A/n pov
Y/n: backyard!! We didn't check there
She shouted and ran to the backyard followed by other. They all reached the backyard. They all went there to see five to six people holding enwoo and more five to six people were surrounding him.
Y/n was about to go to enwoo but stopped when Katty and Aaron came infront
Aaron: where are you going huh?
Y/n: leave ennu right now! *Cold*
Katty: then you have to do our work which we gave you yrs ago
She said with a smirk.
Y/n; not even in my after life *cold*
Aaron: listen y/n we aren't normal people as you know our dads are mafias and within seconds we can tell them to kill you so better obey us or the same thing will happen again.
Jin: princess what's all this?
Katty: you all better stay out of it. You have nothing to do with it
Enwoo: cherry don't listen to them ok
He said struggling in the men's grip.
Y/n looked at enwoo and then at her brothers who were standing behind her.
She knows that her brothers can protect themselves and doesn't need to worry about them but the main problem is that she can't remove her gun right now infront of her brothers.
Katty: quick y/n we don't have time
She again looked at her brothers and saw Yoongi. She signalled him to tell the other BTS members to fight on her count.
He nodded.
Aaron: quickly y/n. Yes or no?
That's when y/n heard some loud sounds. She and the others looked at the direction and saw enwoo fighting with the men who were holding him.
She smirked.
Y/n also ran to him and they both started to fight together. BTS also joined them to help them.
Enwoo: i am not weak like last time cherry. I am an agent too
He whispered to y/n while fighting.
Y/n: i know but still i can't stop being worried about you right
She whispered back while fighting. Soon all the men were on the ground lying lifeless.
Y/n: enough of your drama know. Just get out of this city right now or die by our hands. *cold*
She said to Katty and Aaron.
Aaron: h-how did you d-do that?
Katty: h-how can you fight t-them so e-easily
Y/n: i have given you two options fight or run. Choice is yours *cold*
Katty and Aaron quickly ran away from there.
Hobi: sunshine what was all this?
Y/n looked at enwoo
Y/n: should I tell them?
Enwoo: you can. They are your brothers after all
Y/n nodded
Y/n: let's go home guys then I'll tell you.
BTS nodded and they all went to the Kim Mansion. Where as enwoo went to y/n's mansion as he is staying there.
They all reached home and everyone got freshen up. They all then came downstairs.
Y/n: let's talk in the meeting room
She said as she didn't want Emma to hear their talks. BTS nodded and they all went to the meeting room.
They all sat down
Yoongi: care to explain?
Y/n: it's a long story I'll explain in short ok?
Tae: ok
Y/n: so as I was in US five years ago me, enwoo, Katty and Aaron were best friends. We used to be together always and enwoo had a kind of crush on Katty so he one day proposed her and she said yes. I was very happy for him. They were in a relationship for almost one year when one day.................
(Ngl I am jealous, very very jealous)
Katty and Aaron were no where to be seen in the university. So enwoo and y/n were finding them all around.
Then they went to the rooftop to check if they are there or not. When they went there they saw smth because of which their eyes widen in utter shock.
They saw Katty and Aaron kissing each other. They pulled away when they saw y/n and enwoo there
Enwoo: k-katty what's all t-this?
Aaron: oh so you got to know the truth
Y/n: Katty are you stupid!!! How can you do that to enwoo
Katty: well that's my choice and more over me and Aaron has need dating since last 1 and a half year
Enwoo: t-then why did you s-say yes to m-me?
Katty: just to play with you boy
Aaron: Enwoo you are just too silly to know that right
He laughed. Enwoo sat on his knees and started crying. Y/n also sat down to his level and hugged.
Y/n: how can you be so low!!? I feel disgusted to have friends like you
Aaron: like we care
They both left from there leaving enwoo and y/n there. Enwoo was a crying mess.
Y/n; shh it's fine. You deserve someone better ennu. Leave her. Forget about her ok
Enwoo: but why did she do that?
He said while crying hard.
Y/n: ennu calm down ok. Forget it
She rubbed his back.
Like this day passed by and enwoo and y/n ignore Katty and Aaron as much as they could.
One day y/n waiting for enwoo in the lunch break but he was no where to be found. That's when one of the students came running to her
Boy: y/n....enwoo
Her eyes widen
Y/n: what about him?
Boy: he.....he is in the school's clinic
Y/n didn't waste any time and ran towards the clinic. She went in and was enwoo lying on the bed with a bandage on his head and bruises all over
Y/n: e-ennu
She said as she sat down beside him. He opened his eyes
Enwoo: cherry
Y/n: who did this to y-you?
Enwoo: k-katty and Aaron
Y/n's blood boiled.
Y/n: wait here I'll be back.
She went out to find Katty and Aaron. She found them making out in one of the empty classrooms.
She slammed the door open. They both flinch due to it.
Aaron: what are you doing here?
She went to Aaron and held his collar
Y/n: you piece of shit!!!
She punched him right across his face.
Katty came and held y/n
Katty: don't hurt him
She pushed Katty away
Y/n: how dare you hurt enwoo huh!?
Aaron: it is our choice what we do
Katty: he was just a annoying brat
Y/n: first of all he loved you after that you broke up with him and still you aren't satisfied huh!!
Her eyes showed pure anger
Katty: like we care
Y/n punched Katty one last time and left from there
Y/n: after that day me and enwoo changed our school cuz we didn't even want to see their faces.
BTS were still sitting there shocked.
Y/n: that was the time i stopped trusting people and till know I only have enwoo in my life. Yeah it's true I have more people in my life but enwoo is always special.
Jimin: what did Katty and Aaron want from you
Y/n scoffed
Y/n: they are just the most disgusting people I have ever met. I got to know that they have a buisness
Namjoon: buisness? What kind of business?
Y/n: it's not the kind of business you think hyung. They collect girls who have attractive body and give them to some men for their pleasure and to add more to it many girls even agree to it. They offer money to those girls and they accept it gladly
(Eww 🤢)
She just gave a disgusted look. BTS were also feeling disgusted only hearing that.
Yoongi: how can some be so low of a person?
Jungkook: you mean they offered you the same deal
Y/n: yeah but I have my own self respect to do these shits
Out of nowhere tae hugged y/n cuz he knew she needed a hug right now. She also hugged him back. Soon they pulled away
Hobi: you said you don't trust people what about us?
He asked out of nowhere. Now everyone was looking at her for her answer
Y/n: till now I can see by your actions that you are really good people and you all have also gained my trust but hope you all don't break it
She answered honestly.
Jin: we won't
He gave her a assuring smile. She smiled back. They all started to go out of the meeting room.
The last one was y/n followed by Yoongi but Yoongi stopped her
Yoongi: y/n wait
she turned around
Y/n: yes hyung?
Yoongi: enwoo is an Agent too right?
Y/n: i don't know what to answer to this
Yoongi: i heard you both talking while we were fighting
Y/n: ohh yeah that's true
Yoongi: don't get me wrong but in the past why didn't enwoo fight back. I mean he is an agent to right
Y/n: yeah you are right but in the past we were not that strong hyung. That time me and enwoo just started training that's why we weren't that good
Yoongi: i understand
Y/n: you all are basically gonna kill Katty and Aaron right
Yoongi's eyes widen
Yoongi: how do you-- *cut off*
Y/n: i am an agent hyung and even your sister I could see the anger in your eyes so it was obvious and you all being the Mafia kings just adds more to it
Yoongi chuckled
Yoongi: you are really smart i see
Y/n: ofc i am.
She flipped her imaginary hair
Y/n: I hope i could see them get killed by the Mafia kings as well
Yoongi: should I make a documentary for you then
They both laughed.
Y/n: you are funny hyung
Yoongi: you too doll
Y/n: doll?
Yoongi: yep your nickname
Y/n: why is everyone giving me nicknames
Yoongi: who all gave you nicknames?
Y/n: umm...Jin hyung calls me princess, hobi hyung calls me sunshine, jimin hyung calls me mochi, Jungkook calls me bunny and tae hyung calls me bear and you call me doll
Yoongi: what about Namjoon?
Y/n: he still calls me y/n nothing else
Yoongi: don't worry he'll give you a nice nickname as well
He ruffled her hair and went out. Y/n smiled.
Y/n: brothers love!
She said to herself and went out. She then went to her room. She didn't want to go to the company today so she took a day off.
Y/n is sitting in the living room playing PS5 with Jungkook. That's when she got a call. It was from her agent number. It was an unknown number.
Y/n: I'll take this call
Jungkook: sure
She then went a little far from Jungkook so that he won't hear. She picked it up
Y/n: hello?
??: Hello Agent Black
Y/n: do i know you? *Cold*
??: No you don't but I am giving you a last warning give up on the HCFM case
Y/n: and why do you think I'll listen to you. *cold*
??: It won't be good for you Agent Black. Mark my words
Y/n: do whatever you want I don't fucking care *cold*
??: I think you didn't receive my threat letter did you
Y/n's eyes widen.
Y/n: Scar
Scar: oh looks like you know my mafia name but no worries you won't be able to find me
He laughed like a psycho.
Y/n: just wait and watch till I come to you and kill you *cold*
Scar: nah! That won't happen but smth , but smth might happen to the people you love
Call ended
He cutted the call. Y/n became alert. She ran to Jungkook
Jungkook: come let's play again
Y/n: kook where are the others
Jungkook: idk must be in their rooms or somewhere else. Why did you ask?
She ran to Jin's room and knocked agressively. He opened the door.
Jin: what happened princess? Is everything alright?
Y/n: yeah
She then ran to Namjoon's room but she got no response after knocking on the door so she went inside to see no one.
She then ran to jimin's room and went inside without knocking. Tae and jimin who were sitting in the room watching Netflix got startled.
Jimin: mochi what are you- *cut off*
Before he could complete his sentence she ran out of there.
She saw Yoongi coming out of his room.
Y/n: Yoongi hyung do you know where hobi hyung and Namjoon hyung are *panting heavily*
Yoongi: why? Is smth wrong?
Y/n: just tell me hyung
Yoongi: umm..I guess Namjoon must be in the library and hobi must be in the dance room
Without saying a word she ran out of there. She reached the library and started searching Namjoon.
She sighed in relief when she saw him taking out a book from one of the corners.
She then ran to the dance room and saw hobi doing his dance practice.
She was breathing heavily due to running in the whole mansion. When she saw hobi she sat on the floor on her knees due to tiredness.
Hobi noticed her and went to her.
Hobi: what happened sunshine?
He asked with a concerned face.
Y/n: nothing hyung
She then slowly got up and went towards her room and then called enwoo.
Enwoo: hello cherry
Y/n: hello ennu where are you?
Enwoo: in your Mansion why?
Y/n: nothing just stay there and don't go out ok.
Enwoo: is there any problem?
Y/n: kind off but just stay there ok
Enwoo: o-ok
Call ended
She then went to Yoongi's room. She knocked on the door.
Yoongi: come in
She went inside, locked the door and layed down on the bed as she was tired.
Yoongi: what happened doll?
Y/n: you all stay home and don't go anywhere ok?
Yoongi: why?
Y/n: i got a call from someone saying that people close to me will get hurt that's why I am worried about you
Yoongi: that's why you were running in the whole mansion looking for everyone
She nodded and closed her eyes.
Yoongi laughed. She opened her eyes and looked at Yoongi
Y/n: what's so funny huh!?
Yoongi: doll.....
He caressed her forehead
Yoongi: did you forget that we are the mafia kings huh. Nothing can happen to us trust me
Y/n: i know but I can't again afford to lose my family again
Yoongi: again?
He asked her but she stayed silent.
Yoongi: ok don't tell me i won't ask again.
She smiled at him. He smiled back.
Y/n: woah hyung your smile is soo cute
She pinched his cheeks.
Yoongi: that's only for you
She chuckled. And closed her eyes
Y/n: hyung i am sleeping here. You don't have any problem right?
Yoongi: no i don't you can sleep here anytime.
Y/n: thanks.
Her eyes were closed but she knew she won't be able to sleep without taking her pills. So in other words she was just resting herself with her eyes closed.
She could feel Yoongi caressing her head.
Yoongi: you look just like her and even your care and everything is like her. Hope she was here with us
Y/n heard everything but was confused whom he is talking about.
After sometime there was a knock on Yoongi's room door.
Yoongi: come in
The door opened revealing jimin.
Jimin: HYUN- *Cut off*
He was cut off by Yoongi
Yoongi: dare to shout and I won't hesitate to kill you
Jimin: why?
He pointed at y/n who was sleeping beside him.
Jimin: Aww!! She looks cute right
Yoongi: i know right. Anyways why did you come here? If you came here to shout then you will be dead
Jimin: hehehe no i came to call you for dinner down stairs
Yoongi: ok I'll come. First let me wake doll up
Jimin: ok come quick
he went out. Yoongi looked at y/n who was laying there with her eyes closed.
Yoongi: doll wake up...
He called her but she thought to play with him for sometime. Then he shook her
Yoongi: doll wake up. Have your dinner then you can sleep again
She didn't move. Yoongi panicked a little.
Yoongi: hey hey get up!
Suddenly she shouted.
Y/n: bhoooo!!!
Yoongi flinched and y/n started laughing.
Y/n: h-hyung your f-face. It w-was hilarious
She said while laughing her ass out.
Yoongi: yeah yeah making me panic for you was hilarious huh
Y/n laughed more
Y/n: you are soooo cute
Yoongi: whatever let's go to have our dinner
Y/n: yep let's gooooo
They both went downstairs and sat with everyone
Jin: what took you both soo long?
Yoongi: this girl had to do a stupid prank on me
He said with an annoyed face and y/n chuckled.
Y/n: whatever you say but Yoongi hyung's scared face was hilarious
She laughed again.
Yoongi: yeah yeah
He rolled his eyes.
Namjoon: can we know what happened?
Jungkook: yeah Yoongi hyung being scared it not smth which is normal
Y/n: I'll tell you what happened
Yoongi: don't you dare!
He glared at her. She showed her tongue to him.
Y/n: i will
She then told the others what happened and they also started laughing
Hobi: hyung you fell for her prank. Hilarious!!
Yoongi: yeah yeah laugh as much as you want I'll surely take my revenge on you all
Jimin: we'll be waiting then
Jin: ok ok now eat your food
Everyone started eating but there was someone who was burning in jealousy. It was non other than Emma.
Emma(in mind): wait and watch y/n. You would be out of this house soon and oppas will be mine just mine
She also started eating. That's when y/n phone rang. She was gonna ignore it but Jin said
Jin: pick it up
Y/n: sry for the disturbance
She picked it up
Y/n: hello?
??: Hello am i speaking to Miss y/n
Y/n: yeah why?
Hearing the next sentence which he/she said y/n's world stopped. She felt as if the floor beneath her slipped.
To be continued................ ◉‿◉
Suspense again 😏😏. I know you guys love suspense right so i gave it to you so enjoy. 😏
Anyways the spoilers which I gave you will be revealed in the next chapter so stay tuned.
Luv u all 💜💜💜.......
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