A/n pov
Y/n: so?
Queen: so i want you to do a mission for me....................
Y/n raised an eyebrow at the queen.
Y/n: mission?
Queen: yep you have do a mission for me
Y/n: and what will I get in return
Queen: see if you say yes maybe I'll let give you information about Scar
Y/n widen her eyes hearing that.
Queen: but if you say no then you'll have to be in my prison forever
Y/n: how do you know about Scar?
Queen: i already told you I am the Mafia queen so I know each and every thing about everyone.
Y/n surely had a profit in helping her but......
Y/n: if you wanted my help then why did you kidnap others?
Queen: it's easy you have only 15 days to complete the mission that I give you if you didn't complete it in 15 days then each day one of your brothers will die
She said and y/n widen her eyes.
Queen: don't you dare raise your voice at me...
She said in a dangerous voice but y/n cares less about it. Do she's fears the mafia queen? Hell nah!!!
Queen: you have three options say yess to the mission, if you fail your mission than your brothers and your friend will die and if you succeed I'll give you information about Scar and even leave you all free and if you say no to the mission than you have to be my slave forever
Y/n went into deep thinking after hearing what the mafia queen said to her.
The mafia queen got up from her seat.
Queen: you have ten minutes to decide you answer. Till then I'll go check on my 'guests'
She said as she walked out locking the door from out side.
Y/n: why does she always have three options!!!!!!!!!!!
She said as she pushed the chair away angrily.
As the mafia queen locked the door she heard a bang.
Queen: she agressive
She said to Jackson who was outside the meeting room waiting for the queen.
Jackson: ofc she is. After all she is - *cut off*
Queen: shhhh that's a secret. Don't tell it to anyone ok?
She said as she walked away. Jackson smiled and walked behind her.
Jackson: yes queen
The queen then walked to the room where BTS and in-yeop were tied.
BTS and in-yeop diverted their attention to the door when they heard it open.
They saw the Mafia queen and Jackson walking inside but they didn't see y/n anywhere.
BTS and in-yeop: where is y/n!!!
They asked her at the same time.
The mafia queen chuckled.
Queen: she's fine don't worry just making a decision that will either help or will destroy her.
BTS and in-yeop looked confused.
Namjoon: what do you mean?
Queen: you'll get to know soon. Just wait for sometime ok?
Jin: if there is even a single scratch on her than i swear I'll burn your entire territory!!!!!!!!!!
Queen: calm down big brother. She's fine. I promise
BTS and in-yeop stayed silent but they still didn't believe the mafia queen over y/n's safety.
Queen: be patient. She'll be here soon.
She said as she walked out.
She again went to the meeting room where y/n was. She opened the door to see that all the chairs were scattered around the room and y/n was in deep thinking while leaning on the table.
Queen: looks like you got some serious anger issues gurl.
She said making y/n look back at her.
Queen: so did you make a decision
Y/n took a deep breath and walked towards the queen. She leaned forward while supporting her hands on the table.
She looked directly into the queen's eyes.
Y/n: I'll do this but I have some conditions you need to follow
The queen was also having a deadly eye contact with her but she looked away and sat on the chair crossing her legs on eachother.
Queen: what kind of conditions Agent Black?
Y/n: when I am doing this mission untill 15 days end my brothers and my friend should be treated properly with proper meals and facilities they won't live like prisoners and yeah i don't want a single scratch on them if that happens then I may do smth which will bring you to your knees.
The queen raised an eyebrow.
Queen: hmm intresting................i gave you three options and you are giving me condition
Y/n: you only said it will profit both of us so follow my conditions and I'll do the mission for you.
Queen: than i have a condition as well.
Y/n: and that is?
Queen: you can't talk to your brothers or your friends when this mission is going no. Even if they ask you a question you can't answer them anyhow you can neither nod your head or shook your head or any kinds of sign language. You can't even smile at your brothers.
Y/n: what kind of condition is this!?
Queen: follow my condition and I'll follow your conditions or just let your brothers and your friend live with me like my prisoners till you complete this mission.
Y/n stayed silent thinking what to do ofc she was going to ask some help from her brothers and in-yeop but if she won't talk to them it will be hard for her to solve the mission without their advice.
Y/n(in mind): i can totally do this mission without their help right?
She asked herself.
Queen: times running out Agent Black
She said taking out y/n from her thoughts.
Y/n: let's do this!
She told the queen.
Queen: you'll follow my conditions?
Y/n: yes but you'll also follow my conditions and won't go back on your words.
Queen: deal!
She said as she shook hands with y/n.
Queen: the mission will start tomorrow and all the details will be given to you by me personally.
Queen: now let's go to your brothers and friend and give them a better place to stay.
Y/n nodded and followed the queen out of the meeting room.
Queen: remember you can't talk to them
Y/n: but the mission starts tomorrow then why can't I talk to them today?
Queen: the mission starts tomorrow but still I am giving you what you want right?
Y/n stayed silent knowing what the queen said is true.
Queen: now that's what I thought.
She said as she continued walking. The guards opened the door for them.
Queen: be behind me and don't try to act smart. I don't wanna do smth that I'll regret later
Y/n nodded.
They both went inside.
BTS and in-yeop looked at y/n as soon as she entered the room.
Y/n took a glimpse of them and then looked away knowing they'll ask her many questions and she won't be able to answer them.
Jungkook: bunny?
He called her softly but she didn't look at him.
Hobi: sunshine look at us is everything alright?
She still didn't reply.
He spatted angrily on the queen.
Queen: i didn't do anything
She shrugged.
Tae: hey bear talk to us. What happened?
She stll didn't look at them. She gulped down her own saliva looking at her brothers concern.
She again looked away.
In-yeop: hey iceberg did she do smth to you that you aren't talking huh!?
Y/n walked towards the mafia queen and whispered.
Y/n: tell them why I am not talking to them or they'll keep asking questions like this
The queen smirked and whispered back
Queen: no no Agent Black they aren't going to know the truth
Y/n: what! Why?
She again whispered to her.
Queen: who's gonna tell them? you? Go ahead do it but yeah remember the deal we had.
The queen again whispered back to her.
Y/n: Argh!!!!
She said as she punched the wall beside not so harshly but yeah it was a powerful punch. It didn't cause any harm to y/n.
Jin: what are you doing!!! You'll get hurt!!
Queen: i guess this punch was made for me but you can't punch me can you
She said with a smirk.
Y/n: I'll surely do it one day when I get a chance not caring that you are elder than me
She whispered to her.
The queen laughed and turned to Jackson.
Queen: untie them and take them to my secret mansion. They all will live there and make sure they won't be able to escape
Jackson nodded and started to untie all of them with the help of the guards who were holding them.
But as soon as Jungkook was untied he pushed the guards away and went to y/n to hug her.
He hugged her tightly.
Y/n looked at the mafia queen and the queen shook her head saying that she can't hug him back.
Y/n's hand turned into a fist controlling herself from hugging him back.
Jungkook pulled away when he felt that y/n did hug him back. He held her shoulders.
Jungkook: what's wrong? Did smth happen? You aren't even talking to us? Pls tell us what's the matter?
He asked her softly but she looked away.
Queen: guards take him!
She ordered the guards.
The guards came and held Jungkook as he looked at his sister not knowing what's wrong with her.
He spatted out angrily on the mafia queen not knowing one day he'll regret shouting at her.
Queen: nothing much. She's just obeying my orders
Yoongi: what kind of orders?
Queen: you don't have to know that. Guards take them out and yeah make sure that the are unconscious...
The guards nodded injecting smth on BTS and in-yeop's neck making them loose their consciousness.
Y/n: hyung.......
She whispered to herself as she saw her brothers and friend's body falling unconscious on the ground.
Y/n: i swear I'll forget that you are the mafia queen if smth happens to them!!
The queen laughed.
Queen: we'll see about that btw you won't live with your brothers ok?
Y/n: and why is that so?
Queen: what if you Live with them and speak to them, telling them about the mission.
Y/n: i won't do that
Queen: oh dear why can't you understand, we are in the mafia world babes no one trusts anyone here not even their own family members. So better live with me in this mansion itself
She said in a dangerous voice looking at y/n in her eyes. She walked out
Queen: follow me
She demanded y/n. Y/n sighed and obeyed her.
Y/n: what shit is going on right now.
She spoke to herself following the queen as she lead y/n downstairs to the basement
Y/n: are you gonna kill me or smth like that in the basement?
The queen laughed at y/n's comment. Y/n somewhat found her smile cute as it was a genuine smile.
Queen: not so soon babes.....
She said as she opened the door of the basement.
Y/n: does he have to follow me everywhere i go?
She whispered to the queen referring to Jackson.
Queen: he's my assistant so he follows me everywhere so basically he's following me not you
Y/n nodded.
Y/n: so the mission I have to do is in the basement?
Queen: nope as I told you, you'll get the information about the mission tomorrow
Y/n: so why are we here?
Queen: you are gonna sleep here
Y/n: and why is that so?
Queen: your brothers are sleeping in a big cozy bedroom, so if you want them to sleep over there comfortably than you gotta sleep here.
Y/n sighed thinking about her brothers and in-yeop.
Y/n: do you think i am that weak huh!?
Queen: no you aren't but whatever.....
She said as she walked out followed by Jackson.
She went out and locked the door.
Jackson: isn't it too much queen....i mean letting her sleep in the basement. She'll catch cold like that.
Queen: i know and i have no intention to make her sleep on the cold floor.
Jackson: than why this, you could have just given her one of the rooms in the mansion
Queen: i don't wanna make it obvious to her that i am someone she knew in the past so i did this. When she is asleep take her to the room beside me carefully not waking her up and yeah bring her back to the basement before she wakes up so she won't suspect us. Clear?
Jackson: yes queen
The queen nodded and walked away. She went to her room and removed her mask looking at herself in the mirror.
Queen: should I put an end to this and let everyone know the truth or should I just keep pretending that I am no one to anyone in this world?
She sighed and got into the bathroom changing her clothes.
She came back and layed down on the bed.
Queen: i guess i should end everything and try cuz even if there are 0.01 % chances that everything will be back to normal it is not bad to give it a try right?
She asked herself and closed her eyes.
Queen: let's see that ......
Soon she drifted off to her dreamland.
Y/n woke up again having a nightmare cuz ofc one of her brothers isn't with her.
She shivered as a cold wind brushed through the basement.
Y/n: I'll surely die if i sleep here in the basement every day
She said as she got up dusting her clothes.
Y/n: but my sleep wasn't that bad tho except the nightmare ofc.
She streched her arms and legs.
Y/n: why is this mafia queen like this? I mean tf she wants from me. It's not like I have a relation with her. As long as i remember we didn't even meet for any case or smth like that?
She questioned herself.
Y/n: whatever as long as hyungs and in-yeop are fit and fine i care less about it.
She then started doing some pushups.
Soon the door opened revealing Jackson with a mask.
Jackson: you are seriously doing pushups in the basement?
Y/n: yeah got any problem?
Jackson: nope not at all leave it the queen is calling you
Y/n: dude atleast let me take a bath i stink right now
Jackson rolled his eyes.
Jackson: ok follow me
Y/n did as he said. He then took her to one of the guest room and told her to take a shower. He also gave her some clothes to wear.
After y/n was done, she went out of the room and saw Jackson waiting for her
Y/n: i am not running away dude
Jackson: queen ordered me to look after you be thankful that i didn't come with you in tha bathroom or in the room
He said as he started walking.
Y/n: wow very much thank you for that
She said sarcastically following Jackson.
Jackson rolled his eyes.
Soon they reached the meeting room.
Jackson: go inside I'll be behind you
Y/n went inside and saw the queen sitting there with a mask on her face and a plate full of food infront of her.
Y/n: having breakfast in the meeting room is weird you know
She said as she sat down infront of the queen.
Queen: whatever have this
She said as she passed the plate to y/n.
Y/n: poison?
She asked looking at the food.
Queen: nah adding just poison in someone's food in too cheap for me I better add poisonous snakes in your food so that you eat and die
The queen said with a tight smile. Y/n rolled her eyes.
Y/n: nice idea. I'll try it on you someday
She said as she started eating.
Queen: I'll wait till that happens
Jackson (in mind): these girls are insane how can they talk like that. No wonder they are-
He came out of his thoughts when the queen called him
Queen: JS?
Jackson: yes queen?
Queen: go get the things I told you to bring.
Jackson: yes queen.
He went out. Y/n stopped eating and looked at the queen.
Queen: what?
Y/n: can i meet my brothers and in-yeop?
Queen: you can but only when they are asleep not when they are awake ok?
Y/n shocked cuz she didn't expect the queen to allow her to meet her brothers
Queen: i am not that cruel ok. I know you love your brothers
Y/n smiled a little continuing to eat her food.
Y/n(in mind): First she kidnaps all of us and then tells me to do a mission that'll risk others life if i didn't complete it and now she is being sweet by letting me meet hyungs and in-yeop. I really can't understand her.
Soon she finished her food.
Jackson also came inside with a file and a small bag.
Queen: here.....
She said as she passed the bag and the file to y/n after taking it from Jackson.
Y/n raised her eyebrow looking at the stuff.
Queen: in the file there is information about the mission.
Y/n opened the file just to see a photo of a crown.
Y/n: there in only photo in this file. No information
Queen: that's your mission. That crown belongs to me and someone stole it from me. You have to find it and bring it back that's it.
Y/n: that's it? How am I suppose to find the crown when i just have the picture of it
Queen: that's upto you how are you gonna find it.
Y/n: this is bullshit!!
Queen: bullshit or cowshit i don't care I want my crown back within 15 days or you know what's gonna happen.
Y/n shook her head and then opened the bag. She found a car key, a gun, a knife and a phone, her phone to be precise.
She looked at the queen.
Queen: you can use all this stuff. Even the car and your phone. You are free to roam around the city and find my crown but yeah remember your brothers are with me so better Don't be smart.
Y/n: if you know this is my phone
Queen: i know that, you can use it and don't call anyone. There is no one who's as powerful as me so calling someone for help won't be of any use. Yeah me and the mafia kings have the same position but the mafia kings are with me right now so better not act smart.
Y/n took the things keeping them in her pocket.
Queen: you are free to do whatever you want and go anywhere to find my crown and yeah I'll text you the address of the place where the mafia kings and Agent Sky is. You can go there at night after they are asleep.
The queen walked out of the meeting room followed by Jackson.
Y/n: how am I gonna solve this shit!
She said looking at the crown's photo.
To be continued............... ◉‿◉
Hey guys!!!!! So actually I am going out for two days so there won't be any update for two days hope you understand.
I'll surely post the next chapter after I come back.
Luv u all 💜💜💜.....
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