



A/n pov.

He ran upstairs. He knocked on the door but heard no reply so he went inside.

What he saw made him freeze on his place. He saw y/n lying  lifeless on the bed while her cheeks were all red.

Taehyung rushed to her and sat beside her

Tae: hey y/n are you ok? What's happening?

He asked being concerned but she didn't reply. Taehyung panicked not knowing what to do. He touched he forehead and she was burning in feaver

Tae: omg! You have fever. Wait here I'll call Jin hyung

He ran downstairs and went in the dining room where everyone else was.

Yoongi: what happened where is y/n

Tae: Jin hyung y/n.....

He was panting heavily

Jin: what about her?

Tae: she is having fever!

BTS x Taehyung: WHAT!!

Jin ran upstairs followed by others. Emma also went upstairs due to curiosity but she didn't run to her room, she went walking and eating the cookie she had in her hand.

Jin opened y/n's room door but didn't see her. He heard some voices coming from the bathroom.

He went there and the bathroom door was open. He peeked inside just to see her vomiting. He went to her and patted her back.

All the others also saw her and were very much worried about her.

After she was done hobi gave her a glass of water to drink. She drank it.

Jin: come sit

He told her. She started to walk outside but stumbled near the door. Taehyung picked her up and kept her on the bed. He made her lay down.

Jin: are you ok?

Y/n: i-i don't know. *Cough* I-i feel weak *cough*

She said in a weak voice.

Jin: kook go bring the thermometer

Jungkook nodded and ran downstairs. He brought the thermometer and gave it to Jin.

Jin checked her temperature and she had a very high fever.

Jin: I guess we need to call the doctor.

Namjoon nodded. He took out his phone and called the doctor.

Namjoon: he's coming in sometime

The others looked at y/n with a concern face. She was looking all pale.

Jin sat beside her caressing her head. She just layed there with her eyes closed.

Y/n: you all don't have  *cough*  to  worry I'll be *cough* fine

Yoongi: yeah we can see how much fine you are

He said sarcastically.

Emma: oppa why are you worried about her. Just leave her, she doing it for attention and she must be pregnant that's why she vomitted cuz she is busy fucking some random boy

Y/n heard everything but she kept quiet as she didn't have much energy.

Hobi: shut up!! JUST FUCKING SHUT UP!! Can't you see she is sick and still you are talking rubbish about her

He said in anger.

Jungkook: if you don't care about her, then don't!! just don't say shit about anyone if you don't know them

Namjoon: if you just wanna talk rubbish then you can get out of here!!

Emma went away stomping her feet. She was really angry that BTS took y/n's side and not her.

Soon the doctor came and checked her.

Jimin: is she fine doc

Doctor: it's nothing to worry about. Just take a good care of her she'll be fine. She just has fever and cough and what you told about vomiting  it's because of fever. I have written the priscription just give her the medicine on time she'll be fine in some days

Namjoon: thank you doctor

Doctor: my job. I'll take my leave

He gave the priscription and bowed and left.

Jin: you three go and bring these medicines

He told the maknae line. The three of them nodded and went out.

Jin: Namjoon, hobi stay with her till then me and Yoongi will make smth good for her

They nodded.  Jin and Yoongi went to the kitchen and Namjoon and hobi went to her room.

They sat beside her. She was laying on the bed with her eyes closed.

Hobi caressed her forehead.

Hobi: get well soon

She opened her eyes and tried to sit.

Namjoon: no don't get up. Tell us if you want smth

Y/n: water *cough*

Hobi quickly poured some water in the glass and gave it to her. She drank it.

Y/n: hyung what *cough* about University

Hobi: don't worry you can rest today. You are sick right

Y/n: you *cough* guys?

Namjoon: we will also take a leave today. We have to take care of you right.

Y/n: don't! Why are you *cough* taking a leave because of *cough* me. You don't *cough* have to

Hobi: you speak to much! Just lay down and close your eyes! Don't talk to much it'll increase your throat pain

She chuckled at their caring side. She layed down and closed her eyes.

Soon Jin and Yoongi came to her room with a bowl of porridge.

Jin: princess get up have this

She opened her eyes and sat on the bed. Hobi helped her sit and placed a pillow behind her.

Yoongi: have this you'll feel better

He said keeping the bowl of porridge infront of her

Y/n: i am *cough* not hungry

Jin: no excuses! Just have it

She sighed and started to eat but she was too weak to even hold a spoon. Yoongi took the bowl in his hand and started feeding her. She ate it quietly.

Tae: woah! It's the first time I have seen someone eat porridge without making weird faces

He said entering the room with jimin and jungkook.

Jimin: true how can you eat it. It tastes like shit!

Y/n: you have tasted *cough* shit?

She said in a savage tone.

Yoongi: you are sick, still being savage huh!?

He said while feeding her the last bite. She smiled weakly.

Y/n: it's not that bad though *cough*

Jungkook: now here have your medicine

He said giving her the medicine and a glass of water. She took it and gulped down the pills with water.

Jin: good!

He said taking the glass from her hand.

Namjoon: now sleep and take rest ok.

She nodded.

Jimin: we'll be downstairs. If you need anything just call us ok

She nodded again. Jin kissed her forehead and went out followed by others.

She layed down and closed her eyes.

Y/n(in mind): it feels good to be cared

BTS were sitting in the living room watching TV as they didn't go to university cuz their sister was sick.

That's when the bell rang.

Namjoon: I'll check

He said as he got up. He went to the door and opened it. He was enwoo there

Enwoo: hello i am-

Namjoon cut him off

Namjoon: i know cha enwoo aka y/n's best friend

Enwoo: yeah

Namjoon: you here?

Enwoo: i wanted to know where is y/n? She didn't come to university and she isn't even attending my calls. So I am just worried about her. Do you know where is she

Namjoon: actually she's sick that's why she didn't come to university today.

Enwoo: she's sick!!!! If you don't mind can I meet her pls

Namjoon: sure. Come inside

They both went inside. The other members saw him.

Jin: you here?

Namjoon: he wants to meet y/n

Jin nodded

Namjoon: Jungkook go show him y/n's room

Jungkook nodded.

Jungkook: come follow me

Enwoo nodded and followed him. Soon they reached her room.

Jungkook: you both talk I'll be downstairs. If you need anything just let me ok

Enwoo nodded again.

Enwoo went inside without knocking as he didn't wanted to disturb her sleep if she was sleeping.

He crept inside and saw her sleep. He was going back as he didn't wanted to disturb her sleep.

Y/n: i am not sleeping ennu

She said with her eyes closed.

Enwoo: how do you know it's me

Y/n: i have lived with you for atleast eight years now how won't I know it's you

She said as she opened her eyes. She tried to sit

Enwoo: no no don't get up. You should rest

He made her lay down again.

Y/n: you *cough* here?

Enwoo: you didn't come to university today and you weren't even taking my calls so I was worried about you

Y/n: how did you know the *cough* address?

Enwoo: i asked your driver

She nodded.

Enwoo: now tell me how did you fell sick huh?

Y/n: i don't know

Enwoo: leave it. Did you eat?

She nodded.

Y/n: ennu can you do me a favour

Enwoo: you don't have to ask cherry just tell me ok

Y/n: my phone it's kept there *cough* on the table can you pls call Felix hyung and  *cough* tell him to cancel the meeting

Enwoo: I'll do it

He said as he took the phone from the table.

Y/n: and also call *cough* Agent Sky and tell him i *cough* won't be able to come today

Enwoo nodded. He called Felix and told him everything. Felix was concerned about y/n but he made sure she is fine.

Then Enwoo called Agent Sky and told him to that she won't be able to come today.

Enwoo: done!

He said as he kept her phone on the table

Y/n: thanks ennu

Enwoo: no thank ok just get well soon

She smiled at him. The they both talked for sometime.

Soon they heard a knock.

Jungkook: bunny!

He said coming inside her room

Y/n: kook!

Jungkook: how are you feeling?

Y/n: better i guess *cough*

Jungkook: Here i brought hot chocolate for. It will reduce you throat ache

He said giving her one of the cups he bought for her

Y/n: thanks

Jungkook: here one for you too

He said giving one cup to enwoo

Enwoo: me?

Jungkook: yep you are a guest in our house so you should be treated well

Y/n: you don't have to treat him well he's not a guest here. You can give him some work he'll do it

She said sipping her hot chocolate

Enwoo: hey!!!!

Y/n: what it's true

Enwoo: do i look like a maid or smth to you?

Y/n: you do

Enwoo: you! If you weren't sick i would have killed you right now

Then Jungkook started laughing.

Jungkook: you both are too funny you know

He said laughing.

Y/n: he is funny not me cuz he is a joker you know

Enwoo: you!!

Y/n quickly hid behind Jungkook.

Y/n: kookie save me he'll kill me!!

She said dramatically. Enwoo mentally smiled looking that she is feeling better

Jungkook: don't you dare touch my bunny ok

He also said dramatically while side hugging her. Then all three of them laughed together.

Enwoo: ok ok enough of drama drink the hot chocolate before it gets cold ok

Y/n & Jungkook: ok eomma!

Enwoo: hey!!

Y/n and jungkook giggled.

Then all three of them drank the hot chocolate.

Jungkook:  I'll wash these

He said as he took the empty cups and went outside.

Enwoo: you accepted them?

She nodded

Enwoo: they take a good care of you. I am happy that you got brothers

Y/n: i know I feel lucky but I am afraid *cough*

Enwoo: afraid? Why?

Y/n: Emma. She also lives here and i don't want *cough* the same thing to happen which happened yrs ago. If it happens i won't be able to live ennu

Enwoo: come on y/n you still think about it. Leave it ok. Move on in your life. You got a new family live with them forget the past

Y/n nodded.

Enwoo: I'll leave ok. I have other works to do

Y/n: sure bye ennu

Enwoo: bye cherry

He kissed her forehead and went out.

She again layed down on the bed.

Yn: being sick sucks!

She said to herself. 

She was getting bored in her room so she took her phone and called Yoongi


Yoongi: hello y/n do you need smth?

Y/n: just come to my room all of you ok *cough*

Yoongi: why?

Y/n: just come quick *cough* I am waiting

Call ended

She ended the call and kept her phone back. Soon the door burst open and BTS came inside

Tae: are you ok?

Y/n: ye- *cut off*

Hobi: do you need smth?

Y/n: n- *cut off*

Jin: is it paining somewhere.

Y/n: n- *cut off*

Namjoon: are you feeling better?

Y/n: y- *cut off*

Jimin: you still have fever

Y/n: n- *cut off*

Jungkook: should we call the doctor?

Y/n: n- *cut off*

Jimin: should we-


He said making all of them shut their mouths

Y/n: thanks hyung *cough*

Yoongi: mention not now tell us why did you call us here

Y/n: i am getting bored~ *cough*

Jungkook: do you know how to play PS5

Y/n: yeah i do

Tae: then come play with us me jimin and kook are playing it

Y/n: sure

Jimin: wait here we'll bring it here in your room

Y/n: ok

They all went out. Soon the maknae line came back with the play set.

They connected it to the TV in her room and all four of them started playing.

And as always y/n always won the game.

Jungkook: It's not fair~~ you win all the time

He said whining like a kid.

Y/n: the best one wins

She said flipping her  hair.

Jimin: you play soo good mochi

Y/n: i know right!!!! *cough*

She said praising herself

Jungkook: don't praise yourself ok

Y/n: I will. What you gonna do huh!?*cough*

Jungkook: I'll eat your food then

Y/n: don't you dare!! *cough*

Jungkook: don't judge me bunny

Y/n: you-- *cut off*

Tae: wait wait wait don't fight you both ok. And first of all tell me what's with this mochi and bunny thing

Jimin: it's her nicknames which we gave her

Tae: nicknames?

Jungkook: yep I call her bunny, jimin hyung calls her mochi, Jin hyung calls her princess and others i don't know

Tae: then wait I'll also give her a nickname

Y/n: ok

He started thinking.

One eternity later 😂🤣🤣

Y/n: come on hyung how much *cough* time will you take huh?

Tae: wait for sometime I have to choose a very nice one for you

Jimin:do it fast we have other works to ok

Jungkook: yeah we have to play unlike you who is busy doing nothing

Tae: hey!! What do you mean huh? I do nothing huh?

Jungkook: that's exactly what I mean

Tae: you!!

Y/n: shut up both of you and tae hyung *cough* think quick we have to continue our game right.

Tae: ok give me sometime

He again started thinking.

One more eternity later 😂🤣🤣🤣

Tae: found it!!!!!

Jimin: finally!

He said sarcastically.

Jungkook; ok now tell fast we have to play

Tae: it's...........

He took a dramatic pause

Jimin: oh come on be quick

Jungkook: yeah hyung you take too long

Tae: so the nickname which i selected for y/n is bear!!!

Jimin and jungkook looked at Taehyung with a shocked expression

Y/n: bear? Any specific reason for it? *cough*

Jimin and jungkook suddenly became sad

Jimin: is it because- *cut off*

Taehyung: shut up!! I don't wanna talk about it i-its just that i found that name cute ok

Jungkook: o-ok

He said with a sad smile. Y/n got to know that smth is wrong so she thought that she shouldn't ask them about that.

Y/n: ok ok leave it I loved the nickname *cough* it's super cute, now let's play

All agreed. They were about to start the game but y/n's phone rang. She looked that it was from Felix.

Y/n: give me a second I'll take this call ok

Jimin: sure

She picked it up


Y/n: hey Felix hyung *cough*

Felix: how are you? Enwoo told me you are sick

Y/n: yep that's true. I am better *cough* now don't worry

Felix: good to hear that. Btw your brothers were asking me when to arrange the meeting again

Y/n: I think i won't be able to *cough* come for 2 to 3 days

Felix: yeah you should rest. Don't worry I'll manage till then

Y/n: ok thanks hyung *cough*

Felix: mention not but you know what?

Y/n: what?

Felix: before i called your brothers to cancel the meeting they called me telling me to cancel the meeting

Y/n: why?

Felix: i guess because you were sick

Y/n: omg! They did that for me *cough*

Felix: ofc if they accept you as their sister then what's the problem right. I would have done the same thing

Y/n: true anyways bye *cough*  I'll call you later ok

Felix: bye take care

Y/n: you too

Call ended

Tae: Mr.Felix?

Y/n: yep he just told me about *cough* the cancellation of the meeting

Jimin: yeah we only told him to cancel the meeting

Y/n: you shouldn't have done that *cough* you know. I can take care of myself *cough*

Jungkook: yeah you took care of yourself that's why you are sick today

He said sarcastically

Y/n: yeah *cough*  yeah

Suddenly y/n rushed to the bathroom. The maknae line ran behind her and saw she was vomiting again.

( A/n: She not pregnant ok don't think like that you dirty minded people)

Tae went and patted her back. After she was done Jungkook gave her a glass of water

Jimin: you ok?

Y/n: i guess *cough*

Tae: i guess you should rest for now

Jungkook: yeah he's right

That's when they heard Jin shout


Jungkook: you stay here we'll bring dinner for you ok

Y/n: no I'll come downstairs as *cough* I am bored in the room anyway

Jimin: but-

Y/n: pls jimin-ie hyung~~~

She showed him her famous puppy eyes

Jimin: ok ok geez don't show me those eyes ok

He looked away.

They four of them went downstairs.

Jin: why did you come downstairs huh? You should rest right?

Y/n: i am getting bored hyung~~

Yoongi: ok sit

Emma: tch attention seeker

She mumbled to herself but loud enough for everyone to hear

Y/n: did someone say smth cuz I can't hear cockroaches you know as they are too small *cough*

She said savagely. BTS controlled their laughs and Emma greeted her teeth

Hobi: ok ok enough now eat everyone

They sat down and had their dinner. After dinner y/n went to her room and sat there scrolling through her phone.

That's when she heard a knock on the door.

Y/n: come in

Then Yoongi came inside with a glass of water and some pills.

Yoongi: here have these

He said giving her the medicine. She took it and gulped it down.

Yoongi; i know i shouldn't ask this but when you come late at night you go to your agent work right?

Y/n: well i may say that's true*cough*

Yoongi: that's why you got sick

Y/n: no no I don't think so. When Jin hyung gave me warning not to come late from that time i *cough* always come home early

Yoongi: that's good I guess. Now sleep you should have rest

She nodded and layed down.

Y/n: you don't have to stay here I'll sleep *cough*

Yoongi: no i am not going anywhere till you sleep

Y/n: but-

Yoongi: no buts and asses just sleep ok

He made her sleep and patted her head till she fell asleep. Y/n slept soon because of the medicine which she was given.

Yoongi also didn't knew when he slept beside her in the sleeping position.

Y/n woke up in the middle of the night and saw Yoongi sleeping in a sitting position while his hand was still on her head.

She got up which made Yoongi get up from his sleep.

Yoongi: you need smth?

Y/n: why are you sleeping like this hyung. You can lay down beside me

Yoongi: i didn't wanted to make you uncomfortable

Y/n: then you should go to your room

Yoongi: what if you have a fever again

Y/n: then sleep beside me I don't have any problem with it

Yoongi: you sure?

Y/n: yep now sleep

She made him sleep forcefully. Then they both slept cuddling with eachother.

To be continued............ ◉⁠‿⁠◉

Hey guys!!! So I'll try giving regular updates from now onwards. Hope you like it.
Luv u all 💜💜💜.....


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