'YOU DO STUPID........'
A/n pov
Y/n was sleeping peacefully in her room not knowing that someone has just entered her room without her knowledge.
The person came inside her room keeping the door open. He/she had a knife in their hand.
The person went to y/n and stood beside her and pointed the knife in the air right above y/n's heart.
##: hope you rest in peace
She said and was about to stab her in her heart that's when y/n woke up having a nightmare.
The first thing which she saw was Emma who was ready to stab her. Y/n raised her hand and stopped the blade which was about to hit her heart.
She was struggling as she was in a sleeping position and she was also breathing heavily as she just had a nightmare.
Blood was zoning out of her palms as she was holding the blade of the knife with her bare hands.
Taehyung who just woke up to have some water was going downstairs crossing y/n's room but when he passed across her room what he saw made him widen his eyes.
He saw Emma was trying to kill y/n and y/n was trying hard to save herself.
Taehyung rushed towards them and pushed Emma away. Y/n quickly sat up on the bed.
Emma: this bitch!! She deserves to die!!
She said and again tried to stab y/n but y/n was quick enough to hold Emma's hand. Y/n twisted her hand which caused the knife to make a slight cut on Emma's hand.
Emma groaned in pain a little. Y/n took the knife from Emma and threw it away. Emma again came and pushed y/n on the bed. Y/n stumbled and sat on the bed.
Emma was again coming to y/n but was stopped by Taehyung.
The others came running after hearing someone shout.
Namjoon: what's happening here?
He asked looking at Emma who had a cut mark on her hand and y/n plans were filled with blood and Taehyung was boiling in anger.
Emma ran to him and hugged him but he didn't hug her back.
Emma: oppa look what this bitch did to me
She said innocently while showing the cut that was made my y/n.
Jin wanted to believe Emma but his heart said smth else.
Jin: tae what's all this?
He asked Taehyung to confirm what's going on. Taehyung glared at Emma and then looked at y/n. He saw y/n was shaking looking at her hands which were filled with blood.
Then he remembered that she is hemophobic. He sat down beside her. He took her palms gently and made her wrap her hands around him so that she won't be able to see the blood.
His clothes were getting bloody because of her bloody hands but he cares less about it infront of his sister.
Taehyung then wrapped his arms around her hugging her tight and to his suprise she hugged him back even more tightly.
Tae: shh it's ok.
He said rubbing her back. The others were watching them but they were literally clueless what is going on here.
Soon y/n slept in his embrace. He made her lay down on the bed.
Yoongi: care to explain?
Tae: you all go downstairs I'll be there in a minute after treating her wounds
He said referring to y/n. The others nodded and went downstairs. Tae then went to the bathroom and took the first aid kit.
He again went and sat beside her and treat her wounds gently not wanting to wake her up.
After he was done he kept the the first aid kit on its place and kissed her forehead and went out. He went downstairs and saw Jin treating Emma's wounds.
He went to Emma, grabbed her hand and slapped her hard making her fall on the ground
Emma: o-oppa....
She said holding her cheek.
Tae: don't you dare call me that!!
He spatted angrily.
Hobi: tae what is all this? Why did you slap her?
Tae: after what she has done you'll also slap her hyung
Jimin: but first tell us what happened?
Tae: this bitch, she tried to kill y/n!
BTS x Taehyung: WHAT!!!
Emma: oppa t-that's not tru- *cut off*
She was cut of by another slap but this time it was given by the world wide handsome Jin.
(Sry for my dramatic ass 🤣)
Tae: i saw everything and after that also you have the audacity to lie huh!?
Yoongi: pathetic!
Jungkook: never knew you were so cruel.
BTS's blood was already boiling but they can't kill her ofc their dad will fry them alive
Jin: I'll call dad tomorrow and tell him everything about this and he'll only decide what to do with you!!
He then looked at the other BTS members
Jin: you all can go to your rooms. I'll just go and check on princess
The others nodded and went to their respective rooms after giving a glare to Emma. Jin also left for y/n's room.
Emma was just standing there.
Emma: I'll make you suffer Kim y/n! Just wait and watch
She said and also went to her room.
Y/n woke up and saw that her hands were bandaged. She then remembered what happened yesterday night.
Y/n: why did i suddenly started to shiver because of seeing blood?
She asked herself as her hemophobia doesn't effect her that much.
Y/n: is my phobia increasing?
She asked herself again.
Y/n: leave it.
She got off her bed. She thought to go to the gym but she can't do anything as her hands are injured.
She layed down on the again. Staring at the celling above her. She remembered how Taehyung help her yesterday.
He even comforted her when her phobia was taking over her.
Y/n: all seven of them are so caring towards me. I am lucky to have brothers like them
Then smth clicked her, she quickly sat up on the bed
Y/n: can it be?
She asked herself.
Y/n: but i don't have any proofs about it
She started thinking. Then she got an idea
Y/n: let's do this. Hope what I think is true
Then she looked at the time it was almost time for University she got off the bed and got ready for University.
She went downstairs. As soon as she reached the dining room she was pulled into a tight hug given by none other than Jungkook
Jungkook: are you ok bunny?
Y/n: yep totally fit and fine
She said as she pulled away from the hug.
Before sitting on her chair she went to Taehyung and gave him a hug. Taehyung was shocked at first but eventually hugged her back.
Y/n: thank you
Tae: for?
Y/n: for saving my life yesterday otherwise I would have been de-
BTS: don't you dare complete your sentence!
They said it together and y/n chuckled.
Tae: don't say sry ok. It was my duty as your elder brother
She smiled at him and then sat on her chair. She picked up the spoon but it fell from her hand as she hand was injured.
Namjoon who was sitting beside her picked up her plate and kept a spoon full of food infront of her mouth.
Namjoon: eat it. I'll feed you
Y/n nodded and Namjoon started to feed her. The other six siblings were looking at the duo in aww and yeah they were "kind off" jealous as well.
While Namjoon was feeding her. Y/n looked at the chair where Emma usually sits but she was not there today.
She doesn't care about Emma but she was just curious about what BTS did to her.
Jin noticed y/n looking at Emma's seat.
Jin: she's grounded for the time dad comes back. I called dad to tell him about this but he didn't pick so when he comes back then we'll tell him and he'll decide what to do with her
He told y/n to which she nodded as she had food on her mouth.
Soon they all finished eating. Y/n was about to go to her bike but was pulled away by hobi
She looked at him confused
Y/n: yes hyung?
Hobi: sunshine do you think you can drive when your hand is injured huh?
Y/n: ops i totally forgot about it
She said scratching the back of her neck.
Hobi: come let's go in our limo
He said as he dragged her to their limo. Then they all sat down in the limo. She was sitting between jimin and Yoongi.
She didn't knew what got into her but she kept her head on jimin's shoulder and closed her eyes.
Jimin: you wanna sleep?
Y/n: no just stay like this it feels good
All seven of them smiled at her.
Yoongi: doll?
Y/n: hmm
She hummed keeping her eyes closed.
Yoongi: did this happen in the past as well?
She finnally opened her eyes and sat straight.
Y/n: i didn't get it?
Yoongi: Emma trying to kill you. Did it happen in the past?
Jungkook: hyung why are you- *cut off*
Y/n: it did. It did happen in the past as well
BTS looked at her in curiosity.
Namjoon: if you don't have any problem can we know what
Y/n nodded and decided to tell them as they have the rights to know about that
Y/n: it happened when i was 9 years old. It was six months before Mr.park's death. That time it just had been 2 yrs that Mr.Park adopted me. Me and Emma had a good relation that time but I didn't knew that all her love was fake
Jimin: then how did you get to know about that?
Y/n: on my 9th birthday when.....................
It was a grand part organised by Mr.Park for his beloved daughter.
There were many great people who were called to the party. That's when Emma dragged y/n to the rooftop.
Y/n: what happened unnie? why did you bring me here?
(Y/n used to call Emma unnie in the past ok)
Emma: i want to give you your bday gift
Y/n: what is it?
Emma started to walk towards y/n with a scary face as y/n was backing off
Y/n: u-unnie what are y-you doing?
Emma: you are such a bitch. Look appa organised such a great party for your bday but what he did on my bday was just a small party
Emma scoffed.
Emma: i don't know why appa even adopted you. Orphans like you should be on the roads begging for money
Y/n: u-unnie don't say like that. Appa loves both of us equally
Emma: no he doesn't. He loves you more not me!
Now Emma and y/n both were on the edge of the roof.
Emma: now die bitch
Emma was about to push y/n but moved away and went behind Emma.
Y/n then ran downstairs to her appa.
Hobi: you didn't tell your appa I mean Mr.Park about it?
Y/n: Emma hated me for the fact that Mr.park gave more attention to me than her and if i told Mr.Park about it she would hate me more so i didn't tell anyone.
Tae: after that she didn't try to do anything to you?
Y/n: no actually six months after my bday Mr.Park died and after that I was sent to USA by Mrs.Park so I never saw her after that. It was only after I came back to Seoul.
BTS nodded understanding.
Jungkook: didn't knew that she was so pathetic
Jin: true
Y/n: never judge a book by it's cover.
Then they reached the university. The others went to their class and Jungkook and y/n went to their class.
They saw that Enwoo and in-yeop were already there. They went and sat on their usual places that is near Enwoo and in-yeop.
Enwoo and in-yeop noticed the bandage on y/n's hand.
Enwoo: cherry what's this?
He asked with a concern face.
In-yeop: did you get hurt?
Enwoo: don't tell me you punched the punching bag with your bare hands again!
Y/n: no it's not like that
In-yeop: then?
Jungkook: I'll tell you guys.
Then Jungkook told them whatever happened and how Emma tried to kill y/n at night when she was sleeping.
Enwoo and in-yeop: WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK!!!!!
They shouted together gain all the attention in the class.
Y/n: you all do your work!! *Cold*
She said to everyone in the class. They then concentrated on their works.
Y/n: can't you both talk slowly huh!?
Enwoo and in-yeop: sry
In-yeop: but she literally did that?
Jungkook and y/n nodded.
Then the teacher came and started teaching.
Y/n was here sitting in the cafeteria and this time Jungkook was the one who was feeding her
Y/n: kook?
Jungkook: hmm
Y/n: you know everyone is looking at us
Jungkook: so?
Y/n: so we are basically the center of attention right now
Jungkook: do you care?
Y/n: nah!
She said in a sassy tone.
Jungkook: do you think i care?
Y/n: umm.....no
Jungkook: then leave it
Y/n shrugged it off and continued eating her lunch which was fed to her by Jungkook.
The lunch break ended and everyone went to their class.
University ended and BTS and y/n went home. After reaching home y/n got freshen up to go to her work as she has a meeting with her brothers today.
She went downstairs. She saw BTS was there wearing their formal clothes
Namjoon: going to work?
Y/n: yep
Jin: you shouldn't go. Your hand is injured
Y/n: don't worry about me and more over today you have a meeting with Miss Yoona and I have to prepare somethings so I have to go
Hobi: you can go but take care ok
Y/n: yes hyung
She started to walk out.
Tae: bear!
He called her. She turned around
Y/n: smth wrong hyung?
Tae: how will you drive?
Jimin: yeah I guess one of us should drop you
Y/n: no it's fine I'll take the driver with me
Yoongi: ok be safe
Y/n: bye~
She went away. She went to her company and again changed her clothes as BTS saw the clothes she was wearing before.
She wore her mask and lenses. Then sat on her chair
Felix: today is the last meeting with the Kim brothers and Mr.Shin then we can start our new project with the Kim enterprises
Y/n: i know that's great
Felix: btw what happened to your hand?
Y/n: nothing much. Just got a little hurt
Then y/n called lia and she came there within seconds.
Lia: yes y/n-ahh
Y/n: unnie can I get the concealer again?
Lia: yeah sure I'll bring it
She went out.
Y/n: hyung how's the wedding preparations going
Felix: pretty good but you have to come to my wedding ok
Y/n: I will for sure
Felix: i even called enwoo. He said he'll be there too
Y/n: that's great
Then lia again came. Y/n opened her bandage and applied concealer on her hands.
Lia: why do you keep getting hurt on your hands huh!?
Y/n: idk my hands love blood I guess
Lia and Felix laughed but y/n said with some other meaning which only she knows.
(If you know you know 😉)
Felix: let's go now. Your brothers must be here
Y/n: yep
They both went to the meeting room. They went inside and saw the Kim brothers and Mr.shin and some important people.
Y/n went and sat on the seat.
Y/n: let's start *cold*
Mr.Shin: why am I called here? I told you if you wanna sell your land then only call me here
Y/n signalled Felix to continue
Felix: Mr.Shin we got to know that you were try to buy the land that surrounds the actual land we have
Y/n and Kim brothers smirked and Mr.Shin was shocked
Mr.Shin: well that's true but what you gonna do huh!? It's not like you got the land that I was trying to buy from past few years
Yoongi: what if we say yes *cold*
He said smirking. Mr.Shin was in utter shock.
Mr.Shin: t-that's not possible
Then Felix showed Mr.Shin the contract papers.
Y/n: now what you say Mr.Shin? *cold*
Mr.Shin sighed
Mr.Shin: ok we are ready to negotiate with you
Y/n: but we never said we want to negotiate with you *cold*
She said with a smirk but BTS and Felix looked at her shocked.
Mr.Shin: WHAT!?
Y/n: either sell your land to us or do whatever you want cuz your lands costs nothing infront of what we have *cold*
Mr.Shin: b-but you said you want to negotiate with us
Y/n: did i? Sry i don't remember anything *cold*
Mr.Shin: b-but that's not fair
Y/n: everything is fair in war Mr.Shin. Now will you sell your land to us
Mr.shin got up getting frustrated.
Mr.shin: the contract paper will be sent to you by tomorrow
He said and left angrily with his team.
Y/n: now that's what we call victory!
Then she looked at BTS and Felix.
Y/n: sry for the last minute plan change. It just come in my mind suddenly
Jungkook: but that was awesome btw
Y/n: thanks. If he had negotiated with him I am sure he would do smth against us again. So this was better
Namjoon: you did a great job
He said and shook hands with her. Her hands pained a little but she bared it.
Y/n: btw if you remember I told you that I'll give you a suprise if we get this deal
Hobi: yeah we totally remember about that and we are pretty curious as well
Y/n: I'll give it to you tomorrow. Meet me at xxx restaurant for dinner tomorrow. What you say?
Jin: sure we'll be there
Y/n; ok then meet you tomorrow
Then they all went. Y/n also changed her clothes and went home.
To be continued........... ◉‿◉
Hey guys!! Emma trying to kill was totally unexpected right?
I know.....
It just came in my mind so I wrote it.
Hope you liked it?
Luv you all 💜💜💜
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