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A/n pov
Some days passed away and BTS and y/n were living a very good life together but just the fact that y/n will go away from BTS after completing her case has disturbed BTS as they don't want her to go back to USA.
Y/n: Good morning hyung!
She said as she sat down on the chair in the dining table.
BTS: good morning sisy!
Y/n: so what's for breakfast today?
Jin: pancakes. You like them right?
Y/n: yep
Soon the breakfast was served to them.
They all started eating their food.
Yoongi: btw doll-
He stopped when y/n's phone rang.
She looked at the caller id to see that it was from GD.
She frowned her eyebrows looking at her phone.
Y/n(in mind): why is GD calling me right now?
She asked herself in her mind.
Y/n: can i take this one call?
Hobi: ofc sunshine you don't need to ask our permission for that
She gave him a small smile.
She picked up the phone
Y/n: yes GD?
GD: umm.... Agent Black can you come to the agency real quick
Y/n: why?
GD: there is some problem so we need your help. It's really urgent Agent Black
Y/n: hmm ok I'll be there in sometime
GD: yeah
Call ended
Namjoon: who was it?
Y/n: GD
She said as she got up from her seat with a pancake in her hand.
Tae: where are you going?
Y/n: i need to go to the agency real quick. I'll meet you in the evening
She said as she stuffed the pancake in her mouth and took her bike keys and walked out.
Y/n: oh shoot!!
She came running inside the mansion.
She ran to her room and took her mask and lenses.
She shouted as she walked pass the dining area.
She went away.
Jin: this girl didn't even ate her food properly
Jimin: btw do you'll remember we have to complete her bucket list
Jungkook: yeah so what's the next thing we got to do?
Yoongi then removed a paper from his pocket. He unfolded it and read through it.
1: going on a high top from where you can see the whole city
2: Getting a suprise birthday part
3: i like back hugs very much
4: spending time with the people I love
5: Cuddling with someone
6: to go to Paris with my family
7: to have a company of my own
8: To go and eat street food with my family
9: To have a happy life
10: To have a ...........
Tae: why is there a blank over there
He said looking at the tenth one.
Yoongi: idk it was like that only in the laptop so I printed it like that
Hobi: have you noticed smth
Jungkook: what hyung?
Hobi: all things she has written in the list aren't expensive or you impossible these are just some random things which she craves for.
Jin: and one more thing is that she has written it when she was young
Jimin: how can you say that hyung?
Jin: look at the seventh one it says that she wants a company of her own which means when she wrote this she didn't have her company
Namjoon: that's correct now from this list only the third, sixth, eighth and tenth one it left.
Yoongi: back hugs? We can do that right? That's easy
Jungkook: that's easy for us hyung not for you
Yoongi: what do mean huh!?
Jungkook: i mean we all like to give or take hugs but for you I don't know
Everyone x Yoongi laughed a little when Jungkook said that.
Yoongi: ok ok whatever so what's the sixth one
Tae: to go to Paris? That's easy
Namjoon: let's do this in the last ok?
Hobi: yeah that would be great
Jin: what's next
Jimin: to go and eat street food with my family
Jungkook: let's do this today evening when she comes back? What you all say?
Yoongi: yeah that would be great
Jin: ok then let's wait till she comes
The queen of the underworld was sitting on her rocking chair with a wine glass in her hand.
She drank a sip of her wine and sighed.
Queen: what have i gotten myself into?
That's when Jackson entered the room.
He bowed to her.
Queen: any news Jackson?
Jackson: yes queen
Queen: what is it? Is everything ok?
Jackson: we have got information that someone is going to attack miss y/n
The queen smirked
Queen: leave it let her die
Jackson: but queen how can you--
Queen: no Jackson let her die. I don't want any argument about this further
Jackson: y-yes q-queen
Queen: hmm you may go now
Jackson bowed and left.
Queen: let's see who wins *smirk*
She said as she drank the wine again.
On the other hand
Y/n walked into the agency with her famous cold look.
Everyone bowed to her.
She nodded in response.
She reached the GD's cabin.
She went inside without knocking ofc.
Her usual habit.
She saw GD with two other agents.
The two agents bowed to her.
She nodded.
Y/n: why did you call me?
GD: you have a work
Y/n: but I am already - *cut off*
GD: listen first
She nodded for him to continue.
GD: there is going to be a conference tomorrow where the son of one of the best buisness men is going to give a speech
Y/n: so?
GD: we have got orders to protect the person who is going to give the speech
Y/n: then? You want me to protect him?
GD: kind off I mean he will come there with his sister so basically you need to protect her
Y/n: there are so many agents in the agency then why me? I have another case to solve which is pending
GD: the business man himself had given us the orders that he wants you to protect his daughter
Y/n: me? You mean he said he wants Agent Black to protect his daughter
GD: yes that's right
Y/n: but GD i am already solving another case
GD: i know i know but we can't deny their order as well right. It's just for a day then you can continue the case
Y/n stayed silent for a second thinking what to do.
GD: it's about someone's safety Agent Black
Y/n sighed
Y/n: ok I'll do this
GD: these two agents will join you
He said pointing towards the agents standing there.
Y/n: can you go out for a moment pls
She told the agents.
They bowed to her and went out.
GD: smth wrong?
Y/n: you know I don't trust any other agents other than Agent Sky and Agent Ace right?
GD: i know that but I called them, they aren't picking up my calls
Y/n: I'll talk to them just tell the other agents that i can't work with them ok
GD: but if Agent Sky and Agent Ace don't agree than you need to take them with you.
Y/n: they won't deny me
GD: ok then
Y/n: hmm
She went out.
She took her bike and went to in-yeop's house.
She reached there and saw both of them playing games.
Yeah enwoo lives with in-yeop cuz he gets bored alone at y/n's mansion.
Y/n went out stood behind them.
Y/n: what's going on Agent Sky and Agent Ace?
She asked in her strict and disciplined voice.
In-yeop and Enwoo quickly got up and stood straight infront of her
In-yeop: Agent Sky reporting mam!
He gave a salute.
Enwoo: Agent Ace reporting mam!
He also did the same.
Y/n laughed.
Y/n: you guys a-are hilarious
She laughed more.
In-yeop: you scared us for a moment you know
Enwoo: yeah btw you here?
Y/n : why aren't you both picking up GD's calls huh!?
Enwoo: oh that. W-we just thought that he'll give us some stupid work and we gotta do that so that's why......
Y/n: that's why you didn't pick up his calls?
In-yeop: yeah that's right
Y/n shook her head in disbelief
Y/n: anyways we have a job tomorrow which i given by GD
In-yeop: what is it?
Y/n: we are appointed for someone's safety so we gotta make sure he's fine
Enwoo: why us? We already have other case to do
Y/n: the person we have to protect personally mentioned that he wants me to protect his daughter
In-yeop: then why me and enwoo?
Y/n; stupid people! How the fuck am I going to do it alone huh!? Ofc i need a team to help me with this
Enwoo: than choose some other agents!! we are to lazy for that shit
Y/n: ennu you very well know that I don't trust anyone when it comes to agent work so better be ready tomorrow I don't like late comers
She went out.
In-yeop: she got some insane duality bro!
Enwoo: ik! She just changes her personality in seconds
In-yeop: better to be cautioned around her!
Enwoo chuckled
Enwoo: that's true
Y/n reached the Kim Mansion and went inside.
Y/n: I AM BACK!!!
She shouted and sat on the sofa, relaxing herself.
Soon all BTS members came down and sat beside her.
Namjoon removed her mask and kept it aside.
Namjoon: you'll feel suffocated Angel
He said as he stroked her hair.
Y/n: i am fine hyung. I am used to wearing mask. I wear it almost each and every day
Jin: go get changed we are going out
She sat up straight on the sofa as soon as she heard Jin.
Y/n: out? Where hyung?
Hobi: go first get changed then we'll take you there
Y/n: umm...ok
She got up and went to her room.
She changed her clothes.
She went downstairs and saw everyone waiting for her.
Y/n: let's go...
They all went and sat in the lemo.
Y/n: come on hyung~ tell me where are we going
Tae: you'll get to know soon sis
Y/n: ok
She made a sad pout.
BTS chuckled.
Soon they reached the place.
Y/n: woah! Why are we here?
Jimin: to eat some street food
Y/n: huh!?
Jungkook: come on let's eat and enjoy ourselves
He said as he dragged her with him to one of the stalls.
They ordered food from them.
Y/n: woah! It's the end of my diet today
She said looking at the delicious food.
Yoongi: it's not bad to have a cheat day right
Y/n: yep that's totally right
Jin: then what are we waiting for just dig in guys
They all started to eat the delicious food.
Hobi: sunshine?
Y/n: hmmm?
She hummed as her mouth was filled with food.
Hobi: tomorrow we need you need to go to somewhere
Y/n: me? Where?
Tae: you just need to come with me and stay by my side till I give a speech
Y/n: sry hyung but I have gotten orders from the agency to protect someone so I need to go there tomorrow
Namjoon: it's ok i think tae can go alone right Taehyung?
Tae: yep I'll be fine
Y/n: why don't one of you go with hyung?
Jungkook: we have a mission to complete that's why he needs to go alone
Y/n: sry hyung you need to go alone because of me
Tae: it's fine bear. I'll be fine.
Y/n: ok
Y/n got ready to go to the place where she needs to protect some girl.
She wore her mask and lenses and headed downstairs.
Jimin: you going?
Y/n: yep I need to reach there early
Jin: ok then go safely and yeah i guess we won't be home when you come so eat your dinner
Y/n: ok but make sure not to get hurt ok
Namjoon: yeah we'll be careful about it
Y/n nodded and went out.
She took her bike and headed towards the place which GD had texted her.
She reached there and saw that it was a open conference hall.
You could see the neighbouring buildings around.
Y/n: hmm looks like we need to be more careful
??; Agent Black?
She looked back to see enwoo and in-yeop.
Y/n: oh so you both are here
In-yeop: hmm...
Y/n: go position yourselves around the place and I'll meet the person whom I need to protect
Enwoo: ok
Y/n: wear your earpieces and keep in touch, i need all the information that's going around. It's a big conference
In-yeop: we'll keep that in mind Agent Black
They both went to their respective places.
Y/n: it's good that these dumb heads are serious about their works.
She said to herself.
??: Umm....an agent from the agency?
She heard a voice from behind
Y/n: yeah myself Agent-
She turned around but stopped talking when she saw Taehyung and Mr.Kim there.
Even Taehyung was shocked seeing y/n over there.
Mr.Kim: why did you stop agent?
Y/n: umm..,yeah myself Agent Black
She forwarded her hand for a handshake. Mr.Kim excepted it.
Y/n: so whom do I need to protect?
Mr.Kim: umm... actually you need to protect my daughter y/n but for some reason she isn't coming
Y/n wanted to laugh right now cuz when she has so many different identities it always gets complicated.
Taehyung also controlled his laugh.
Mr.Kim: so i want you to protect my son instead
Y/n cleared her throat so that she won't laugh.
Y/n: sure sir
Tae: but dad I can protect my-
He stopped when Mr.Kim glared at him making him shut up.
Tae: ok whatever you say
Mr.Kim: so I'll go hope my some stays safe with you and your team as I need to go i have a meeting
Y/n: sure sir you can totally trust me and my team
Mr.Kim: and son don't get nervous in the conference ok. Be confident
Tae: yes dad don't worry about that
Mr.Kim: good to hear that
He patted Taehyung's head and went to his car.
Y/n and Taehyung chuckled secretly.
Y/n: things get complicated
Tae: i know especially when you have so many identities
He chuckled
Tae: i didn't knew your were assigned to protect yourself
Y/n: i also didn't knew that. I thought it was someone else whom i need to protect.
Tae: dad told us that he assigned an agent to protect you as you were going to come with me to the conference but dad never told me that it was Agent Black
Y/n: that's fine but I am your bodyguard for today
Tae: that will be kinda fun you know
Y/n: yeah yeah whatever
Enwoo: looks like you need to protect your own elder brother cherry
He said in the earpiece.
Y/n: shut up!
Tae: why should I shut up? I didn't do anything?
Y/n: not you hyung i am telling it to enwoo through the earpiece
Tae: enwoo is here?
Y/n: yep and even in-yeop they are my teammates
Tae: that's great
Y/n: btw here...keep this
She said giving him and earpiece.
Tae: why this?
Y/n: today I need to protect you so if I tell you smth you need to listen ok hyung?
Tae: umm...ok i guess
He took the earpiece from her.
Y/n: now let's go the conference is about to start.
Tae: yeah
Taehyung walked towards the stage as y/n followed him as a bodyguard.
Y/n: guys be alert ok?
Enwoo and in-yeop: yes mam!
That's when someone bumped into Taehyung.
Y/n: be careful
She helped Taehyung.
Soon the reached the stage and Taehyung stood infront of the mic to give his speech.
He started his speech.
In-yeop: Agent Black?
He said in the earpiece
Y/n: yes? Everything alright?
In-yeop: there is a person at the back of the crowd. He's a bit suspicious. Should I go and check?
Y/n; no stay where ever you are. I'll go and check
She started to walk to the back of the crowd.
Y/n: keep and eye on Taehyung hyung both of you
Enwoo: yes mam
Y/n reached the back of the crowd and everything was looking normal over there.
Y/n: where is that person Agent Sky?
In-yeop: the person is right at your left side Black
Y/n looked at her right and saw a man with a knife in his hand.
She slowly walked towards that man and held his hand in which he had a knife.
The man looked at her and was about to attack y/n but y/n kept her hand on his mouth and dragged him to a room.
She stabbed the man right in his neck and he was dead at spot.
She then locked him in that room.
She washed her hands and again started to walk towards where Taehyung was.
While walking towards him she noticed a sniper at the building that was beside the conference hall.
Her eyes widen when she saw the sniper's aim was directly on Taehyung.
Y/n: tae hyung can you here me?
She asked in the earpiece but got no reply.
She looked from far that he didn't had his earpiece in his ear.
Y/n: hyung!!
She tried to signal Taehyung but it didn't work.
Y/n: fuck!!
She ran to Taehyung while pushing the people in the crowd.
She reached the stage but too late the bullet was already fired and directly went through Taehyung's chest.
Y/n: HYUNG!!!!!!!!!!!!
To be continued................ ◉‿◉
Hey guys!!! So I have decided to change the cover page of both of my book.
How is it?
If you don't like it I'll change it to smth else cuz I don't have a copy of the previous cover page.
Let me know in the comments if you like it or not.
Don't forget to vote.
Luv u all 💜💜💜.......
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