A/n pov
She then twisted the door knob and went inside. As soon as she stepped inside she felt the cold metal of the gun on her head.
Yoongi: V!! We are going to talk first ok
He said to him. Taehyung pulled down his gun
Jin: Pls sit Agent Black *cold*
She did as he said.
Namjoon: before we start anything let me clear this out don't try to be smart there are guards all over the place *cold*
Y/n nodded and she was hella confused right now.
Hobi: so we heard that you are solving the HCFM case? *Cold*
Y/n: umm...yeah?
Jimin: so coming straight to the point why are you solving this case?*cold*
Y/n: some personal matter
Yoongi narrowed his eyes at her.
Tae: and that is? *Cold*
Y/n: i guess i can't tell you
Jungkook: but you have to tell us? *Cold*
Y/n: nope i can't
All six of them except Yoongi pointed their guns towards y/n because they were losing their patience. Yoongi widen his eyes.
Jin: tell us or die right here
He said he loaded his gun
He said to other BTS members.
Namjoon: hyung we know she is your friend but friendship doesn't last in the business of the mafia kings
Yoongi ran to y/n stood infront of her.
Y/n: calm down hyung
She said in a low tone so that only Yoongi hear's her.
Yoongi: i can't let them hurt you doll
He also said in a low tone.
Jin: Agustd what is all this huh!?
Yoongi turned to y/n.
Yoongi: reveal yourself
He said to y/n. Y/n looked at him shocked.
Y/n: i-i can't
Yoongi: that's the only way you can be alive or they won't hesitate to kill you cuz they don't know who you are.
Hobi: what you talking about?
Yoongi turned to BTS
Yoongi: she knows your identities
BTS x Yoongi: SHE WHAT!!
Namjoon: you told her?
He asked Yoongi
Yoongi: she found out on her own.
Then Yoongi turned to y/n.
Yoongi: you'll get hurt pls reveal yourself
Y/n: but-
Before she could complete her sentence jimin who was standing right beside her took out a knife and cut her mask which caused a slight cut on y/n's cheek.
She quickly coverd her face with her hand so that they don't see her face.
Yoongi: wtf!! Jimin
He held y/n by her shoulder
Yoongi: are you ok?
She nodded.
Yoongi: pls reveal yourself see you already got hurt pls doll
Y/n sighed and removed her lenses with one hand and other hand was still covering her face.
Then she slowly removed her hand from her face. As soon as she looked up she heard gasps
BTS x Yoongi: Y/N!!!!!!!
Jimin was in utter shock cuz ofc he hurted his sister, his mochi.
Jimin: i-i a-am s-sry. I-i didn't k-knew
Y/n went and hugged him
Y/n: it's ok hyung it was not your fault.
Jimin: b-but
Y/n: shh it's ok
That's when Jin stormed out of there closing the door harshly behind him.
Y/n: is smth wrong with him
Hobi: we don't know but you being Agent Black is quite shocking you know
Y/n: sry for not telling it to you guys but i thought you'll get angry so....
Namjoon: it's ok but we need to know about the HCFM case
Tae: yeah but first Jin should also be here
Jimin: mochi I am sry again
Y/n: it's ok hyung
Jungkook: come let's treat your wound
He dragged her out. He searched for Jin but he was no where to be found.
Hobi: I'll treat her wounds as hyung is not here.
He brought the first aid kit and started to treat her wounds.
Hobi: is it hurting a lot?
Y/n: no it's fine btw do you guys think Jin hyung is angry with me by any chance
Yoongi: we don't know but he maybe angry with you
Y/n: why?
Jimin: we have no idea
Tae: talk to in the university tomorrow
Y/n nodded
Hobi: i guess you should go home. It's quite late
Y/n: yeah
She got up
Y/n: I'll go then see you tomorrow
Namjoon: ok take care
Y/n: you too bye
She hugged them one by one and left from there.
Y/n woke up did her daily workout and went to the university without eating her breakfast as she wanted to talk to Jin about it.
She reached the university and saw in-yeop there.
In-yeop: yo!! Agent Black!
Y/n: are you mad someone will hear you!?
In-yeop: but no one is here right now. Btw whom are you waiting for?
Y/n: hyungs
In-yeop: oh why?
Y/n: i guess Jin hyung is angry on me
In-yeop: why?
Y/n: will you stop asking questions!?
She went away as she saw BTS's car approaching. She went there waiting for Jin.
They came out of the car and she saw Jin with a cold face.
Y/n: Jin hyung....
She called him but he ignored her and went to his class. Y/n's smile faded which didn't go unnoticed by other BTS members
Namjoon: hey Angel don't be sad he'll talk to you ok
He said as he kept his hand around her neck. She nodded sadly.
Jungkook: let's go to class now
He said as he dragged her with him. The three of them went to their class.
The whole day y/n tried to talk to Jin but he was avoiding her at all costs. That's why y/n didn't even ate anything since morning.
Right now BTS x Jin are standing infront of her mansion cuz they came there to meet her.
They rang the doorbell and it was opened by an old lady. They bowed to her as she was elder than them.
Lady: yes how may I help you?
Jimin: umm..,is y/n there?
Lady: oh Miss y/n she is out for some work you can sit inside till then
BTS nodded and went inside. They sat in the living room.
Lady: are you her brothers by chance?
Jungkook: yeah we are
Lady: oh can you pls tell her to eat smth. She hasn't eaten anything since morning
Tae: what! She didn't eat anything!?
Lady: yeah i forced her to eat but she didn't eat anything
Namjoon: we are going home right now!
Lady: why so early?
Yoongi: we'll for sure come back ok
They left the mansion angrily. They went to the Kim Mansion and directly went to Jin's room.
They went inside and locked the door behind them.
Jin: why are you all here?
Yoongi: why aren't you talking to doll huh!?
Jin didn't say anything.
Jungkook: hyung because of you she hasn't eaten anything since morning
Jin widen his eyes hearing what he just said.
Jin: s-she didn't eat anything?
Hobi: no she didn't and if smth happens to her it will be all because you you hyung!!
Jin: i-i'll talk to her call her to our secret base
Jimin took out his phone and called her.
Jimin: Hello mochi
Y/n: hello hyung
Jimin: come to our secret base right now
Y/n; why?
Jimin: just come I'll tell you
Y/n: i am busy hyung
She was about to cut the call but jimin said
Jimin: Jin hyung wants to talk to you
Y/n: Jin hyung?... ok i am coming
Call ended
Jimin: she's coming
Yoongi: then let's go what are we waiting for
Then they went to their secret base. They saw they y/n's bike was already there
Tae: y/n is here? *Cold*
He asked the guard
Guard: yea master. Miss y/n is in the meeting room
They nodded and went inside. They went inside the meeting room just to see y/n waiting for them impatiently.
As soon as she saw them she stood up
Y/n: hyung! I am- *cut off*
She was cut off when Jin passed her a tiffin box
Y/n: what's this?
Jin: eat it then we'll talk *cold*
Y/n: but- *cut off*
Jin: eat it or i am going back to the Kim mansion *cold*
Y/n quickly sat down on the chair and started eating quitely. Jin and the others laughed internally looking at her childish side.
Soon she finished eating.
Y/n: done!
Jin: hmm
Y/n: so hyung are you angry on me?
Jin: no *cold*
Y/n: you are~ I know pls tell me what happened?
Jin didn't say anything
Y/n: hyung is it because you found out that I am an agent?
Jin: n-no it's not *cold*
He stuttered cuz he can't lie to the people he love and y/n understood that.
Y/n: hyung is it wrong that I am an agent? Tell me pls. Talk to me
He raised his voice and everyone in the meeting room flinched.
Y/n: understand what hyung?
She stopped when she realised that she raised her voice at her elder brother.
Her eyes became gloomy cuz she didn't expect to have a fight with her elder brother
Jin saw her teary eyes and quickly pulled her into him embrace.
Y/n: i-i am s-sry i didn't m-mean to shout o-on you
Jin: shh it's ok don't cry
He rubbed her back.
Jin: Jungkook go bring a glass of water
Jungkook nodded and went out to bring a glass of water. He brought it and gave it to Jin
Jungkook: here hyung
He said as he gave the glass to him. Jin took and pulled away from the hug.
Jin: here drink this
Y/n took the glass and drank the water.
Y/n: i-i am s-sry
Jin: it's ok. Let's talk about it clear all the things between us ok
She nodded.
Jin: let's sit and talk
They all sat down.
Namjoon: you want to talk right now or you want some time?
Y/n: no it's fine let's talk
BTS nodded.
Tae: so why did you become an agent?
Y/n: can i answer this question at the last
Jimin: you are solving this case alone?
Y/n: nope Agent Sky and Agent Ace is with me?
Jungkook: Agent Ace you mean enwoo?
Y/n: how does everyone know that he is enwoo?
She said getting annoyed. BTS chuckled
Yoongi: because you both are the best duo in the agency and you both are also famous in the underworld you know.
Hobi: yeah you both are know as the "duo that never fails"
Y/n: really!?
She said being shock and BTS nodded
Y/n: why didn't I knew this before?
Jungkook: cuz you are too dumb to know that
Y/n: Yaa!! I am not dumb like you ok?
Jungkook: yeah yeah sure
Jin: but princess I think you shouldn't do this case I mean it's dangerous for you
Y/n: i totally understand your concern hyung but if i don't solve this case I guess I need to go back
Yoongi: what do you mean?
Y/n: i mean I came here for this case only and if I give up on this case then I have to go back to USA
Jimin: no! You can't leave us like that. We'll talk to the Agency head about this
Y/n: you can't change the Agency rule can you? maybe if I solve this case GD can let me stay here. What you say?
All BTS members started thinking what to do about it.
Y/n: i have an idea
BTS: what is it?
Y/n: let's work together
Tae: huh!?
Y/n: let's solve this case together the we can even protect eachother and even solve the case
Then there was all silent for a moment before Jin spoke
Jin: let's do this!
The other BTS members looked at him shocked
Jin: we have to. Let's find the truth that has been hidden for ten yrs know. I can't anymore. I just wanna know everything
The other members nodded understanding where as y/n was confused but didn't ask anything.
Y/n: ok then I'll call Agent Sky over here and let's discuss about this case.
BTS nodded. Y/n took out her phone and called in-yeop
In-yeop: hello iceberg
Y/n: hello are you free right now
In-yeop: yeah why?
Y/n: i have texted you a address come there quick
In-yeop: is smth wrong?
Y/n: kind off just come quick ok and come in your Agent outfit
In-yeop: ok
Call ended
Y/n then kept her phone back.
Y/n: he's coming. I guess you should wear your masks
Namjoon: what about you?
Y/n: don't worry about me.
They all wore their mask. Soon there was a knock on the door.
Jin: come in *cold*
The door opened revealing in-yeop wearing his mask and lenses.
In-yeop noticed the mafia kings sitting there so he bowed to them.
Y/n: Agent Sky pls sit
He sat down
In-yeop: umm.. Agent Black your mask?
Y/n: i know. So anyways before starting anything you guys should reveal yourself and eachother
BTS & in-yeop: WHAT? Why?
Y/n(in mind): i am literally stuck between idiots!
Y/n: just do it you'll get to know
They looked at each other and then removed their mask.
In-yeop: hyung!!!
BTS: in-yeop!!!
Y/n: see i told you
BTS & in-yeop: you knew it!?
They asked y/n
Y/n: yeah. Anyways let's talk know. So Agent Sky or should I say in-yeop. They are going to help is in the case. Hope you have no problem
In-yeop: no i don't.
Y/n: i guess you all know about the case or should I explain?
Hobi: we know about it. You can tell what all you have found till now
Y/n nodded. Then she and in-yeop explained them about everything they found out about the case.
In-yeop: we even found out the person's name who did this
Jungkook: then why didn't you kill him?
Y/n: cuz we only know his mafia name and not his real name. We need to find that out
Yoongi: and that is?
Y/n & in-yeop: Scar!
Jin: ok i guess as it is related to mafia. We'll find out about this person named Scar you both can rest till then
In-yeop: but hyung-
Hobi: no buts and asses you both have done enough investigation let us do smth as well
Y/n and in-yeop nodded getting defeated but all the BTS members. That's when y/n's phone rang. She saw that it was from GD
Y/n: you all talk I'll pick this up
The others nodded. Y/n went out of the meeting room to talk to him as she didn't want to disturb them.
GD: hello Agent Black
Y/n: hello *cold*
GD: actually i got the reports that's you asked for
Y/n: what did you find? *cold*
GD: i-its true. The report you asked for are absolutely true
Y/n: w-what!? O-ok I'll call you l-later *cold*
Call ended
Y/n cut the call and kept her phone away.
Y/n(in mind): h-how is this p-possible? I can't believe this. I don't k-know if i should be sad or should I celebrate this moment.
She ran her hand through her head in frustration.
She again went inside the meeting room.
Y/n: guys I have some work I'll go bye~
She said and went away leaving BTS and in-yeop dumbfounded.
In-yeop: is it just me or she behaving weird
Yoongi: i also think that
BTS nodded in agreement.
In-yeop: guys I'll go now i have some work to look after
Jimin: sure go safely
In-yeop nodded and went out.
That's when Namjoon's phone rang. It was from one of their men. He picked it up.
Namjoon: hello *cold*
Man: hello master Namjoon we got the reports you asked for
Namjoon: ok send them to the main base quickly *cold*
Man: ok boss
Call ended
Namjoon: the reports are ready
He told the others
Jin: what does it say?
Namjoon: one of our men is bringing it here. It'll be here soon
The others nodded.
Soon they heard a knock on the door.
Yoongi: come in *cold*
Man: boss here are the reports you asked for
He said giving the file to them. Jungkook took it from him.
Tae: ok you may go know *cold*
Man: ok boss
The man bowed to them and left. Jungkook opened the file and started to read through it and the others surrounded him to read it as well.
As soon as they finished reading it the file fell down from Jungkook's hands.
Jungkook: s-so it's true?
Yoongi: yeah i-it is.
Jin: then let's prepare to finish the person who did this to us and our lovely family *cold+dangerous*
To be continued................ ◉‿◉
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