



A/n pov

A girl or you can say a grown up woman was sitting in her balcony, rocking her chair back and fourth. Thinking of her life which changed and she had to hide herself from everyone.

She left everything and went to somewhere no one would see her. She knows everything that goes around her even a housefly can't fly around her without her permission.

She looked at the beautiful night sky and chuckled bitter.

$$: Look what life has done with. I left my everything and have nothing in life.

She looked at the sky again and smiled

$$: But I am happy to know that the people I love and adore are living happily. Hope everything goes back to normal

She again chuckled sadly

$$: What am I talking, the word 'normal' doesn't exist form me. Everything around me is just messed up but atleast i am happy just seeing that my family is happy

She sat there stroking the photo frame which she had in her. She smiled seeing the people in the frame.

That's when her phone rang. She looked at the id and saw that it was her right hand and the most trusted person of hers


$$: Yes Jackson?

Jackson: queen i have found smth

$$: And that is?

Jackson: queen i found out that someone opened the HCFM case again

$$: What!! Do you know who it is?

Jackson: yes queen and you also know that person

$$: You mean-

Jackson: yes queen it's her

$$: Why did she do that

Jackson: i don't know queen maybe to know her past

$$: Hmm ok. You are keeping an eye on her right

Jackson: yes queen.

$$: Then how is she?

Jackson: she is good just stressed about work and yeah she is having a good time with her brothers

$$: That's good.

Jackson: and her brothers are also taking care of her

$$: I know they can take a good care of her. Anything else?

Jackson: no queen

$$: Ok then. Keep me updated about her and if i see a single scratch on her than i won't hesitate to kill you

She said in an dangerous voice.

Jackson: y-yes q-queen

Call ended

She again looked at the sky.

$$: Y/n don't do this case it won't be good for you

She said to herself. She was about to go inside but stopped when her phone rang again. She looked that it was from Jackson again


$$: What now?

Jackson: mam we found some i-information

$$: What information?

Jackson: someone attacked miss y/n's car

$$: WHAT!!! what were you doing huh!?

Jackson: s-sry queen we didn't saw that someone else was also following her. We saw that person when he attacked her car by shooting it's tire

$$: I want you to catch that person. He should be in my basement by tomorrow morning if not then be ready for your funeral

She said in an dangerous voice.

Jackson: y-yes q-queen

$$: Hmm

Call ended

She cutted the call and went inside her room to sleep.

Meanwhile in the Kim Mansion

Y/n woke up having a nightmare. She saw that she just had two hrs of sleep.

She took her laptop as she time before she starts her daily work out.

She opened the laptop and started to search about the number which  she found with Agent Sky

She found the owner of the number very easily as she is the best hacker.

She saw the information and read it

Name: David
Age: 29
Gender: male
Address: xx building on xxx street
Occupation: a coffee shop worker

Y/n read the information and said

Y/n: I guess we need to meet this David guy

She said to herself and streched her arms. Then she messaged Agent Sky

Y/n: come a bit early today we need to go somewhere don't be late I don't like late comers and yeah don't forget to bring your gun and fighting material

She message him this.

She then went to the washroom and got changed to go to the gym. She went inside to see jimin already there

Jimin: good morning *smile*

Y/n: good morning hyung

She smiled back.

She started to do some warm up experience

Jimin: you should sleep more you were tired yesterday

Y/n: actually even if I sleep late or I sleep tired I would wake up at my gym time only

Jimin: the you should rest in your room

Y/n: I get bored in the room so it's better to exercise

Jimin nodded understanding. Then she went on the treadmill and started jogging

Jimin: btw

She looked at him still running on the treadmill.

Jimin: I have a nickname for you

Y/n(in mind): I know what it is. It's mochi I heard it yesterday

Y/n: what is it hyung?

Jimin: I'll call you mochi how is it's

Y/n: it's cute just like you

Jimin: thank- wait are you flirting with me

Y/n: kind off

Jimin: ya!! I am the one who should flirt with you not the other way around

She whined like a kid and y/n chuckled.

Y/n: you can flirt with me whenever you want but remember I am better always

She teased him. He playfully glared at her but then both of them brust out laughing.

Y/n: btw Jungkook didn't come with you today?

Jimin: no yesterday he had a muscle strain because of exercise so he is resting today.

She nodded.

Then they did their morning work out. They were just finishing with it when they heard Jin shout


Jimin: let's go have breakfast

Y/n: yeah I am hungry as well.

They both went to the dinning room.

Hobi: Ya!!! You both get out right now

Jimin: why!? What happened?

Namjoon: gosh!! you both are sweating. Go and take a bath first

Y/n & jimin: fine

They both went and had a shower. Then they came downstairs and had their breakfast.

Yoongi: btw we have a holiday today

Yn: why?

Jungkook: there is a teacher's meeting in the school so yeah

Y/n nodded

Jin:  Are you all free we'll go out together

Everyone x Emma, Jin & y/n: yes we are

Emma: i am going out with my friends so i can't come

Jimin: you always go out with them

He said rolling his eyes.

Then they all looked at y/n

Y/n: i am free right now but I have to go to work in the afternoon

Tae: till then we can spend time together right

Y/n: yeah sure

Then Emma finished her breakfast

Emma: i am going my friends must be here

Yoongi: bitch!

He mumbled under his breath but everyone heard it but they kept quiet

Jungkook: then where are we going

Namjoon: idk do you guys have a place to go

They shook their heads as no

Y/n: actually i have one

Hobi: where?

Y/n: just get ready I'll take you there

Jin: but where are we going

Y/n: it's a suprise.

She got up as she finished eating her food.

Y/n: get ready and come down within an hour

She went to her room. That's when she received a reply from Agent Sky on the message that she sent earlier

Agent Sky: ok I'll be there

She kept her phone back. She went to the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror.

Everytime she looks at herself she sees her reflection a sad, depressed, useless, unworthy and what not but today, today it's different her reflection has a small smile on her face.

It's not a bright smile but yeah a small smile which is rare for her to find in her reflection.

It's true that she came in the bathroom to hurt herself but.....but today she doesn't know what got into her she doesn't want to hurt herself.

She can't come up to hurt herself right. She went out of the bathroom. She changed her clothes as they are going out.

She went downstairs and saw everyone ready.

Y/n: let's go

They went and sat in the car and y/n was driving it.

Jungkook: now tell us where we are going

He whined.

Y/n: just waiting for sometime kook

Jungkook: k-kook?

Y/n: why don't you like it

Jungkook: no no I love it.

He smiled.

After a long drive of an hour they reached the place. They all got out of the car.

BTS had their mouths wide open seeing the view infront of them.

BTS: wow it's amazing

They were looking at it as if they were seeing the mast beautiful thing in the world

Hobi: it's so peaceful

Y/n: this is my relaxing place. I come here when I am stressed or frustrated

She said and sat on the swing.

Tae: may i?

He asked her permission to push her. She nodded.

Taehyung pushed the swing slowly making it swing on the water. The others sat down under the tree.

Namjoon: when did you find this place

Y/n: I used to come here before going to USA. I thought this place will be ruined but it is just the way it was before I left

Jin: it's really beautiful!

Y/n: I know. I also love this place very much

Yoongi: would you have come here if Emma was with us?

He asked out of the blue.

Y/n: why are you asking that?

Yoongi: just wanted to know?

Y/n: to be honest no. I won't bring her here. She has always taken away the things I love and i can't afford to tell her about this place.

They all nodded understanding but little did they know that what she said was not just about things.

Everyone enjoyed their time sitting under the tree and talking among each other.

They stayed there till lunch time and then they went to their car. Y/n was too lazy to drive so she asked one of them to drive so tae was driving the car.

Y/n: hyung

BTS: hmm

Y/n: i mean Jin hyung

Jin: yeah

Y/n: i am hungry~~

She said clingy onto his hand as he was sitting beside her. The others found her super cute whining like a baby.

Jin: it's already lunch time. So shall we have lunch outside?

Everyone x Jin: yes!!!!!!

They all went to the restaurant and had their lunch. After finishing their lunch they went to the Kim Mansion.

Y/n went directly to her room and got changed to go to her company.

She went downstairs and saw BTS relaxing on the sofa.

Jungkook: you again going to work?

Y/n: yep

Tae: can't you take a holiday for today~~

He whined and y/n chuckled.

Y/n: i already took a week's holiday yesterday so i guess i can't take anymore holidays

Jimin: but-

Namjoon: oh come on let her go. She's going for work only it's  not like she's leaving the house and more over we also have to go to dad's company we have a meeting there

The maknae line nodded.

Y/n: bye then meet you at night

She started to walk out


He shouted from inside.


she shouted back from outside. Then she went to her car and wore her mask and lenses, then  drove off to her company.

She went in her cabin.

Felix: hey

Y/n: hi hyung

She said sitting on her chair.

Felix: btw Mr.Jimin was asking me that when should we go to that place

Y/n: ummm..... maybe this Sunday. Ask him if he's free

Felix: ok. I'll do that

Y/n: and yeah tell him to wear smth casual as we don't have a meeting

Felix: ok

Then Felix told her what works she has. She finished all her work and then went to her mansion.

She went to her room and got changed. She again wore her different Mask and lenses, then took her car and went to the appartment.

She went inside and saw Agent Sky was already there.

Y/n: am i late again?

Agent Sky: no it's just i have a habit of coming early

She nodded.

Agent Sky: so why did you call me early?

Y/n: oh yeah here

She said giving his a file. Agent Sky read through the file

Agent Sky: David?

Y/n: he's the person whom this phone number belong to and I think he's the murderer of Agent Crystal as well

Agent Sky nodded.

Agent Sky: so what should we do?

Y/n: i got to know the cafe where he work. We'll go there and follow him to his house and when we are close to his house we'll catch him.

Agent Sky: then we'll ask him why did he murdered her and maybe we'll find smth useful

Y/n: exactly! So let's go know.

Agent Sky: ok

Y/n: take your gun and knife just in case

Agent Sky: ok

They both went and sat in y/n's car. They went and parked the car infront of the cafe from where they can see each and every person coming from and going inside.

Y/n: his shift will end soon. So be ready

Agent Sky: but how will we recognise him?

Y/n: there is a photo in the file check it

Agent Sky was the file and there was a photo kept in it. He took it in his hand to recognise who David is.

Soon David came outside the cafe finishing his shift.

Agent Sky: it's him!!!

Y/n: you sure?

Agent Sky: yep

Then y/n started her car and followed David slowly as he was walking.  Then he went inside a alley. Y/n and Agent Sky got out of the car and again followed him inside the alley.

They saw that no one was there in that alley. They looked at each other and nodded.

Y/n  and Agent Sky went to him and pointed their gun on his head from behind

David: who are you? I don't even have money to give you

Agent Sky: we don't want money we want information

David: what information? You don't even know me they how can you say you want information from me

Y/n: David! your name is David your are living here in Seoul with a fake name as Kim Woo-bin if i am not wrong. You are 29 yrs old and work at xxx cafe.

David was shocked knowing how much she knows about him

Y/n: is this enough or should I tell you more

David: ok I'll tell you what you want. Just put your gun down.

Y/n: you can turn around

He turned around and faced y/n and Agent Sky

Agent Sky: if you did smth stupid then remember you are under our gaze

He said showing his gun.

David: what you want to know

Y/n: your real profession. I know you work at a cafe just for showing people

David: i am a police officer

Their eyes widen.

Agent Sky: if you are a police officer then why did you kill Agent Crystal!!!

David: i was a police officer

Y/n: was?

David: yeah. I left the job and went undercover from everyone I even did a plastic surgery to change my face

Y/n: then why did you kill Agent Crystal?

David: i didn't kill her

Agent Sky: don't lie!

David: i am not lying-

Y/n pushed him on the nearest wall and Pointed her gun on his throat

Y/n: don't make me loose my patience. Just tell us the reason

David: i am telling you the truth only

Y/n: how do expect us to believe you huh?

David: Agent Crystal isn't dead. SHE'S ALIVE!

Agent Sky: w-what?

David: yes she alive

Y/n: how? Explain

She asked his as she left him.

David: Agent Crystal was my friend. She said she wants to fake her death and wants my help. So I did what she said but i knew she was hiding smth very deep so I worte my number on that walk with her blood which we left there so that the police thinks it's an original death done by someone. I wanted someone to investigate her case so that's why I did that and went undercover so that no one knows me.

Agent Sky: do you know how can we contact Agent Crystal

David: no i don't have her number as he lost contact after that incident but I know where she lives

Y/n: if you know where she lives then why didn't you meet her

David: she told me not to meet her as she doesn't wants anyone to know that she is alive

Agent Sky: give us the address

He nodded and took out a book and pencil from the bag he had in his hand. He worte down the address

He folded it had gave it to y/n. Before she can take it he pulled it back.

David: I'll give you this only if you promise me that you'll never come in my business and never tell anyone about my identity

Y/n: we'll keep that in mind

She took the paper from him.

Agent Sky: but remember if what you said is wrong than that will be the last day of your life

David: you can trust me don't worry

Y/n: hmm

Y/n and Agent Sky walked out of there. They went and sat in the car.

Agent Sky: how can we believe him?

Y/n: we can't but we don't have any other option do we and if what he said is wrong then he won't be able to go that easily.

They both drove off to the apartment as Agent Sky's baike was standing there.

He was about to get out of the car but y/n stopped him.

Agent Sky: what?

Y/n: keep this with you

Agent Sky: me?

Y/n: yeah we'll go to this place tomorrow but till then keep it safe. Hope you can do that

Agent Sky: you can trust me on that

He said and took the paper from her. He got off the car and went to his bike.

Y/n removed her mask and lenses and went to the Kim Mansion. She went inside and saw everyone having dinner.

Hobi: y/n! Come have dinner with us

Y/n: yeah I'll just change and come.

She went to her room and got changed. She then went downstairs and sat with them.

Emma: done with slutting around boys?

She asked y/n

Y/n:  done interfering in my business *cold*

Emma: I just said the truth

Y/n: and i just stated a fact *cold*

Emma: bitch!!

She said and got up and left. Y/n continued eating her food.

Yoongi: how was your day?

Y/n: nice as always. Jimin hyung you got know that when you have to go with Miss Yoona right

Jimin: yeah Mr.Felix messaged me

Y/n: good then be ready

He nodded.

They all then talked among themselves and then went to their respective rooms.

Y/n took her pills and slept.

To be continued............ ◉⁠‿⁠◉

💜Happy Birthday To Our Golden Maknae, Jeon Jungkook 💜

I can't believe he is 26 years old already but not matter how old he gets he will keep looking handsome as he is 😂 and we will always love him like we do today💜 Hope he gets all the happiness in the world and stays safe and sound wherever he is. A LOTS OF LOVE FROM ARMY...........

Tell me which pic you liked the most?

Cute 😍 or hot🔥?


Hey guys!!My exams ended and I am so fucking happy right now. HAPPY INDEPENDENCE DAY TO ME!!! So I am giving an update today maybe next one will come on 4th September
Luv u all..........💜



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