



A/n pov


It's been 3 days the incidence of y/n being sick happened. Now y/n is all fine thanks to BTS.

They took a very good care of her. One of them would always stay by her side no matter what.

The bond  between them got  more strong after this, while Emma was behaving like a bitch as always. BTS got to know what type of girl she is so they also try to ignore her and avoid her at all costs.

Emma always gets jealous of y/n cuz she is close with BTS.

Right now y/n is getting ready to go to her university finally after three days. He brothers didn't like the idea of her going to the university but they have up as y/n is to stubborn to listen to them.

Y/n went downstairs after wearing her clothes. She went to the dinning room and saw everyone waiting for her except Emma who was busy eating her breakfast.

Y/n: good morning

BTS: good morning

Y/n: sry for being late. I worked out to much today

Jin: it's fine let's eat

They all started eating.

Y/n: hyung?

She asked after taking a bite of her food. They looked at her for her to continue.

Y/n: Miss Yoona has arranged the cancelled meeting today. Is it ok with you

Namjoon: yeah we are fine with it

Jungkook: y/n you should also be there in the meeting pls i also wanna see how good you are at your work~~

He whined. Y/n panicked a little bit not knowing what to do

Y/n: you already saw me that day at cha enterprises right?

Jungkook: i did but i want to see you doing your own work

Y/n: i can't. i am not allowed to go in meetings with Miss Yoona

She said as she took another bite of her food.

Jungkook: why?

Y/n: i have been assigned to do a specific job so i can't

Hobi: we understand you.

She smiled at them.

After having their breakfast they went to their university. Y/n reached the university and parked her bike in the parking lot.

She took her books and went to her class. She saw in-yeop already there she sat beside him and jungkook sat beside her.

In-yeop: good morning iceberg

Y/n: morning

In-yeop: so how are you feeling? Jungkook told me you weren't well lately

Y/n: yeah i got sick but don't worry i am fine now

In-yeop: good to hear that

Soon enwoo came in the class. He came and sat infront of y/n

Enwoo: good morning cherry

Y/n: morning ennu

In-yeop: good morning sir

Enwoo: the fuck I told you not to call me sir right!!!

In-yeop: hehe just slipped out of my mind

Y/n & Jungkook: sir?

Enwoo: he works at uncle's company and I came here so I am handling the company so he is my secretary now so he calls me sir

Jungkook: yeah when we came to the cha enterprises we saw him there

Y/n: yeah i also remember


Y/n: kook Stop shouting!!!

He looked around and saw everyone staring at him with a weird look.

Jungkook: you all mind your own business!!! *Cold*

He said to the other students. They quickly looked away

Enwoo: yeah that's true but I feel I am too young to handle the company

Y/n gave him a "dude I have my own company being younger than you" look

Jungkook: don't worry i think you'll handle the company well

In-yeop: yep he is right

Enwoo: thank for the motivation guys

Then the teacher came inside.

T: good morning class

Students: goodddd morrrningggg maaaaammmmm!!!

(A/N: typical classroom be like 🤣)

T: so students we have two new students today. Pls come inside

The new students came inside and enwoo widen his eyes.

He looked towards y/n and saw that she has a shocked expression as well but her eyes changed, her eyes became emotionless with a very cold look on her face.

Her eyes were emotionless but anyone would tell by looking at her eyes that she is angry on smth or maybe someone

Enwoo got worried looking at her like that

T: pls introduce yourself

??: Hi my name is katty

She said in a cheerful way but anyone would tell that she has a bitchy attitude

Then the second one introduce himself

??: Hi my name is Aaron

Y/n's eyes turned even more dark after hearing his name.

Enwoo: hey hey y/n it's alright. Just calm down ok

In-yeop and jungkook looked at enwoo in confusion that why his he saying that to y/n.

Then they looked towards y/n and they saw her cold face with pitch dark eyes that said that she was fumming in anger

Enwoo: in-yeop can we change places for today pls

In-yeop nodded and they both changed their places. Now enwoo was sitting beside y/n

Enwoo held y/n's hand and caressed it trying to calm her down

Enwoo: calm down y/n ok nothing will happen they won't do anything ok

In-yeop and jungkook got worried about y/n as she was just staring at the new students with blood shot eyes.

Enwoo: cherry look at me

She didn't move. Enwoo held her chin gently and made her look at him.

As soon as y/n saw enwoo she eyes changed and turned into soft one

Enwoo: look everything is fine ok.

Y/n: but-

Enwoo: nothing will happen we are strong now ok

Y/n nodded.

T: Katty you can sit beside girl 2 (some random girl name ok)

Then the teacher looked around

T: where would you like to sit Aaron?

Aaron smirked and said

Aaron: i want to sit beside y/n

T: ok then Jungkook you sit somewhere else let Aaron sit over there ok

Jungkook was about to get up but y/n pulled his hand making him sit again

Y/n: he won't change his place. Make that new student sit somewhere else but not beside me *cold*

T: why is there any problem with him sitting beside you?

Y/n: just do as I say or you know that I can fire you from your freaking job *cold*

In-yeop and jungkook were shocked seeing y/n like that cuz she never said smth like that

T: o-ok. Aaron go sit somewhere else ok

Aaron nodded.

Aaron: ok miss

He said and started to walk to his seat but he gave a smirk to y/n which was noticed by enwoo too

Y/n was about to go and punch him in his face but stopped when enwoo held her hand

Enwoo: calm down ok. I am here sitting right beside you

Y/n: don't go anywhere

Enwoo: don't worry i am here with you only

Y/n nodded. Soon the class started.


The lunch bell rang and jungkook, in-yeop and enwoo are waiting for y/n who is packing her books in her bag.

After she was done she stood up.

In-yeop: let's go!

Y/n: you three go I'll join you later

Jungkook: where are you going?

Y/n: rooftop

Enwoo quickly looked at y/n

Enwoo: cherry don't!

Y/n: don't worry I'll be fine

Enwoo: but-

Y/n: in-yeop and jungkook i have a request don't leave enwoo alone even for a second. Be with him all the time. Ok

She said completely ignoring Enwoo.

In-yeop: o-ok I guess

Y/n: don't worry I'll join you guys for lunch in sometime ok

They nodded and left. Y/n went to the rooftop and stood near the railing.

She took a deep breath.

Y/n: if they come to us again then that will be the last day of their fucking lives

She said to herself. Her mind was messed up right now so after calming herself she went to the cafeteria.

She saw BTS , in-yeop and enwoo sitting together.

She took her food tray and went to them. She sat between jimin and Taehyung

Jin: what happened? Why is your mood so low today?

Y/n: nothing

She lied to them which was noticed by all of them and enwoo who knew the actual truth looked at her with concern in his eyes.

They were eating quitely when someone called y/n from behind

??: Y/n!

Everyone x y/n looked at the source of voice to see Katty.

She came to y/n but y/n continued eating her food.

Katty: y/n can we all talk

She ignored her.

Katty: pls y/n

Y/n got up from her seat.

Enwoo: y/n.....

Katty: enwoo you too pls

Y/n: he isn't coming. Talk to me or forget it *cold*

Katty: pls y/n

Y/n: talk to me or GET LOST!!! *Cold*

Katty: ok let's go to the rooftop ok

She didn't say anything just went to the rooftop followed by Katty

She stood there crossing her hands on her chest.

Y/n: speak *cold*

Katty: wait...you can come out

She said to someone. Y/n raised her eyebrow and soon Aaron came out of the place he was hiding

Y/n: what you want now? *Cold*

Aaron: let's get back how we were before ok

Y/n scoffed.

Y/n: after what you did!!! Never in my fucking life *Cold*

Katty: we are really sry for that ok.

Y/n looked into Katty's eyes but she didn't see any guilt or sry in her eyes

Y/n: i don't think your sry has a meaning does it? *cold*

Aaron: it has! We are genuinely sry for what we did in the past.

Y/n stayed quite.

Katty: pls y/n we are friends right?

Y/n: friends? *Scoff* you call yourself friends huh!? I don't think true friends do smth like that to eachother like what you to did in the past *cold*

Aaron: let's forget it and start again pls

Y/n: easy for you to forget not for me and enwoo *cold*

She started to walk out of the rooftop but stopped when someone held her wrist.

She looked back to see Aaron holding her hand

Y/n: leave my hand *cold*

Aaron: not until you forgive us

Y/n: then keep dreaming *cold*

Suddenly his grip on her wrist tightened. She didn't hiss in pain as she has a high pain tolerance due to her agent training.

Katty: we were trying to work out things nicely but looks like you want it the hard way huh!?

She said with a bitchy attitude.

Aaron: why don't you listen to us huh!?

He said angrily as he tightened his grip even more. Still y/n didn't hiss in pain but she was sure that his grip left a mark in her hand.

Y/n: finnally someone showed their true colours to us *cold*

She said sarcastically.

Katty: you know what we were try to get easy on you cuz we heard that you became the step-daughter of the second richest company in the world.

Aaron: yeah but you are playing too hard to get i see

Y/n scoffed and said

Y/n: once a gold digger always a gold digger *cold*

Aaron: don't show attitude to us just do say we say!

Y/n: what if I don't? *Cold*

Katty: then be ready to face the consequences

Y/n: as if i care! *Cold*

She said as she yanked away Aaron's hand. She looked at her wrist and is was a bit red because of his tight grip.

Aaron: you bitch!!!

He was about to punch and y/n was also ready to kill him right away but before she could do anything another hand stopped Aaron's punch

She looked up to see in-yeop and the others were behind.

In-yeop: don't you have basic manners huh!? You should not raise your hand on any girl

In-yeop said as he yanked Aaron's hand away harshly.

Katty: it's non of your business

Hobi: it is our business if you hurt our sister

Aaron: step-sister to be precise. Don't call her your sister. This bitch doesn't deserves to have a family

Namjoon: it's our personal matter you are no one to interfere and judge someone

Jin: let's not create a scene her. Let's go

They started to walk out of the rooftop but y/n stopped on her tracks when she heard Katty shout


Y/n turned around and looked at Katty and Aaron with the most dangerous eyes ever

Y/n: if you even try to do that again then mark my words you'll see the hell side of me *cold+dangerous*

She started to walk out.

Y/n: let's go

She said in a much more softer voice to BTS, in-yeop and enwoo who were standing there but by her voice anyone can tell that she is angry, fucking angry

They walked down the steps quietly not wanting to anger the beast inside y/n that is ready to explode anytime but little did they know that she would never take out her anger on them.

Y/n: i am going home

She tried to make her voice normal but it came out as a cold angry voice

Tae: classes?

Y/n: i am not in a mood

She was about to go but stopped and turned.

Y/n: in-yeop

He looked at her

Y/n: be with enwoo all the time. I know you both have all the classes same so be with him

In-yeop: why?

Y/n: just do as I say if you don't wanna see my other side which you won't like

In-yeop gulped and nodded. She told it to in-yeop as she knows he's an agent and will be with him all the time.

She walked out of the school.

Enwoo: you guys go with her I am worried about her

Yoongi: but what happened to her?

Enwoo: we'll explain some other day right now just go behind her. I am pretty sure that she'll go to the gym and punch the punching bag with her bare hands

BTS ran out of there without wasting any time.

They reached their mansion and saw y/n's bike was already there. They ran inside and directly went to the gym.

They saw y/n who was about to punch the punching bag with her bare hands

Jungkook quickly ran to her and held her fist which was about to touch the bag.

Y/n: leave from here!

Jimin: we won't until and unless you promise that you won't punch that bag with your bare hands

Y/n: just get out!

Jungkook: we won't. You want to take out your anger right then here I am standing right infront of you punch me as much as you want to take out your anger but I won't tolerate you hurting yourself

Y/n: i-i can't hurt you kookie

Her voice soften.

Namjoon: then pls listen to us and come out of the gym

She sighed and went out of the gym. They all sat on the sofa. Y/n's still had a fist made up of her hand which showed how much angry she was.

Namjoon who was sitting right beside her noticed it and hugged her to calm her down.

Namjoon: it's ok. Everything is fine

He said as he patted her back. Her fist released as she felt the anger in side her vanishing.

That's when hobi noticed the red scar on y/n's hand which was given by Aaron

Hobi: what's this?

He said as he gently took her hand in his hands

Tae: did that Aaron do that!!!

He asked in anger.

Y/n: leave it hyung. It doesn't pain anyway and don't worry he'll pay for whatever he did

She said she took back her hand.

Jin: give it here. Let me treat it or it'll get infected

Y/n: but-

Jin gave her a stern stare and she quickly have her hand to him.

He told Jungkook to bring the first aid kit and then treated her wound by wrapping a white bandage around her wrist.

After he was done y/n got up.

Jimin: where are u going?

Y/n: work. You also have to go right you have a meeting with Miss Yoona today isn't it?

Namjoon: oh yeah it slipped out of my mind.

Y/n: I'll go get ready

BTS nodded. Y/n got ready and went to her company after wearing her mask and lenses.


The university ended and Emma was alone in the washroom washing her hands.

After she was done she looked at the mirror in the front of her.

Emma: that y/n, bitch is getting on my nerves!!! She made oppa's against me. Argh!!

She said as she kicked the dustbin near her.

Emma: she's just a slut!! She's always around boys *scoff* who does she think she is huh!!? I just wanna ruin her life so bad!

(A/n: guys she's talking about herself I guess)

She took out her anger. That's when she heard a voice

??: I can help you

She looked back to see a girl around her age.

Emma: you are the new student right? Ummm..... Katty right

Katty: yep that's right. I heard you are y/n's sister

Emma: unfortunately yes

Katty: i pity you for having such a bitchy siste

(A/n: gurl you talking about yourself?)

Emma: she's not my real sister. Dad adopted her when she was young

Katty: means she is an orphan!?

Emma: yep and what were you saying you can help me

Katty: yes i also wanna destroy that bitch, y/n. How about we work together and destroy her?

Katty said forwarding her hand for a handshake. Emma thought for a while and then shook hands with her.

Emma: deal!

Katty: good

Emma: so what do we have to do?

Katty: don't worry there is one more person who'll help. Meet me at xxx cafe at 5 pm today. We'll discuss about our plan

Emma: umm....ok

They both then parted their ways.

To be continued............. ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys!!!!  Here's one more update!!
Hope you liked it!!
Luv u all......💜💜💜


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