



A/n pov

A boy around 20 years woke up with the sunlight hitting his face. He slowly open his eyes. He quickly got up when he found out they he was in an unfamiliar room. As soon as he got up he groaned in pain.

The boy was shoot in his stomach. He somehow managed to sit on the bed. He looked around to see if he knows the place or not. The door in front of him swang open and a girl entered while holding a water glass.

??: Looks like you woke up. Here

She said giving the glass of water. He took the glass of water

??#: you are Jungkook's friend right umm y/n if i am not wrong

Y/n: hmm your right and your are his brother.

He nodded. He was looking at the glass thinking that can he drink it or not

Y/n: come on drink it i didn't add poison in it

He drank it.

??#: did you kidnap me

She looked at him with a done face

Y/n: if i would have kidnapped you then i should have tied you with a rope duh

??#: well you got a point there. Then how did i came here

Y/n: actually i was passing by an alley there i heard someone groaning in pain so i went there to see you

??#: oh did you treat my wounds

She nodded. But he was looking here and there

Y/n: you want smth

??#: can you take me out of this room it's a bit suffocating here

Y/n: sure.

She help him get up from bed and then wrapped her hand around his waist and wrapped his hand around her neck.

She helped him to go to the living room. She made him sit on the couch.

??#: your house is really pretty

He said looking around

Y/n: thanks. You wait here I'll bring smth for you to eat

She went in the kitchen and made soup for him. She gave him the bowl

Y/n: i am not a fan of cooking but hope you like it

??#: you made it

Y/n: yeah the maids are on a holiday today

He drank one sip of it

??#: it's really tasty. Just like Jin hyung

Y/n: food made by your brother is really tasty

??#: you tasted it?

Y/n: yeah yesterday night your father and jungkook insisted me to have dinner with them

??#: oh i see

Then he again started to drink his soup.

Y/n: Mr.cat face?

??#: why are you calling me that

Y/n: cuz i don't really remember your name

??#: it's Yoongi. Kim yoongi

Y/n: ok Yoongi-sshi what were you doing in that alley and how did this all happen

He went stiff for a sec cuz he cant tell her that he is a mafia.

Yoongi: ummm.... actually i was walking in that alley when some robbers came to me and asked for money when i denied them this is what happened

She was unsure of his ans but nodded

Yoongi: umm do you know where my phone is

Y/n: sry to say but it broke

Yoongi: how am I gonna call my brothers

Y/n: I'll call Jungkook and tell him to come here

Yoongi: you have his number?

Y/n: ofc he is my friend duh

In Kim mansion

All the BTS brothers x Yoongi were restless as one of the members is not back yet from his mission. All of them are worried about his safety. He is ok? Where is he ? Are the only questions they have in their mind.

All BTS members x Yoongi are sitting in the meeting room trying to find where their brother is.

Jungkook: hyung did you find where he is

Tae: i am trying kook

Jin: where the heck is he. He told me he completed his mission successfully then where did he go

Jimin: did our enemies catch him

Namjoon: no it can't be. They would have called us if they did

Hobi: what about his phone

Jimin: it's switched off

Then Jungkook's phone rang but he cutted it off but it rang again

Namjoon: kook pick it up and tell the person u are busy

He picked up the call


Jungkook: y/n i am busy right now I'll call later bye

He was about to cut the call but what y/n said made him stop

Y/n: i know it's about your brother Yoongi

Jungkook: how do you know

Y/n: that's not important come to my house right now.

Jungkook: why

Y/n: if you wanna know about your brother then come. I'll text you the address

Call ended

Jungkook: hyung let's go

He got up from him seat

Jin: where

Jungkook: to y/n's house

Namjoon: kook we don't have time to deal with your so called friend we need to find Yoongi hyung first

Jimin: hyung is right

Jungkook: she knows where yoongi hyung is that's why we need to go

Tae: how does she know

Jungkook: idk she just said to come to her house

Jin: ok let's go

Hobi: but what if it's a trap

Namjoon: let's take our guns with us just in case cuz it's about hyung and we can't take risk

They all went to her mansion. They're mouth was wide open seeing how beautiful the mansion is.

Jungkook: wow her mansion is way bigger than us and even beautiful

Namjoon: we don't have time for this let's go inside

They all went inside. The guards let them go as y/n already told them about their arrival.

As soon as they went inside they was y/n and Yoongi talking to eachother. Then y/n gave him some pills. Jimin went to her and held her wrist tightly and turned her around. He was about to slap her but she held his hand.

Y/n: don't. *Cold+scary*

Jimin: you bitch what did you do to my brother huh?

Yoongi: jimin stop

Jimin: you are telling me to stop look at your condition. Look what she has done to you

Yoongi: she didn't do anything

Jimin: then what is all this

Y/n: hello Mr if i would have done this to him then i would have never called you in the first place *cold*

Yoongi: she is right. She is the one who saved my life

Y/n yanked jimin's hand away. She again gave some pills to Yoongi and a glass of water

Jimin: are you giving him death pills

Y/n: dude are you kidding me. These are pain killers it's to ease his pain *cold*

Jin: i am sry for his behaviour.

Y/n: hmm. Does anyone of you know how to treat wounds *cold*

Hobi: why

Y/n: just tell me *cold*

Jin: i do

Y/n: then can you check if his wound are bandaged properly cuz i treated him with my eyes closed

Namjoon: you treated him with your eyes closed

He said in utter shock

Tae: why did you do that

Y/n: i am hemophobic so it's a bit hard for me to treat wounds and more over he got shot so it made it more hard *cold*

Jungkook: hemophobic?

Namjoon: it's when you are phobic to blood

Y/n: that's right *cold*

Yoongi: then why did you treat me

Y/n: i can't see you dying like this. Now pls check his wound

Jin nodded and checked his wound. Y/n sat on the sofa near yoongi That's when yoongi saw a wound on y/n's hand.

Yoongi: what this

He said pointing to her hand. She looked at her hand and then glared at jimin who just looked away. Jin saw it

Jin: give me your hand I'll treat it

Y/n: it's fine I'll do it later

Jin: no it's my brother's fault so it's my responsibility

She gave up and let him treat her hand. While treating he said

Jin: thank you

Y/n: hmm?

Jin: i am really thankful to you. You saved my brother's life i don't how I'll pay you back but thank you for whatever you did. If you want you can ask smth in return I'll give it to you if i can

Y/n: umm there is one thing you can do for me

Jimin: told you she is a bitch

Jin: shut up jimin. She saved Yoongi's life you should be grateful to her. Nvm tell me what i can do for you

Y/n: just take care of your brother thats all I want

Jin smiled at her.

Namjoon: thank you for your help. We'll go now

They all went. Y/n was not in a mood to go to the office today so she called Felix


Y/n: hello hyung?

Felix: yes y/n

Y/n: can you do all the work today i won't be able to come

Felix: why any problem

Y/n: Ani i am just tired i wanna rest for sometime

Felix: sure I'll handle it today don't worry

Y/n: thank you hyung

Felix: mention not but i need a icecream treat

Y/n: sure bye

Felix: bye take rest

Call ended

Y/n went to her room and was about to sleep when she got a call. After she looked at the caller id her eyes became dark. They were showing no emotions. She gritted her teeth in anger.

She didn't wanted to pick up the phone but for the sake of the promise she made she had to.


Y/n: hello *cold*

??%: hello y/n how are you

Y/n: cut the crap why did you call me *cold+angry*

??%: why can't I call you. Don't know that i care for you

Y/n: care *scoff* if you ever cared for me you would have never send me to US and on top of that you didn't even call me and i got a call after 5 yrs and you are telling me you care for me *cold+angry*

??%: whatever it is. Why didn't you tell me that you are in Seoul

Y/n: why should I? It's not like you care *cold*

??%: you should have atleast told me

Y/n: why? give me one reason that i should have told you that I am in Seoul*cold*

??%: cuz i am your mom

Y/n: mom you call your self mom. I don't remember any mom sending off her own daughter to some other country to die just because your husband loved me more. Now Mrs.Park come to the point why you called me *cold*

Mrs.Park: i have a boyfriend

Y/n: then why are u telling this to me it's non of my concern *cold*

Mrs.Park: my boyfriend knows i have 2 daughters so he wants to meet them which includes you

Y/n: and why do you think I'll listen to you *cold*

Mrs.Park: pls for mee

Mrs.Park very well knows that y/n can't say not to her cuz her late husband made a promise with y/n that she will always keep Mrs.Park happy and will listen to her.

Y/n: ok when do i have to meet him *cold*

Mrs.Park: today at 8 pm I'll text you the address. Bye

(Btw it's morning y/n didn't go to university because yoongi was injured and she didn't wanted to leave him alone)

Call ended

She banged her phone on the bed and her hands went through her hair in frustration.

Y/n: now what's with this new drama arghhhh!!!! *Angry*

She threw the vase on the floor in anger. Then her phone rang again. She was gonna ignore it but after she saw the called id it was enwoo she picked it up


Enwoo: hello cherry how are you

Y/n: i am fine ennu *she said trying to calm down*

Enwoo: what's wrong

Y/n: nothing i am totally fine

Enwoo: i know you better than u now tell me what happened

Y/n: it's nothing to worry about enwoo

Enwoo: i know smth is off come on tell me

Y/n: *sigh* she called me

Enwoo: who

Y/n: Mrs.Park

Enwoo: WHAT THE ACTUALLY HECK. why did she called you after so many years

Y/n: to tell me that she has a boyfriend

Enwoo: can you explain it clearly

Y/n: she somehow got to know that i am in Seoul and her so called boyfriend knows that she has 2 daughters and he wants to meet me too

Enwoo: then why are you agreeing with her

Y/n: you know i can't deny her because of mr.park's promise

Enwoo: you know sometimes I wish I could really kill her

Y/n: leave it. Anyways when are you coming here

Enwoo: idk i am working on my mission it'll take almost a month

Y/n: i see. GD told you about the training

Enwoo: about the code red training. Yes he did but y/n you are sure you'll do it

Y/n: i am sure enwoo. I want to finish this case forever. This case started from me and it'll end on me too.

Enwoo: but pls be careful atleast till i come there

Y/n: hmm bye now i have work

Enwoo: hmm bye.

Call ended

She cut the call and layed on the bed. Soon she drifted off to her dream land.


A/n pov

BTS and their dad are sitting in the meeting room as their dad called them to tell them smth important. BTS already told their dad about what happened to yoongi and how y/n helped him. He thought he will thank her afterwards.

Jimin: dad what happened why did you call us

Mr.Kim: first tell me you won't be angry

Jin: ok we won't but first tell us

Mr.Kim: i have a girlfriend


Mr.Kim: boys pls don't get angry

They took a deep breath.

Tae: but dad how can you forget what happened last time *angry but calm*

:Mr.Kim: ik but pls i really love her. Try to understand

Jungkook: but dad how can you *calm but angry*

Then mr.kim got a call so he went out.

Jimin: how can he do that *angry*

Jin: ik you are angry but think from his side too

Tae: what do you mean hyung

Namjoon: he means think from his side too. How much he suffered after they felt us but he never gave up. He did everything he could to keep us happy

Hobi: he is right. We also need to think about his happiness right he also deserves it.

Yoongi: i agree with them. We should give him a chance

The maknae line took a deep breath understanding what the elders said. Soon their dad came inside

Mr.Kim: boys ik you are angry but if you don't like it, i won't force you

Jin: dad we are fine with it

Mr.kim: really. *Happy*

They all nodded

Mr.kim: thank you boys. We will meet the today evening at 8 so be ready

Yoongi: them?

Mr.kim: yeah she has two daughters

BTS got angry but they kept clam.

Namjoon: ok dad we will be ready in the evening

Mr.kim left the meeting room.

Tae: now what. At a point I'll accept a new mom but replacing her no never in my life i am doing that

Maknae line x Taehyung: we neither

Hobi: calm down ok

Jin: Yoongi take out info about them

Yoongi: give me a minute

He took his laptop and started to hack into there info

Yoongi: got it

Namjoon:read it out loud

Yoongi: hmm soo......
Park Ji-hyun
Age: 45
Family: has 2 daughters
She is the CEO of park enterprises.

Hobi: park enterprises? The 6th successful?

Yoongi: hmm

Jin: ok next

Yoongi: so...
Park Emma
Age: 16
Family: has one sister and mom
She is an university student and studies in *** university
(Note: it's is not the same university as BTS and y/n)

Jimin: well looks like her background is clear

Tae: who's next

Yoongi: idk

Jungkook: what do you mean by idk

Yoongi: i don't have info about her second daughter

Namjoon: and why is that

Yoongi: how will I know. Her info is highly secured

Jin: ok leave it we are gonna meet her anyway so let's just wait till evening

In y/n's mansion

Y/n woke up having a nightmare. She looked around to see that she was sleeping in her room she looked at the clock to see the time 7:30 pm.

She lazily got up and went to the closet to change her clothes cuz she has to meet her mom's so called boyfriend.

She wore a mask on top of that cuz the mask was looking cool. She took her bike keys and went to the garage. She saw her phone to see the address.

She smirked seeing that the restaurant she is going belongs to her. She wore a helmet and drove off to the restaurant. She reached and went inside. The receptionist bowed to her as she recognised her even if she i wearing a mask

Receptionist: mam you here?

Y/n: hmm. Can you tell me if there is any table reserved for mrs.park *cold*

Receptionist: yes there is in the VIP room no. 2

Y/n: ok and tell all the workers here not to bow to me as i don't want any one to know that i am the owner ok *cold*

Receptionist: sure miss *bow*

Y/n nodded and left from there. She entered the VIP room no. 2. She saw her sister and her mom sitting there. She ignored them.

She was about to remove her mask but stopped seeing the people infront. Mr.kim and her sons were sitting on the table. She was shocked but kept a cold face.

Mr.kim: any problem?

Y/n: Ani. And sry for being late *cold*

She removed her mask.

BTS & mr.kim: y/n!!!

Mrs.Park: you know her honey

Before he could speak anything Jungkook got up and dragged y/n to sit between Jungkook and yoongi. She sat with them as she was quite comfortable.

Mrs.Park: do you know her hun?

Mr.kim: yeah she is jungkook's friend and .....

He was gonna tell about how she saved yoongi but stopped seeing y/n who was signalling him not to tell them

Mrs.park: and?

Mr:Kim: and umm yeah we even had dinner together yesterday

Y/n sigh in relief knowing that he didn't tell her.

Emma: dinner?

Mr.kim: yeah she came to drop Jungkook as they both went to hangout together so that time i insisted her to have dinner with us

Mrs.park: ohh

Mrs.park was shocked where as Emma was burning in jealousy.

Mr.kim: let's have dinner shall we?

Everyone nodded and started eating their dinner but Jungkook asked smth to y/n

Jungkook: y/n when will you give me back my book

Y/n: i am still completing my notes I'll give you tomorrow i promise ok

Jungkook: ok

Emma: you both study in the same university

Mr.kim: actually they all do except you

Emma: what!! you study in Seoul University

She said to y/n

Y/n: yes any problem*cold*

Emma: where did you get this much money to enter that school

Y/n: for your information i am in that university because of my talent and not because of money *cold*

It's true that y/n owns the 50% of the university but she is also very talented in her studies. Ofc she has to be she is an agent.

Emma: whatever *rolls eyes*

Mr.kim: Emma you'll also study in the same university as them from now on

Emma: really *excited*

Mr.kim nodded while y/n just rolled her eyes. Then everyone again started eating that's when mrs.park said smth

Mrs.park: kids we have an announcement to make

She said excited. Everyone stayed quite from them to continue

Mr.kim & Mrs.park: WE ARE GETTING MARRIED *excited*

Y/n and BTS did react as they know this would happen where as Emma was on cloud nine.

Emma: really eomma i am so happy for you

She hugged mrs.park.

Emma: dad i am happy for you too

Mr.kim felt good when she called him dad. Emma went and hugged him too.

Mr.Kim: what about you boys

He asked BTS

BTS: we are fine with it *cold*

Mrs.park: thanks boys

Mr.kim: y/n you?

Y/n looked at him in shock cuz she never thought someone would aske her.

Y/n: i am fine it's not like my opinion matters anyways and i am not gonna live with you all so it up to you all *cold*

Mr.kim: what do you mean you'll not live with us?

Y/n: I'll live in my own house cuz i don't wanna live with you all *cold*

Mr.kim: but y/n you will be my daughter then you have to stay with us

Y/n: but Emma will also be your daughter and she will stay with you *cold*

Mr.kim: but i want both my daughters with me

Y/n: but- *cut off*

Mrs.park: y/n pls for me

Mrs.park very well knows that y/n can't break her promise.

Y/n: I'll think about it *cold*

Mr.kim smiled a bit.

Mr.kim: kids the wedding is next week. Is it ok for you guys.

BTS: yeah *cold*

Emma: i am excited *happy*

Y/n: ok for me *cold*

Mrs.park: ok then kids let's go home know

They all parted away and went to there house. Y/n went to her room and layed down she thought she should tell enwoo so she called him


Y/n: hello ennu

Enwoo: hello cherry. what happened how was your meeting with mrs.park's boyfriend

Y/n: don't ask

Enwoo: why what happened

Y/n: she is getting married

Enwoo: SHE WHAT!!

Y/n: hmm and she said i should live with them after marriage

Enwoo: what! But what about our mission

Y/n: that's what I am worried about and she knows i can't say no to her

Enwoo: what are you gonna do

Y/n: idk I'll see. U know i also have step brothers now

Enwoo: WHAT!! I'll die out of shock today

Y/n: stop being dramatic ennu

Enwoo: now what

Y/n: I'll deal with them somehow

Enwoo: hmm ok gtg I'll talk later

Y/n: bye

Enwoo: bye

Call ended

She changed her clothes and then gulped down her pills. She then went to sleep.

To be continued........... ◉⁠‿⁠◉


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