



A/n pov

She reached the stage but too late the bullet was already fired and directly went through Taehyung's chest.

Y/n: HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!

She saw Taehyung falling down as all the crowd started to run hearing the gunshot.

She ran to Taehyung as she held his head on her lap.

Y/n: h-hyung.....t-tae..hyung g-get u-up

Her voice cracked looking at the blood that was coming out from his chest.

Y/n: y-you can't l-leave me h-hyung p-pls g-get up

She tried to wake him up.


She shouted in the her earpiece.

Enwoo ran to get the car as in-yeop ran to y/n.

In-yeop: y/n hold onto yourself ok he'll be fine

Y/n didn't answer.

In-yeop: let's take him to the car

Y/n nodded. In-yeop and y/n picked up Taehyung and took him to the car.

Enwoo was on the driver's seat, in-yeop was beside enwoo and y/n was sitting at the back as Taehyung's head was on her lap

Y/n: e-ennu pls drive fast

Enwoo: don't worry y/n

He started the car at full speed.

Y/n: h-hyung g-get u-up pls

She had tears in her eyes but those weren't coming out of her eyes.

Tae: b-bear

He said in a weak voice.

Y/n looked at him

Y/n: h-hyung don't c-close y-your eyes ok? We'll reach the hospital soon. Talk to me d-don't close your e-eyes pls

Taehyung smiled weakly and cupped her one cheek with his one hand.

Tae: I-i don't t-think I'll survive b-bear

Y/n: don't say like that h-hyung p-pls

Tae: don't b-blame y-yourself o-ok it w-was n-not at all y-your fault. T-tell hyungs a-and- *cough* *cough*

He coughed and continued

Tae: tell hyungs a-and j-jungkook that i love y-you all o-ok.

Y/n: h-hyung p-pls don't talk l-like that

Tears streamed down her eyes as she heard Taehyung's last words.

Tae wipped her tears with his tumb.

Tae: don't cry sis. I-its the e-end for me b-bear b-but I a-am g-glad t-that y-you were m-my sister. I-i love you

He said as he closed his eyes.

(Guys I am literally crying writing this right now)

Y/n: hyung!

She tried to wake him up

Y/n: Enwoo drive fast!!!!!!!


As soon at the reached the hospital Taehyung was taken to the operation theatre.

The door of the operation theatre closed and the red light was turned on.

Y/n sat there on the bench as her clothes were coverd with Taehyung's blood.

She was just looking at the ground blankly.

Enwoo: hold yourself cherry.  He'll be fine ok

Y/n didn't answer. Y/n gulped down her saliva as she doesn't want to cry right now

She got up from the chair.

Y/n: go to the agency

She said gathering some of her voice

In-yeop: are you mad o- *cut off*

Y/n: inform GD about what happened in the conference hall he'll need a report

Enwoo: there is no way we are leaving you alone here in this situation

In-yeop: he's right look at yourself you aren't in your right mind y/n

Y/n: go and even inform hyungs about it they need to know and yeah tell GD i can't come to give the report so you both are going to do

In-yeop: but y/n- *cut off*

Y/n: I said go! It's an order Agent Sky!!

Enwoo: she won't listen. Let's go

In-yeop: we can't leave her here right?

Enwoo: we'll tell it to her brothers they will be here soon

In-yeop looked at y/n and then nodded.

They both went out.

As soon as they left y/n fell down on the chair and buried her face in her palms.

Her clothes were filled with blood that was triggering her hemophobia and Taehyung's state added more to it.

Y/n: I-its all b-because of m-me. I-i f-failed p-protect h-him

She cried as her face was buried in her palms.

Yoongi: doll........

She looked up as soon as she heard Yoongi's voice.

She got up from her seat.

Y/n: h-hyung...

She ran to Jin and hugged him as tight as she could.

Jin also wrapped his arms around her.

She started to cry miserable in his arms.

Y/n: h-hyung.....t-tae....h-hyung... g-got... b-blood....a-and

She wasn't able to speak because of crying and her phobia of blood was taking over her.

Jin understood that her phobia was taking over her so her stroked her back.

Jin: princess calm down ok? Stop crying

Jin signalled Jungkook to bring a new pair of clothes for y/n. Jungkook nodded and went out.

Soon he came and y/n was still hugging Jin

Jin: princess.....

He called her softly

Jin: go change your clothes ok

Y/n: b-but hyung t-tae hyung- *cut off*

Hobi: first you go and change your clothes sunshine then we'll talk

Y/n nodded.

She took the clothes and went to the washroom.

Jimin: what happened? Why is tae in the operation theatre?

Jungkook: we also don't know hyung. In-yeop called us and told we nee to go to the hospital and smth was wrong so....

Yoongi: we need to ask doll. Let her come

The others nodded.

Soon y/n came out of the washroom wearing a new pair of clothes.

Namjoon: come here Angel

He called her and she went to him weakly  as she didn't have much energy.

She sat beside him.

Namjoon hugged her keeping her hard on his chest.

He stroked her hair

Namjoon: don't cry ok. Tell us what happened?

Y/n took a deep breath and told everything that happened in the conference hall.

Y/n: i-its all my f-fault. I-if i was more c-careful than t-this would have n-not happened

Namjoon hugged her more tightly.

Namjoon: don't blame yourself Angel. You tried your best right?

She nodded her head.

Hobi: he will be fine sunshine trust me ok

Y/n: b-but hyung y-you know what h-he said h-he loves all of us and h-he was saying that he will l-leave us

Yoongi took y/n from Namjoon's embrace and hugged her

Yoongi: calm down doll nothing will happen to him ok

She cried in his embrace untill she closed her eyes and BTS thought she slept. Then Namjoon called someone

Namjoon: i want the cctv footage of the conference that was held today on xxx road near xx building *cold*

He kept back his phone.

They all looked at the operation theatre door and their face turned a bit emotional cuz ofc why not he's also their brother right?


Y/n woke up when she heard the door of the operation theatre open, she wasn't sleeping as she was mentally stressed right now.

They all looked at the doctor with hopes.

Doctor: i am so sry-



Y/n woke up with a jolt.

She sat up in the bed.

Hobi who was sleeping beside her woke up when he heard her scream

(So guys you must be wondering from where did her dream start so it was from the last chapter. It is from where i started writing in italics.)

( You can go to the previous chapter and check if you want. So hope you liked the dream 😁 and yeah tell me honestly how many of you fell for this dream. No cheating ok)

Hobi: sunshine is everything alright?

Y/n: w-where is Tae hyung?

Hobi: idk maybe in his room. It's almost morning so he must be wake

Y/n didn't waste a second and ran to Taehyung's room as hobi followed her while calling her name but she ignored him.

Y/n slam opened Taehyung's room door making Taehyung startled.

Tae: bear what-

Before he could complete his sentence y/n ran to him and hugged him like a Koala.

Taehyung catched her so that she doesn't fall.

She buried her face in his neck and started crying silently.

Taehyung felt smth wet on his shoulder.

He pulled away from the hug just to see some tears in her eyes

Tae: hey bear what's wrong? Why are you crying huh!?

By the time hobi also came in Taehyung's room.

Hobi: why are you crying sunshine?

Y/n: i-i saw a dream a very bad dream

Tae: what did you see sis?

She then explained them her dream in which Taehyung got shot

Taehyung hugged her after hearing her dream.

Tae: i am fine nothing will ever happen to me ok?

Hobi: he's a mafia king sis. He is strong

Y/n: but still i-i was scared

Tae: it's ok now sleep from sometime ok

Y/n layed down on Taehyung's bed.

Hobi: sleep well ok

She nodded.

Hobi patted her head and soon she drifted off to sleep.

Tae: what kind of dream that was? I mean I can't die that easily

Hobi: ofc you can't you still need to pay me for the food which i brought for you

Tae: yeah yeah whatever

He said as he walked out followed by hobi.

They both went to the dinning room.

Namjoon: hobi where is Angel?

Tae: she's sleeping hyung

He said as he sat down with hobi.

Yoongi: sleeping? till so late?

Hobi: yeah she has a bad dream so tae made her sleep again for sometime

Jimin: bad dream?

Tae: yeah she had a dream in which I got shot and I died

Jin: what!?

Hobi: yeah she woke up and directly ran to Taehyung's room and started crying

Jungkook: looks like a very bad dream

Y/n: it was the worst dream i ever had kook

She said as she entered the dining room and sat down on her chair.

Hobi: you were sleeping right?

Y/n: after you both left i woke up so I took a bath and came downstairs

The others nodded.

Y/n: i swear it was my worst nightmare in all these yrs

Tae: forget about it bear. I am fine

Y/n: i know but still

Then her phone rang. It was from GD.

She picked it up.


Y/n: hello?

GD: hello Agent Black

Y/n: any problem?

GD: um... actually the conference which was to be held today is postponed to tomorrow so you need to go there tomorrow

A question formed in y/n's head hearing that.

Y/n: umm...GD can you tell me who is the buisness men who offered me to protect his daughter?

GD: it's.......Mr.Kim. Yeah that's right it's Mr.Kim you need to protect his daughter

Y/n's eyes widen hearing that

Y/n: umm ok I'll call you later ok

GD: I'll text you the address ok

Y/n: yeah sure

Call ended

She cutted the call and looked at BTS.

Y/n: hyung what did we do after come home yesterday night from the night out?

Yoongi : we came home and slept nothing else why?

Y/n: shit!

She mumbled to herself but BTS heard it.

Jimin: mochi is smth wrong?

Y/n: tae hyung are you going to any conference tomorrow?

Tae: ummm yeah?

Y/n: don't go there!

Namjoon: why? What's wrong?

Y/n: everything is wrong hyung

Jungkook: what do you mean?

Y/n then explained them her whole dream as she only told them that Taehyung got shot and died.

Tae: so you mean if i go to the conference I'll die

Y/n nodded

Y/n: don't go hyung

Tae: but it's important

Y/n: but- *cut off*

Jin: you aren't going tae

Tae: but hyung that's only a dream it can't come true right?

Jin: that's final you aren't going. We can't risk your life

Tae: ok whatever suits you all

Namjoon: ok then I'll tell dad to cancel the conference

He said as he called Mr.Kim.
He cut the call and kept his phone back.

Namjoon: i have told him

Tae: if i am not going to the conference then I can come with you to the mission right?

Yoongi: yeah you can

Y/n: when will you guys come back from the mission?

Hobi: maybe tomorrow night

Y/n: ok

Again y/n's phone rang. It's was from GD again.


Y/n: can't you let me have my breakfast peacefully huh!?

GD: oh sry i didn't knew you were having your breakfast

Y/n: speak up

GD: umm...the conference about tomorrow has- *cut off*

Y/n: has been cancelled. I know that

GD: how do you know that?

Y/n: i have my ways

GD: ok then have your breakfast

Y/n: hmm

Call ended

They all started eating again.

Y/n: let's not go to university today

Jimin: why?

Y/n: it's boring and i wanna sleep you know

Namjoon: ok then let's skip

Everyone looked at Namjoon in utter shock

Namjoon: what?

Jungkook: hyung you letting us skip university?

Namjoon: yeah so?

Y/n: THAT'S A MIRACLE!!!!!!!

(I remembered an Indian meme "miracle!" "miracle!!" ) (if you know you know 😉)

Namjoon: oh come on Angel you are being to dramatic about it

Tae: no it's really rare hearing that from you

Namjoon: yeah yeah whatever just eat your food

Jimin: let's play games today

He asked the maknae line which includes y/n ofc.

Maknae line x jimin: YES!!!

Yoongi: weren't you gonna sleep doll?

Y/n: u-ummm....i changed my plan a little

She said as she got up and ran to her room.

Others shook their heads in disbelief.


Maknae line were playing games in the game room when they heard Jin shout.


All four of them stopped the game and went downstairs they saw in-yeop there

Jungkook: yes hyung?

Hobi: get ready you three we need to go to our mission

Y/n: you all going right now?

Yoongi: yeah and don't worry in-yeop will stay with you tonight in the mansion

Y/n made an annoyed face hearing that

Y/n: i am not a kid hyung. I can take care of myself

Namjoon: we know but still he'll be here if by chance smth happens than you both can fight it together right

Y/n: wow! My brothers assigned my junior agent to protect me? That's cool

She said sarcastically

In-yeop: hey! Though I am junior than you but I am elder than you ok?

Y/n: like i care duh!

In-yeop: you should care about it

Y/n: why should I? Are some VIP or smth

In-yeop: i am your friend right? Then give me some respect

Y/n: nah! Not my habit of respecting people who are always annoying me

Jungkook:  god! She's savage

Yoongi: my sister after all

BTS x Yoongi: OUR SISTER!!!!!

Yoongi: yeah yeah 'our sister'

Y/n chuckled at them.

Y/n: btw where is ennu? He isn't coming?

In-yeop: he had some company work so he said he'll join if possible

Y/n nodded

Jin: better be safe both of you ok

Jimin: and call us if smth goes wrong

Y/n: don't worry about us hyung. And you all better be safe if i see a single scratch on any of you than i swear you'll see hell of me

She said in a dangerous voice and BTS gulped hearing her voice.

Tae: y-yeah we'll be fine.

Y/n: hmm better now go safely bye

BTS: bye

They all went out.

Y/n: I'll go to my room you can stay in the guest room if you want

In-yeop: yeah sure

They both went to their respective rooms.


In-yeop and y/n were having their lunch peacefully when a bodyguard came to them

Bodyguard: Miss y/n

Y/n: yes?

Bodyguard: someone is there on the door to meet you

Y/n: meet me?

Bodyguard: yes miss. Should I send him back?

In-yeop: him?

Y/n: umm...no. Tell him to wait. I'll be there in  a minute ok

Bodyguard: sure miss

The bodyguard bowed and left

In-yeop: what if it is someone who can harm you huh!?

Y/n: oh come on don't be silly.

In-yeop: but-  *cut off*

Y/n: don't worry in-yeop

She said as she got up from her seat.

She washed her hands.

In-yeop: I'll come too

He also got up.

They both started to walk to the main door.

In-yeop: be alert

Y/n: oh god! You worry to much


They both diverted their attention towards the door.

Y/n's eyes widen seeing the person


She ran to the person hugging him tight.

??: Missed me?

Y/n: ofc!! Are you kidding me right now!! I can't believe you are here. Btw who did you know i am here

??: I saw an article which said that Mrs.Park got married to Mr.Kim one of the great buisness men. So i found out where Mr.Kim's house is and rest you know

Y/n: i am soo happy to see you back again. You also stopped contacting me

??: sry for that but i had to change my number due to some circumstances.

Y/n: it's ok

??: btw where is enwoo?

Y/n: oh yeah wait a minute I'll call him.

She took out her phone.


Enwoo: hey cherry

Y/n: hey ennu can you come to the Kim Mansion please

Enwoo: why? If everything alright?

Y/n: yep but pls come soon ok

Enwoo: umm ok

Call ended

Y/n: he's coming

??: let's surprise him

Y/n: yep

In-yeop: who's he iceberg

Y/n looked back as she totally forgot that In-yeop was there

Y/n: oh sry i didn't introduce. So in-yeop he is Kai my childhood bestfriend and Kai he is in-yeop my close friend.

Kai: nice to meet you

He forward his hand for a handshake.

In-yeop forced a smile and shook hands with him

In-yeop: nice to meet you too

In-yeop (in mind): i don't like this Kai guy at all. Why is he so close with y/n!?

That's when they heard a car engine.

Y/n: ennu is here. Kai you should hide somewhere.

Kai: yeah

He hid behind the sofa.

Enwoo: what happened cherry? Why did you call me so urgently?

He said as he came inside the mansion

Y/n: i have a surprise

Enwoo: surp- *cut off*


He said as he jumped infront of Enwoo.

Enwoo flinched at the sudden shout.

But soon his eyes widen.

Enwoo: OMG!!

He hugged Kai.

Enwoo: when did you come?

Kai: just a few minutes back

Enwoo: i thought you forgot us

Kai: nope i didn't. It's just i lost your numbers so....

Enwoo: totally understandable.

Y/n: so where are you planning to stay tonight

Kai: not decided yet. I guess a hotel might work

Y/n: oh come on. I have such a bid ass mansion and you still wanna live in a hotel

Kai: well i heard you got brothers so...what is they aren't comfortable

Y/n: they won't mind i am sure. And moreover Enwoo and in-yeop are staying here tonight as well. You'll have a company with you

Kai: ok then. Btw I am leaving in two days ok

Y/n & Enwoo: wae~

Kai: you know I have so many patients to attend so I just came to meet you guys at it has been many years we meet

Enwoo: that's sweet but promise to be in touch ok?

Kai: yep that won't be a problem after this

Y/n: better keep you promise ok

Kai: yeah yeah

Y/n: come I'll show you your room.

Kai nodded.

Y/n held Kai's hand and they both went upstairs.

Kai: i don't think you friend likes me

Y/n: who? In-yeop?

Kai: yeah his expression said everything

Y/n: don't mind him ok. He's just like that

Kai: if you say so.

To be continued................. ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys!! Hope you all are doing good and are fit and fine.
So I wanted to ask you guys that do you want to have another BTS member's in a relationship. If yes then pls tell me whom would you like and with whom.

Hope you liked this chapter.....

Luv u all 💜💜💜........


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