A/n pov
Y/n walked inside a mansion. Her Mansion? No! the mafia queen's mansion where the queen had kept her brothers trapped inside the mansion.
It was almost 3:30 in the morning that y/n walked in the mansion.
She went to the room where her brothers were sleeping. They all sleep in the same room cuz the queen told them to as it would be easier for the guards to look after them when they all are together.
After all they are the mafia kings who have plenty of ideas to escape this place.
Y/n walked inside and went upstairs. She saw two guards at the room door.
She ignored them and went inside. She saw them all sleeping peacefully. Automatically a smile formed on her face looking at the cute babies sleeping infront of her.
Y/n(in mind): they must be so much worried about me but I have no other option. I am sry hyungs and in-yeop.
She sighed and sat beside hobi who was most near her.
Y/n: it's so boring to not talk to you guys but it's for your own safety.
She layed down beside hobi as she hugged his waist lightly not wanting to wake him up.
Y/n: if smth happens to you because of me I'll never be able to forgive myself. I need to finish this quickly so that we all can go home safe and sound.
She closed her eyes for five minutes and then opened them again.
She got up from there.
Y/n: have a nice sleep all of you.
She went out not knowing that someone was wide awake listening to her talks.
She went out of the mansion and sat in the car.
Y/n: i only have ten days left.
She said as she ran her hand through her hair in frustration.
It's been five days that the mafia queen gave her the task to find the crown but y/n wasn't able to find anything.
Y/n has become all skinny and pale due to eating less food and less sleep.
It's not like she doesn't get food to eat or a place to sleep, She can sleep in the car as well but she just to frustrated cuz if she doesn't find the crow she'll lose her family again.
Which is smth she doesn't wants at any costs.
Y/n looked at the photo of the crown in her hand in banged it on the seat beside her.
Y/n: Fuck itt!!!! How am I suppose to find a freaking crown just by it's picture! I hope i could go inside the photo and take out the crown!!
She said getting irritated.
Y/n: but that's not fucking possible!!
She rested her head on the stearing wheel and unknowingly slept.
Y/n: Argh!!
Y/n woke up feeling pain in her neck.
Y/n: fuck! My neck hurts like hell! It's a bad idea to use the stearing wheel as a pillow
She groaned in pain.
She looked at her phone to see that it was ringing.
It was from enwoo. From the past five days y/n has been ignoring his calls cuz she can't tell him anything about this and more over enwoo has not recovered yet so she doesn't wants him to worry about her.
Y/n: i guess i should pick it up or he'll come here. He still hasn't recovered yet
She picked up his phone.
Enwoo: thank God cherry. You picked up the phone. You know how worried I was. How are you? Is everything ok? Why didn't you picked up my calls huh!?
Y/n: yeah everything is fine. I was just busy with some work you know
Her voice was weak and different from usual, Enwoo understood that she was lying to him and smth was not right.
Enwoo: cherry what's wrong?
Y/n: i told you nothing's wrong. I am just doing some work nothing else.
Enwoo: i know you better than you y/n. Smth is not right tell me what happened?
Y/n: enwoo it's really nothing I told you. I was just busy
Enwoo: than why is your voice so weak huh?
Y/n: it's just i woke up from my sleep so my voice is a bit husky
Enwoo: there is a great difference between a husky voice and a weak voice y/n and you just said that you were doing some work than how did you wake up from sleep
Y/n(in mind): shit!! How stupid I am to say that!! Let's change the topic
Y/n: ok leave that tell me how is you health. Did you recover well?
Enwoo: don't try to change the topic cherry. I know smth is off
Y/n: it's really nothing ennu. I am totally fit and fine just as before
Enwoo: ok don't tell me, i guess i am not so close to you that you can't share your problems
Y/n: i-its not l-like that ennu. You are a really special friend to me pls don't say like that ennu
Enwoo: than tell me what's wrong cherry
Y/n: i-i can't pls understand
Enwoo: ok don't even call me unless you decide to share it with me
Y/n: ennu listen-
Call ended
Before she could complete her sentence enwoo cut the call. She sighed.
Y/n: now what?
She banged her head no the steering wheel not so hardly.
??: Your friend got angry?
Y/n got startled by the voice. She looked at the back seat to see the mafia queen
Y/n: how did you came inside? I locked the doors
Queen: oh that! We'll it's not important for you to know how I came inside.
Y/n: what do you want?
She said annoyed.
Queen: nothing i came here to tell you that only 9 days are left
Y/n: thank you for reminding
She said sarcastically.
Queen: anyways drive to a place I need to show you smth
Y/n raised an eyebrow.
Queen: oh come on i am not going to kill you. Just start the car I'll tell the directions.
Y/n rolled her eyes and started the car.
She started to go to the directions as the queen told her.
Queen: btw who gave you this bracelet?
She said pointing to the bracelet that was in y/n's hand and it had "Y/N" craved on it.
Y/n: no one. You don't need to know anything about my personal life
Queen: hmm I was just asking. Nvm
Soon they reached the destination.
Y/n: why are we here again?
She said looking at the mansion where BTS was there.
Queen: just follow me
She said as she got out of the car. Y/n sighed and followed her.
She went inside.
Queen: keep your mouth shut infront of them
Y/n: i know you don't have to remind me again and again
She followed the queen to the living room.
Her eyes widen seeing the person infront of her.
Y/n: ennu-
She coverd her mouth as she realised she was about to speak.
The queen smirked looking at her as y/n glared at the queen.
All BTS members, in-yeop and enwoo were sitting on the sofa.
They diverted their attention when they heard someone's low voice.
They saw y/n standing behind the mafia queen.
Jimin ran to y/n and hugged her.
Y/n restrained herself from hugging him back.
Jimin: hey mochi how are you?
She looked away ignoring his question.
Jimin looked at the queen and held her collar.
Jimin: what did you do to my sister huh!? Why isn't she talking?
The guards came and pulled jimin away from the queen.
Queen: it's her choice if she should talk to you or not
She smirked.
Y/n looked at enwoo.
Y/n(in mind): he was just talking with me on the phone then how did he came here?
Queen: did you like my suprise?
She asked y/n and y/n glared at her. The queen chuckled.
Queen: anyways you can go and do your work. You have 9 days remaining and yeah now I have one more person whom I can kill
She said with a evil voice.
Y/n: fuck off!!
She said as she walked out of the mansion but not before taking a glance at BTS and her two friends who were already looking at her with a questionable face wanting to know tha answers to all the questions they had.
Y/n: i promise i won't let anything happen to you all
She said to herself and sat in the car.
Y/n: where should I find this crown now!!!!
Days passed away but y/n was not able to find anything about the crown not even a bit of it.
A stone was thrown harshly in the water.
Y/n: i fucking hate this!!!!
She threw another stone.
Y/n: h-how!!!!? How the fuck am i supposed to find this!?
She shouted angrily looking at the photo.
She was also gonna throw the photo away but smth caught her. She again looked at the photo carefully and saw that there was a reflection of smth on the table where the crown was kept in the picture.
Y/n frowned her eyes looking closely at the picture. She sat that there was a house in the reflection with a name written on the name plate of the house.
Y/n: i know this place!!!!!!!!!
She ran to her car and sat down driving fastly as it was already night and one of the BTS members will die tomorrow.
She reached the house. She looked at the photo to confirm if it was the one on the photo or not.
Y/n: this is it!!
She ran to the house.
She banged the door aggressively as she had only three hours to find the crown.
Y/n: where the f is the owner of this house!?
She was about to remove her gun and shoot the door open but stopped when the door opened revealing a man, maybe in his late twenties.
Man: yes? How may I help you?
Y/n: i want to check this house really quick can I pls do that?
Man: and why is that so?
Y/n: pls it's really important. I don't have much time to talk pls just let me check your house
Man: i am sry you can't do that
Y/n didn't listen to him and went inside the house pushing the man away
Y/n: i am sry
She said as she started to search for the crown in the house.
Man: hey hey hey!! What the fuck do you think you are doing!?
Y/n: i told you I am in a hurry right now and yeah I'll pay you how much ever you want just let me do my work
She said as she continued to search for the crown.
She stopped when she felt a cold metal on her head from behind.
She turned around to see the man pointing his gun on her head.
Man: i didn't wanted to remove my gun but you insisted me to
He said as he loaded the gun.
Y/n: who are you and why do you have a gun?
Man: i am a mafia and you'll die with my hands today
Smth then clicked on her mind.
Y/n: so you are the one who stole the mafia queen's crown?
Man: h-how do you k-know?
Y/n smirk.
Y/n: i got some brains babes
She said as she kicked his hand making the gun fall from his hand nshe quickly removed her gun from her back and pointed it the the man.
Y/n: tables have turned
She said with a smirk plastered on her face.
Y/n: now quietly tell me where is the crown?
Man: i-i don't know
Y/n: DON'T LIE!!
She said as she pressed the gun on his head even more. Her voice sent shivers down the man's spine.
Y/n loaded the gun.
Y/n: you have already waste very much of my time so better tell me where it is or it won't take me a minute to shoot your brainless head
Man: w-wait I'll tell you pls don't kill m-me
Y/n: show me where it is
The man started to walk upstairs as y/n followed him pointing her gun at his head.
The man took out a key from his pocket and unlocked the door.
He went inside as y/n followed him.
Y/n saw the crown was kept in a glass box in the middle of the empty room.
She was just mesmerized by it's beauty that she forgot smth.
Man: Now!!
He shouted y/n looked at him confused but that's when someone pushed her making her fall as her gun went to the other part of the room.
She looked behind to see one more man over there.
Man: good job bro
Man 2: thanks bro
They high fived eachother.
Man 2: now what should we do with her?
He said pointing his gun towards her.
Man: just kill her
Man 2: as you say
He loaded the gun.
Man: ready to die...
Y/n(in mind): shit!! I am really dead today!!
BTS, in-yeop and enwoo we tied to a chair in the basement as the queen was standing infront of her playing with the knife in her hand.
She looked at the wrist watch and then at the others.
Queen: you only have fifteen minutes left if your sister doesn't comes than one of you will die
Hobi: wtf is going on here!! What have you done to y/n!!? She isn't your toy who'll move around and work for you!!!!
He said angrily.
(A/n- hobi's anger is really dangerous I am going you all try to deal with it.....)
Queen: no no she isn't my toy but she does work as a toy if you blackmail her
She laughed.
Yoongi: what tf have you told her!!!?
Queen: nothing much she just has to find a crown for me if not than one of you'll die each day till she finds the crown
Jin: you!! You are insane!! From age I am guessing you are older than me than how can you be so cruel!! She's just a 17 year old kid!!
Queen: like i care
She again looked at her watch.
Queen: two minutes to go.
Enwoo: you are a monster!!!
Queen: thanks. Btw till the clock strikes 12 I guess i should choose my prey for today
She walked towards them.
Queen: you two agents will die later first the great mafia kings
She then walked towards BTS.
Queen: hmm? Whom should I choose?
She started thinking.
Queen: how about you!
She said pointing her finger on Namjoon.
Queen: how about the leader of the mafia kings die today?
Tae: the fuck don't do anything to him!!!
Queen: to late little brother. GUARDS!! tie him over there infront!!
She ordered the guards.
Guards: yess queen.
The guards went to Namjoon and untied him. Namjoon tried his best to free himself but no use, the guards to many.
Jimin: LEAVE HIM!!
The guards didn't listen, they tied Namjoon's hands to the ropes that were hanging to the ceiling.
He was now standing with his hands tied to the rope. He again tried to free himself but the ropes were too strong.
Namjoon (in mind): when I don't wanna break things i literally break everything but now I wanna break the rope it isn't working!!!
He thought to himself.
Queen: time's up!
He said shifting her gaze from her watch to Namjoon.
Queen: so how should I kill you?
She started thinking.
Queen: how about you do it JS
She said to Jackson.
Jackson: queen m-me?
Queen: yes you. Is there anyone else names JS?
Jackson: n-no i mean h-how can I-i
The queen walked towards Jackson and whispered smth in his ears which wasn't audible to anyone
(not even your author so she isn't writing it 😜😜)
The queen backed away after what she whispered to Jackson.
Jackson took a deep breath and headed towards Namjoon with a knife in his hand.
Jungkook: don't fucking touch him!! You'll see hell!!
Jackson didn't listen he continued walking to Namjoon and stabbed him hand.
Namjoon looked away but didn't hiss in pain.
In-yeop, enwoo & BTS x Namjoon: Namjoon/hyung!!!
They all shouted together.
Queen: now just kill him!
Jackson was about to kill him but the door of the basement slammed oped as y/n entered.
Y/n: STOP!!
She walked inside as Jackson pulled his hand back.
Y/n had the crown in her hand she threw it at the queen as she catched it.
Y/n: here's your crown don't fucking touch my brothers
She pushed Jackson away and went to Namjoon untied his hands
She untied both of his hands.
Namjoon noticed that blood was dripping down from y/n's t-shirt.
Namjoon: Angel what happened to you?
He asked as he pressed her stomach from where he saw blood.
Y/n hissed in pain as Namjoon backed away his hand.
Namjoon: h-how did this happen?
Y/n: i-i got shot..........
She said holding her stomach but as soon as she completed her sentence her eyes became heavy and started to close. Soon her eyes were consumed by darkness.
BTS, in-yeop & Enwoo: Y/N!!
But before she fell down she felt two hands protecting her as she fell into complete silence....
To be continued............. ◉‿◉
Hey guys!! I know......
I said i won't update for two days but the plan changed and I have brought my laptop with me so i decided not to make you guys wait and give you an update. So here it is
Hope you like it
And yeah i haven't rechecked the chapter so pls ignore if any mistakes......
Luv u all 💜💜💜.....................
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