



A/n pov

Y/n, Enwoo and Kai were in the living room having a movie night.

In-yeop? They called him but he declined. They didn't force him much.

Y/n: ya!! Kai give it back it's mine~

She said as she tried to snatch away the packet of chips from him which he stole from her. 

Kai: oh come on. Share some with me

Y/n: Aniyo~ that's mine. You can't take it like that

She jumped on top of him to get that packet

Kai: take it if you can. Shortie

He teased her.

He streched his arm up so that she won't reach

Y/n: ya! That's cheating ~ you are taking advantage for your height

Kai: nope i am not taking any advantage

Y/n: you are~

Enwoo: come on guys. Stop fighting you aren't kids anymore to fight like that

Kai: says the one who himself acts like a kid sometimes

Y/n laughed

Y/n: so true

Enwoo: ya!! I am not a kid ok!?

Kai and y/n: you are!!

"What's going on?"

They heard a voice behind them.

They all looked towards the door to see BTS standing there with a confused look on their face as the looked towards Kai who was an unknown person in their Mansion.

Y/n: hyung! Kookie~ help me

She ran to Jungkook, she held Jungkook's hand and dragged him to where Kai was standing

Y/n: get me those chips from hi pls

She said pointing towards the packet of chips in Kai's hand.

Jungkook: what?

Y/n: come on. Make some use of your stupid height!!

Jin: will you tell us what's going on here? Can we know that?

Y/n: he isn't giving me my chips. They are mine

She said as she jumped to take the chips from his hand

Namjoon: that's not we want to know. We want to know who the heck is he? And why is he here in our mansion?

Y/n: oh yeah sry. So He is Kai my childhood bestfriend and Kai they are my brothers

Kai: oh nice to meet you all

He bowed.

As soon as he bowed y/n snatched away the packet of chips from his hand.

Kai: yeah that's cheating ~ I was greeting your brothers. You can't do that

Y/n: i can absolutely do that as everything is fair in love and war heheheheheheh

She teased him.

Kai: whatever

Y/n: hyung he's living here with us for some days. Is it ok for you guys?

Yoongi: yeah that's fine

Y/n: you all came early? I thought you'll come tomorrow morning

Tae: yeah the mission ended early so we came early aren't you happy bear?

Y/n: ofc i am very very very happy and it's a great thing that you all came early. Btw did you all have your dinner yet?

Jimin: nope not yet

Y/n: ok then you all freshen up. I'll tell the maids to arrange the dinner for al of us and I'll also call in-yeop from his room.

Hobi: ok we'll be back in sometime

They all went upstairs.

Kai: your brothers are sweet.

Enwoo: sweet?

He fake coughed.

Kai: why did I say smth wrong ?

Y/n: Ani. It's.... it's just enwoo has some cough right

She said as she glared at enwoo.

Enwoo gulped as he received a glare from her.

Enwoo: y-yeah i have little cough nothing else. They are really sweet brothers.

Kai: o.......ok i guess

He said unsure of what enwoo answered

Kai: btw y/n?

Y/n: yeah?

Kai: you like in-yeop right?

Enwoo & y/n: WHAT!?

Y/n: w-what do you mean?

Kai: on come on don't be silly i mean you love him right.

Y/n: i.....i don't know

Kai: oh come on you can't hide that from me

Enwoo looked at y/n for her answer.

She sighed.

Y/n: kinda...

She looked away blushing

Enwoo: Omg! Someone's in love

Kai: and is blushing too

Both of them teased her.

Y/n: Ya! Shut up both of you!

She pushed them away a little.

Kai: does he like you back?

Y/n & Enwoo: yeah he does

Enwoo looked at Y/n in shock

Enwoo: how did you know!?

Y/n: he made it too obvious for me to know

Enwoo: well that's true

Kai: so why didn't you confess if you know he likes you too?

Y/n: i am want him to do that first

Enwoo: why?

Y/n: no specific reason tho but i want to see how will he confess

Kai: i have a plan to make him confess to you

Y/n: what is it? Tell us too

Kai: let's make him jealous

Enwoo: how?

Kai: he doesn't know that i consider Y/n as my sister so we'll kind off act like couples and then maybe he'll confess his feelings to you out of jealous. What do you think?

Y/n: ooo that sounds fun to mee. It will be fun to see his jealous face

Enwoo: let's do this and I am excited as well

They nodded in agreement.


Everyone was sitting and having their dinner.

Kai: y/n-ahh?

Y/n: yeah?

Kai: say ahh

He said as he brought the chop sticks infront of her.

He winked at her.

She nodded slightly understanding what he meant.

She opened her mouth as he fed her the food.

Y/n: I'll also feed you

She did as she said.

Enwoo looked at in-yeop and saw him gritting his teeth in jealousy.

Enwoo (in mind): plan's working. Keep going both of you *smirk*

But he didn't knew that more pair of eyes were jealous looking at the duo who were smiling and feeding each other

Ofc it was BTS.

Jin: ahem ahem

He cleared his throat.

Everyone looked at him.

Jin: so.... Mr.Kai?

Kai: pls call me Kai. That sounds better much better

Jin: ok so Kai where do you live

Kai: i used to live in US at first but know I live and work in china

Yoongi: and what is your occupation?

Y/n: he is a psychologist and a surgeon as well

Jungkook: he didn't ask you tho

Y/n: oh come on i just answered what Yoongi hyung asked.

Namjoon: doctor basically

Kai: yeah you can say that as well

Y/n: he was the the only one who knew about my depression

Everyone x y/n and Kai: HE KNEW ABOUT THAT!!?

Y/n: y-yeah? I mean he was the one who was treating my depression so he knew

Yoongi: then why the fuck did you give her that death assignment?

He asked Kai.

Kai: death assignment!? What!?

He looked at y/n for the answer

Y/n: shit! I shouldn't have said that!

She said to herself.

Kai: Y/n? What is he talking about? What death assignment huh!? Why don't I know about this?

Jimin: you don't know about it? You are her doctor right? So you should know about that more than us!?

Kai: but I never gave her any death assignment. Why would I do that? I was the one who was telling her to not to harm herself and not to give up and her life

Tae: y/n we want the truth from where did you take that death assignment papers!!!?

She sighed.

Y/n: I went to some other doctor to get my death assignment papers

Kai: why? Wasn't i good enough to treat you?

Y/n: no no no don't think like that. It's just.....just that i knew you would never give me the death assignment papers so..so i just went to some other psychologist

Kai: I told you not to do that!!!!!!!

Y/n: i-i am s-sry. But now everything is fine....i threw the papers away.

Kai: but still you never ever thought of me before doing shits to yourself huh!?

Y/n: I said I am sry ok

Kai: promise me you won't repeat it ever again

Y/n: promise ok?

Kai smiled.

She pinched his cheeks.

Y/n: you are still so cute like before

Kai: ofc i am. I am the great Kai after all

Yn chuckled.

Jungkook: stop this and eat your food.

Enwoo: btw Kai if you knew about her depression then why didn't you tell me about it huh!?

Kai: she told me not to tell you so ask her only

Enwoo looked at y/n.

Y/n: you know the reason already ennu so I don't wanna talk about it anymore

They continued eating.

In-yeop: btw Kai where do your parents live?

The chop sticks fell from his hand when in-yeop asked that

Kai: i am done. I am going to me room

He got up

Y/n: Kai wait-

He went away

Y/n: you shouldn't have asked him that In-yeop

She went behind him.

In-yeop: i just asked an casual question. What's so wrong about it? Why did he leave like that

Enwoo: Kai never had his parents love

Everyone looked at him with curiosity.

Enwoo: his parents were too abusive towards him and he was always locked up in his room by his parents. He always had a hard life.

He kept his chop sticks down.

Enwoo: one day the police came in their house and arrested his parents as a murder suspect

There were some gasps heard in the room.

Enwoo: it was later revealed that his parents were serial killers who killed teenagers and it was also found that there were going to kill Kai after he turns 15 or so. After that incident everyone bullied Kai for his parents and he never had a normal life. For almost 2-3 years the police would come to his house and investigate many things to him. He never liked that. We never cared what his family background was, we just saw him as a kind hearted and sweet person so we became friends with him so that's we have a close relation especially y/n and Kai they have a great bond together

Jungkook: just curious. What happened to his parents then?

Enwoo: they were sentenced to death

He said sadly.

In-yeop: i....i shouldn't have said that. It's my fault in first place

He said being guilty about what he said earlier.

Enwoo: you didn't knew it. It's ok

He patted his shoulder

In-yeop: I'll say sry

He said as he got up.

WITH Y/N........

Y/n reached Kai's room and knocked.

She Heard no reply from inside

Y/n: Kai....

She knocked again.

Again No reply....

She twisted the door knob and went inside.

She saw him in the gallery looking at the sky.

Y/n: Kai...

She went and stood beside him.

Y/n; you know he didn't mean it right?

Kai: i know and I don't blame him either. It was not his fault.

Y/n: so what's the matter?

Kai: you know i can't handle my emotions so I just came here so i won't cry infront you them

Y/n: i have told you many times Kai. It's ok to cry sometimes

Kai: but i don't wanna be weak

Y/n: crying doesn't make you weak. It makes you more stronger.

Kai: what about you? You also never cry right?

Y/n: i do. You won't believe me but i cried today morning itself

Kai: huh!?

Y/n: i had a bad dream in which Tae hyung died i could cantrol myself so just cried, you know hyungs never judge me if i cry infront of them or do whatever, they are always with me to guide me where to go, so just like that  me and Enwoo are here to guide you.  We won't judge you so let it out

Kai looked at her.

Y/n: hug?

Kai nodded and hugged her.

Tears made their way down his eyes when he hugged her.

Kai: why? Why weren't they good parents like others??

He cried.

She patted his back.

Y/n: it's ok. Let it out....

Kai: thank you, thank you sooo much for always being there for me when no one was there

He hugged her more tightly.

Y/n: if you say thank you I'll leave you

Kai chuckled between his tears.

Kai: you never change do you

Y/n: nope i am the great Kim Y/n after all

They both laughed still being in eachother's arms.

But there was someone at the door who was everything and was 'a bit' jealous.

Ofc it was in-yeop.

He shrugged off his thoughts and knocked on the open door

Kai and Y/n pulled away from the hug as Kai quickly wiped his tears.

Kai: oh in-yeop

He walked towards them.

In-yeop: i am sry for what I asked earlier i didn't mean- *cut off*

Kai: it's ok. You didn't knew anything about it.

In-yeop: but still i shouldn't have asked

Kai: no worries.

He smiled.

In-yeop smiled back.

Y/n: i guess we should sleep then. It's late already

Kai: yeah

In-yeop: btw hyungs are calling you

Y/n: me?

In-yeop: yep they all are in Yoongi hyung's room

Y/n: umm...ok. Good night both of you

In-yeop & Kai: good night

She walked towards Yoongi's room.

She went inside without knocking as usual.

Hobi: when will you change your habit of not knocking on the door huh!?

Y/n: nope never

She said as she layed down on Yoongi's bed with her head on Jin's lap.

Y/n: why did you call me?

Namjoon: just to tell you smth

Y/n: tell me what?

Jimin: stay away from that Kai

Y/n: wae?

Tae: just do it ok. We know you are close but still

Y/n: wait wait wait wait wait

She said as she sat up straight.

Y/n: don't tell me you guys are jealous

Jungkook: n-no we a-aren't

Y/n: you stuttered

Yoongi: ok fine we are. So now do as we say ok

She laughed at their jealousy.

Namjoon: don't laugh Angel. We are serious

Y/n: ok ok ok.

She stopped laughing.

Y/n: i am just spending as much as time I can with him. He'll go back tomorrow and I don't think we'll be able to meet for a long time after that so it's only for a day hyung.

Hobi: if that's the matter then I guess you can spend time with him

Y/n: thank you. I'll go to my room now

Jin: I'll be there after completing some of my work ok?

Y/n: come whenever you are done. I am not plan to sleep so early either

Jin: ok princess

She smiled at them and went to her room.


In-yeop was laying on his bed thinking of y/n.

In-yeop: is smth going on in between the two of them

He sat on the bed.

In-yeop: but if it was then, y/n should have told us about it cuz she will get killed by her brothers if she has a boyfriend.

He started thinking.

In-yeop: I'll just talk to her.

He got out of his room.

He reached her room and knocked but didn't get any reply.

In-yeop: hey! Iceberg are you there?

He again heard no reply

In-yeop; i am coming in ok

He said as he opened the door and went inside.

He still didn't see her there.

He then knocked on the washroom.

In-yeop: yo! Iceberg are you there!?

He again heard no reply.

He went inside the washroom and still no one.

He saw that her phone was kept on the bed.

In-yeop: her phone is also here. Where did this girl go?

Then In-yeop searched the whole mansion but he didn't find her anywhere.

He saw a maid cleaning so he decided to ask her.

In-yeop: umm...did you see y/n anywhere?

Maid: miss y/n? She isn't in her room?

In-yeop: no she's not there

Maid: then she must be on the rooftop did you check there?

In-yeop: oh rooftop i didn't check there. Thank you for your help

Maid: mention not my child

In-yeop then went to the rooftop.

He saw y/n looking at the night sky and humming a song.

In-yeop (in mind): she looks soo Angelic

He walked towards her and stood beside her.

Y/n: what happened? You here?

In-yeop: yeah just you know your brothers told me to keep an eye on you so i was finding you

Y/n: oh come on! Do you think I am a kid huh!?

In-yeop: ofc you are.

Y/n: not funny

In-yeop: yeah yeah whatever

Y/n: the view looks amazing right?

In-yeop: not more than you

He mumbled to himself.

Y/n: you said smth?

In-yeop: n-no i just said that the view looks a-amazing y-yeah

Y/n: o...ok?

The looked at the beautiful sky.

Y/n: btw

He looked at her

Y/n: Kai is like a elder brother to me

In-yeop narrowed his eyes

In-yeop: why did you tell me this

Y/n: just telling

In-yeop: ok

He smiled secretly and looked at the sky again.

In-yeop (in mind): yes yes yes yes yes yes yes yes!!!!!! I am so so so so so so so so so so happy right now

He was on cloud nine hearing that from her.

In-yeop (in mind): i guess i should ask her about it. It's now or never

In-yeop: y/n?

Y/n: hmm?

She asked without looking at him.

In-yeop: be my girlfriend.............

To be continued................. ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys!!! I have written this chapter in a hurry so pls ignore my mistakes and hope you liked this chapter.
Luv u all 💜💜💜


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