



A/n pov

(So guys the quote written above is related to this chapter.....so read till the end)

In-yeop: y/n?

Y/n: hmm?

She asked without looking at him.

In-yeop: be my girlfriend

Y/n turned to look at him shock.

Y/n: wait wait wait wait. Come again? I guess i heard it wrong

In-yeop: I said be my girlfriend

He repeated himself.

Y/n's mouth was wide open hearing that from in-yeop.

She laughed and again looked at the sky

In-yeop: i am not kidding y/n. I am serious

Y/n: i know in-yeop

In-yeop: then why are you laughing

Y/n: i am laughing cuz you are so straightforward. I thought when I'll get a boyfriend he'll propose me but you just said it like it's nothing

In-yeop: see you are a head agent and I don't think you like those cringe proposal stuff so i just asked like this

Y/n: well yeah you are right. I don't much like the proposal thingy

In-yeop: so what's your answer? Yes or no?

Y/n: you never asked a question. You just said "be my girlfriend" which more likely sounds like a order not a question and I am not following your orders ok

In-yeop chuckled and replied.

In-yeop: oh so let me as a question. Kim y/n will you be my girlfriend?

Y/n: what if i say no? What will you do?

In-yeop: I'll be hella embarrassed infront of you right now.

Y/n chuckled.

Y/n: hmm let me think about it first

In-yeop: take your time no one is in a hurry. Tell me whenever you fell like

Y/n: right then I'll tell you my answer whenever I want ok

In-yeop: yep that's fine but if by chance you say yes than let's keep this relationship a secret from everyone ok?

Y/n: why do want it to be a secret?

In-yeop: cuz i am too young to die by the hands of the mafia kings aka your brothers

Y/n: um yeah that's true. Now let's have dinner I am hungry right now

In-yeop: um..sure I am also hungry

They both went to the dinning room and had their dinner.

After finishing their dinner they went to their respective rooms and slept.


Y/n woke up when she felt smth wrong around her.

She opened her eyes to see a different celling, that was not a celling to be precise

She quickly sat up on the bed or whatever that was on which she was sleeping.

Y/n: huh!? Where am I? Wasn't i sleeping in my room

She looked at her side to see a window.

She opened the curtain to see that she was in a car.

Y/n: what the actual fuck!? How am I here? Who brought me in a fucking car

??: I brought you here y/n-ahh

She heard a voice from the driver's seat.

She opened the glass that connected the back seat and the front seat.

She saw hobi driving the car.

Y/n: hobi hyung? Why am I here in this car? Where are we going?

Hobi: you'll get to know soon sunshine

Y/n: and how did I came here?

Hobi: i picked you up and kept you on the seat yeah that's it

She looked at hobi with a done face.

Y/n: where are the others? And why are you alone?

Hobi: you'll meet them soon

Y/n: and when did you guys came back from the mission? Weren't you going to come today night?

Hobi: yesterday! now stop asking questions ok? We'll reach there soon then you'll get your answers.

Y/n: but hyung- *cut off*

Hobi: no more questions sisy!!!

He said sternly.

Y/n sighed.

Y/n: ok but atleast tell me where are we going?

Hobi: nope

Y/n: i hate you hyung

She said as she crossed her arms around her chest and looked away from him.

Hobi: love you too my sunshine

Soon the car stopped.

Y/n: can i came out now?

She asked hobi

Hobi: nope wait a minute. I'll come back

He said as he got off the car.

He came to the door near y/n and opened it for her.

Hobi: now you can come out sis

Y/n: i could have opened the door on my own you know

Hobi: i know but it feels good to take care of your sister

Y/n: aww! That's sweet hyung

Hobi: i know i am always sweet now come on get out.

Y/n: ok ok

Y/n came out of the car to see that she was infront of a airport.

Y/n: airport? Why are we here hyung?

Hobi: we are going somewhere

Y/n: where?

Hobi: you ask to many questions it's just that we are going somewhere for vacations ok. Get that in your mind

Y/n: vacations? But where?

Hobi: stop asking questions!!!!! Will you!

He said being irritated by her.

Y/n: hehehehe sry. I am just to curious you know

Hobi: now come with me

He said as he dragged her inside the airport.

She went inside to see others BTS members, in-yeop and enwoo over there.

Y/n: Yo!! Guys!!!

Jimin: oh you both are here

Y/n: where's Kai?

She asked as she didn't see him anywhere

Enwoo: he went early as he had a flight to China

Y/n: he didn't tell me tho

In-yeop: you were sleeping. He didn't want to disturb you

Enwoo: he said he'll msg you abt it.

She nodded.

Y/n: ok but will someone tell me where the heck are we going!?

Jungkook: chill bunny you'll know soon

Y/n: yeah that's what hobi hyung has been telling me since the time I woke up in a freaking car

She said being more irritated by them.

Enwoo: you'll know soon cherry just go with them ok

Y/n: you both aren't coming

In-yeop: nope me and enwoo aren't coming

Y/n: wae~

Enwoo: just some reason.

Y/n: you have work?

In-yeop: yeah kind of

Y/n: ok then I'll tell GD about it. He won't say no and will give you a holiday then we all will go together ok?

Enwoo: no it's not agent work. It's some urgent company work so me and in-yeop have to be there

Y/n: ok

She said sadly.

Tae: come on bear we all there there right

Y/n nodded with a small smile

Y/n: but it would be better if they both would also be there with us

Namjoon: but they have important work we can't help it right Angel?

Y/n: yeah

Enwoo: now come on give us a goodbye hug. Quick

He said as he extended his arms for a hug.

Y/n: you are saying goodbye as if I am going forever

(Maybe that can be true 😏)

Enwoo: living with you made me dramatic you know

Y/n chuckled and hugged him.

Enwoo: come back soon cherry

Y/n: i only don't know that when am I going to come back and you telling me to come soon

Enwoo laughed as he pulled away from the hug.

In-yeop: will i also get a hug iceberg?

He also extended his hands for a hug.

Y/n: no i am not interested

In-yeop: ya!!

Y/n chuckled and hugged him.

In-yeop: when will I get my answer?

He whispered to her as he hugged her.

Y/n: after I come back

She whispered back.

In-yeop: I'll wait till then

He said as he pulled away from the hug.

She said bye to enwoo and in-yeop and followed BTS to their private plane.

They all went and sat in the plane.

Y/n: now can I know where are we going?

BTS: no!!!

Y/n: wae~ just tell me already hyung~

She whined to them.

Jin: wait till we reach princess then you'll know it yourself

She pouted.

Y/n: i guess I need to wait.

Yoongi: you can sleep if you want doll

Y/n: nope i am not sleepy right now

She then looked for her phone in her pocket but it was not ther

Y/n: hyung my phone?

Jin: it's with Namjoon i guess

Y/n: Namjoon hyung!

She asked being shocked.

Namjoon: why so shocked?

Y/n: give me my phone. You'll break it with your destruction powers

Namjoon: i won't do that

Y/n: nope your powers are realy dangerous you know

Namjoon: yeah yeah whatever

He gave her phone to her.

Y/n: thanks hyung. Btw does any have a pair of headphones with them?

Jimin: yep here you go mochi

He said as he passed the headphones to her.

Y/n: thanks hyung

She wore the headphones and started listening to her love, (it's not in-yeop ok) her music.

Soon the flight landed on the destination

Yoongi: let's go doll. It's time to go out

He said as he dragged her with him.

They all got off the plane.

Y/n: now can i know where are we?

She said as she removed her headphones.

Jungkook: nope wait for some more time bunny. Then you'll know

He said as he blindfolded her eyes

Y/n: ya! Kook what are you doing!? I can't see anything kookie

Jimin: chill sis just wait ok. We all are here with you ok

Y/n: i never ever imagined that I'll be kidnapped by my own brothers

She said dramatically

Hobi: stop being dramatic sunshine

Y/n: now help we walk kook

Jungkook: yep just a minute

Jungkook then held her hand and helped her walk till the car.

He even helped her sit in the car.

Y/n: where are we going!?

Tae: shut up sis you ask to many questions. You'll know soon just sit quietly ok

Y/n: yeah yeah

Soon the car stopped.

Y/n: are we there?

Namjoon: yep just a minute ok

BTS then got off the car.

Jin: hold my hand princess

He said as he took her hand and helped her come out of the car.

Y/n: can i remove this now

Yoongi: nope wait a minute ok


After 5 mins........

Jimin: now you can remove the blindfolded mochi

Y/n: finally

She said sarcastically and then removed her blindfolded.

Her eyes went wide seeing the fabulous view infront of her.

Y/n: w-wow! It's soooooooo amazing hyung

Jungkook: liked it?

Y/n: like? I fucking loved it. Thank you so much hyung

Hobi: most welcome sunshine

Y/n: wait if Eiffel tower is infront of us. Means WE ARE IN PARIS!!!!!

Namjoon: yep that's absolutely right

Y/n: OMG!! My dream destination!!!

She exclaimed in happiness.

Jin: how's the suprise princess?

Y/n: amazing hyung!

She gave him a hug.

That's when cold wind brushed through them.

Y/n shivered.

Yoongi: it's getting cold. Let's go to our rooms, wear some warm clothes and come back. What you all say?

Tae: yep let's go that

Then they all head towards their hotel.

They all see to their rooms and wore some warm clothes.

They all then went to the restaurant that was there in the hotel.

Jin: let's have dinner than we'll go out for a walk ok

They all nodded.

Namjoon: did all of you liked you rooms? If no we can change them.

Y/n: no hyung my room is fine. You can even see the Eiffel tower from the balcony.

The others nodded in agreement

They are their food and then went for a walk near the Eiffel tower.


Scar was sitting on his rocking chair and looking at the photo which had y/n and BTS in it.

Scar:  beautiful siblings they are. Aren't they? Such beautiful that it will be fun to get them apart.

He laughed like a psycho.

That's when one of his men come to him.


Scar: yes what is it?

Man: the Kim Siblings are in Paris

Scar: Paris?why?

Man: for a vacation boss

Scar: hmm intersting. You can go now

The man bowed and left.

Scar: let's ruin their vacation as my plan to kill Taehyung in the conference got ruined.

He smirked as a plan team their his head.

He took a lighter that was kept near him and burnt the photo of the Kim siblings.

Scar: enjoy your last vacation Kims.

He laughed like a psycho.


The queen of the underworld was in her room doing some work on her laptop.

That's when she heard a knock on the door.

Queen: come in

The door opened revealing Jackson.

He to her.

Jackson: queen

Queen: yes Jackson?

Jackson: queen the Kim siblings are in Paris

Queen: Paris? Why?

Jackson: for a family vacation queen

The queen scoffed

Queen: family vacation? Hmm let's go and give them a suprise

She smirked

Jackson: what are you thinking queen

Queen: just wait and watch Jackson *smirk*



Y/n woke up and got ready to go out and discover Paris.

She wore this as the weather outside is cold and she has no intentions to catch cold and ruin her vacation in Paris.

She went out of her room and all BTS members also came out of their room.

Y/n: so where are we going first?

Jin: to have breakfast

Y/n; ya! Hyung let's go out

Jin: nope first breakfast and then we'll go out ok

Y/n: ok

Then they all ate their breakfast and went out of their hotel.

Y/n saw a limo was standing there.

Y/n: it's for us?

Jimin: yep let's go

They went and sat in the limo.

Yoongi was driving the car.

Y/n: so where are we going first?

Namjoon: chill Angel. We have planed the whole trip so you just enjoy ok

Y/n: umm ok

The car started.

Y/n was looking outside the window. Seeing the beautiful view of Paris.

She smiled looking at the view.

That's when a thought crossed her mind. The question which in-yeop asked her.

"Will you be my girlfriend"

Y/n(in mind): looks like I am going to have a really straightforward boyfriend

She chuckled mentally.

Y/n(in mind): but what will he do if I say no? Will he give up or keep trying? I am excited to know that but i won't say no ofc. Let's tell him the answer when I go back for now I'll enjoy the trip.

Tae: what are you thinking so deeply bear?

He asked y/n making her come out of her thoughts

Y/n: n-nothing hyung just random thoughts you know

Taehyung nodded.

Y/n: when will we reach?

Yoongi: it will take some time as the destination is a bit far

Y/n: ok


After sometime............

Jungkook: hyung can you stop the car?

Yoongi: why?

Jungkook: i need to buy something to eat

Hobi: but we just had our breakfast

Jungkook: but i am hungry ~

Jin: ok. Yoongi stop the car

Yoongi: fine

Yoongi took the car to the side and tried to stop it but it didn't stop.

The car had a jerk has it crashed a little into the street.

Jimin: hyung what are you doing?

Yoongi: ther car, it's not stopping!

Y/n & BTS x Yoongi: WHAT!?

Yoongi: the breaks aren't working!!

He said as he tried pushed the breaks which weren't working.

Jungkook: now what should we do!!!?

Y/n: let's open the door and try jumping out or we'll die

Others nodded to y/n's idea.

They tried to open the door but it didn't work.

Jimin: it's not opening....

He said as he tried to push the door.

Y/n: Namjoon hyung! Use your powers and try opening the door!!

Namjoon: it's not working!!!!

He pushed the other door but still no use.

Y/n: window? Try opening the window

The tried opening the window but still it didn't work.

Hobi: nope not working

That's when y/n heard a sound.

Y/n: shh shh shh don't speak

Everyone went quite as she spoke.



Yoongi: fuck! What do we do!?

Jungkook: the doors are also noth opening

He said as he again tried to push the door.

Y/n: wait move back......

She said to Jungkook.

He did as she said.

She removed her gun which she always has with her.

She shot the window but the window didn't break.

Y/n: why the fuck is this window bulletproof!!!!!!!!

Jin: for our own safety

Y/n: now it will be the cause of our death!!

Sh shot the window multiple times and Lucky it broke.

Y/n: yess now we can jump out of it

Jin: princess you go first

Y/n: but hyung-

Tae: hyung is right you go first

The others nodded in agreement.

Y/n: ok but all come right behind me ok

Yoongi: now go!! quick!!!

She was about to jump off the window but too late........


The car blasted and was thrown away upside down.

Everyone was unconscious except y/n who was taking her last breath.

Blood was zoning out of every part of her body.

Her head was injured as she had a broken glass pierced through her hand.

She looked at others and found them already on their death bed.

A tear escaped her eyes as she looked at the beautiful sky above her.

Y/n(in mind): never thought my life would end like this but I'M happy as I got brothers like them........thank you hyungs for making my life bright and making me realize that I can be happy with my life. Enwoo...thank you for being there for me from the time I suffered I am always thankful to you. Thank you everyone in my life that formed a smile on my face and helped me to be happy. And last but not least in-yeop i know I couldn't answer your question but I LOVE YOU in-yeop. Stay happy and move on.

One more tear escaped her eye. She looked at the sky and smiled weakly.

Y/n: goodbye world..............



So........it's the end guys 😭. I know it's a tragic end but that's it, the book ends here. I know it was unexpected that the book may end here but yeah that's it. We complete our book here.
And yeah NO BOOK two ok. That's it. IT ENDS HERE!!!!

JUST KIDDING GUYS!!!!!!  Don't go anywhere!!! The book has ended but not the story. I never said the story ended ok?
I'll release a the second book of this story and then you can ofc read it.

The prologue of the next book will be posted by tomorrow so read it and the first chapter of the book will be posted on our cute Mochi aka Park Jiminie's birthday that is 13th of October.

Pls follow me for the notifications for the next chapter and hope you like the next book as well

Luv u all 💜💜💜


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