mom and dad i am happy for you

Mr.kim: thanks my child.

Y/n: congratulations *cold*

Mr.kim: y/n you'll live with us right?

Y/n: yes mr.kim.

Mr.kim felt bad when she called him mr.kim and not dad.

Mrs.kim: kids we are going to our honeymoon right from here itself and after that we have a buisness trip so we'll go there.

Emma: when will you come back *sad*

Y/n knew she was acting to gain attention

Mr.kim: we'll come back soon ok. Be safe kids and boys take care of your sisters

Y/n ,tae & jimin: step-sisters!!

The trio looked at each other and rolled their eyes.

Mrs.kim: fine ok. So we'll go now be safe.

They both Left and the 9 siblings went in the lemo. Y/n just sat there using her phone.

Soon they reached the mansion. Y/n was directly going to her room but got stopped by Jin

Jin: wait!!

She turned around to face him.

Y/n: yes *cold*

Jin: come sit

He told both the girls to sit on the couch and even the boys sat there.

Jin: we have some rules u need to follow

Y/n: and those are? *cold*

Tae: chill he's telling *rude and cold*

Y/n: i don't have the whole day *cold*

Jin: ok so 1st- call us oppa or hyung

Yoongi: 2nd- don't enter our rooms

Namjoon: 3rd- do not disrespect us

Hobi: 4th- no boyfriend till 27

Tae: 5th-you need to tell us where you are going and you have to take our permission for going out

Jimin: 6th- don't curse at us

Jungkook: 7th- come home before 9.

Namjoon: done. You have to follow these rules

Emma: fine for me

Now everyone looked at y/n for her to answer

Y/n: ok so your 1st rule- i won't call you oppa or hyung I'll call you with respect but not that. 2nd rule- trust me dude i also don't wanna go in your rooms but same applies to you. You also can't enter my room. 3rd rule- give me respect I'll give you respect simple as that. 4th rule- who needs a boyfriend, they suck.6th rule- i am fine with it. *cold*

She ended.

Hobi: what about 5th and 7th rule

Y/n: i think mr.kim didn't tell you but those two rules are in my conditions so i can't follow them *cold*

Jin: what conditions

Y/n: ask mr.kim he'll tell u *cold*

Namjoon: why don't you tell us

Y/n: argh!! Fine. 1st- i will keep working in the company i am working. 2nd- no one will ask me where i am going or what i am doing. 3rd- even if i come home late or i don't came home someday no one will ask me anything. *cold*

Jimin: what if we don't follow your conditions *cold*

Y/n: simple I'll leave this house *cold*

Jin: ok you can go to your rooms.

Y/n: thanks *cold*

She left to her room. Emma also left. BTS decided to call their dad to ask them about her condition.


Mr.kim: hello boys

Namjoon: hello dad sry to distrub you

Mr.kim: it's fine we are sitting in our flight. You all want smth

Jin: yes dad actually y/n told us some conditions so we wanted to ask you about that

Mr.kim: oh yes i forgot to tell you about that. Pls follow her conditions which she told you guys

Jimin: why do have to follow those.

Mr.kim: pls she is also my daughter i want her to live in our house please do it for me

Jin: ok dad we'll follow her conditions. Bye

Mr.kim: bye boys take care

Call ended

Tae: just let her go out of this house

Jin: we can't if dad gets to know we can be punished.

He went to his room angrily. All the others also went to their rooms.

Y/n went to her room and got changed. She wasn't sleepy so she went to the rooftop to have some fresh air. Then she got a call from enwoo so she picked it up.


Y/n: hello

Enwoo: hello cherry how are u

Y/n: fine what abt u

Enwoo: i am fine too

Y/n: any specific reason to call today

Enwoo: Ani just wanted to talk. Actually i am quite frustrated because of this new mission so just wanted to talk to you so that i can share my feelings

Y/n: don't stress too much ennu. Everything will be fine. U r pretty good at it. I am sure you'll do good

Enwoo: good at what

Y/n: you know what i am talking about ennu

Enwoo: mission

Y/n: ne

Enwoo: is there someone with you that's why you are talking like that

Y/n: i think that but i need to be careful

Enwoo: oh so who is with you

Y/n: idk

Enwoo: so you feel that someone is near you

Y/n: yeah. But wait didn't you say you are exhausted by work

Enwoo: yes

Y/n: then why aren't u sleeping yet huh?

Enwoo: you sound like you are my sister you know

Y/n: ya!! how can you say that huh? You should sleep right now why are you awake go and sleep. We'll talk later

Enwoo: but-

Y/n: no buts you are going to sleep right now and that's final

Enwoo: ok ok geez don't get hyper

Y/n: hmm better now go

Enwoo: bye luv you (in a friendly way)

Y/n: luv you too. Bye. Take care

Call ended

She ended tha call and looked at the beautiful view infront of her. Then she felt someone's presence behind her. The person came and stood beside her. She looked at her side to see Jungkook

Jungkook: i think we told you no boyfriend till 27

Y/n: Ani! He wasn't my boyfriend. Just a friend

Jungkook: i don't think friends say i love you to eachother

Y/n: we do and more over we have a sibling relation so don't take it wrong.

Jungkook: hmm but why did u lie to me

Y/n: about what

Jungkook: so said you don't have parents then what about mrs.park and Emma

Y/n: i didn't lie Jungkook. She is not my real mom. I lost my family when i was young

Jungkook: means--

Y/n: yes i am adopted

Jungkook: sry

He said feeling guilty

Y/n: it's fine now I'll get going. We have university tomorrow

Jungkook: hmm good night

Y/n: good night

She went to her room. She layed down on her bed after taking her pills and then went to sleep.


Y/n woke up because of another nightmare. She looked at the clock to see it was 7:00 am.

Y/n(in mind): i guess i was too tired so i slept till 7

She got up from the bed and went to the bathroom to get ready for University.

She went downstairs to see everyone sitting there waiting for the food. She went and sat on the last seat beside Jungkook. She sat there and started to scroll through her phone waiting for the the food to arrive.

Soon Emma came down wearing a revealing outfit. BTS didn't say anything as it's non of their business and where as y/n don't give a fuck.

Soon the food arrived and the maids served them. It was silent between them but Jin thought to break it.

Jin: y/n. Emma.

Emma: yes oppa

Y/n just looked at him to continue.

Jin: you both will come with us in our car ok

Emma: ok

Y/n, tae & jimin: what!! No

Y/n: i am not coming with you guys *cold*

Emma: then how will you go to school by a bus

She laughed a little.

Y/n: nah bus is way cheaper for me and FYI i have my own bike *cold*

Emma chocked on her food while y/n smirked

Emma: what the hell!! you have a bike. How?

Y/n: non of your business *cold*

With that she got up from her seat, took her backpack and headed towards her bike. She immediately drove off to her university.

Reaching the university she was going inside when someone tapped on her shoulder. She turned around to see a handsome boy. He looked somewhat familiar to her.

Y/n: yes? *cold*

??: Can u tell me where the principal's office is. I am new here

She thought for a while

Y/n: sure follow me *cold*

She led him to the principal's office. She was going to her class when the boy stopped her

Y/n: what? *cold*

??: Can u pls wait here till i come cuz idk the way to my class

Y/n: fine *cold*

The boy went inside the principal's office.

??: Hello sir *bow*

Principal: you r the new transfer student i guess

??: Yes sir

Principal: oh here is your schedule

He gave the boy his schedule and he took it. He went out to see y/n waiting for him.

??: Let's go

Y/n: what's your first class *cold*

??: Maths yours?

Y/n: same *cold*

She started to walk while he followed her.

??: I am Hwang in-yeop. You?

Y/n: you don't have to know *cold*

In-yeop: that's rude miss iceberg

Y/n: idc *cold*

Soon they both reached the class. They saw the teacher was already there.

T: why r u late miss y/n

Y/n: i was giving the new student a school tour *cold*

T: i forgive you this time but it shouldn't happen next time

Y/n: did i tell u to forgive me? No. So idc *cold*

She went and sat on her seat.

T: you new student come and introduce yourself

In-yeop: hello my name is Hwang in-yeop. Stay away from me if you don't wanna die *cold*

Y/n was shocked seeing him talking coldly cuz he was talking normally with her.

T: ok mr.in-yeop you can sit beside ummm......yes y/n. Y/n raise your hand

She lazily raised her hand. He came and sat beside her.

In-yeop: so ur name is y/n is see

Y/n: hmmm

They both then concentrated on their class.


Y/n was sitting alone as she doesn't have friends in school and even Jungkook sits with his brothers. She don't want any trouble that's why she sits alone.

She was eating silently when someone came beside her. She was in-yeop

In-yeop: is someone sitting here

Y/n: nope *cold*

In-yeop: so can I?

Y/n: your wish *cold*

In-yeop: ok

He sat beside her and started to eat.

In-yeop: why r u eating alone

Y/n: cuz i want to *cold*

In-yeop: iceberg

He murmured to himself

Y/n: u said smth?

In-yeop: Ani!

Y/n: actually i don't have friends *cold*

In-yeop: oh. So....can we be friends

He said offering a handshake. She thought for a while and then shook her hands with him.

Y/n: sure but why are you talking normally with me and cold with others

In-yeop: don't you remember me

She thought for a while and then it clicked her

Y/n: you are that park guy. Who was talking to me right

In-yeop: i thought you would recognise me earlier

Y/n: how can I dude when you were wearing a mask.

In-yeop: well true

Then they both started to talk casually. It was all good when y/n felt someone was attacking her from behind. She quickly ducked down to o save her self.

She looked behind to see ava and her minions. This time Emma was also with them.

Ava: bitch why r u sitting with oppa huh?

She was saying about in-yeop. She didn't reply

Ava: r u deaf?

Y/n: i am not deaf it's just that i don't talk to human trash. *Cold*

The whole cafeteria giggled

Ava: how dare you? Do u know who my father is huh

Y/n: how will I know. You should ask your mom that who is your father. *Cold*

The whole cafeteria laughed.

Ava: this bitch is your sister

She said to Emma

Emma: unfortunately yes

Ava: i pity you for having a sister like her

Y/n: i also pity you for having a face like that *cold*

The whole cafeteria laughed again. Ava and her minions ran away from there.

In-yeop: you are savage you know

Y/n: i know.

In-yeop: btw i heard that you r a transfer student

Y/n: yeah i transferred from US

In-yeop: US why?

Y/n: i came here as i had some work and more over it's my hometown so......

In-yeop: i see. Shall we exchange numbers if you don't have problem

Y/n: sure. It's xxxxxxxxxxx

In-yeop: thanx

Then suddenly y/n's phone rang. She looked at the caller id and saw is was Felix.

Y/n: I'll take this

In-yeop: sure

She picked up the call


Felix: hello y/n

Y/n: yes hyung

Felix: where are you

Y/n: umm university

Felix: can u come right now

Y/n: why?

Felix: actually you have a urgent meeting right now

Y/n: but there was none in today's schedule

Felix: actually the meeting got arranged right now and it's important for you to come

Y/n: but university

Felix: you are the owner of the university so you can ditch there is no problem

Y/n: ok wait i am coming and tell lia unnie to arrange clothes for me

Felix: I'll tell her. Be here within 30 mins ok

Y/n: hmmm

Call ended

Y/n: i am going

She said to in-yeop

In-yeop: where? What about University

Y/n: i have some work I'll come back tomorrow to university ok

In-yeop: bye i guess

Y/n: bye.

She went outside the university sat on her bike and headed towards her company.

She was going directly to her office but the receptionist stopped her

Receptionist: where are u going miss

Then it clicked her she is not wearing her mask and lenses so one can recognise her

Y/n: umm me- *cut off*

Lia: she is my friend

Receptionist: miss lia! *Bowed*

Lia: she is my friend I'll take her to my office ok

Receptionist: ok

Y/n: thank you unnie you saved me

Lia: that's my job.

Y/n and lia went to lia's cabin and y/n changed her clothes. She wore her lenses and mask. Then she went to the meeting.

Soon the meeting ended. Y/n looked at the time to see it was 10 pm at night. She sighed

Lia: wanna come with us

Y/n: Ani! I need to go to my step family

Felix: it's fine. They must be worried about you.

Y/n: worried my foot. They don't even care about me nor do i

Lia: it's ok you'll take time to settle

Y/n: hmm I'll go know

Felix: have your dinner do not sleep with an empty stomach. You'll fall sick *stern*

Y/n: yes hyung. Bye

Lia & Felix: bye y/niee

She left for her house. In the way she removed her mask and lenses. She open the door and found BTS and Emma talking to eachother. Emma was telling them fake stories about herself in which BTS were least interested.

She tiredly went and sat on the sofa with her head lying on the head rest.

Namjoon: where were you? *Cold*

Y/n: work *cold*

Jimin: what work *cold*

Y/n: you don't have to know *cold*

Suddenly Jungkook got up and went to the kitchen to bring a glass of water for y/n. He gave it to her.

Y/n: you don't have to Jungkook

Jungkook: it's fine you look tired.

Emma: tch! Attention seeker

She said to herself but everyone heard it. Tae and jimin giggled

Y/n: says the one who's telling stories in which people are least interested *cold*

Emma didn't say anything just rolled her eyes. BTS giggled

Jin: you had dinner

Y/n: Ani. I'll make something for myself *cold*

She got up from the couch. Jin also got up.

Jin: you change your clothes I'll serve you dinner

Y/n: you don't have to *cold*

Jin: just do as I say *stern*

Y/n: ok ok geez

She went to her room and got changed in the night wears. She went in the dining room to see Jin sitting there with a served plate kept on the chair infront of him. She went and sat there.

She started to eat her food quitely but Jin broke the silence

Jin: why do you hate Emma so much. She seems a nice girl

Y/n: you don't know the truth so that's why you are saying this *cold*

Jin: what truth?

She stayed silent

Jin: it's fine don't tell me if your are not comfortable

Y/n: thanks for understanding. Btw why didn't you go back after serving me i mean you don't have to sit here for me *cold*

Jin: i don't wanna sit there Emma's stories suck

He made a disgusting face and Y/n giggled a bit.

Jin(in mind): wow her smile is so beautiful why doesn't she smile often.

Soon y/n finished her food

Y/n: thanks for the food it was tasty *cold*

Jin: welcome

Y/n picked up her dirty plate and went to the sink and washed her plate

Jin(in mind): she is a well mannered girl i see

Y/n: I'll go upstairs *cold*

Jin: sure

To be continued........... ◉⁠‿⁠◉


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