A/n pov
Previous chapter
Everyone present in the cafeteria nodded. Y/n left Ava's collar harshly and went in her personal room to change. Yes she have a personal room only provided to her and and the other 50% of the owner. She went and changed her clothes.
Now continued......
A/n pov
Now it's end of the day but y/n have to go to the detention room becuz of jungkook. There were 4 to 5 students in the detention room. She went and sat on the last desk near the window as it is always her fav place.
After sometime the Jungkook came and sat next to her
Jungkook: hey
Y/n: hi *cold*
The grey hair bitch came inside in said.
T: you all have to sit here for 2 hrs and complete your work I'll be in my cabin.
She left. Y/n decided to bunk the detention class. She thought to ask the Jungkook if he wants to come with her or not
Y/n: hey *poked his shoulder*
Jungkook: what
Y/n: wanna bunk?
Jungkook: sure who is gonna obey that grey hair bitch. But how? her cabin is just infront of this class if we go outside she'll for sure see us
Y/n thought for a sec and got up and looked down the window. They were not so above the ground. Just 5 to 10 meter.
Well she can jump but about Jungkook she don't know cuz she had training in which she had to jump from the 3rd floor so this is basically nothing for her.
Jungkook: where are you looking?
He came and saw where she was looking
Jungkook: are you thinking of jumping from here
Y/n: well yes i can but idk about if you can jump or not.
Jungkook: first you jump I'll follow you.
Y/n was unsure about his answer but still she jumped down in one go. After reaching down she looked up and saw his shocked expressions
Y/n: are you gonna jump ar not *shouting from down*
He came back to reality and jumped y/n and quite satisfied by how he jumped without fear ofc he is the mafia king after all.
They went near the school gate while running so that the security gaurd doesn't see them.
They reached the gate and they both we panting.
Jungkook: now where should we go *panting*
Y/n: let's go to the near by park *panting*
Jungkook: are you crazy it's 10 km from here
Then an idea clicked in y/n's mind.
Y/n: you wait here ok I'll be back in a minute
She ran from there and went to the parking lot took the bike keys from her pocket and drove her bike to the place where Jungkook was standing. He was shocked to see her
Jungkook: i this your bike *amazed*
Y/n: come now get on it before the security guard see's us.
He sat on the bike and she told him to hold tight. She was driving with full speed she thought he was scared that's why he isn't saying anything then she heard him
Jungkook: Woohoo faster. *Enjoying the cold breeze*
He said. She smirked and raced even faster. They reach the park in 5 mins. He got down.
Jungkook: that was awesome *amazed*
Y/n: u know u are the first one who had fun sitting behind me on the bike *removing her helmet*
Jungkook: what do you mean?
Y/n: everyone gets scared when ever i drive my bike like this.
Jungkook: it was very fun now let's go inside
She parked her bike near the gate and they both went inside. The whole park was quit so no one was there. She was feeling good. They both went and sat on the 2 swings which were there in the park
They sat on the swing and started to swing along with the wind. It was very silent not a awkward but a relaxing one. But Jungkook broke it
Jungkook: can i ask smth
Y/n: sure do ahead
Jungkook: can we be friends. Cuz you know i don't have friends but I'll love to have you as my friend
Sh thought for a while before nodding
Jungkook: oh wait we didn't introduce ourselves. Myself Jungkook or jk whatever you like *extending his hand for a hand shake*
Y/n: myself y/n *shaking hands with him*
Jungkook: so are we friends now
She nodded.
Jungkook: you know it's good having friends i only have elder brothers who annoy me very much *annoyed face*
Y/n: atleast you have siblings i don't even have them *sad*
Jungkook: why don't you tell your parents that you want a sibling. You know it feels good to have siblings yes they are annoying but trust me they can love you as if you are their everything. So ask your parents i know they won't deny
Y/n: Jungkook i-i don't have my parents*looking down*
She must be an agent but she is also an human who is craving to have a family.
Jungkook: i-i am sry y/n i shouldn't have said that *feeling guilty*
Y/n: it's ok Jungkook you didn't know it and it's not your fault that i don't have my parents with me
Jungkook: was that the reason you behaved that way in the cafeteria
Y/n: you saw it?
Jungkook: yes me and my brothers were there only having our lunch
Y/n: well yeah I don't like when someone talks shit about my family that's why i reacted that way
Jungkook: yeah i understand
Y/n: Now let's go other wise that grey hair bitch will again give us detention.
He nodded. They both again sat on her bike and went to university again.
They climbed the pole which was near the window from where they jumped. After climbing they went in the class through the window.
No one noticed them as it was the last window near the last bench in the class. After 5 mins the grey hair bitch came in the class.
T: you all can go but don't do the same mistake you did today
She went outside
Y/n: YoU All cNa gO bUt DOn'T dO thE SAmE MisTaKE AgAin * mocking the teacher*
Jungkook: *bursted laughing * you are really good at mocking her
Y/n: now let's go i don't wanna see her face again
Jungkook: yeah let's go.
They went near the gate and y/n brought her bike and saw Jungkook standing there.
Y/n: want me to drop you
Jungkook: i am the one who should ask as i am the boy here
Y/n: yeah you'll drop me home by walking right *sarcastic*
Jungkook: yeah yeah whatever. Anyways i have called my driver he'll be here anytime
Y/n: ok then see ya tomorrow
Jungkook: bye.
She drove off. She went to her house and quickly changed her clothes as she have to go to her company. She came out wore her lenses and mask and told the driver to drive as she was tired of driving
She went inside and lia saw her and smiled a little she smiled back but it was not visible as she was wearing a mask. She directly went inside her cabin without knocking
Felix: YA DON'T YOU- *looks at the person* oh it's you
Y/n: then who will dare to come inside your cabin without knocking
Felix: excuse me it's your cabin not mine.
Y/n: yeah yeah.
Felix got up and she went and sat on her chair.
Y/n: hyung what work do i have today
Felix: today you don't have much work but i guess you should tell everyone about shifting the main branch and also inform the employees here that you are here.
Y/n: your right. Call all the employees for a meeting
Felix: ok.
He was going when i remember smth
Y/n: hyung?
He turned around.
Felix: yes
Y/n: what happened about the collaboration with the Kim's. You told me they wanted to Collab with us some months ago
Felix: yeah they wanted but they said they'll only Collab if your are there so i said you won't be coming.
Y/n: oh ok
He left. After 10 mins she got a call from Felix. She picked it up
Y/n: yes hyung
Felix: everyone is present in the meeting room come here
Y/n: oh ok I'll be there in 2 mins
Felix: come fast
Call end
She cut the call and look at herself in the mirror to check if her lenses and mask it perfect or not. After confirming everything is good she went to the meeting room.
She went inside and saw everyone seated. She went and sat on the CEO'S chair cuz why not it's hers.
But she heard gasps from the employee as no one sits on that chair not even Felix. She told him he can actually any one can but they don't sit there as the respect y/n too much and ofc she also respect all her employees
Felix: i know you all must be angry that why is she sitting on miss yoona's place but before going to any conclusion let me introduce her to you all.
She stood up
Felix: so pls welcome the CEO of the Diamond Enterprises Miss yoona.
She heard more gasps
Y/n: hello my dear employees *bowed* i hope everything here in Seoul was good. And i would love to announce that the main branch of the Diamond Enterprises is changed. It's will be this company which is in Seoul. *Cold + formal*
Employee#1 : welcome to Seoul miss yoona *shouted*
Y/n: thank you and pls don't be scared or think that I would fire you for no reason. And i would love to appreciate the hard you all did under Mr.Felix when i was in US. *cold + formal*
Felix: my pleasure Miss Yoona
She hate when he calls her miss.
Y/n: ok pls get back to work I'll tell if there is smth important. *cold + normal*
She bowed and left from there and went to her cabin and sat on the chair. After 10 mins she heard a knock on the door
Y/n: come in *cold*
Felix came inside.
Felix: woah iceberg
Y/n: whatever tell me why you are here
Felix: why can't I be here *fake pout*
Y/n: aish that's not what I meant leave it
Felix: ok i was just kidding i came here to tell you to check the news
Y/n: why?
Felix: just do it
Y/n: ok
She took the tv remote and turn on the news channel it said
Today's breaking news the best company in the world Diamond Enterprises is changing there main branch to Seoul in south Korea it is also confirmed that the CEO of the Diamond Enterprises MISS YOONA is shifted to Seoul and would stay there. That's it for today's news see you all tomorrow again with more news.
She switched off the tv and looked at Felix
Y/n: *sigh* it's not even been 15 mins that i officially announced the Changing of main branch and these reports already playing it on the news channel
Felix: well that's their job. Anyways i came to tell you one more thing
Y/n: what
Felix: i got a call from the Kim enterprises that they wanna Collab with us as you are over here.
Y/n: oh when
Felix: they told to ask you cuz you are a busy person
Y/n: ok how about.......*thinking*....... day after tomorrow. Do i have any other meetings
Felix: no you have only one meeting day after tomorrow that is not a big deal I'll do it.
Y/n: ok then arrange a meeting with the Kim's for day after tomorrow
Felix: ok I'll tell them now let's go home anyway we are done for today
Y/n: ok I'll get going
Felix: no you are coming with me
Y/n: wae?
Felix: lia has invited you have dinner with us today. She waiting for us at my house
Y/n: but you both would have to celebrate a couple time together then why should I be the third wheel.
Felix: you are not the third wheel now let's go.
He grabbed her hand and dragged her outside. They both went to his house.
She had dinner with them. It's was really fun. After having dinner she decided to go home but they insisted her to stay. As she can't say no she had to stay.
She went to Lia's room, took her tablets which she always carries and slept beside her
A/n pov
Y/n woke up with an nightmare again. She found herself in an unfamiliar room. She was about to remove her gun but then she remembered that she slept with lia in Felix's house.
She looked at the clock and it said 7 she thought she should get ready and she didn't have mood today to go to the gym.
She went to the bathroom and took a shower. Coming out she wore her clothes and went downstairs. She went to the dinning room and saw lia cooking
Y/n: good morning unnie
Lia: good morning y/n
Y/n: want me to help you
Lia: no it's fine. I am almost done.
Y/n: ok.
After 5 mins Felix o came down wearing a suit. he is going to the company.
Felix: good morning ladies
Y/n & lia: good morning hyung/love
Y/n: you are going to the company!
Felix: yes till you come from your university I'll do the work
Y/n: hmm but i won't come to the company today
Felix: why
Y/n: actually i came here 2 days ago and i didn't visit them so I'll go there
Lia: they are gonna kill you that you didn't went to them
Y/n: i know but I'll tell them i was busy with company's and university's work.
Felix: don't worry I'll handle everything for today ok you go.
Y/n: ok hyung bye
Lia: y/n atleast have your breakfast
Y/n: i am not hungry unnie I'll see you later bye.
She left and drove off to her university. she reached and students started talking rubbish but she doesn't give a fuck.
She went to her class and sat down. After sometime Jungkook came and sat beside her
Jungkook: good morning *bunny smile*
Y/n: good morning *Lil smile*
Jungkook: wanna hangout with me today after school
She thought for a while
Y/n: actually i have go to my friends house sry
Jungkook: it's ok. How about tomorrow
y/n(in main): Yes i can but i have meeting with the Kim's maybe after the meeting
Y/n: i am ok. But not after school i have some work. How about after i am done with my work I'll pick you up from your house
Jungkook: ok I'll text you the address.
Y/n: my no is xxxxxxxxxxx
He noted it down on his phone. Then the teacher came and started teaching
School ended. She said good bye to Jungkook and drove off to her friends mansion.
She parked her bike and went inside. The bodyguard let her go inside cuz why not it's her house too. Well yes she kept bodyguards for her friends safety as you know she is an agent so just in case.
She went inside quietly so that she can suprise them. She went in the living room to see them sitting and talking with eachother sitting on the sofa. Ishe shouted
Y/n: GUYS!!!
They turned around with a shocked face. They ran to her and hugged her
??: Cupcake how are you and when did you come
Y/n: i came 2 days before jisoo unnie
Then she suddenly twisted y/n's ear
Y/n: ouch jisoo unnie it hurts
??2: deserves right why didn't you tell us and you didn't even come to meet us
Y/n: i am sry rosé unnie i was busy with some 'work'
Jisoo understood and left her ear
Y/n: ouch unnie i hate you
Jisoo: luv you too baby.
??3: why didn't you tell us that you going to come huh
Y/n: Jennie unnie i wanted to suprise you all that's why i didn't tell you
??4: atleast you should have told us
Y/n: sry Lisa unnie
Rosé: it's ok cupcake
Y/n: unnie don't call me that *cold*
Lisa: ok sry we won't
Y/n: unnie where is aunt and uncle (bp's mom and dad)
Bp's mom and dad take care of y/n as their own daughter. They cherish her very much.
Jennie: they went on a buisness trip. They'll be back in some days
Y/n: oh ok don't tell them i am here ok. I'll suprise them
Jisoo: ok anyways wanna have dinner.
Y/n: yeah sure I'll freshen up.
She went to Lisa's room to freshen up. She came downstairs to see bp sitting on the dining table waiting for her. She went and sat near them
Jisoo: how's everything in USA
Y/n: it's good Hana unnie is looking after the company
Jennie: oh i see. Btw where is enwoo
Y/n: he had some work unnie he'll come in some days
Rosé: y/n pls stay here today
Y/n: but unnie- *cut off*
BP: sweety just for today pls
Y/n: *sigh* ok fine
She ate her dinner and went to Lisa's room. She took her pills secretly so that no one sees her. Then she went to sleep.
She woke up having a nightmare. She looked up at the clock and saw that it was 5:38 am. She got up from her bed and thought to go to the gym. She looked in Lisa's closet and found some gym clothes She changed her clothes and went to the gym.
She did her morning workout in the gym and went to the kitchen cuz she was thirsty. She went inside and saw Jisoo cooking.
Jisoo: good morning y/niee
Y/n: good morning unnie
Jisoo: i thought you were sleeping
Y/n: no i was in the gym
Jisoo: from when did you started to gym and stuff huh *narrowed eyes*
Y/n: actually i got this habit from enwoo. *Lied*
Jisoo: well that's a good habit tho. Now come have breakfast
Y/n: I'll first go and freshen up.
Jisoo: ok
She went to Lisa's room and got a shower and changed her clothes and went downstairs.
She sat on the dining table and jisoo served her food.
Lisa: how's everything in school
Y/n: it's good i made a friend
Jennie: oh really *shocked*
Y/n: why are you so shocked
Rosé: no it's just you always are ice queen in public so it's hard to believe that someone it your friend
Y/n: unnie *whining*
Rosé: ok ok i am sry. btw do you have i boyfriend *teasing*
Y/n: unnie you know i don't want any i wanna focus on my company first
Jisoo: and you know the rules.
Everyone x jisoo: No bOyfRienD TilL 25 *mocking her*
Lisa: unnie you told this rule already a 100000 time
Jisoo: it's just a reminder so you don't forget
Y/n: yeah a rule which we can never break otherwise we will be dead *mumbled to her self*
All bp members heard it except jisoo unnie
Jisoo: did you say smth
Y/n: nothing unnie *nervous laugh*
She saw other three controlling their laughter she gave them a death glare and they stopped.
She looked at the clock
Y/n: shit!! I am late bye unnie see you later
She ran outside as she was late. She sat on her bike and drove of to University.
She reached there and she still had 20 mins for class. Looks like she drive really fast. Well you can't blame her. She have skills.
She was walking in the quite corridor when someone shouted her name. She turned around to see.........
To be continued.............. ◉‿◉
So a small introduction of blackpink.
They are y/n's friends when she was in Seoul before going to USA. They were in contact all these years so they got to know eachother even more. They know that y/n is an agent but they don't talk to her about that as it's smth they shouldn't ask. They also know she is the CEO of Diamond Enterprises.
Jisoo: 26
Lisa: 23
They are not real sisters they were adopted by a couple and gave them the love they needed.
That's it for today 🙂 and i wanna tell you guys smth.
My best friend also writes stories on Wattpad, they aren't ffs but you must read them if you like fictional stories. Here's her account 👇
Pls support her story too
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